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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. taynei literally genocided the original azdrazi for being abominations, I really don’t see why she would go around creating her own unnatural ichor creatures. It seems absolutely antithetical to the past four years of lore and more so a reach by druids to occupy a niche that already exists, and had existed since 2016. it would be so much cooler if these were actually some form of satyr or Druid esque creature created by taynei, but the idea of them being dragonkin is just absolutely unfeasible. The only dragon that is able to consistently create life and abominations through it is Azdromoth or Dragur (who is dead). This is because the person transitioning into being a Nephilim literally dies and their soul is recycled to give birth to an eldritch monstrosity. that is why you have azdrazi players who are infuriated, that is why I look at this lore and I don’t see the positives. Druids are a big player base, if they wrote a unique CA it would be one thing, but this doesn’t strike me as unique. This strikes me as an off-brand second form of an original concept, an off-brand alteration that doesn’t even pay heed to much of the established draconic canon.
  2. I have a feeling Joel will pass this just to spite me.
  3. What rp ya like what do ya think of moi Your favorite lotc plugin?
  4. Credits Kneeeil (Organization, Structure, Writing), Excitedly (Organization, Structure, Writing), Norrthh (Weaknesses & Clarifications) & Creative Consultation (Nivndil, Philposting, Firespirit44, Remeron, Milenkhov, Archipelago, Werew0lf). 2021. Nephilim - Lesser Dragonkin (Rewrite) Yeagerist (Writer). 2020. Azdrazi - The Inner Flame and Severance (Addition). Numirya. (2016). Collaboration with Lore Writers & provided Creative Assets (Paintings, Sketches). Excitedly, Freema, Key_Of_Solomon. (2016). Nephilim - Lesser Dragonkin. Remeron (Writer). 2014-2016. Dragur (Daemon).
  5. Hey, contributed to this and helped [REDACTED] write it (not the banned guy, just the secret writer), and also contributed to the last few rewrites here and there, as well as detailing the original concept and submitting the original lore. My feedback is to add the following restrictions to Polymorphing, namely: - Polymorphing is not a way of "disguising". It is intended to be a way of Azdrazi being Descendant-passing, and not to necessarily fit into these different societies and groups and RP ecosystems. - Polymorphing should be clearly a demonstration of skin-tone changing and shape changing, as well as the disappearance of horns. It should not be a way to disguise as any race other than the one you were born as in my opinion. Meager "ear changes" are fine, but I feel it's important to note in the lore that the Azdrazi's bone structure does not change, and can be perceivable with or without their polymorph in the same way as when you see someone pre-bulk and after bulk-up. This is the closest we will ever be to my resounding vision for the Nephilim I had as a teenager in 2016. I'm very happy with the work!
  6. I like guns but you people ruined them for me
  7. Name: Crumena of Kamees (ign:) Remeron (discord:) Heero#7850 Age: 800(?) Gender: Male Hair color: White Eye Color: Green City of birth: Aegis Favorite Animal: Lion Favorite Flower: High Elves - female. Would Marry: I'd like to marry and find a High Elf who's young and fertile.
  8. Question 1: What is one thing you dislike about Orcs/Krugmar? How can it be improved? - more literacy - clique-centric, new orcs often get pushed out in favor of old heads who want to become rex for the twentieth time up until recently Question 2: What is one thing you like/admire about Orcs/Krugmar? - willingness to cooperate with role-play consequences - very interesting cultural takes on concepts involving shamanism and animism Question 3: What do you think Orcs/Krugmar biggest opportunity for improvement is? - focus on yourselves, focus less on conflict, give your players a reason to hop on that goes beyond jumping up and down and watching chaseusbelli turn red and pop - advocate for role-play literacy, minimize complaints, learn to be diplomatic and level-headed
  9. Quick correction - the principality at this time would be Alderyn, run by the Empyreal Princess, as Gladewynn underwent a regime change following the death of Defy's Ithelanen, and the exodus of myself, Hedonism, and several other prominent leaders and councilors (AKA us leaving the server or focusing on Renatus).
  10. favorite moment in art history?
  11. Mfw 8 and 1/2 years playing
  12. Dima Ivanovich grabs his sword and steps along to find the fabled Norlandic True Heir.
  13. gave u rep, agree with ur message whole-heartedly
  14. touch grass :) i.e., with minecraft, technical errors happen. I'm happy you guys will make it outside and not go to the warclaim tbh, if it doesn't make you happy, don't go
  15. Ser Elias Carrow quietly praises the Burning Bush within his mud-scarped hovel, the acclivitous space bearing a rooftop made of wheat and watermelons, not unlike the Kraltan architecture of ye old. He heaved his chest, the graying old man letting out a terrible gasp. "They killed innocents!" The Renatian-Nordic-Would-Be scion of Johannes screeched, the Jrent ennobled by some Norlandic Duke or another screeching in his delirium. "Iron From Ice?" The drug-addled old man thought to himself, before grinning wide ear to ear. "I Elias Carrow, son of Elias Carrow, son of Elias Carrow, Purifier of the Burning Bush shall bring these Imperials to Justice!" The old man keeled over and died from old age not too long thereafter, suffering a heat stroke in his old age while attempting to keep digging holes on his property. Not since the death of Mr. Mittens had he suffered so much over so little. And like that, he died, another innocent supposedly killed by the Empire.
  16. A vision haunted a man within the vestiges of an empty realm, a place dilapidated and returned to nature, free from people. Beasts haunted the woods, tall trees and great boughs centuries old scattered across the flat woodland landscape. In the vision the man was younger, and behind him burned the cities of Courland as the Renatian and Dominion forces marched on. The wildlands of the Pale brought Kairn great solace now as he moved towards the end of his third century of life. The Bronze Lord remembered still the vast conflicts, the conquering, the bloodshed. In his mind's eye, he remembered it all, yet he buried the bloodshed beneath his good conscience. It was after all the 1800's now, and such things were not to continue if he were to have a say in it. He thought still of the young boy, the one who had come to the Dominion. The alleged bastard of his former friend, a bygone scion of Lafthi Sylvaeri. He remembered being brought before the King of Norland in chains upon the precipice of the Third Atlas Coalition War. By then, the son of Aenor had imagined his time had come. The angry, hungry smirk of the Orcs who led him forth before the King, the King he had been sent to stop. Yet, the King let him go to the annoyance of those many Orcs, and the Elf had lived. With a frown on his lips, he had left that place alive, when all he had been doing is seeking his own unruly demise. The Lord of Camlannen turned and watched his banner as it flew in the howling wind before his great fortress. The Green Wizard, he was called now. With that, against his better judgement, the Alder-Imperial issued a letter to Feanor. Addressed to Feanor Sylvaeri on the 19th of The Deep Cold, Year 21 of the Second Age. It has been a rather long time, and recently I had pondered upon the shared history of our people, and the ascension of my kinsman Evar'tir to the position of High Prince of the Peoples of Elvenesse. No doubt, you have chosen wisely, as have those who elected him. The future is hardly in doubt and with time, I do believe that peace shall again touch the vestiges of the realm that you call the Arm of Malin and its accompanying lands and forests. It is of my belief that with this paradigm shift in the Realm of Elvenesse, the unruliness of past conflicts and wars shall come to an end, and once again there shall be a peace. Such quaintness brings the joy of music again to my otherwise tone deaf ears, and I hope verily that you enjoy your retirement despite whatever misgivings of the past once existed. Despite the blunders, the people live on, and you and Evar'tir have both made your fair share of sacrifices to keep those within your lands safe from foreign interference, stagnation, and the rampant imperialism of the various polities that wrestle for control amidst our known world. This shall likely be the last time we speak. Your mother was a close friend of mine, and with your father dead you shall no longer have anybody to stymie your true ambitions in life. Sincerely,
  17. PROSPECTIVE BACHELOR FORM IGN: Remeron Name: Crumena of Kamees Age: 800 Place of residency: N/a Bank account balance: Xan's Light Hobbies: Xan, finding a fertile wife, finding a fertile wife that's high elven, finding a fertile wife that's a high elven female. One interesting fact about yourself: I am infertile. Why should Tatiana choose you?: I am infertile.
  18. IGN: eliDiscord: Els#0001Skin: TumbleweedBid: 100
  19. what u think of moi favorite event you've done least favorite event you've seen favorite group you've been apart of fav genre of music
  20. I bid thee welcome to this distant setting, this abstract time. Ye lambs of the ungodly God born of Man, enjoy this sacred nocturnal festival to the fullest. Thee, honorable child concentrated by the laws of causality. The Falcon. Thou art the Chosen One. At this time, in this place... The one chosen by the hand of the Great God. We art kinsmen... o blessed King of Longing.
  21. Kairn enjoys his hunting trip with his family.
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