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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Hey Lumi, need your help with studying the anatomy of cat girls. Hmu 

    1. Myleres


      You have my discord ? 

  2. Jihnyny is a Nanman alt, pass it on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tabby64


      I thought nanman was tos'd. . .


    3. _Jandy_


      nah, he's just taking a break to focus on his ufc career

    4. Tabby64
  3. You WILL do 20 hours of playtime to participate. Your friends WILL get banned arbitrarily. You WILL rally 2 hours ahead of time. You WILL endure the 2 hour delay. You WILL enjoy the 2 hour treb sequence. You WILL die to a restart. And you WILL thank the volunteer jannies after.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunnic


      there are exceptions. its easy to join the war if you actually rp'ed before in the nation you are fighting for

    3. Shmeepicus


      POV: ur malding cause ur 75+ fleeper orcs from random pvp servers weren't accepted to the warclaim 

    4. _Jandy_
  4. #FreeElite

    The GMs are exchanging our FREEDOM for security. A trade that the citizens of LotC did not ask for. This is FASCISM. #FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite#FreeElite

    1. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      Tysm for the support Jandy

  5. Metagaming is any action or method used in game which transcends a prescribed ruleset.     

    1. Vaynth



      • You of all people should know that plagiarism is a no no.
    2. _Jandy_



      Please handle your herd of nerds better, this is upsetting. @Vaynth

  6. Remember to vote on potential imprisonment rule changes:



  7. Change the AT colors back. It clearly says here:


    That we're supposed to be light green, not this dumb pink color.


    1. forwhatpvrpose


      I was actually just told to redo that page and will be working on it. As for the AT color, I was told to update each team's colors. Wiki Team is now cyan, App Team pink, etc. 

    2. _Jandy_


      Can I be in the screenie in @Cooliomafia's place

    3. Wyvernbane


      This new color is HORRIFIC! 

  8. Medesculors and golem limbs should recquire a mart, right?

    1. ThumperJack


      Not really. Golem limbs are (As far as I know) simply limbs made of stone. Only magical properties about them is the fact that they are created via golemancy and sometimes people like to add glowy runes onto them for decoration. Having a stone limb attached to you is pretty straightforward as well, as it's definitely stronger than your average limb but a heck ton heavier cuz I mean, it's a hunk of stone attached to your [insert point of lost limb].

    2. _Jandy_


      Okay, but what if people start adding enchantments to said limb?

  9. F R E E

    K E T C H E N

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aerochrometilt


      Nah he is a bad lad, I'd prefer Kincaid freed



    3. Kvasir
    4. _Jandy_


      Frick off Kvas, you're the smelliest.

  10. Sank1ng deserves diamond VIP for his memes.

    1. Askuzai


      Double Diamonds baby

  11. 15 magic apps are just chilling, let

    1. _Jandy_


      15 magic apps are just chilling, let's go MAT. Help muh boy JavaWizard.

    2. Gnomemancy
  12. 30 AT Apps sit unanswered. The end of the month grows near. Who will make it?! Next time on Dragon Ball Zeeeeeeee.

  13. A conflict blacklist seems like an rp blacklist. Maybe I’m understanding it wrong but holy ****.

    1. Mavromino


      Blacklisted for irp **** talking.

  14. A Pokestop on my way home from work, perfect.

  15. Anybody down for some D&D?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dtrik


      What version? 3.5 or 5e?

    3. _Jandy_
    4. Killmatronix


      5e is pretty much the best edition they've ever made.

  16. Anybody wanna help with an AT project about halflings? Message me in game if so!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I have a large amount of screenshots I can share with you, and I also play a halfling myself. I can do whatever you need for the project 

  17. Apparently the mods just don’t bother resolving player reports now that they are private. They should probably be made public again so that the server can hold the staff accountable because it’s evident that they just don’t give a **** currently. 

    I’ve had a report up for a month and a half and it took the report a month to be “Claimed” but still nothing is being done. 

    It’s gotten to the point where if the player in question does get punished in any way it would probably blind side them because they’ve likely forgotten about the incident. 

    The staff can’t make things private and expect us to trust them behind closed doors if they consistently fail to do their job in the absence of community pressure.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      1 hour ago, ReveredOwl said:

      i don’t get why they were made private to begin with

      Probably to prevent "targeting"

    3. Sky


      Yo man, stop trying to stop a great feature – I’m trying to get some people shadow banned here

    4. rukio


      Make reports public again, this team is incompetent. 

  18. AT Fitness month will kill me. I promise you all.

    1. NotEvilAtAll
    2. Travista


      "Work will set you free." -Auschwitz, c. 1945

  19. AT, notice me...

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