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Status Updates posted by overlord2305

  1. One....more....turn...

  2. Quick, someone find the GM's temp server Ip so we can go gank them on mass

  3. Rebecca ban when

    1. LadyRebecca
    2. Chorale__


      when becca does something bad, thats when

    3. overlord2305



  4. Regarding the poll http://prntscr.com/h8nup2 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      This would be cool




    2. overlord2305


      @dsdevil I know for certain that is is. You see for the bank plugin you can enter specific amount, given amount is then withdraw, deposited or transfered. This means that it is possible to have a player enter text, and then have the plugin interact with said text, the only thing that would need to be done is for this text to then be written to a file, this can be something as simple as a .txt 

  5. Remember kids, jokes are abuse


  6. Romeo and the lonely girl 
    They seemed to hit it off

  7. sent you a pm, please read, fairly urgent, thanks

  8. Server down again?

  9. Server downtime update pl0x

  10. Shouldn't all the text in your coder app have a # at the start of the line to indicate it is a comment, or atleast some sort of closing arguement after each block if text to indicate that whole section starting from the # is a comment?

    1. mitto


      what langauge is this 

    2. overlord2305


      Most if not all programming languages

  11. So a GM willing to do their job, be fair and balanced and that doesn't immidiatly resort to threats of bans doesn't fit with your vision of the GM team? And making a thread critizing your decision, which a large part of the community has shown they disagree with isn't usefull?. And you then try to shift conversations towards private channels, where you and I both know the poewr dynamic is overwhelmingly shifted in your favor? Why the **** are you even on any staff team?

    Edited by overlord2305
    1. Rella101


      Overlord, no one cares, go away.

    2. Anderssn


      Stop talking you literally know nothing about everything.

  12. So appearently the server has 64 gigs of RAM, what are it's full specs though? And what kind of RAM? Frequency?

  13. So are you going to give vague non-awnsers as to why leap got booted aswell or is there actualy a competent admin left? Also since when is 'a few weeks' a month and a half, in regards to trial status

    Edited by overlord2305
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Vaynth


      Hey, I was no part of the decision and really can't answer any better than Paleo had about this. I clicked the denied button on behalf of the GM team, as Paleo recently went on a hiatus and there was no one else with the forum pex to do so.

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      Overlord, It's time to stop. Like Vaynth had said this is far from her decision nor do I believe she had anything to do with my removal. Apparently I didn't fit his vision for the GM Team (Even though 501Warhead apparently likes to think otherwise and spout toxic remarks in the OOC server chat) While I don't believe this was enough for me to be removed I don't care enough to fight a battle that can't be won. Also @Dewper What's the relevance of that screenshot, and why didn't you show the rest of the chat where the other players were acting worse than I was? I guess you just have to shield everything off to make one person seem bad.

    4. devvy


      just move on already. stop blowing up the notifications of everyone who commented and take it somewhere else. 

  14. So how comes factions are allowed to battle towards bastion but not actualy take it. I've heard multiple explanations but I'm curious if anyone knows the actual reason.

    1. drfate786


      Why do we need to take Bastion? We already have too many RP hubs. Leave it be..

  15. So how comes humans were allowed to reclaim bastion instead of the orcs even though the orcs actualy did a battle prior to establish a foothold in the westerlands? 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. overlord2305


      Reclaim it from the undead

    3. CaptainHaense


      And besides, the staff cannot simply transfer control of a city like bastion just because a group was able to punch a few zombies. It's an eventline, not a warclaim.

    4. Silverstatik


      Holy who cares, the orcs have the rp claim, not like either player base needs another settlement to lay empty. Player base size should not impact what one player base can achieve. 

  16. So I'm just going to assume it's a oversight or ehatever, but why are the kha allowed romance rp but not the hou-zi, seems like a odd distinction since they're both 'beasts'

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      Wait so that didn't really answer the question


      Are relationships between Kha and other races against the rules or not? Is there a Skygod Emotion Blocker stopping Kha from being interested in any other race and stopping an Elf from being interested in a Kha?

    3. 1_Language_1


      Well I hope not. I have an elf who has a crush on a kha.


      If that a skygod blocker was a thing I would freakin' pk.

    4. Vaynth


      Kha with non Kha (same for Hou-Zi) wouldn't make much sense tbh because culturally they would never allow it to happen and it would be very looked down upon in RP. But if it were to happen, yeah we can't block character emotions. It's allowed.

      Use good judgement and keep in mind the other rules; Khas are allowed because they not feral beings. Keep things appropriate and ask the LT if you are unsure about whether or not certain species can have those types of encounters. Romance is not any of the staffs biggest concern. That's what I have to say about the matter.

      I honestly don't wanna keep talking about this over the forums, but you can send me a PM if you have any other questions or concerns. I won't ignore you.

  17. So what caused the downtime? As a massive computer nerd I want to know

    1. Vege


      Harrison deleted everything

    2. Vamoose


      Yea Harry's onahole slipped 

  18. So when is the server getting back up

  19. So who the hell actualy aproved the renatus boat, it's not big, it's comedicly so to the point where I doubt it has a high enough bouyancy factor to stay afloat

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Narthok


      There are literally two small boats, bolted to the side of it to help it float

    3. overlord2305


      Purge boat is done. Has sun bathing area.

  20. So...what exactly is it you do...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mitto


      whew.. oh... WHEW!

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Harold is an okay man with questionable values

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      I dunno, you're a discord man ://///

  21. Still kawaii af and I will bludgeon anyone that disagrees with a spoon

    1. zaezae


      Aw **** nii-san desu uguu.

  22. Still looking for someone to rp Basillia Tosali's child.

    1. Kvasir


      who tf is the father

    2. overlord2305


      Kendrick, kids already born

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