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Status Updates posted by Slothtastic

  1. I remember when people didn't ***** overothers being banned for breaking a rule! Oh wait, that's been happening... now why the hell are they complaining? Broke a rule you get banned. That's what I agreed to at least. Damn whippersnappers and their hypocritic nature...

    1. monkeypoacher


      "it's another magitech pseudo-fantasy anime high school rper smugly citing rules they don't understand episode"


      it's kinda funny because yoppl and esterlen made actually interesting, historically accurate roleplay, and a bunch of smug weebs shat on him for it. cool lore I guess

    2. AlphaMoist


      Goddamn I can always count on you to give an opinion that matches my exact mindset 

  2. I saw @Ketchen doing this so I thought why not. http://www.strawpoll.me/10709768

  3. I think I'm going insane without my fix of RP

  4. I thought you were better than this Kincaid. There will be no # of me trying to get you to be free this time. I'm disappointed. 

    1. fat robert

      fat robert

      no one cares

    2. Demotheus


      I THINK he's trolling.


      If he's not trolling, there's a guy who made a similar joke in Scotland. Count Dankula. He trained his girlfriend's dog to do the Nazi salute as a joke to piss off his girlfriend. He was making FUN of Nazi's, not agreeing with them.


      The ruling of "propaganda" is honestly ridiculous.

    3. Slothtastic


      Oh my. People are taking this seriously! A man called me a special snowflake. Never in my life have I felt so violated and hurt. 

  5. I was attacked by a monkey today. 

  6. I wonder... if Teegah and friends lose the ban report, will Teegah even get banned...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SaltAlt


      @The North Teegahs involvement in this BR is mostly to bring attention to such things, let the public know that things like this shouldn't fly.

      And eventually if enough people voice their concern something will have to be done 

    3. SaltAlt


      @Tofuus yeah, what the north said is what I was trying to say, a little tired forgive me. But everyone told me to make a BR when I told them what happened "even though nothing will likely happen to teegah" but the same can't be said for warrior, think we're all forgetting that he admitted to downing me with no rp on his part.

    4. SaltAlt


      @Teegah that's actually a good idea, I'd be willing to do that as long as you'd be open to it, but I assume most people would just say things like "tee devs ree" to either mock me or you.

  7. I'm Slothtastic, the best sloth in the jungle, you may also know me as Jungle, but now I have resigned from that name and embraced my inner sloth. I am a sloth. I am slothtastic

  8. Idefk but what I do know is....







    (I played too much Ryse: Son of Rome...)

  9. If anyone is interested in making an Olog and joining a group of them, PM me here or on discord at Slothtastic#7226

    1. EndCallCaesar


      sent a friend request on discord

  10. If Playable Demons come back, make em DOOM like demons and not animal dragon/wyvern ****, or like specified to an animal

    1. Deer__


      Yea hopefully. Keyword if they come back

  11. If Xoatol are accepted, who here wouldactually want to be one?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ford
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      I'd roleplay as one
















      Nah I'd keep on playing a halfling


    4. Malgonious


      I will rp as a Xoatol.

  12. If you don’t think Apps should only be one sentence and only have 1 lore reference you’re an elitist scumbag!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sky


      Alright, you're being quite dramatic, people having differing opinions of you and throwing them at you, isn't at all starting a 'war' dude. Again, I never called you an elitist, and I didn't take anything into role play- Anyone who knew Toren, can tell you he was a complete ass to people he doesn't know. It had nothing to do with you being a new player. My character is not me, I am not my character.

    3. argonian


      there is literally nothing wrong with one sentence apps. "Paul is a soldier from Senntisten who dreams of becoming a noble one day" is a perfect bio. these novella bios are so dumb because they're always forgotten about the moment the person actually starts playing and have no relevance whatsoever. the bio should just show they have some basic character in mind that they can flesh out as they roleplay and learn more about the world through playing. 

    4. Appie


      "Dark nekromincer is a shadowgod who weilds a kantanna"


  13. If you’re interested in playing an Olog msg me at Slothtastic#7226 on discord

  14. Is ‘Dominion will soon fall btw’ harassment now and why. What snowflake thought that saying a thing for comedy was offensive

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pond


      keep in mind it was a dominion FM that made it a rule, btw @ChaseusBelli

    3. excited




      The Dominion has fallen.

    4. Chimp


      dominion will soon fall

  15. Is it bad that I told my friends to wear red or don't come to school today and they either wore red or didn't come to school? Like honestly.. they think Ima shoot up the school. 

  16. Is it just me or do people not realize that Satyrs are already in the lore? At least I think they are... 

  17. Izkuthii shelf when?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slothtastic


      or is it because Izkuthii were made by Flam and he didn’t wanna get rid of them?

    3. Auriel_


      it’s probably because they’re more than reasonably active and had a re-write in the works that was actually well done

    4. Elennanore


      Creatures/Magic are meant to fill specific niches and more, that normal Descendants are not able to with their ‘normalness’. I don’t see anything else on LotC that is remotely similar to Izkuthii, however, Satyrs and Cervitaurs are quite literally reskinned wood elves. Fae creatures should be mostly event creatures anyways.

  18. Join my sloth army today. We will be fierce hunters. Join sloth

  19. Just in case y’all didn’t see this but there’s a slave up for sale. 


  20. Let’s make the server family friendly! No cussing, killing, blood, or anything of the sort! Just good ol’ family fun. 

    1. chaotikal


      **** you i am james from england i have the dollar bill

  21. Lmao LoTC has not changed at all, this place is STILL garbage at handling these things and refuses to change for the better huh

  22. Lookin' for a skinner to edit a skin, add on some clothes and change up the hairstyle/hair color. Pls PM if you one of them.

  23. Looking for a person who skins dwarves. Pm on Discord at 


    1. ryno2


      i made a dwarf skin lampshade once, does that count?

    2. Slothtastic


      Uhhh. Send examples

  24. Looking for a skinner who does Orcs. PM me, willing to pay 1K. 

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