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Coal VIP
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Status Updates posted by Sneaky

  1. Trololololololollololololololololololololololololol.ol.ol.ol.ol.

  2. Why was Grools thread deleted

  3. Everblue is weak Gronkston strong

  4. Oh my god, Navaroo Bowmens knee...

  5. And Oren takes it self out again with this Union

  6. Well my orc family is banned for 2 weeks, so i will contiune to play WoW

  7. The server was so enchanting at first, now its just boring

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Give your character a direction or a goal that brings you into contact with new people!

    3. shiftnative


      The new map is going to be a much different change of pace, if that doesn't work for you well then this probably just isn't your cup of tea

    4. Soggy365


      It is what you make it. You want it to be fun? It will be. Find something to do; most people don't realise that vast amounts of events and exciting things are happening all the time. :D

  8. suprised i haven't been warned yet

    1. Space


      I destroyed him when he killed that horse.

  9. Guys I killed someone I guess i pugsied!!!!!

    1. Space


      He killed a horse for no raisin infront of me.

    2. Lago


      A pugsy is a mass NoRP kill with the intent of disruption.

  10. Anderson silva injury just made me cringe so bad

  11. Such a dumb reason to be banned for...

  12. Server is always down:((((

    1. Demotheus


      Please read the status Telanir made just before this one...

  13. Antags must learn how to not spam spells.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samsan99


      Atlest the undead made if fun and didnt spam click 90% of them time

    3. Nug


      uh the cooldowns are much longer now and if you have a problem, talk to viper or someone, bitching in a status won't help

    4. Nug


      (not super long cooldowns but a bit longer)

  14. I need a skin if you are intrested will you please PM me

    1. Anderssn


      Ooooor... You can make a Skin Req on Skin's subforum in Graphics.

  15. Why don't we give the antags the abiltiy to spawn mobs and use lighting?

    1. Wretched


      What's wrong with the people that play antags, chumchump?

    2. Shadeleaf


      Yes excelent question.

  16. its colder in dallas than in Alska what the hell

  17. its colder in dallas than in Alska what the hell

  18. If I shoot Tnoy in this FRP he would probably fourm ban me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sneaky


      *cries* remove nexus

    3. Telanir


      i h4k ur c0mp with n3xu5, 2 1337 4 u.

    4. Aislin


      i will ddos you with my nexus nodus client via blundermore's IP

  19. Gauis is going to kill me:(

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Nah, that would be a ****-move. Roll with the best of them all :3

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