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Status Updates posted by LatzMomo

  1. Ban first ask questions later

  2. Oh **** wait up! is the tech team the new antagonist? that makes a bit more sense.

  3. https://gyazo.com/daeb48c53f66b28ec93420db41e1b73d

    Tfw LoTC starts recruiting for Badlion

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pureimp10


      Their pvp is certainly better

    3. LatzMomo


      Badlion has invaded LoTC


    4. oblivionsbane


      We are probably using a plugin of theirs or something that still has their messages set. A while back when you hit tab to bring up the player list it would advertise darkage

  4. When you

    1. LatzMomo



      the actual ****

    2. LatzMomo


      When you're disappointed in your friend for cybering https://gyazo.com/b3e8e5ad892878a17be563c554ff5d05

  5. Can someone link me the rule that says the maximum raiding party is four? I could not find it in the war or combat rules, also question, is defender default overruled by PvP if there are too many players to do an rp fight without it turning into a clusterfuck?

    1. LatzMomo


      Oh nvm found the first part

    2. sneLf


      Uh in order to do defender default you need seven guys other than that I think it's just rp fighting


  7. Your picture . . . :megustacreepy:

  8. I forgot how much of a rush just whooping someones ass and stealing their pixels was! :)

  9. Haha, the Old golden crows think I hack apparently!

  10. How the **** do you sell Alch fire in the auction house? I tried and it just threw it on myself and killed me. . .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samsan99


      If you have more than one it might be possible but you will waste one putting it up. Used to be the same with caskets at lest when I always tried to sell them.

  11. Does the AT need more members? I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _pr0fit


      you what?


    3. ShameJax


      We recently accepted 5 members I believe. Due to this it is my belief that we are good for the time being, dependent on how tomorrow ends up being.

    4. Shalashask


      I reckon I can copy and paste "Denied" faster than all of you.

  12. Your booter is bad Bruh!

  13. Every war claim that happens I look forward to seeing the guy who flys and uses kill aura haha

  14. Either get rid of all horses, or allow them in the pvp zone.

  15. Lag of the Craft

  16. /bread is so awesome! my gosh that's really cool! Merry christmas everyone!

  17. Opened my first casket ever! Got nothing........

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nolan_


      literally 90% of caskets 

    3. Kaelan


      Or you get a single gold nugget. Those hurt when you open them,

    4. Runabarn


      Open them a bunch at a time, leads to less gold nugget induced depression.

  18. Dude I was doing some sick dance moves while listening to a song and when I finished my mom started clapping and now i'm really embarrassed... :(

  19. I imagine this is how people feel when they say BR every time they die XD 


  20. Do French maid outfits count as role-play friendly skins? because I feel like they shouldn't

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hydra
    3. Skippy


      remove all real life influence from lotc


    4. DecoLamb


      Augervine is lotc influence thank you very much skippy. Gawd learn to RP.

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