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Status Updates posted by iris1612


  2. Kincaid+for+admin

  3. listen admins u better make @Xarkly a full fledged gm ok every single time he has been online as a mod and i have made a modreq he has answered it within 2 minutes and ive done at least 5 modreqs when he was one. Very hard worker and good man

  4. long live the king king in the north king of ruska king of hanseti ave ave ave

  5. lookin forward to more of that BIG PVP on saturday

  6. looking 4 talented vocal artist to sing "Purple Lamborghini" by Rick Ross but say "Joey Calabreeni" instead of "Purple Lamborghini" in the song

  7. Lvl 100 rep. Worship me.

  8. Mom. dad,,,,, I'm gay

    1. Sky


      nows my chance with you

    2. Balthasar


      No worries, son. Daddy loves you very much.

  9. my favorite part of lotc is the week leading up to the warclaim when one side is making massive rp posts every time they kill 1 player and the other side is constantly shitposting on said rp posts

  10. never thought of all the wars in this dynasty it would be vegetarianism who takes us down, gg

    1. Cjmate


      He'll be inactive within two weeks.

    2. Vege
    3. iris1612
  11. no+colors+any+more+i+want+them+to+turn+black

  12. ok ik this is kinda a crazy idea but maybe now that the completely pointless "m-muh ancestral homeland" warclaim has been denied, savoy players can actually go and, oh, i dunno, actually roleplay maybe?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FORƎST


      i'm not reviving anything bucko i'm out to create an ancap state

    3. wealthypiano


      as a former savoy player


      savoy is ****

    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      Yes, lets create another town for courland just to never be used.

  13. r u feelin ok man. worried about u u know. hmu if u ever need to talk x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seannie


      its ok let the hate out 

    3. HurferDurfer1


      sean i trusted u once

    4. seannie


      dont trust me again

  14. s down? Forgot about that bug

    1. Space


      Nope! Try direct connecting to mc.lotc.co if it appears to be

  15. Should I make gm app?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iris1612


      @Glocky18 i would also like to see this list to better myself as a human being

    3. Glocky18


      I'm going to say one word; Toxicity

    4. iris1612


      1 word isn't much of a list my friend

  16. Something really horrible justh appened. I am going to be a way, not sure for how long.

    1. Matheus


      I bid you good luck. Come back soon. 

    2. Seliyne


      Stay safe and well wishes!

  17. Stop flooding the status updates section

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      can't stop won't stop

    2. Archipelego


      he shuld say please

    3. MunaZaldrizoti


      says the bish who be doin' all the statuses!!!111


  18. tfw u try to make a shitpost but fms shut u down

    1. Kukiii
    2. excited


      i hate that feeling too

    3. Archbishop


      oof image gone again

  19. To anyone involved with my previous rp with glocky18 or curious about it I invite you to add me on Skype to talk about it. I never powergamed or metagamed, I have no idea why peopLe are accusing me of such considering that no one objected during the rp and there was a gm present the whole time. I'm perfectly willing to go over the details with anyone who wants to hear them and explain my motives, emotes, etc. My rp was 100% legitimate.

    1. Thatpyrodude


      max the assassino

  20. today i ate a fat baconator from wendys. thought of u. miss u xx

    1. Legoboy7984


      I love Baconators from Wendys

  21. We need to figure out a way to get the emperors to live longer. Every three weeks we have a new one.

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