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Everything posted by _Sug

  1. Get ready Arcane Schools. The “I want void magic” people who don’t get their magic are coming.
  2. Pun please no naked demon art on my christian minecraft server. Good rewrite. +1
  3. One more month of this map is an eternity.
  4. @Ark Alright Mr. Arkantos, you’ve known me for a years so let’s see how this goes.
  5. This. Up. Above. Is. 100%. Well said my good sir. _____________________________________________________________________________ Also to all those crying for “justice” out there, it’s rp. Don’t be a fkin wimp ig and irl. Be gey, do homosex rp or do not be gey and do not do homosex rp what does it matter, just don’t complain about things ooc because you’re upset about little Friar Tuck calling you a buttmuncher or other names then yeets you into a pyre, that just ruins the experience for everyone if you whine about things that in the end nobody really gives a **** about because it’s pixels on a screen, also things people online don’t give a cent about... aka those being your feelings. While I would love to hold you all in a special place within my heart and tell you everything will be safe, truth is y’all are just people I don’t really know and never will, this goes for everyone else as well, we’re all just people on devices playing a game, not like really near and dear friends or family. You never will be. Period. Y’all can hop in VC’s and act all buddy buddy but if you need someone to support your personal beliefs and comfort you because you’re sad oocly.... Get those outlets/friends in IRL, if you want people to care about your complaining or social activism. Nobody wants to hear complaining all day about ‘IM BEING CALLED NAMES IN ROLEPLAY’, that’s how you’ll end up divorced and single for the rest of your life with that attitude and outlook on things Karen. Okay. Cool. Sorry? Or am I? Idk anymore I’m a boomer, I’ve been on this server since I was like 10 bruh, I need to leave anyway, perhaps whining about roleplay will drive me to it this time. This being said, irl and on here I have several amigos who are gay or LGBTQIA+ so just don’t let me catch you leaking anything in RP to an OOC setting or we’ll have some words. Ain’t nobody gonna disrespect my gay homies ON GAWD because I’ll hunt ye down like a tickhound does a squirrel.
  6. Hey so, I don’t really have an opinion on the matter but.... @Telanir Max my guy, seems like the community is pretty adamant on what they want out of this situation just based on this. Then again, I don’t have a real opinion on this matter, I just thought I’d bring this up. (on this post) vs. (on Tiger’s report)
  7. Banditry and roadside rp died with big maps, change my mind.
  8. I’m biased because Elad is my son
  9. Within a deep grotto sat a few elves, all laughing and intoxicated. They seemed jovial, unlike the serious tone that had taken over Aegrothond and her surrounding allies. The warrior beasts remained in their cavern, their gear piled into a corner as they simply enjoyed the company of one another. For they were Druii who were used to conflict and the slaughter, ones who welcomed the coming days, not prepared for it with stern visages and worried minds. They all continued their festivities and hallucinations, as if it were their last time together. From this the Father Druids would heed the call, awaiting for the first poor beasts that sought to breach their shores, for those beasts knew not the creatures of whom they provoked.
  10. “Come, son. Let’s be off.” Said an individual dressed in a Illatian suit. As he began towards a beautiful ship docked at port.
  11. If guns get added, stop pushing for flintlocks guys, start with matchlock rifles and go from there.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nozgoth


      3 hours ago, Sorcerio said:

      Guns? That’s so last month! I’m already pushing for nuclear warfare! 

      facts bro alchemical nuclear warfare is so based

    3. tasty_cheesecake


      could always make a magic ever-lit match or something and have a matchlock anyway epic style


      or dont get rained on 5head

    4. lev


      okay boomer

  12. If this was a modded server, yeah I think we could benefit from firearms however LoTC is vanilla server with not even a custom texture pack or tech manpower/plugins to accommodate firearms on the server. Rp’ly I think it would be awesome to have matchlock (PLEASE IF THIS HAPPENS NO FLINTLOCK) rifles but unfortunately this is vanilla MC and not modded or Hytale so it wouldn’t work mechanically for the server. Also, the argument for Mages/Magic vs firearms, there’s no reason why a magic couldn’t obliterate a small pellet aside from Druidism and a few others but Druidism for example is really more flavor stuff than anything. @Archipelego try it out, see what happens, avoid all the problems Arcane Regulators (Arcane Pistols) had in the past, if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work and can always be removed 🙂 best of luck homie.
  13. What Malaise said.

    1. lev


      What sug said

  14. I feel attacked..... But this is hilarious, well done.
  15. Not sure how you pump out quality lore like this, be it creativity or crack. Stellar job as usual +1
  16. Took the words right out of my mouth. ^ Go roks yes +1
  17. “Welcome to the club.” An old ‘friend’ of Hareven’s would comment. “It is about time you came ‘round and delved into the other side of the thistle.”
  18. Yo why does this map look big? Please have it be like slightly bigger than Athera size to make rp clustering a thing again.
  19. To a new mindset and new opportunity ❤️
  20. If Mr Alchemy man Phil approves, I approve. +1
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