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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by KBR

  1. So would this be the next map? I am a bit confused on this, also with the Elytra I believe it should take a tinker and lumberjack to craft a 'hang glider' and it should take some amount of time otherwise a metasquad will swoop out of no where on you.
  2. +1 But does this mean ghouls will now have to wait 24 hours instead of 6?
  3. Name: Faenor Mithirion Age: 127 Race: High Elf Intended topic of book: Xionism [[MCname]]: KBR [[Timezone]]:EST
  4. Boogs for GM

  5. Application: Name: Faenor Race: High Elf Age: 125 Reason for joining: Aym beckons me to join. Current Occupation if applicable: N/A Rank you desire: Grand Guard
  6. Faenor would nod his head to his Teacher's words "Of course." he would say with a smile.
  7. *Makes noise*

  8. Yeah, I had originally made it for a different type and race, but then Matheu3 told me to change from Air to something else and I did it, but it got all messed up, oh well.
  9. Thanks dad

  10. Pandan is a monster, he killed my gnome :(

  11. Happy New Years everyone

    1. UnBaed


      Happy new year you microwave hacker

    2. KBR


      Oh no my secret ability has been found out!

  12. OOC In-game name: Stobohobo2 Skype: (just so we can keep in touch with you) Java and Mat have it RP Homunculus name: Senob Key Symbol in the homunculus: (fire, water, earth, or air) Air Race: (what descendant race does your homunculus resemble? Elf? Dwarf? Human? etc) Wood Elf Appearance of homunculus: (Remember, your homunculus must be have slight disfigurements, such as a ripped eye, twisted shoulder, hunch, leg longer than the other, missing/extra fingers, etc. Also, the homunculus’ skin must be closer to the Symbol’s colour: red for fire, blue for water, yellow for earth, and white for air. Aside from that, you are free to choose eye colour, hairstyle, as well as clothing.) Senob, has one eye that appears to be sealed shut his other is a dark shade of blue, as he is an air Homunculus he has brown skin, and he is missing his left index finger, his hair is a very light shade of grey, almost completely white, it is long and stretches half way down his back, he is 6'1, and has a muscular build. Personality of Homunculus: (It’s best to have your homunculus have some traits from their key symbol. For example: Fire homunculi are more temperamental and easier to anger, as well as more destructive than the other three. Although they may be caring and gentle, depending on which side of the Symbol you want to take.) Having his Symbol as earth, he is hard to convince and very stubborn, he sticks to what he believes unless you can provide him very good evidence of why to switch. He is also slower. Are you aware of the PK cause and do you agree that your character will be PK’ed if one of conditions are met?: Yes
  13. I think most would think of this as a dark magic as it involves, curses, undead, and such all of which are dark magic's even with healing involved it is still majorly dark. -1 for now as it is just a bunch of magics mashed together. This is purely my opinion though.
  14. Looking for someone to draw me character art willing to pay some minas.

    1. Genevieveee


      Gimme them minas

    2. KBR


      Minas for a drawing friend

    3. Genevieveee


      PM me with what you want

  15. Can anyone do some skin work on my face, it needs to be shaded and a scar added, /msg Stobohobo in game or send something to me on the forums if you can.

    1. _Jandy_


      I can do it, just PM me a link to the skin and give me some details about the scar.

    2. Shalashask


      I only do character development scars. What's the case with yours?

    3. KBR


      @ShalashaskI was fighting a wendigo last night and when we killed it, it exploded, and when it exploded into ice shrapnel, a large share of ice went along the right side of my face and now Faenor is blind in the right eye.

  16. Name: Faenor Mithirion [Mc Name]: Stobohobo2 Race: High Elf Magics known: Fire Evocation Magics you can teach: None Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Dorin Irongut (Thaddeus12) Fire Evocation Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus.
  17. APPLICATION: OOC: Skype name: You have it Username: Stobohobo2 IC: Name: Faenor Reasons for applying: To protect the weak Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes
  18. If they don't, just record/screenshot/modreq whatever you want to do and, it will be fixed. That is what I would think anyways, or perhaps make it so they cant equip iron armor /shrug
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