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Status Updates posted by Draeris

  1. HELP! I followed Jude's guide for a GIF profile picture in all detail, but its not working!!!

  2. Hey community! Lets throw all our progress away to tolerate and improve and be huge dicks again about everything! Ohh the Antags are not perfectly to our liking? Lets hate against the people who do their best to follow your will! Ohh, some UN and Staff jokes with it. Hop on the Bandwagon today!

    1. Rassidic


      You are being an idiot and starting another fire! Here , have an award you silly person! :D

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      So many people jumped on that bandwagon, the wheels fell off.

  3. Hey folks, about to buy Metro Last Night, is it worth it?

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I've heard only good things from it, don't own it, haven't watched anything on it, don't intend on buy it... but I'd think it's worth it!

  4. Heya folks, I need someone with vast knowledge of Orenian history to help me work on an advertisement project!

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I know about a lot of the stuff that happened in Aegis, if that would help you any. Send a PM my way. ^_^

  5. High elfs being attacked by orcs? Haha, I already kniw

  6. High elfs being attacked by orcs? Haha, I already know their plans!

  7. Honestly I don't even know how to build planks.. I normally support change but I really find this plugin annoying.

  8. House Visconti: House of Passions

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aengoth


      Can't even spell the name correctly, it's Viscunti.

    3. K00l


      House of Wincest.

    4. AlmondTree


      ^ Ohh thats Horen! :P

  9. How does an insane Masquerade villain with posionous knive's and passion for music and art sound?

    1. Lefty
    2. Demotheus


      or...just have a mentally damaged/deranged Masquerade realtively non villainous person with a passion for music and art and omit the poisonous knives?

    3. Kiiztria


      Almost like Shatter Mask

  10. I am a strong black woman who need no man.

  11. I am gone for two days and a whole new Elven nation popped up and being the most active on the server? Whats up with these raids, where can I find them?

    1. Space


      2 days? 2 weeks.

    2. Kim


      Yeah. The Conclave has been around and known for a few weeks xD

  12. I decide to play Eurotruck simulator and when I return I see people banned while we are let in the dark? Damn..

    1. Parading


      Stick to the simulator

  13. I don't know if this is true.. But are people seriously considered traitors OOCly if they leave their position in Oren to follow other interests?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Draeris
    3. Grouchy


      Kids take it too seriously

    4. Archbishop


      Nah i was on my kha and was attacked by an oren raid on my kha, so i am kicked out of vekaro chat.

  14. I give up... Being on a diët while your parents decide to make all kinds of cakes and delicatesses.. Yeah, does not work!

    1. MamaBearJade


      or trying to start a diet when its nearly the holidays...T_T

    2. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      why would you diet in the first place

    3. PtahWithin


      the diet is cast

  15. I honestly think they are a bit too harsh on HappyShackles, we are a Minecraft server not the FDA!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mitto


      wish i knew the whole story o.o mad shots

    3. Stormclank


      Yuhp what all the above said

    4. Happycackles


      Ooooo bagley pedophile jokes you are so cool so original

  16. I just received word my aunt has a week remaining to live... **** cancer. So either way to the people I had appointments this week on LotC, I think I am not able to come :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaun


      Draeris, try to make her as happy as possible, before, you know. The happier she is the longer she will live, (it's proven to slow cancer if you are happy, the brain makes hormones that kill cancer when it's happy), but try to make her as happy as possible.

    3. Sporadic


      intense. Stay strong.

    4. Draeris


      Thank you for your support, I certainly will spend time with her!

  17. I look outside the window.. seeing only dust and cold, demented trolls wandering through our streets. The vew colours of green decorate the dirty streets... If that was Abresi, how would the Orcish badlands be?

  18. I may not be much online as much as before as my parents and I try to contact my family in Serbia during the floods.. They are in the worst flooded areas..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Draeris


      I wish you luck KoTo.. Feel kinda bad watching the catastrophe on our homeland from a TV :/, wish I was there to help

    3. KoTo


      Here in Belgrade it's fine atm, but a lot of people are taking shelter in sports halls and school gymnasiums, not much I can do except send basic supplies.

    4. Helbolt


      Hope everything works out ok.

  19. I need a GM on skype, please do contact me :(

  20. I see people with these 3d arts of their Minecraft character leaning on a cow or grabbing a wand, how do I do that?

  21. I should stop bullying my Swedish friends with offering them Ikea brochures :/

    1. DragoonCrow


      I'm going to stop bullying my Dutch friends by sending them sandbags and concrete to dam up their floods :/

    2. Emenzi


      I'm going to stop bullying my Finish friends by.. No wait, I'm not.

  22. I think the GM's are watching me..

  23. I thought the staff had its faith revived in the community, they stated it atleast? Now that there is something mature the staff just bans it. And a brothel running me ,with no Cybering nor over-line actions happening needs to close its doors because I would be banned? And they wonder why players are leaving.. ffs

  24. I want to thank Ventios & Hugothechamp for the greatest Drunken RP I ever had. Sorry for the Tavern owner with the purple windows in Redpoint... We kinda decided attempt to make an underground Garden.. ehh... Anyways, one of the greatest RP experiences!

    1. Mephistophelian


      Haha XD. Wish I could have contributed even more, but I was really busy :P

  25. I wonder how many of you know the Illatian culture?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DecoLamb


      Same thing with adunian and auvergine. more fun thing to do is play a character of the culture and change it from the inside.

    3. Draeris


      I added you on skype, Snow_shovel. Lets talk and see if we can change anything, I would also follow the advice from DecoLamb!

    4. IrishPerson


      Auvergnians mostly follow the typical medieval frenchman closely with their own flare. Adunians were just a shitfeast.

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