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Everything posted by iris1612

  1. no thanks, we don't need more races to appear and never be played
  2. free my n word eddywilson or feel the wrath of my fedora. this is your only warning




  3. Posting to confirm that yes I am leading this and no, the kha civil war is not a meme.
  4. I JUST SLEPT THROUGH MY FINALS **** **** ****

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 501warhead


      I'd like to tell you it'll be ok but lets be real honest it probably wont be. Better luck next semester

    3. z3m0s


      No better time than now to go earn yourself a doctors pardon, that way you can re-sit them.

    4. Your Favorite Impure
  5. No u weren't the first in axios was Brandon Sano, non aeldenic descendant of amuel
  6. Accepted. Report to Metterden for further orders.
  7. 1.8 death of the toddler empire

  8. lookin forward to more of that BIG PVP on saturday

  9. today i ate a fat baconator from wendys. thought of u. miss u xx

    1. Legoboy7984


      I love Baconators from Wendys

  10. genuine feedback appreciated

    1. oblivionsbane


      I think you're unintentionally going to bring about the end times.

    2. iris1612


      i think thats a compliment 

    3. oblivionsbane


      do you know where the banker is in karlsburg?

      I mean aleksandria

  11. tfw u try to make a shitpost but fms shut u down

    1. Kukiii
    2. excited


      i hate that feeling too

    3. Archbishop


      oof image gone again

  12. Accepted. Report to Metterden for further instruction.
  13. r u feelin ok man. worried about u u know. hmu if u ever need to talk x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seannie


      its ok let the hate out 

    3. HurferDurfer1


      sean i trusted u once

    4. seannie


      dont trust me again

  14. REMOVE COURAT remove courat you are worst staunton. you are the staunton idiot you are the staunton smell. return to croatioa. to our courland cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,urguan we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal **** but **** ******* staunton stink urguan sqhipere shqipare..staunton genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead staunton..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget warclaim .lorriane we kill the king , lorraine return to your precious metz….hahahahaha idiot staunton and urguann smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE COURAT FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. mardon+westerlands+lorraine+ruhtern=kill urguan…you will warclaim/ vlairck alive in haense, vadrik making album of ruten . fast bard vald ruhthern. we are rich and have aurum now hahahaha ha because of vlad… you are ppoor stink staunton… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
    valdrick alive numbr one #1 in metetrend….**** the courland ,..FUCKk ashol stauntons no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and kigdom. vld aliv and real strong king kill all the staunton farm aminal with ruhthern magic now we the melterdne rule .ape of the zoo king joseppi staunton **** the great ibless and lay egg this egg hatch and urguan wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. ruthern greattst house

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iris1612


      tru i mean ur good in my book as are most of u, i dont actually have anything against dwarves its just nice to meme around about. Plus, dwarves are actually helping courland fight the ruthern rebels which imo is dumb but hey im just a screamer and all in a good fight

    3. Lefty


      im banned for 2 weeks i had no part in the decision lol there's a regent in power

    4. iris1612


      i believe u, i said dwarves in general not u

  15. Speaking as one of the leaders of House Ruthern, no. I don't believe that you would be allowed to wc Metterden without a skirmish but that is irrelevant since that's not the warclaim that's occuring. We are skirmishing in the Rothswood so we can move on to Vsevograd, I fail to see why it's relevant if you could or couldn't move straight to siege on metterden Secondly, we reject your suggestion that we can not bring allies. Metterden castle is built directly on the pass over the greyspine mountains, we control the pass through the mountains. The mountains don't block us off from allies as we hold the tunnel that goes trough them. Joining our cause is aa simple as walking up the road from the human cart hub until you reach metterden. Courland does not own any forts or castles there, nor do they have a way from blocking pro-Ruthern recruits from joining up.
  16. Mom. dad,,,,, I'm gay

    1. Sky


      nows my chance with you

    2. Balthasar


      No worries, son. Daddy loves you very much.

  17. Who's ready for some BIG PVP tomorrow at norland????????

  18. will voting ever be fixed?

  19. Should I make gm app?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iris1612


      @Glocky18 i would also like to see this list to better myself as a human being

    3. Glocky18


      I'm going to say one word; Toxicity

    4. iris1612


      1 word isn't much of a list my friend

  20. end the charade, pick kincaid

  21. Apparently, I'm an alt who only goes to Courland to try to murder DaHazelWazel. Who woulda thought? ?? Not me xd

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Aren't you busy with your edgy cult?

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      > When you're paranoid as ****

  22. i just want BIG PVP guys

    1. Aqua Vita

      Aqua Vita

      no more big pvp

    2. _NotChris


      [Error: Must be this tall to see this message.-------->]

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