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Status Updates posted by YFKTF

  1. May I ask the reasoning behind not letting us delete threads?

    1. ski_king3


      Because deleting threads is bad. Even "deleted" threads by the FM's aren't deleted, but archived, so there is always a record of every thread created.

    2. Birdwhisperer


      Some VIPs can hide their own posts and threads, though.

  2. If I were to make a debate competition, would anyone participate?

    1. _Stigwig


      If the subject interested me, probably.

    2. Treshure
  3. Note to self, don't drink an entire pot of coffee solo. The shaking is real. Dear lord.

  4. Why is it that I have the best ideas when I have the worst motivation.

    1. excited


      write it down and do it later

    2. _Deutschland_
  5. Ripperoni Charoodler.

    1. Ford


      log on so i can ***** give you your house

    2. YFKTF


      Tomorrow, 4 PM EST. Ill come an' get it.

  6. I think the GM/Admins should have kept the server closed until every issue was solved. People are losing items from /ss, and a bunch of other stuff is broken. Is it worth playing on a broken server? :3

    1. ski_king3


      It's unreasonable to believe that they could find all the problems without launching the server for everyone to go on.

    2. Volutional


      You could always stay away for a little bit until you know it's safer.

  7. I refuse to make my persona again. I shall not lose an inven full of wheat.

    1. Lubbie


      When I logged in, I still had my stuff

    2. YFKTF


      I did too, but it asked me to remake my persona, which would clear my inven.

  8. I'm 'gonna come back, just in time for exams! What a coincidence.

    1. Space


      Do you think "gonna" requires the apostrophe? I mean, it's not really short form for anything, is it? Grrrrrrrrrrr

    2. YFKTF


      It's the short form for "Going to". :/

  9. Congrats to Birdnerdy for winning the drawing! I'll do these more often, as I've begun buying games in bundles.

    1. mitto



    2. lawnmowerman


      i hate birdnerdy

  10. Anyone know the best way to grind enchanter?

    1. wolfdwg


      There illy is no fast way. The most xp is from sharp and bow enchants.

    2. Ioannis


      Grind farming/lumberjacking and then swapping the exp into enchanting. Best way so far.

  11. ibraheemc2000 is the best god damn lantern salesman on this server

    1. TinyBiceps


      he's just such a good man

    2. ibraheemc2000


      ;-; i just saw this and it brought me to tears, thank you my good man

  12. are u still relevant 

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      wtf yes Ren is more relevant than ever
      Ren is best :^(

    2. TinyBiceps
  13. current vip perks : my name but in purple

  14. I have recruited a army of new LOTCers! Muahahah.....

  15. You love going AFK on peoples' applications, don't you Application Team?

    1. Tsuyose


      We have lives too.

  16. Going to donate to Gold VIP, you guys deserve it!

  17. Hrm... Zorra is going to be my alternate, here comes my SECOND male character!

  18. We all have those days when we think back on our lives and say 'What the hell was I doing..'

    1. paulie


      I regret nothing.

  19. The new character: http://tinyurl.com/pkggh4m

    1. YFKTF


      It's the most original name ever, i know guys. Hold your applause.

  20. Have glasses been invented yet? (LOTC of course)

    1. Neri


      They don't require lore and have been invented by people. You can write some lore if you'd like to, though!

  21. When making a post with an image what does' You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community' mean?....

    1. Lym


      The image is too large.

      You'll have to resize it or find a smaller version.

  22. The day I found out what '~' is, my RP changed :3

    1. Demotheus


      I'm still nto sure. i just throw it around. It's anything from a sing songy tone, to a rediculously happy one idk

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