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Status Replies posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. The USS Friday is approved by 3 ET and an Admin. Book your Vacation Trip to Atlas today. Message Sneakybandit or Tharggus today.

  2. @Telanir I'll 1 v 1 you for admin.

  3. I leave for five months, admins go to hell and mogrocka returns. What. The. Hell.

  4. I leave for five months, admins go to hell and mogrocka returns. What. The. Hell.

  5. I leave for five months, admins go to hell and mogrocka returns. What. The. Hell.

  6. wait, i logged cause 501 does crap script rp but did they just pk everyone during the event?

  7. "The cap for Player vs Player combat on fighting is now 10, up from 8"

    The community was contacted when?

  8. That moment when you're a grinder and does PvP but you get banned because you've grinded way too much with your 9 aengulic professions and the staff decides to just ban you for having too many items... oops, i mean, duping, sry.



  9. you dips, you absolute oafs, I'm going to write into fruition republican fundamentals, ideals and mechanics all under the guise of recovery rp. typical.

  10. I'll put this a nice way. The urukish voice has been suppressed. We have been forced to change our lore to make others happy. I am not attacking anyone, I am stating the facts.


    Kor, the spirit of death, the haunting hand of krug, guards the starguzh. No one enters the realm unless they compare to krug. Living or dead, they can't beat these requirements. Once inside the realm, Dom, lur, gorkil, and the other children rule inside. They see all and do not let anything slip by. The starguzh is the Valhalla of the uruks lore and has never, in 6 years, faced suppression from staff. Lutaumancy is not just shamanism. It is uruk culture. If someone wishes to expand their culture, create your own lore, don't steal someone else's.


    Also, uruks who don't follow the spirits don't make it into the starguzh, why? Why would krugs children let those who were unfaithful into the urukish Valhalla. Why do the uruks have to follow this way and no-one else has to. The LT said they would never touch a races culture. Why do it now.


    And there you go FMs, no work for you, no names mentioned or certain instances specified. @Paleo  

    Just real lore stated.

    @The Pink Lion @DivineJustice @Grubgoth Wud

    1. L0rdLawyer


      @Time Lady of Kittens there are no lutaumans left other then you and maybe smaw. So yes, there is no-one else to call you out for **** rping and bullshit that led us to where we are today.

      And also, we called out hellfiazz but it's hard to face off the only player on the server that had the ability to completely wipe a character's history with the spirits. The few that did challenge him started a mess because they thought elves having shamanism because they shared a concept was a complete joke.

      @Jaeden the last time we did a purge, we faced scrutiny from staff that led to nerfing and quite a few bans. Currently we are facing a heavy nerf with all rights removed to remove someone's shamanism. There's not much room to do anything except express the concern for an increasing staff presence to the thinning urukish lore that led to this in the first place.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'll put this a nice way. The urukish voice has been suppressed. We have been forced to change our lore to make others happy. I am not attacking anyone, I am stating the facts.


    Kor, the spirit of death, the haunting hand of krug, guards the starguzh. No one enters the realm unless they compare to krug. Living or dead, they can't beat these requirements. Once inside the realm, Dom, lur, gorkil, and the other children rule inside. They see all and do not let anything slip by. The starguzh is the Valhalla of the uruks lore and has never, in 6 years, faced suppression from staff. Lutaumancy is not just shamanism. It is uruk culture. If someone wishes to expand their culture, create your own lore, don't steal someone else's.


    Also, uruks who don't follow the spirits don't make it into the starguzh, why? Why would krugs children let those who were unfaithful into the urukish Valhalla. Why do the uruks have to follow this way and no-one else has to. The LT said they would never touch a races culture. Why do it now.


    And there you go FMs, no work for you, no names mentioned or certain instances specified. @Paleo  

    Just real lore stated.

    @The Pink Lion @DivineJustice @Grubgoth Wud

    1. L0rdLawyer


      @Time Lady of Kittens it was offered. The dark elves said no, lutaumancy was theirs. Then smaw made his shadow plane lore to make sure they would not degrade the already failing security of urukish shamanism as an agreement. 


      Currently as the LT have said,

      We will nerf shamanism back into the dirt with the urukish race, shamanism has no place on LOTC.


      @Jaeden Don't the wood elves have a way to remove someone's druid powers? I'm pretty sure you do. Shamans have the same thing, which is called the spirits rejecting you. Kor guards the ancestral plane and wouldn't even let non believers near with a 10 foot pole. And also, we have launched wars against them, but every time we do, we get yelled at for targeting. I'm stressing this **** because it needs to be said. The LT don't give a **** about the uruks and have regressed the race to the point of being green idiots. It hurts the player base and ruins the whole point of making an uruk.


      @zaezae no-one has a problem with an elf that takes up the full on experience of the spirits. But when someone begins to scrape a sub section of shamanism farther and farther away from its original purpose. There is a problem, yes?

      It's like me going to the druids saying I like the shape shifting part, getting it then turning it into my own thing, shading it from the source material.


    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'll put this a nice way. The urukish voice has been suppressed. We have been forced to change our lore to make others happy. I am not attacking anyone, I am stating the facts.


    Kor, the spirit of death, the haunting hand of krug, guards the starguzh. No one enters the realm unless they compare to krug. Living or dead, they can't beat these requirements. Once inside the realm, Dom, lur, gorkil, and the other children rule inside. They see all and do not let anything slip by. The starguzh is the Valhalla of the uruks lore and has never, in 6 years, faced suppression from staff. Lutaumancy is not just shamanism. It is uruk culture. If someone wishes to expand their culture, create your own lore, don't steal someone else's.


    Also, uruks who don't follow the spirits don't make it into the starguzh, why? Why would krugs children let those who were unfaithful into the urukish Valhalla. Why do the uruks have to follow this way and no-one else has to. The LT said they would never touch a races culture. Why do it now.


    And there you go FMs, no work for you, no names mentioned or certain instances specified. @Paleo  

    Just real lore stated.

    @The Pink Lion @DivineJustice @Grubgoth Wud

    1. L0rdLawyer


      The dark elves don't follow the spirits Adam. They never have. How can these players who fought mogroka and goldrim and arteh worship the gods of those they warred with. And no Adam, if you want to call me out on something, do it right. You wanted to unattune haunter for arguing with you in a skype chat. I told you why in the name of furries would you do that. You gave your reasoning, I said I don't know and we called it there. But this is a different matter. 


      This is a 6 year old religion and culture being forced to change to fit a different race all because they don't have their own magic. No, that's not right. How is this fair to anyone who was an uruk and spent so much time on the spirits. Every uruks goal is to go to the starguzh and spend their time with the heroes of the uruks. Why does another race get to say, this is my religion now, my magic, and they are free to force their old players into the Gods of the Uruks. The starguzh is the Uruks Valhalla. There is no debating that. You don't get in because the staff told the shamans, conform or face nerfs.  

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'll put this a nice way. The urukish voice has been suppressed. We have been forced to change our lore to make others happy. I am not attacking anyone, I am stating the facts.


    Kor, the spirit of death, the haunting hand of krug, guards the starguzh. No one enters the realm unless they compare to krug. Living or dead, they can't beat these requirements. Once inside the realm, Dom, lur, gorkil, and the other children rule inside. They see all and do not let anything slip by. The starguzh is the Valhalla of the uruks lore and has never, in 6 years, faced suppression from staff. Lutaumancy is not just shamanism. It is uruk culture. If someone wishes to expand their culture, create your own lore, don't steal someone else's.


    Also, uruks who don't follow the spirits don't make it into the starguzh, why? Why would krugs children let those who were unfaithful into the urukish Valhalla. Why do the uruks have to follow this way and no-one else has to. The LT said they would never touch a races culture. Why do it now.


    And there you go FMs, no work for you, no names mentioned or certain instances specified. @Paleo  

    Just real lore stated.

    @The Pink Lion @DivineJustice @Grubgoth Wud

    1. L0rdLawyer


      Phaedrus worshipped the spirits, lived a life of honor, and led a mass genocide of elves. He also stood with some of his brothers to the end. I may not like cosmic, but his character met the requirements. 


      Also, Adam, how would the kha feel of the dwarves started to practice moongazing? Moongazing was designed for kha culture. Just as shamanism was designed for urukish culture. 

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  14. It's hard to stay happy.

  15. I'd like for the MT to write down any possible item that can be made via enchanting.

    1. L0rdLawyer


      I'm more referring to the change of method used to handle the current shamanism crisis. Currently, the methods being used by both sides are just looping around because the methods don't work. That is what I'm talking about in my two replies so far.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'd like for the MT to write down any possible item that can be made via enchanting.

    1. L0rdLawyer


      @The Pink Lion I do not know what magic this refers to directly under the shamanism sub-types. But I speak for all occasions and interactions that the MT and LT have every time with this magic. Under the leadership of Hellfiazz, Fooddude, Catarrh, Burkester, Goldrim, and more. We have fallen into bad habits, yet. This is an undocumented magic, I'll agree with this. The reasons it is though, are not so easy to explain. This magic is similar to the tribal lifestyle of the Uruks. It's passed down from one shaman to another and taught through RP, not through posts on the forums. Why haven't you tried to send someone, or yourself, to learn the styles of this magic before you interfere with it. Or you could clear out an set time period, plus more, and sit down with Divine, Hedge, Smaw, and those who hold voices in the magic but aren't always heard. You will achieve more then the current tactics you use today. Please show us we can achieve our goals without resorting to bullying tactics Flam. I know you can agree with this.


      @ShameJax Everyone holds different viewpoints, and someone dedicated to a cause is a good man. But there are always many ways to achieve this one goal then the ways being used now. You have the carrot and the stick, and the current LT only uses the stick. Why not use the carrot for a change?


      I do apologize to you as well Flam, my response may not directly involve what is being argued about in general with this status update. Yet I just feel instead of wasting everyone's time with a whole new update, that I could just post here and speak my current feelings on this ever going struggle that both parties are having in this situation, thank you for your time.

      status* not update. Today's not my day it seems.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  17. I'd like for the MT to write down any possible item that can be made via enchanting.

    1. L0rdLawyer


      I do not know why Flam and the MT have actually sat down with Hedge and worked something out. Why hasn't Flam or someone else tried joining the Uruks and understand the burden this race and their magics have. Hedge stands for something he believes in, yet is degraded by a coder and the Lt Lead. How is this fair? You have asked for pointless lists, and Hedge has worked to provided what little he can hold out to you to make you happy. Yet from this, you both cry to those even above you and go after the Magic. Yet you have not looked into alternate ways to learn what you need to from this magic and record it in your own sense. This is pure laziness from the MT and LT and should looked down upon by not only the Admins, but every other team. Is this the way staff should present themselves? Not at all. I do ask that the MT and LT sit down and come with alternate ways to tackle this situation, and prove they can jump through hoops. Currently, all they do is stand above those that do not meet their looped requirements and use time limits and threats to get things done. These people do not adapt, which has proven to be a failure with LOTC Staff. The Staff has to adapt, it's time for Flam to prove that he holds his job for a reason. @The Pink Lion @Hedgehug @Telanir @501warhead @Wrynn 


      It would be pleasant to see the Staff sit down with hedge and work something out, instead of falling back to their flawed and failed ways! 

      haven't actually*

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  18. hey trumples what's the word on those emails eh?


    also http://imgur.com/pk0z9kA

  19. Remember, what ever work you try to do,don't ever expect people to appreciate you or what you did. Do the work you do forothers, but in the end, expect nothing in return. 

  20. The Eula got us again bois.

  21. Free DPM. Even when alting, he never caused problems. He has proved that he has changed, which is the point of a ban. To change.

  22. @Gavin_T Hard cringe on that BR. @CorniWhore is 10x the man you'll ever be!!! Ecks Dee!

    1. L0rdLawyer


      I don't understand the point of the br. Cornivore is not the best rper but he is working on fixing his problem. It's like a cop giving someone a ticket for a broken windshield when the guy is on his way to get it fixed. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  23. Who is the Shaman MT or LT? Can anyone respond?





    My friend This man is the best Lawyer I have seen and you are indeed heroic I salute you o7

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