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Everything posted by Taketheshot

  1. Joseph d'Azor read over the report as it had arrived on his desk pursing his lips as his eyes scanned the missive. "Hmmm, I am not surprised...." He began to pen a letter of commendation to be delivered to Manfred for his companies hard work.
  2. ROLL TIDE (Ive been told if I dont

    Eryane will yell at me more.)

  3. Joseph d'Azor rides away from Southbridge furrowing his brows at the noise as he commented to an aid about the talent of his Haeseni counterpart. "My GOD.... those bagpipes... hmm he must have gotten the book..." The Archchancellor mused, the pipes having a more balanced tenor now, The Lord Palatine really was practicing.
  4. Joseph d'Azor let out a long sigh as he read the missive among the clanging of noise of siegework defenses being constructed at Southbridge. "Maisie..." The man frowned lightly as he tucked the missive away. "You were one of the good ones, one of the good ones indeed..." He spoke thinking back towards better times.
  5. Joseph d'Azor popped his head out of the trenchline as he tentatively tossed a fishing line over no mans land to the Lord Palatine, a small book!
  6. Joseph d'Azor sighed as he listened to the screech of Baruch bagpipes. "GOODNESS GRACIOUS! They dont get better with time do they?" He commented to Eliza @AndrewTech
  7. Joseph d'Azor shook his head as he read the missive firmly in agreement. "And so what do you do oh builder of bridges? You have torn down the avenues to access your flock and in their place assemble draconian bridges of malice to ferrymen towers, and stone footpaths to Urguani hovels!"
  8. I'm pretty sure fast travel is in. Doesnt Haense have one to Urguan???
  9. Joseph d'Azor looked upon the missive with a gulp. "GOOD GOD"
  10. Joseph d'Azor trudged up the snowy steps to the Providence Cathedral for his morning prayers, he would pray for his countrymen beset by agents of the church upon the roads, he would pray for his Emperor and Empress, and he would pray for canonist brethren in the North, as despite the hostilities they were brethren, and he would pray for the High Pontiff. Halting in the snow as he came across the letter pinned to the door, he joined the crowd gathered reading it. "My goodness...." The man spoke seeming to share the reactions of all the others.
  11. Joseph d'Azor set to work repairing the mans wounds as concerned cannoists set to work to heal their wounded brethren. "This is what the Pontiff and the Fidei Defensor support... this is their doing...." He waved a blood stained hand to the Presbyter as she sought to depart. Joseph d'Azor turned back to the wounded man as the priestess retorted back with no real care for the boy. "Overthrow the Anathemae and there will be no more need of this." Joseph d'Azor scoffed as he called out after her, the angered gaze of various members of her flock following her out the door. "You wish for us to overthrow our liege so the Pontiff would stop our people's torture!?! You should be ******* ashamed of yourself..." The priestess offered no more words as she sauntered back down the street, true cannonists shaking their heads as they set back to work treating their wounded brethren.
  12. The Count of Azor shook his head as he welcomed the elderly Duke Emritus back into Providence. "I expected a shred more from Haense...just a shred, once more they prove me wrong..."
  13. Joseph d'Azor shook his head. "They cant seem to get the story straight on how the man died can they?"
  14. Joseph d'Azor growled as he was assisted out of bed by servants, the man had barely survived, both his arms broken at the elbow, cut by rusty blades upon his arms to carve out flesh and a gaping hole where his eye had been burnt out. He remembered the moments he had been taken before the Grand King who so lovingly consorted with the men of GOD. And he remembered as the servants, and government officials, of the new supposed Fidei Defensor stood by, watched, drinking and eating with their halfmen kin as he, a devout Canonist from his first breath was tortured and abused in public. "The Fidei Defensor will have answers...." The man spoke as he lowered an eyepatch around his head looking to the window with gritted teeth. "And his answer is to allow one of GODs children to suffer such. Pennance will be had..."
  15. The Count of Azor signed the lorraine across his chest as he knelt before the shrine to Saint Michael of Cordobe within his home, praying for the Empire and his fellow citizens as he spoke. "GOD is good.....his forgiveness outweighs all...."
  16. Joseph d'Azor clears his throat as he called down to the bandits as they ran off. "Scoreboard....."
  17. Joseph d'Azor looked over the letter as it had arrived with just a bit of surprise. "Especially when you least expect it...."
  18. Joseph d'Azor wiped Ireheart blood from his blade with the filthy green bandanna he had stolen off a ferryman corpse letting out a long sigh. "The halfman asked to see the point of my blade....now he has seen it." The Lord muttered to the gathered soldiers sheathing his sword as he looked around at the chaos of the bridge. "I hope this one doesnt last eighteen years...."
  19. Joseph d'Azor raises a brow as he tossed the missive aside "Didnt we beat you in a war already???"
  20. Update the dynmap.

  21. @LlirUpdate the dynmap...please?

  22. Dynmap!!!

    1. Shmeepicus


      Waited too long | Skeletons | Know Your Meme


      POV: you've been waiting for dynmap update

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