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𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

  1. Yas queen I enjoy these character sheets a lot, might make some of my own.
  2. Don't see enough Albino characters, this is pretty awesome. Great work!
  3. If it will get men to stop complaining about the lack of tailored snowflakes for them then sure. All jokes aside, I don't believe it's the best nor worst thing. My opinion on it is that it sort of just sprung up due to the 'Dryad Revival' to have a male counter part. They didn't really have a 'need' just more a want to balance the scale.
  4. When I pass a flowering zucchini plant in a garden, my heart skins a beat.

  5. Party at Kyp's house botta be litk!

    1. Nekkore


      Just make sure you play this lit song

    2. EdgyMagey


      can you not

    3. Nekkore


      why u gotta h8.

  6. THIS IS ******* GREAT
  7. Totally bringing my dryad back!!!
  8. I pay you 5 dolla to hear you sing jockamo fee nane~

  9. Looking for people to play golems! Hmu!

  10. running around at 4 am for pokemon go

    1. JEEGK
    2. justDEWit


      What was your first pokemon?

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO
  11. Gimme gimme more

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToodIes


      Talking about staff tags I see

    3. Gangrel1230
    4. KBR


      Toodles the lowkey savage

  12. Application IGN: Luv RP Name: Ryder Dragon Character's Race: Mali'aheral Characters Age: 7 Skype: luv.jpg Why would you like to join?: I wish to kill stupid dark elves.
  13. Looking for a player to play a golem.

    Have two options in mind.

    Message me if interested!

    1. Matheus


      Might be interested, message me on skype, fam.

  14. Listen here you little ****

  15. Looking for someone to play a midget golem!

  16. When your mother doesn't feed you in 3 days and expects you to clean her underwear @Wiseacres

  17. Looking for people to play Golems!

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