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Everything posted by Rassidic

  1. Easiest way to level up any skill? Would ask for race to use ect.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Well there are gathering skills which involve physically doing stuff in MC to gather and crafting skills that you use to make stuff with the stuff you gathered! For the former you have to actively sit around and mine/fish/chop ect. For the latter you need to just get supplies and have the correct workbench that goes with the skill. Then you test out different items to see what gives the best exp like compost bins to woodworker or a stack of chainmail boots to blacksmith. Then you grind, grind, grind, and that's how you do it!

    3. Heero


      Halfling, auto-aging enabled, farming. Boom.

    4. ShameJax


      Grind Alchemy while it's easy. It has ridiculous XP rates as of now.

  2. Tythus, sent you a message like, two weeks ago about my Spooky Horse being broken. Could you please get back to me.

  3. Green Tide? Hardly a Green Drizzle.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harri


      what in the **** am i looking at, good lord

    3. mitto
    4. Neri


      HB_ confirmed for pleb, has never played ASCII based games. Scrub.

  4. Anyone know how to call a Spooky Horse? Or kill my current one? Since it's glitched and I can't find it at all.


    1. Sythan


      I think you gotta wait for server crash/restart. (Server crashes are quite common atm [': )

    2. Rassidic


      Nope! It's been a full day, server crashes don't work.

    3. Potts244


      Well there is no command to kill it, and it should reset after a restart. The only command involving them is /spooky. But if restarts aren't working then it's bugged and you have to modreq

  5. Props to Godismysaviour to giving me a proper good chuckle

  6. Orc Rex needs to be faster. : 3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinochet


      lmao ok



      you used your buff

    3. Rassidic


      Oof. Iunno, I RPly ran away drone, then used mechanics because that seemed the most logical.

      Plus, my persona race is set to Farfolk for some reason. So I didn't have a buff. I just had a good headstart and had plenty of stew on me for saturation bonus.

    4. Pinochet
  7. The best update to a forum is something that makes me never want to use a forum. Good job Tythus!

  8. Guys, you can +1 statuses now.

  9. Sorry, never played Witcher ; who's this Geralt of Riverrun guy? And who's Triss Marrygold?

  10. Wait, Orens are the currency in The Witcher? What?

  11. MC Name: Rassidic Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): You got it. Timezone: GMT+0 Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Got it. PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): Yup. Player Kill Clause By applying to the Horde of Dunamis you are willing agreeing to PK your character if you break any of the Rules, stated above (( With sufficient RP, of course )). The PK Clause is not to limit your rp but rather give more significance to the rules that should be followed. This also does not mean one cannot leave the Horde willingly, any member of the Horde may do so if they please. The PK clause shall only be considered if and only if any of the rules are broken.
  12. Happyshackle's does it - gets destroyed. Cosmic does it - gets many, many +1's.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faunherer


      shackles tried to implement it RPly, so the Orcs reacted in RP. Cosmic is making it an OOC measure and having the RP effects of it less noticeable.

    3. AlmondTree


      It is something discussed and agreed upon by orcs. No big deal.

    4. Guy d'Yood of Mann
  13. If you're ever sad, just watch this. https://youtu.be/ug4BrCn9hWM?t=1m25s

    1. Gemmylou


      Omg it worked. That's amazing.

  14. Serious; Matt is going to be a better admin then Menarra, that's all that really matters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      We should be striveing for great admins not ones better than the last...

    3. Joe_Blackman


      oof lads... oof come on now

    4. TavernLich


      Preach the good word, Patato!!

  15. To be fair, I thought it was a good image.

    1. CaptainBrock


      it was very highly pixelated causing the natural eye to overlook the beauty but you see me and you see that alright we've got trained eyes many dfont have that alright

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