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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Salvo




      am i right mr?

    3. meg


      Q U A R T Z if the benefits cap at aengulic then why are there even tiers past it ?

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I mean, it's not supposed to be realistic as, according to staff, skill isn't meant to be reflected upon rp profession. It is realistic, hell, I mean, some people irl work for hours and hours for a perfect result on art and alike. But the issue is that this is not real life.


      Realistic grinding, as you mentioned, is harmful for roleplay. It might not be harmful for roleplay in your case, but, for a majority, it is. People want to be the best or maybe even the number one, but, I think that it interfers with the roleplay aspect of the game while cattering to the MMORPG aspect of the game.


      We had a talk about this before, yeah, you mentioned that it's completely down to an individual's option to grind, which is needed for decent equipments and gear - you can make an iron sword, but you can't beat a +7 40% diamond axe. While it's completely down to the choice of someone, it's the option that is picked at most over roleplay. It's harmful for roleplay regardless of it being realistic or not.


      The levels past aengulic promote grinding, because, as I've mentioned before:

      People want to be the best or maybe even the number one.

      And, over this, there's the fact that it gives no actual buffs except for a small reducement on crafting time as it scales.




      Check this status update pls i beg you

  2. Animals all dead still ;(

    1. cablam


      Yeah unfortunately only player data was able to be restored and so things like mobs, item frames and armour stands in loaded chunks were wiped. If you are missing things make a modreq and a GM will help you in whatever way possible.

  3. Another one tries to become a cleric today




    Bets on how long?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Bvie


      Got halfway to the checkpoint again, then somehow managed back at the start

      4 Deaths, Restart

    3. Bvie


      CHECKPOINT!.....now just failing at parkour

    4. Bvie


      1st Checkpoint of 3 Activated.....We continue tomorrow

  4. Any ideas for junk to buy?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      @Harrrison 's opinions are pretty junk, dunno if you can by them though.

    3. Bvie


      I was buying paper, I had hoped ppl had written dank memes on them. They didnt :(

    4. lev


      will sell body for minas

  5. Asking for prayers, voo doo rituals, blessings, whatever you do, today for Mama Squirt. Any and all greatly appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weabootrash


      my rep and bless go to u 

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Blus one blessings!

    4. Chorale__


      +1 blessings mama squirt.

  6. But I had more explosive arrows and alchemist fire to use :(

  7. Buying Diamonds hmu

    1. Jonificus


      how much per?

    2. Bvie


      How much u got

    3. Jonificus


      msged you the amount IG!

  8. Buying diorite, andesite, and granite.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garentoft


      It's 50 cent

    3. Bvie


      I'll take two!

    4. garentoft


      Oh my that's the biggest order for love that I've ever received

  9. Buying Redstone to make

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. candlite


      Aka aka what? cx

    3. candlite


      Jk, how much do you need?

    4. Bvie


      Double chests of it. 

  10. Can an active Halfling in the Halfling community contact me please.

  11. Can we get the old mine system back? Tired of finding empty caverns all the time and getting 1 Stack of Iron per Diamond Pick

    1. Mrlollytime


      I'm averaging 2 stacks of iron for every 10 iron picks :/

    2. Archbishop


      Iron isn't an unlimited resource in rp so I guess you should be rp'ing iron shortages. Iron doesn't regenerate in the stone so once its mined its gone.

  12. Come Get Prizes and Money! Sutica Event @ 40 Minutes!

  13. Come sell your junk!

  14. Congrats to BlueTigerPro at winning the 5,000 Minas! Next chance starts Monday!

  15. Enjoy the food, Westerlands~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. warlord of filth
    3. Bvie


      np, I'll work on a second dbl chest within a day or so. Just takes 6hrs of straight cooking to do it.

    4. Archipelego
  16. Errand Boy Needs Your Help! The Order Was Doubled!

    1. Bvie
    2. Drunken Mutt

      Drunken Mutt

      Oh No Not The Errand Boy?! Doubled? What Ever Shall He Do?

      (In all seriousness why are you typing like Jaden Smith?)

  17. Errand Boy Shop Emptied! Go GMT Players Go!

    1. Jistuma


      I made 957 minas on you today...

    2. Bvie


      Good! That's the point!

  18. Errand Boy test period is over. 5,400 Minas was given to players for their junk in 24 Hours! Looks like its a success! New items and prices going in after restart!

  19. Fastest 5 Mins ever Restart Timer!

  20. Finished the Cleric Rewrite! W00T!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nekkore
    3. Space


      how many rewrites do the clerics need wtf

    4. Bvie


      The video is the rewrite, Space. Silly.

  21. First match uploaded! Watch fellow players shoot each other!

  22. For those that wanted to see an aerial view of the maze from the final Cleric trial.


    175x125 - The obstacle courses you get to at the light teleport pads aren't shown.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bvie


      That isn't what the maze represents. Read some of the RP posts and you may understand better. 


      We make a characters fears take place, we prevent them with moral dilemmas, their search for Light in a world of darkness, and the dedication to the faith to continue forward when it seems every turn is a dead end.


      its an interactive trial that, so far, people have found frustratingly fun and symbolic. It's also more fun that simply talking ideals and lessons at students. Here they get to experience it. 

    3. Fitermon


      So a Kal'Varak-like event. Yeah.

    4. Bvie


      I don't know what that is. 

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