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Status Updates posted by Mephistophelian

  1. Menarra is Lilith, the GM (ex) responsible for the writing competition during Christmas. I never knew they went by the name 'Menarra' and it seems most of us don't either. Now you know...so sush.

    1. Sporadic
    2. DrakeHaze.


      No, we know who it is lol

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Holding a writing competition doesn't merit someone a good writer. Hell, I could turn this on its head and say he may wanted to plaguarize any of your writings.

  2. What version of MPM do I need so that I am not DCed from the server everytime I try and join? (It is MPM, if I remove the mod, I log in perfectly)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitto


      1.7.10, remember that it wont work without Forge (with some exceptions)

    3. TavernLich


      Idk, I am able to download mods just fine, but when I try to use MPM it just crashes *Shrugs* Are you sure it is 1.7.10, I remember Telanir saying they put in the wrong version...

    4. mitto



      This is where I got my .jar for MPM, maybe this will help?

  3. Anyone got a good name for an Elven character? Simple, like my mage 'Lorien'. Unique, not like 'Fred' or 'Bob'. Must not have apostrophes. I'll give 200 minas to the one who gives a really swell name.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mephistophelian


      The Revanchist, I like it! 200 Minas to you when you can get on. Message me with a bird :)

    3. Travista


      How about you say "**** the name I chose!" and go with Shreck, yea?

    4. Travista


      Shreck > Revanchist

  4. Happy Belated New Year!

  5. That moment when you can't tell if a person /normally/ RPs in an odd, trolly manner, or they are actually trolling. Or they are just too stupid to realise. Or I am tired. Goodnight :-*

    1. excited


      don't be judgemental

  6. >Get stopped on road by dude, saying "Carrion Tax!". >Roll eyes. Oh boy, another cruddy version of "Minas or die" >True to word, he wants my stuff. Searches in RP, and finds my satchel. Unknown to him OOC and IC, it is enchanted with void translocation. >Asks for search, and I don't accept. Said he should RP fun villainy for me, cause I like dat stuff. >he goes on to say that "MC goes hand in hand with RP." If he searches me RP, I /MUST/ acc...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      Are you reporting him? I know who you're talking about and you'll be doing the server a favor :)

    3. Raomir


      Dude why are you such a drama queen?

    4. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Haha good greentext friend ;)

  7. Could a skilled conjurationist cause deformations in their creations? (i,e, things that are not normally seen in the animal, and was not seen in the animal they dissected). Is this how 'elemental' conjurations occur (when you mix, let's say, fire evo with conjuration to create a flaming wolf)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      Extra eyes and limbs are doable, as long as it doesn't mess with the organism's anatomical structure to the point where it dies shortly after being fabricated. Fur colours? Why not? Seems pretty harmless.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      I mean, you could use a rose's dye to essentially make a 'hybrid' red furred rabbit.

    4. Mephistophelian


      Sweet :D thanks for answering :)

  8. Are ascended basically the 'good' versions of the Undead? I.e. Their minds are bound to their Aengul (Ariel?) in a similar way the Undead are bound to Iblees?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mephistophelian


      *sits here waiting for the rest of Blunder's post*

    3. TavernLich


      As my Halfling would say: Wha' a bunch O' special snowflakes!

    4. + Reggieo +

      + Reggieo +

      Didn't Rizu and Candle help with eh Mongoose?

  9. Forum has turned to degeneracy- Philleh 2k14

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. susitsu


      I am the Darkblade......

    3. Mephistophelian



      Now let us keep the forums in a state of not-so-crappyness. Honestly, stop complaining and I will stop complaining about y'all complaining :D

    4. susitsu


      I'm gonna complain.

  10. Some people on LotC flirt with IC girls like redfoo....others are like the saxophone guy. Who are you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moot


      literally neither.

    3. Gladuos


      *tips fedora* M'lady

    4. J


      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ saxophone or riot ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  11. Am I the only one who never PvPs on this server? Like, people don't PvP me and I just don't have the laptop to PvP with so PvP is just...non-existant.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Dirty social fringe qalandaris hanging out on the outskirts of civilization!

    3. Mephistophelian
    4. Booklight12


      I havent gotten pvp defaulte f in a while. I am on a laptop and my mouse is broken so i cant anyways. But really most people considered "pvpers" enjoy rp combat.

  12. http://m.imgur.com/bj9kPMb First time drawing a face! Excuse the guidelines. I'm odly pleased by this, but I need that magic touch of Keem and it escapes me...
  13. I honestly have trouble believing people think this is a Rollplay server instead of a Roleplay server.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      If someone rolls I usually accept it but then the person who loses does the effect to their body. It's worked pretty well for me so far.

    3. Mephistophelian


      Fair enough. I understand where you get at BNK, but the point I am making is that people /roll for every single emote. Doesn't make sense, honestly. I don't get why they don't just /roll when the hit is likely to connect, not when it is unlikely (for example's sake).

    4. Watty_Banker


      I hate the /roll thing. Its just as bad as the Halfling v Orc thing in pvp. Why can't people rp like in the good ol' days?

  14. I started an extensive guide on how to RP a 'Thieving Villain' and how to RP a 'Victim'. Never completed it, and now it grows dust. Anyone willing to aid me in the production of this monster of a guide? Be warned: Lots of hard work to come.



      I offer my hand if you wish for such assistance.

  15. Well, first glyph I ever make in enchanting, and I get this: http://gyazo.com/a4c654a833b28222b608424c5e342ed4 Complete random order and I actually got a good one first time around! :D

    1. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      I am very proud of you hugothechamp keep following your dreams friend!

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