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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by excited

  1. Ey kids if you need **** pinned and what not tell me 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mj.
    3. rukio


      I'll do you one better @Mj. I'll pin it if 89.9 people vote on it.

    4. Slayy
  2. @Heero 阴 Hey Garrett! It's been awhile, just wanted you to know I care. Really sucks you've been down with the flu. Kinda sucks I found out from Snapchat and not you, but you're busy, you've got work. Today I visited a cafe near my local movie theater, wanted you to know that if you ever need help I'm around. Just don't go around showing anybody your rusted sheriff's badge, if you know what I mean. @Jake! says hi, by the way, he and I have been talking lately and we both miss having you on Teamspeak.

    Your friend, Eli

  3. @501warhead Hey Sean! It's been a little while, was wondering how you're doing. I've personally just been going to school and working towards my diploma so I can go to college. Today I learned I passed a quiz with a 28 out of 30, I was extremely proud of myself, it's good to be at optimal capacity again. Given your studies in software development I actually thought of you earlier in the midst of my Engineering class. Mostly learning about creating valued products and creating good ideas, you know, stuff all engineers do - especially software engineers! That actually brings me to the matter of business, this status update revolves around the fact I've lost my Gold Vip due to a forum bug, something that's deeply saddening to me. In my 4+ years on the server I've always retained that tag and while it's nice cosmetically, I would really like it back so I can have my extended forum perks that come with it. It'd be marvelous if you could return that or point me the right way, my cordial messages haven't reached you thus far, but I attribute that to our varied lifestyle and schedules.


    Your friend, Eli

  4. @501warhead Hey Sean I got a bit of a problem! My VIP tag isn't working and hasn't been since Friday. I've been patient but given that I spent money on the server 3-4 years back, I kinda want the tag back on my profile for my forum bonuses. 


    Your friend, Eli

  5. Hey @501warhead my VIP please? 


    Your friend, Eli

  6. @Telanir yodels oppressively.

    1. Chthonian_


      uuuuuuuu look it's a kebabi

  7. @The Pink Lion Please unblock my Discord, I have been trying to contact you for seven days now. Thanks.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      2a9700de4d.png I got no one blocked, you sure you have my right discord name?

    2. excited


      Let me verify.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      It's Flamboyant#8856 if you need it

  8. @501warhead Hey can I have my Gold VIP?

  9. Hey guys, looks like some really snakey **** is going on. Enjoy some smooth jazz.



  10. Anyone else excited for GOT season 7 episode 7?

  11. Devirad charter when? SAD!

  12. Hey, can the FM who's deleting my role-play posts stop? They're serious. They're not memes. Both people can attest that I was writing seriously, and the thinks I did were actually actions I could commit given that we frequent the same environments. Thanks!

    1. fighting evil by moonlight
    2. excited


      things* smh.

    3. mitto


      You cant post as an anonymous person, in the roleplay post rules it does say even if you wish to go unamed you have to provide a description of the character.

  13. Streaming the new Spider-Man movie if anyone would like to join.



  14. I support my gay son. @mitto

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      i support my Muslim  son @ClockworkElves

    3. mitto


      i support my differently abled son @Harrison

    4. Harri


      i just want a girlfriend who plays video games, craves fetishistic sex and has a ****

  15. i did say fear the old dark

    1. Swgrclan


      they didnt listen

    2. _mkkk_


      r u referring to ur profile pic?

    3. excited


      nope @_mkkk_, though i love gothic art

  16. fear the old dark

  17. Grungron Irongoy is the Lord of the Craft. He's taken on daemons with his bare hands, parted the Aegean sea, and performed feats and miracles you can only dream of.

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