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Status Updates posted by ThatCanadian

  1. Best Voidal Tear event so far. Had loads of fun. Great job Mystery handling all those emotes. 

    1. Valaryon


      It was tons of fun!

  2. Aether VIP Plox. 

  3. Been a good ride nerds.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Birdnerdy


      The work you never did speaks for itself. 

    3. Thomas


      I'll always love you.

    4. garentoft


      love you <3

  4. We are looking for new trial GMs. Submit your applications now!

    1. hudsun202


      Does this count?


  5. Got my next final next Friday, time to get lit.

    1. _NotChris


      Eat your maple syrup and study and you will do fine

    2. Jonificus


      Who's this?

  6. @Esterlen Can I just say I am honored that you include a quote of mine in your signature. 

    1. Esterlen


      Thanks, Beast. Anything to show to the community how unfit you are to make the executive decisions requisite for anybody in the supposedly fair-and-unbiased post of GM!

    2. ThatCanadian


      Well, this just got hurtful now didn't it. 

  7. Here comes the Halfling army!

  8. We are starting to consider our new Trial GM's for the month of December! Put in your application now if you are interested!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ducklingator


      Did anybody good apply? Can I apply and be considered because the rest are even worse? 

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      @Zhulik needs to be accepted hes our lotc presidenttttttttttttttt

    4. Zhulik


      yea can i be gm now 

  9. Remember to submit your GM apps! We will be holding interviews very soon!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. excited


      am I allowed to apply?

    3. Thatpyrodude


      I'm so excited to get that interview ?

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Am I allowed to apply?

  10. Should I jump onto the AMA wagon?

  11. Need someone who is good at skinning! PM me if you can make dope skins. 

  12. Anyone looking for a kid to be roleplayed? Looking to change up the rp a bit.

    1. Ambduscias


      Depends on what your looking for. If you don't mind Elf ****, you could play a younger nephew of my characters family. Past that, Kiaus is looking for someone to play a son.

    2. ThatCanadian


      Yeah, I don't mind elf rp. Hit me up in a pm.

  13. Came back, got bored within 5 minutes, went on my Ooze Character, got tired of being questioned whether or not I can play it. Server

  14. Need a skin made, Help me!

  15. Where the hell can you mine in this game, I can't break anything on resource island. 

    1. Catarrh


      There's a mine on resource island near the tree farm. A little path branches off leading to it. 

    2. MysticalStranger


      Follow the road to the mine on the resource island, it goes underground. There you will see a spruce door with a sign on it, click the sign just like the boat sign and bam, mining world.

    3. ThatCanadian
  16. Next League Series starting, come watch http://www.twitch.tv/sotsdorada

  17. Team Deetz just stomped Goat Squad with 30 minute victory. 

  18. Annnnnnddddd, we are back into our second game of Deetz vs Goat Squad. Come join http://www.twitch.tv/sotsdorada

  19. Streaming the Lord of the Craft LOTC Tournament. Come join me http://www.twitch.tv/sotsdorada

  20. What's a fun guild to join?

    1. Heff
    2. excited


      Acerbus Cult is always looking for new members.

    3. drfate786


      Is your cult willing to recruit me? ;3

  21. Worth coming back?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kingnothing
    3. Samler


      I have stayed on the server so for me it is worth staying.


    4. Jonificus
  22. PVP default is getting just as bad as how RP default used to be, ban reports after ban reports...Someone needs to specify the rules and outline step by step what is supposed to happen before PVP begins and what people now consider a raid. Next thing we know, a singular person going into a city and attacking/killing someone is going to be considered a raid as well...

    1. dank


      Actually, beast, I think a signular person attacking/killing someone in a city is considered a raid...

    2. ski_king3


      A raid is 3+ non-residents behaving in a villainous manner that is akin to banditry or raiding (robbing people, trying to kill people, provoking violence, etc.)

    3. dank


      then why were me & a friend of mine kicked out of haeulonor oocly because 'no raiding' :(

  23. Starting College in a couple of days, so busy right now.

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      thank you for informing me friendo!

  24. Starting College in a couple of days, so busy right now.

  25. Someone wanna help me out by telling me who played Franz Carrion the First, or just lemme know if you can get me the skin used for that character!

    1. Raptorious


      Esterlen played Franz Carrion. Message him on the forums.

    2. ThatCanadian
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