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Status Updates posted by Leetles

  1. I am cleaning my pc every week with files etc... And this is what I got in one week. http://gyazo.com/0cf28c8b7bf697f70908e1df1c42de9f 80% are skin files o.o

  2. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/112298-ooc-faelith-family-bloodline/#entry1062820 Anyone searching for a character to play? Apply here if you are interested to play a wood elf!
  3. I need someone to play my little wood elven daughter :)

    1. Statherian


      If you'll be my son.

  4. Someone pleeze play my wood elf's daughter :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HuskyPuppy


      I thought it was a freaking darkelf, MAKE UP YOUR MIND

    3. Leetles


      You do know that i have a wood elf and a dark elf both of them has a child... only the wood elven child is a player needed..

    4. Leetles


      And i said that i have three characters a high elf wood elf and a dark elf i dont need to explain it 10 times husky

  5. Anyone wants to play the daughter of my wood elf

  6. Anyone interested to play my wood elf daughter?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      I would but im a male IRL and it wouldn't suit because im GMT.

    3. The Fact Core
    4. Galendar


      I wanna talk to you, but also no.

  7. SWEDEN: Smoke Weed Every Day Every Night

  8. How do I donate three dollars to the server.

    1. Leetles


      oops I mean 1 dollar :(

    2. Mining


      You wire it directly to my bank account. From there I will ensure it is put to the good of the server

    3. Leetles
  9. Anyone interested to play my dark elf daughter.

  10. Anyone interested to play a dark elf child?

  11. Anyone interested to play my future dark elf child? Pm me for more information if you are interested.

    1. bungo


      i would want to love to play your black baby

    2. Leetles


      I'll pm you the info.

  12. I need someone to play a dark elf child for me soon, I want atleast a good roleplay for it ^^ Pm me for more information

  13. The plague really sorts out rp, locked down cities, wich gives less rp to other people also.

    1. Anderssn


      It's hard to get proper rp if infected.

  14. I made an appointment for the doctor today at 4 pm... I went to the hospital, and waited in the waiting room for one hour... Doctor sees me and says to me: "When did you came here?" I said that I was 1 hour waiting, and then his comment was "I thought you had an appointment at 5:15 pm" Biggest troll doctor ever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToenailTickler


      Appointment at 3:30 pm, doctor sees me at 8:30 PM

    3. Leetles


      I think there is a new generation of doctors

      .. Troll doctors.

    4. ToenailTickler


      No just shitty doctors

  15. Went to take a nap, woke up 2 hours later, thought it was tuesday instead of monday, and I thought I was five hours late for school

  16. Anyone needs an elf to be played?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      RP an Adunian. They need players. Or a Kha.

    3. Leetles


      Read my status. ELF

    4. Guest


      "RP an Adunian. They need players. Or a Kha." - Aedan.

      I second that motion.

  17. Looking for a character to play, decided to make a /really/ fresh start, as most people know me of making alot of characters. This time i will try to stick with one character! So comment in this status or pm me if any of you got a character to play. I most likely want an elf to play though.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lago


      Can't put you in golem cult if i has no tehlulu skype

    3. Archbishop


      Play kha :(

    4. TeaLulu


      tehlulu skype is l.allison.palmer AND IF YOURE NOT LAGO AND TRY TO ADD ME I'LL CUT U

  18. Come on! If anyone wants a skin! Ask here! Cheap prices, and fast skinning! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/111093-iamleets-and-triplewings-skinshop/

  19. I am thinking to make a skin shop... But I am very bad with male skins.. Hmm.

  20. Done watching Frozen, and I give it a..... 6,5/10

    1. Imperial Administration

      Imperial Administration

      The Imperial Administration thoroughly disapproves of your terribly low rating.

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Meh 7.0 I said. Lion King was better

  21. Did my weekly file deleting on my pc.. and this came up in the trashbin http://gyazo.com/c47e522b6ce7a126150be97c1e87ea83

    1. Leetles
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Clearing out your dirty images before sending your pc to get fixed?

    3. Leetles


      No mostly skin templates, or some movies, and some mc mods i dont use >:[

  22. Minecraft Diamond Pickaxe Boomerang, so awesome.

    1. Neri


      I know the science behind boomerangs but they still seem too much like sorcery for my liking especially one shaped like that.

    2. Leetles


      Indeed, it is very weird.

  23. I don't know to watch Frozen or not :/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nordicg_d


      dont do it

    3. Pandan


      Well, that was pointless.

    4. K00l


      why don't u all let it go, like relly..

  24. Going to stop playing the server, when there is actually /more/ rp.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spinzir


      You make no sense

    3. RK9ify


      Leets, bby. u iz cray cray.

    4. Demotheus


      You'll be ON THE SERVER...and will NOT RP....because...there's no RP. You're contributing to the issue.

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