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Status Updates posted by z3m0s

  1. Any artists need mina?

    1. hemomancy


      always... i got 1 more slot open

  2. Anyone wanna bulk sell me kelp blocks?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. z3m0s


      @UndubitablyHow much for how much.

    3. ronin_champloo


      how much for kelp block...

    4. VonAulus


      i have kelp blocks msg me on discord

  3. I love that wonks somehow get priority to be accepted over a majority of other lore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AlphaMoist
    3. Harold


      cronyism and corruption

    4. z3m0s


      Wow, that really struck a nerve with you guys huh.

  4. Looking for someone to play a magical barkeep – z3m0s#6599.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DarkElfs


      Where is this and how active? As if need a couple I can do weekend barkeeping on my Uruk lol

    3. z3m0s


      Don’t know if I want an uruk barkeep lmao, it’ll be for the mages guild.

    4. SoulReapingWolf
  5. This year will be my seventh on LOTC and I don’t know how to feel about it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Greener


      Bruh I was 13 when I enjoyed I’m almost 22 now ? 

    3. Sefardi


      Don’t feel, just drink @z3m0s

    4. z3m0s


      Hahaha damn all the old boys showing up. . . Maybe it is time for me to give in to the call and become a force ghost like you guys. . .

  6. For christmas I asked for my lore items. . . Fk you santa

  7. If you do anything today, it should be to watch this.


  8. I just spent half an hour messing with stream settings trying to workout why my quality was so poor after an internet upgrade. . . I had the ******* stream playback on 480p. Kill me

    1. z3m0s


      If you’re having a bad day, or you’d like to enhance your day regardless, you can laugh at my misfortune here:


    2. SoulReapingWolf


      Epic Reaction from an EPIC gamer XD

  9. I miss when we use to just hang out. . .

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      We gotta write some lore for TVs and then we can do this all over again

    2. z3m0s


      Sounds like a great idea, I need to catch up on my shows.

  10. I don’t like the trend of multi-slot magics being a default.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3m0s


      I just like the variety of choice we have now and don’t think we should start making things more exclusive to a certain degree. I can understand if you wanna give the option of more for more slots, or create something way to large to be one slot, but otherwise, I like the norm we have now.


      @SquakHawk I think having access to a variety of magics adds far more to a character than having one or two, at least in my own case as I speak for myself. There will always be people who use magic as a tool or for winning or whatever, but I wouldn’t say that’s the majority we should cater to. The reason we lose so much is because it’s cut off from the majority to prevent further ill actions from the minority. . . It’s in my own opinion, one of the main reasons we now play on vanilla minecraft server with impressions of rp from players and the forums.

    3. AlphaMoist


      I think it all just depends. Some magics are meant to just be insignificant things that anyone can pick up, learn, and utilize. Evocations, for example. I’m okay with these types of magics being one slot, and I’m okay with someone collecting as much of these as they want. However, there are other magics that are far more than just tools to pick up because they’re neat. Picking up these magics also means adopting a new lifestyle, changing your character in a large way, and just as a whole require more dedication than the “lesser” magics such as evocation. These being shade magic, blood magic, paladanism, etc. A character shouldn’t pick these up just for the gains, they should pick them up because they plan on investing into them. IC reasons are one thing, but oocly, you should plan on being a dedicated role player in the communities these magics are involved in before you plan on picking them up. I am fully supportive of these magics taking up a ton of slots in order to encourage this viewpoint. 

    4. z3m0s


      I wholeheartedly agree with you there, requiring rp commitment should take more slots, it was more so just seeing some people mention it in regards to more regular voidal magics which you mentioned being okay with being one slot which I thought would be far less useful if it required multiple slots.

  11. I miss my vault items

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SoulReapingWolf


      Ping him ? you know you want to

    3. JokerLow


      i miss my items in the 6 vaults i have

    4. D4NNA


      I miss a whole dimension of chests.


  12. I had my jugular cut today IRL ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Telanir


      Goddamn, I wish you all the best @z3m0s

    3. SoulReapingWolf


      @Telanir give this man /heal irl please!

    4. z3m0s


      Hahaha I’ll be all fine probably, thanks for the good wishes everyone

  13. If you’re gunna add “Thanks” at least make it add to rep ratio plox. That’s my feedback

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JokerLow
    3. Trinn
    4. Fireheart


      That’s a good idea if people like it and the testing goes well. Thanks!

  14. “Booo we want better server optimisation, server runs bad”

    Dev Team: *optimizes chat*

    Boooo we want our chat back, stop changing stuff



    1. Skyrunner


      Dev Team: Explains why the chat needed to be changed after changing it

    2. Frosthander


      Tech team*, my poor old builders have no say...

      Yeah, I don’t know which server is better now Massive? or LotC?


  15. Just curious if flambo got to anyones  items in the week before he left?

  16. Do yourself a favor today and watch this


    1. AlphaMoist


      what’s minecraft

    2. z3m0s


      How dare you stand where he stood

  17. nEw FOruM rULes

    1. nO FUn
    1. Kvasir



  18. Why are FMs suddenly the same color as admins?

    1. Sky


      They aren’t.

    2. z3m0s


      Hmmm, you’re right now I look at both of them at the same time though the FMs red seems brighter, though now I think about it maybe it’s because I f*cked with my monitors brightness lmao, played myself.

  19. This embodies my country


    1. Sky


      bloody oath *****.

    2. Valarin_


      Can confirm.

  20. Please find something else to do with your time other than an AMA.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      There’s multiple up. But I hope it made you feel special.

    3. Guest


      why u format all ur replies and everything u say with the stupid big bold text this isn’t 2015

    4. z3m0s


      I like how it looks. And I don’t don’t believe bold text stopped in 2015 I guess?

  21. I just spent a day wondering why my skin wouldn’t update when I realized I setup a preset like a year ago and had to turn it off.

  22. You know what would be really cool, if *insert non magical character* learnt magic from you.

    1. Burnsy


      I am the LORD of the Craft.

    2. oblivionsbane


      Hey there buddy, how about... Giving me some of that sweet runesmithing eh? ; )

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