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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. The man doesnt believe in climate change.

    1. SpodoKaiba


      This is my main reason why I hate him tbqfh

    2. Rael
    3. HurferDurfer1


      The environment is p important  K  I  D 

  2. the straights finally have a voice 

  3. the worst crime

    1. StarGazzer


      is of the heart

    2. HurferDurfer1


      Lol no its me being banned, nerd

    3. Quirkyls


      no its of the heart

  4. they about to absolutely **** up the economy 

    1. tasty_cheesecake


      everyone's prob going to pick some other item to use as a fiat currency and forget iron exists, as is tradition, except this time someone decided that their class on national monetary policy was enough to control a currency or smth idk.

  5. they pg on datecraft

  6. this changes nothing


  7. this makes me so sad and ruins my whole entire day!

  8. throw away the key boys

  9. time to end this war now that im unbanned, no hard feelings vege

  10. time to get those charters in and beg for land on 5.0

    1. Archbishop


      Beg? If a place has a charter they should get land. I do not know why most people see that there should only be four nations, them being the elven one, oren, urguan and the uzg. No that does not work, why is Oren seen as the only human nation?

  11. too many furries here we need to gas them ASAP

  12. two more days till I can drink myself into a stupor and not have to care about this crime of nature

  13. u know who else was struck down but returned again? thats right our lord and savior jesus christ

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      u mean charles the bald?

    2. HurferDurfer1


      charles lays more pipe then me so ya i guess

    3. monkeypoacher


      see you in five months you big binch

      Edited by xxx
  14. unban me so i can bury vege 

  15. Undead arnt antag

    1. wolfdwg


      Your ****** mom is

  16. unpopular opinion, dont free kincaid

  17. vege is the kind of kid who says asuh duh un-ironically 

  18. wait so old dlanders are trying to stir trouble up in dorf land?

    1. Narthok



      HOLY **** LADS HE'S ONTO US ****


      Seriously tho,


    2. Medvekoma


      Ur memes are older than ur syphilis.

  19. waiting for devs to remove donator names next i want my soulbinds back

    1. Archipelego


      me too i dont wanna lose my pixels

  20. wants to try his hand at ork rp, doesnt know blah, doesnt meme

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Travista
    3. Smaw
    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      add me on Skype, I'll see how i can help. supersodapops1

  21. warzome  has more lag then a normal warclaim

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      idk, but I heard I have to repay debts even though i have no money 

  22. watch out flays r comin in a week!!!

    1. Freischarler


      ill make a fast travel just for you, one way ticket to cloud temple

    2. drfate786


      Flays should be the least of your concerns, Knox and his bandits are back.

  23. we all know dpm will get out of the perma ban why play gm's?

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