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Everything posted by Mephistophelian

  1. Soul Puppetry is perfect as it is. Whilst your ideas are ok, soul puppetry is fine as it is.
  2. Can someone get me a link to the original Blood Magic post? I want to see what all the hype/dislike for it comes from. Thanks :)

  3. I never really understood what was meant by "following mechanical standard". For example, could I create a magic that evokes...let's say....smoke? What about evoking alcohol? What about something completely different, that does not fit into the category of 'evocation'? I am not implying that I would like to create any of the magic I previously said, I am just saying that I do not understand the exact limitations. Could you give me examples, and reasons why/why not they are possible? Thanks :)
  4. I will definitely keep an eye on this! You seem to know what you are doing, and it can't hurt at all to learn more! So...ima sit back and wait for the shading section of this guide ;)
  5. Well....my IGCSE exams are coming up...woohoo -.-. I will be completely inactive during the time of my exams (this Tuesday until sometime in June), and I am sorry to those that I am not able to RP with during this time. Peace to all of you, and I hope to come back like nothing much has changed (I.e. Don't kick me from your group for inactivity).

    1. Emp


      How dare you display such diligence.

    2. Mephistophelian


      Diligence has been displayed. I dared! ;)

  6. Ok...seeing the responses to my last status update, I think it would be safe to ask everyone this: What would you say if I suggested that a /very/ loose organisation of mages is created where mages group together to have friendly (and occasionally very heated) duels? Like, a mages duelling club, if you will. There could be teams, tag fighting, blah blah blah. I'm not going to define more until I see feedback! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)
    3. Areon


      Make what happen?

    4. Dtrik


      *Watches the powergame unfold*

  7. Has anyone ever seen a proper Mage battle where both mages don't power game, don't rage LOOC/OOC and don't /roll , at all? If so, was the battle interesting? I am looking to try out a little battle with someone; a friendly battle. PM me on the forums and we can see what can be done :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I've had a lot that were very fun. Goliath and Arik were two of my favorites.

    3. Space


      I've seen lots. Was a battle for high shaman, I thought that one was RPed quite well.

    4. Cyndikate


      I've been in a lot of them.

  8. Lorien notices the poster with a smirk on his face. "Ahhhh......the Mages Guild, they call themselves?" He reads the shiny writing and chuckles darkly. "Fools could have taken me in....I would have been all 'good' and 'friendly'....unlucky them...lucky me..." He turns around and begins walking away, shaking his head, and not doing the mainstream thing of blowing up/burning/carbonising/freezing/whatevering the poster. ((Sorry about no colour, I'm on ipad)) ((P.S. Do you have a duelling club in this guild? If not, I will make one. Please don't make one if you don't already; I want to make an interesting one not associated with any guild or nation, so please don't take this idea if you don't already have it. Thanks ;) ))
  9. Thank you for answering my question :D Oh no, I don't know it (Alteration) at all :). I was just really curious, and was giving examples. I do know one alterationist, but I don't know if it is official or not wether he is one, if that is what you are asking. Besides, I don't have the urge to learn the magic, yet. Also, here is another question: Does light harm a user of the dark magics? Any dark magic. I was told this was so, but didn't believe it, so here I am.
  10. I like the idea, but I am not in favour of it. We have a unique enough magic system in place already, and bringing in a different magic system that is really overused in many books is just going to destroy the uniqueness of magic on this server. So, although I have liked books with this magic idea and your own magic idea, I am going to have to -1 this due to it being too overused and not as unique as our server deserves. Please don't take it badly, I really do like the idea! -1
  11. ((I did think this guild was a joke at first, so I believe Richard has a point...Perhaps you can make it more unique, but in a subtle, non-extravagant way? I am not trying to be nasty or anything, but perhaps you should re-think your guild idea, and perhaps use some original, self-made ideas that are not too flashy. An example of a 'flashy' guild (apart from, perhaps, yours?) would be one where everyone climbs buildings, uses hidden blades, has eight throwing knives on them (or more :P), is a master swordsman, is still a teenager/young-adult and follows a 'secret code of conduct' that everyone and their mother in the Fringe/Anthos knows about. Anyway, I hope you don't take my advice too badly, as I really mean to help you :) )) A tall man would hear of this guild and chuckle slightly, remembering how he had wished to be an acrobatic, master swordsman, elite assassin who is a battle mage once, but never got the chance to be one. He sighs as he walks to his house, wondering what his life could have been if all his parents were killed by orcs and he had a burning desire to kill them in revenge.....
  12. I'll make sure to add guides on how NOT to RP each symbol, if you want, Draeris, but I have already included a guide for each sub-symbol group. Thanks for the input, anyway :)
  13. I am seriously wondering what drugs your teachers took when they taught you this....(about monkeys 'accessing more power'). If you read it from a book, I suggest you change book. This is absolutely rubbish, and the reason why monkeys are able to climb trees is because they are very light and small compared to us. If you are going to bring out the argument of gorillas....well, here is my rebuttal; they don't go leaping around tree tops as much as little monkeys because it takes more energy and the trees will not be able too support them. Chimps too, they are agile, but they remain in the lower branches. They evolved to remain in the areas when the branches are strong enough to support them. That is why they have no tails, as the tails would be useless as they cannot support their weight with them, whilst smaller monkeys have tails as they are able to use them to shift the centre of gravity of their small body, and to cling into branches. Voila, these are my reasons why monkeys do not tap into this mojo magic where they 'access more raw power'. As a final note, I'm not being a ****, I'm just pointing out the flaw in your point. If you have another reason for the 'not-so-werewolf's increased strength, then that's good!
  14. loike it :3 No, seriously, I quite like it. I think it gives a unique opening for more roleplay! Also, I would like to point out that changing your features is Extremely difficult for an illusionist, so this isn't at all like illusion magic! Also, I think the magic isn't so game-changing that it will affect people badly. Heck, I actually see nothing wrong with this magic whatsoever! It just makes people look better, and in a world were you can create a character with the looks of a top-model, why is having a magic for it bad? Honestly, I don't understand why you aren't accepting it, ASAP. I'm serious! DO IT!
  15. Well, this just slightly saps energy to keep power to the runes on it. I will see with the people who control/use shade magic, but I understand that you are one of them, so I might change that piece of lore altogether. Oh....well, I'll ask a lore master then! Thanks. :3
  16. I'm just bumping this topic. I still think this is a nice idea (duh, bumbass, you made it), so I want others to see it! Honestly, though, if no one wants it implemented, I am fine to let the idea drop. That would be sad, though, because I put so much time into this....which is kind of obvious if anyone takes the time to read through the entire lore and all.
  17. That moment you send someone a message and they read it, and don't reply, and you are left with: "seen at 8:45"

  18. Hey everyone, I'm going to temporarily leave LotC so that I can revise for my IGCSE exams completely un disturbed. For those who currently have RP going on with me, I'm sorry, and I ask that we continue the RP when I come back, if that is possible? Anyway, it's cheers for now, but I will occasionally visit the forums to check what goes on. Cya!

    1. CaptainSheepy


      Good luck for your exams! :D

  19. The leader of the Gentlemen would be sitting on his seat when he received news of the demise of the Red Tide; the group of criminals that thought they could even attempt to beat his men. Smiling, the man would then inquire about the gang that has made a return to Abresi. Unsatisfied with the answer, he would send a messenger to contact them and inquire about having a meeting between them, anticipating that they will accept the offer. Getting up from his seat, the man muses to himself, wondering if the Captain of the watch knows how badly his world is going to fall apart in the next few days... ((Announcing the Red Tide's demise to our members, and also that we are hopefully going to create a criminal alliance with the new/old gang of white tigers. Will update when I learn/RP some more. Meanwhile, I would like to note that WE ARE STILL RECRUITING, but members must now start at the rank of Newblood and work their way up.))
  20. Sounds like Lucid Dreaming but in the dream of someone else.... cool :3!
  21. Also, another question. If I want to make a magic to use, must I post a lore about it? I don't really get the current rules for making new magics. For example, can I make a magic that disintegrates objects, provided that I don't power game, or would I require a post to be accepted on the lore forums? Also, could you give a little example of a magic that is can be made up, but is acceptable to use? Thanks again!
  22. Just another question. What happened to the shades? I used to hear of them and I once saw one, but now....nothing. Also, is there a lore post you can link me to about shade lore? It seems quite interesting, and I remember reading some of it a while back, but I can't find anything now. Thanks :)
  23. If my character has transfiguration, would he be able to hold an object in his hand and turn it into dust (like very little peices of that object)? If so, how long might that take, presuming he is well trained? Thanks.
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