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Status Updates posted by Zacho

  1. As @Jaeden said my condolences go out to anyone in NZ.

  2. Log pit gang

    1. Fireheart


      where my logangers at? ?

  3. Everyone collect screenshots and send them to me! I’ll be putting them into a forum as the map ends!

  4. I remember when CT respawn lore said people would come back with minor defects to their previous form, do you as a community believe this should be done more?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zacho


      @Tigergiri The roll chart isn’t a bad idea! Perhaps someone will construct one, who knows.

    3. Tigergiri


      Shrugs whether people will use it like they use the mpm chart is another thing.XD 

      Just now, Themeatrics said:

      @Tigergiri The roll chart isn’t a bad idea! Perhaps someone will construct one, who knows.


    4. Maclunkey
  5. Knowing a person will never speak again, that you’ll never hear them again, and that you’ll always miss them is something everyone deals with. If only we could’ve truly known each and every person who came and went from LOTC. If we did, we would have a very large library. But at least we have what they left behind, some who left a legacy will still never be forgotten. Day to day I strive to be remember when I grow older, to me being remember after I die is my goal; However I fear often that this will be accomplished incorrectly. To those who have made an impact on this server, I thank you for you inspire me even slightly to continue forward in my dream. Even if i didn’t know him, many people mention Watyll. Who was he? I can only know so much from the posts, but to you who was he? He is not the only one, but all the names labeled at the Cloud Temple have importance do they not? Adam Higgs, Lasacow, Leka, Valon, Maeghan, Watyll. We remember them for they have passed, and they left their mark. But more than this, I fear for myself that one day my end will come, what legacy do I have left to give? But whats more, all these people make up a total of 6. How many more were there that we didn’t know about? It just intrigues me to know they made such an impact, But what I want to know is who they were.

  6. Telanir, can you do an AMA or something like that? I think it’d be really interesting to get to pick your brain.

    1. Telanir


      Sure man! Sorry I saw this late but sounds like a good idea.

  7. would article 13 apply to lotc? I thought since tythus was a European company it might?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      England left the EU because they could see the future and knew about Article 13.

    4. Tulan
  8. Hope everyone is having a good day. Just thought i’d stop in quickly to wish everyone a good December, and for me a good Christmas! ?

  9. Stopped in only for a second. Everyone stay safe and warm, and keep up the work : )

    also @Fireheart I hope your doing good and still play r6 occasionally to keep your mind off lotc occasionally. : )

    Much love from Zacho :)

  10. If your profile picture isn't spooktober themed, then I'm simply disappointed

  11. Birthday incoming for me, only like 21 days. also spooktober profile soon tm

    1. Auriel_


      happy birthday if I accidentally forget

  12. Huge Thanks to Knox for all hes done.

  13. Get rid of Nexus please.

  14. Interested in joining in staff? Apply for AT today, a great way to get introduced to staff!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vaynth


      1 hour ago, sophiaa said:

      Don’t just join AT if you want to be staff. Join AT if you want to actually help players. 

      this. Don't use any staff position as a "stepping stone".. just apply if you're interested in assisting the particular team.

    3. sophiaa
    4. TheDragonsRoost


      I applied for AT myself. Haven't heard back yet.

  15. I dunno about you guys but I just want a big and fun lotc tank and airplane battle that has no rp context or anything

    1. MarioMixer


      Would love to see some type of industrial engineering based Site tbh

    2. jdesarno


      Nothing but iron dwarves with flamethrowas and orcs with boomsticks.

    3. ryno2


      this but unironically 


  16. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zacho



      here is kitty.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      @ZachoSnacko Hey, the candle looks great, and since you asked for feedback, I feel like it needs more 3D lightning. You see how the shading goes only on one side? It should go from top to bottom instead, but I'm not very experienced with art overall, so maybe you could check with an actual pixel artist or something to improve your art skills

    4. Jondead


      A Indigo fire bby ? 

  17. who da hek are you?

    1. sophia


      my identity is revealed on a need-to-know basis only

  18. Pm me if you want anything archived from your nation subforum. zach#5794 or on forums.

  19. Fm are watching!! ?

    1. rukio


      shaking in my boots tbh

    2. Andustar


      Getting a bit of a 1984 vibe from you Zach...

  20. And with the press of his keys.

    Half the lore was gone.

    1. ryno2


      technology and magic, perfectly balanced, as all things should be

  21. A quick reminder that if anyone is having trouble with a new player, pm an AT or use /atreq.

  22. BIG thanks to @Aesopian for his amazing events! Make sure to give him a big thanks for all he does!

  23. @Riftblade is my new superior, uh oh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zacho


      Congratz anyway :p!

    3. Riftblade
    4. Pond


      dominion gms... now dominion fms??? krugmar is outnumbered!

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