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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by UnBaed

  1. this will severely effect the trout population
  2. The waves lapped at the sandy shore, the sun's warmth was gentle and the cool winds stirred the chimes she had hung up the other day. She was cross-legged upon the sand and faced the sea, yet her eyes were closed in meditation. Somewhere far, yet within, she gazed upon another shoreline; dreary and swathed in a mist that turned the waters gray. Two others gazed with her, silent; as quiet as any wreckage would be after a raging storm--it would be many years before they could heal from the wounds of grief of that old home lost. Yet a small shadow danced over Ilaria's eyes, and she opened them to regard that shimmering coast of sapphire waters, no longer flanked by that duo. Gliding through the winds was an Albatross, an omen. "Perhaps now is our time to heal, and begin anew."
  3. There was a similar issue with this with another player I won't name to prevent harassment; they made Fiver videos for LotC, I'll just say that. That player is a mature adult and sold mature content off the server, but their username on the server matched their twitter handle - a simple google search of their name would bring you to their twitter, where you'd immediately see graphic content of them on their profile. I personally don't care what they do as an adult, what bothered me the most was how easily accessible and traceable that content was just by their username alone--leaving it possible for anyone on the server to find. If you're going to be on a server with minors on it, you should be obligated to change your username if its tied to incredibly mature content; AKA, nothing from LotC should be be able to be traced back to Rule 34 I think a simple addition/clarification of the rules would help with cases like these
  4. When light returned, it was red and glimmered with hatred of the Hells as it illuminated the cold and resolute face of the warlock; the Guide's betrayal of the caravan became known as the chattering of fiends echoed from the shadows around them. [Art by Egil Paulson] The following is intended as private RP They had been on the road for approximately three grueling and miserable days. Yet, such is what Alec accepted to face when he opted to join The Seekers; the patrol to sweep over the Inmarilla countryside; it was the duty of these squadrons to scout for sightings of fiends, or to escort what caravans of refugees that were spat out of the smoke-stained horizon of the east. The few that could be reached in time spoke only of the encroaching future of fire and brimstone; every passing day, the scent of war grew thicker and thicker upon the winds that passed over the moors. And every passing day, the howling of fiends echoed more throughout the night. It wouldn't be long until the sun would be choked out in smoke, and the people would need to seek shelter within the bastion in the mountains. The vast and broad landscape provided them with an advantage in spotting strange sights, primarily fires in the night - either from lanterns of survivors, or hell-flame of the demons that reached the caravans before The Seekers could. Alec expected he would often have to handle the dead, whenever his squadron encountered remnants of lost caravans torn apart by the roving fiends; however, he was treated with a far more disturbing sight than he could have imagined. At most, there would be two or three ravaged or charred corpses--with absolutely no trace of anyone else, despite counting several wagons. There was talk of folk being taken, yet to where remained uncertain; little is ever heard back from those who would be sent to track them. With the dark days stalking closer and closer, nothing could go wasted now. You could try to save any life at arm's reach of you, but any further and the soul is considered lost and you'd be a fool to step after it. Although there were no souls to save in the charred caravans, they were still suitable for pillaging and bringing material back to the capital; such was the duty of Alec's squadron now. Upon the evening of their third day of riding, smoke was spotted upon the horizon that signaled another unfortunate caravan. It wasn't too far off from one of the evacuated hamlets, which looked partially charred in parts too. With the distance between them, they wouldn't be able to reach it til the morning; the nights were hardly ever safe within the moorlands--such is primarily when caravans were ambushed, or even the bands of Seekers. Each day, however, the invading fiends grew bolder and bolder. How much longer until we're forced to be drawn into the capital entirely? Alec had wondered as he eyed the vague shapes of shacks as twilight faded into night, behind him his men were just finishing up their ramshackle encampment embraced by large stones. It won't be long, at this rate. There would be no fire to warm them, lest they wish to be found in the following week by another roaming band of Seekers as naught but ravaged corpses. Just as Alec was contemplating the cold night he was to spend, a strange sight had caught his attention by the town; a small flicker of white light. R E P O R T OF S E E K E R A L E C Swarm of Screechers spotted within the southern territories, no more than seven roaming--too far to pursue, and risky with our numbers. Encountered carcass of an elk, unfamiliar tracks around it suspected to be demonic origin; absence of eyes and gnawed horns support this notion Smoke spotted upon the end of the third day near Corswic, remnants of ambushed caravan--four wagons counted. Survivors highly unlikely. Attack likely occurred night before; no sign of Scavengers. Chimney smoke seen in the morning, despite Corswic's evacuation two months back. Led our squadron to locating one sole survivor in critical but stable condition Suffers from serious burns and heavy scratches, though all wounds look freshly treated prior to our arrival Believed to be from nearby caravan Survivor is hardly coherent or functional, multiple signs of a second survivor being present Believed to be a woman, due to the mutterings of the first we've found Yet a second survivor was no where to be found, despite intensive searching Survivor will be returned to city and kept in custody for questioning and examination Copy of material scavenging from Corswic and the caravan will be attached to this report Alec felt odd after sealing his report and handing it off, there was a thought that itched at the back of his mind; something he regrets having left out from his documenting. Yet how could he have put any of it into words without being dismissed as superstition? Back in those moorlands when his squadron was readying to ride back to the capital, it had troubled him greatly that the second survivor of the attack could not be located; all signs pointed to her existence with the treatment of the first survivor's wounds, the tracks of footprints around the room and roads, the small fire in the hearth. Although feverish and hardly conscious, the first woman they had discovered mumbled often; either of demons, lost family, or whoever her companion had been--all while clutching at a small scallop shell as if her life depended on it. His train of thought was disrupted that day of their departure, by another distant flash of white light on the outskirts of Corswic. Although nothing came from those strange sightings, they must have meant something. Yet he still left it out of the report. Meanwhile... The sound of buzzing static faded from her ears as she recovered from that surging feeling; though the cavern walls still spun around her--likely a product of her immense fatigue and exhaustion. With a sound similar to a wheeze, the woman collapsed to her knees and pressed her shoulder to the cool stone beside her as she collected her bearings. That was risky, you know. Staying there for so long. Could have wounded up fried or taken like the rest of them. She offered no response and rubbed at her brow, before realizing how tightly she had gripped something within her palm. It was different this time, there wasn't so much smoke--do you think we could find those flowers He showed you? Her eyes opened to gaze upon a tarnished and delicate bracelet she held, it still smelled of soot. A gift. I cannot continue to persist as a passing shadow; our mark will be fading if I do such. I would not be alive as I am, were it not for a reason; she might live now, due to my efforts. ...... And yes... perhaps a day will come where we find those flowers again.
  5. are you able to adjust the purple, it burns my eyes
  6. How have you been? Got anything in mind for a new character, now that you're back? What's a game you got into while away from LotC?
  7. new lore approved herb is mega garlic to bat away vampires
  8. IGN: UnBaed Discord: UnBaed#3468 Category of Choice: Visual Art Title of Your Piece: TBD
  9. My temp map suggestion: RP is paused until the new map arrives.  We are returned to Almaris, but everything on Almaris is unlocked and open for going though; LotC is made into a temporary battle royale/exploration map for players to form factions and have pvp fun while we bide our time

    1. argonian


      nor law nor duty unbaed me fight,

      nor public men, nor cheering crowds,

      a lonely impulse of delight

      drove to this tumult in the clouds;


  10. when are u walking the shore favorite rp moment? favorite book? favorite characters on the server that aren't yours?
  11. What inspires you to RP? Favorite book? How did you find the server? What is it about LotC that made you stick on here for 2 years?
  12. today is a good day :)

  13. There is a blood smear on the wall from the amount of times one of them banged their head against it, while the other goes off about random stuff and probably plays wonderwall
  14. When I was newer on the server: Learn how to make my own skins: ✔ Get character art that wasn't of my making: ✔ Lead Dragur Library: ✔ Become wise enough in RP to give other players quests: ✔ I strive for this on all my characters tbh... Wanted to RP in every major group/nation on the server and I managed to check off every niche as my Nemir character before she was shelved :D: ✔ Get one of my human characters made into a saint: ✔ My current goals: Figure out and build a neat lair Gather enough people interested in in a lair first... Form a new niche/aesthetic for Mysticism for others to explore with Incorporate my art into more posts I make Primarily wanting for posts of character notes/studies Make an elaborate character card of my main with my art Continue to try and make interesting stories: ✔ Never become an NL: ✔
  15. [!] Around the ruins of San Luciano, Savoy, refugees may find a few stray copies of notes to examine; documenting the lost world beneath theirs. A man named Majid of Brev requested for Saoren and myself to join him on a venture to a cavern he deemed (almost) abandoned by the Mori Elves. We brought a handful of others with us, for cautionary measures; better to travel in moderate groups in these turbulent times. What we found was hardly anything close to what I expected at all; the size of that cavern was massive--enough to fit a city and more within it. Not even our group saw a large fraction of it; this is truly a hidden world beneath our own, and it must have existed here for centuries--at the very least. Majid guided us to the tunnel's direction, though I must admit I've failed to properly document its whereabouts myself--I'm not wholly familiar with these part of the deserts. It's highly advised that a proper guide is present to seek out this cavern, lest you risk getting lost. We saw signs of former occupation of the clan described to have besieged the North, once we ventured into the cave. Old and tattered flags of crimson were posted around an old dock, which had only dust collecting on it; there was a broad expanse of water, as well. Though we had little means of safely traveling across it. Instead, we went more 'inland' within the tunnels. A large lantern hung overhead, upon a fork in the road of tunnels and we followed the path heading right--which delivered us to a curious ruin. A fortress in shambles, nestled into the dark stone of those tunnels. Its walls were pale and flecked with blue, grandiose and imposing with its tall doorway that lead into a hall. There were engravings of figures upon it; sigils, it seemed like--of a figure hammering an anvil. Sometimes a lone anvil would be depicted too, accented with fine and elegant tapestries of blue--though I've never quite seen such a shade as this before. Despite the nightmarish stories of cruelty I've heard of these elves, a part of me couldn't help but admire the use of their artistic crafts; yet little could be scavenged for how fragile that ruin had become over the years. Untouched for so long; stagnant--even in its Echoes, for I saw many roaming. This had to have been some sort of clan hall of a bygone family, either conquered by those of the red banner--or felled to some other threat. I presume the latter, though surely those of the red banner had been present in those halls long before we had arrived. In the main hall, there were three doorways branching off to different sections--two were guarded by imposing sets of armor, yet wielded only lanterns. Someone described them to be Dreadknights; something which I've only read of in books, or heard in dark tales for children. Nearing them caused for them to grow active, yet they immediately collapsed into scraps for their age; made truly fragile from disuse. The room left unguarded, ravaged and crumbling archives, has led for me to believe that the clan of the red banner sought to scour for tomes. The clan hall had a theme of forging and creation; working with minerals and metal--they seemed like creators of these Dreadknights, going so far as to design larger sets of armor. I had heard that an enslaved soul was required for their making, though I've grown uncertain about that theory--I cannot listen to the idealist within me, however, to drop that notion completely. The full creation process of these armored titans remains a mystery, though pieces of the puzzle are slowly gathered. I hope to be able to gather more information in time, though I would encourage a great deal of caution and preparation for treks into these tunnels. Although my group left unscathed, those caverns aren't wholly abandoned. ╭₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪╮ Ilaria Des'Nox ╰₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪╯ Thanks to BobBox for the event!
  16. i notice cake sword isnt on the list of bad lore
  17. lets use more italics

  18. hate murder hobo mechanics, liking this shift
  19. i'm also back on the linkin park vibe :3
  20. i've always been having to paste image urls since images have never pasted for me ;(
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