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Everything posted by Morigung-oog

  1. Valindra sat alive and well within her own home, sharpening an eerily dark blade. "Sounds like lies and slander to me. Ain't a part of a schism either. Such a pity the 'thill these days don't have brains to match the size of their egos." The elf then hummed, looking to the huge crates filled with Sillumiran arms and armor and various other stolen goods. "I wonder if the 'thill are ready to taste their own steel.."
  2. "Progress." The elfess nodded in approval as word reached her. The misfit sat in her new residency, sharpening her blades.
  3. Disagree- we already have a ferry system and if complete fast travel was allowed, the only people using the roads would be bandits and raiders. if you want to get somewhere quickly, get a horse.
  4. Sounds very similar to an old CA that was shelved during loregames that was supposed to be rewritten. Pretty sure players have very bad memories of such a CA existing.
  5. "No Maheral but Larihei- like Iaria and Dimaethor, this 'ata is a mere pretender." A certain elf remarked while sitting atop various crates of stolen goods while sharpening her dagger. Memories flooded back to her of her time of Arcas and the torment she'd received from this child's parents. Clicking her tongue, the elfess rose to a stand, glancing to the black wig accompanied by a blue coat that sat on display not unlike a museum exhibit. "Not quite yet, you can come out later." Valindra remarked to the items within the glass case. "Soon though- this just got personal."
  6. An elf, far away, sharpened her blighted steel blade with gritted teeth. She’d come far in the past few years, her finery abandoned for armor and a gambeson and her elaborate braid replaced with a plain ponytail. She not yet knew of her friend’s demise, but news would surely reach her; it always did. And when that time comes, It will become personal.
  7. A certain elf sighed, having disregarded her invitation to haelunor which had likely not only saved her ear tips but also her life, potentially. In truth, she could’ve taken them on but she was far more focused on her studies and prep on dealing with the voidal hollow. “Typical Dimaethor diarchy type trap.”
  8. Valindra smiled, though such was a bittersweet smile. She knew what had been done, and she mourned the loss of her friend slightly. Reading through the invitation, she sighed, shaking her head. "Too high elven for the snow elves, too snow elven for the high elves." She lamented, biting her lip in thought. "I shall visit, unofficially advise on otherworldly issues, but my wanderlust plagues me. And in truth, the only place I belong is on the road- preferably with a wealth of objects and currency that didn't originally belong to me." Taking in a deep breath, she pulled an Othelu move and pinned the notice to her fridge. "I hope Zelios and Malithor are finally able to settle. After all they've been through it would be well deserved."
  9. From a hidden location, an elfess, cast out and shunned by those she once helped lead, grinned a wicked grin and cackled as word reached her, carefully measuring out herbal ingredients for her latest creation. "Yes, Ferryboys. Bring Oren to its knees for it is a bastardisation of what it once was. The true Oren died with Augustus, Aurelius, Antonius and Peter." A long sigh escaped the former privy councilor, who glanced back to the bottle of black hair dye and knife that sat behind her. A gloved hand ran over her lengthy white braid, as though bidding it a proper goodbye. "I think it is time for a ghost of the Empire's past to make a resurgence... Maybe.. Though perhaps I'll keep the white for just a little longer... After all, I'd hate to leave loose ends untied on this one.. Unfinished work is sloppy work... And sloppy work is bad for business."
  10. A certain alchemist elf with a fondness for explosions and revolution rubbed her gloved hands together, letting go of a sinister snicker.
  11. Valindra's brows furrowed, though soon she found herself grinning wickedly as she began to search around for her leftover coin and betting book. She also retrieved some old scarves, mittens and hats that she would have someone decorate so she could sell child fighter merchandise. The elfess almost salivated at the potential for great profits to be made off of the exchanging of blows from child to child.
  12. {A certain elf's player was quick to click on this link to await the Crumena-posting. As a veteran, she found endless enjoyment in the tomfoolery afoot.} Valindra hummed as the notice reached her in the midst of an investigation she was conducting. She adjusted her monocle and detective's cap. "You know what the Augustians used to say? 'When in doubt, inbreed it out!'"
  13. Thank you for making me feel safe and welcome on LOTC when you were around- its something I've never forgotten. Wherever you are now, I hope you're doing well <3


    P.S. I still have that art of Mittens saved somewhere.

  14. Raising the minimum age at which you can apply to 18 would be controversial at best and feels much more like a punishment to the victims while catering more to the creeps. If anything it would show a level of acceptance and unwillingness to resolve the issue in a way favorable to those who have been on the receiving end of grooming and similar issues. Remember, the groomers are the criminals, not the minors.
  15. A more proactive approach is definitely needed and a video, face to face emphasizes the seriousness of the situation. Behind every screen is a person and every person behind that screen should feel safe when engaging with the LOTC community. It is due to the waiting game played by staff that that these situations often create a snowball effect, making issues become much more prominent and known to the community while they try to cover them up. Many of the future victims of groomers would likely not be victims if procedure for these matters was dealt with with a much heavier hand earlier on. This will probably be a tough pill to swallow for player and staff alike but it needs to be done. To me it feels like lotc is only one step up from simply tolerating grooming behavior at the moment. No player should feel unsafe from issues stemming from or directly linked to what is supposed to be a place to relax. LOTC is supposed to be a community that helps ease the stress of OOC players yet it very much seems as though the opposite is being done quite often. Lil addition: Respect, Treshure. Takes a lot to speak out like that. I hope this is a turning point for LOTC for all the right reasons. Edit Number 2, a statement from Captain Obvious: I should not need to add this, but not only is it a violation of the rules, but grooming and actions of a similar nature are completely illegal and quite frankly, disgusting. Actions that manipulate and exploit anyone to the point that their own safety is compromised should not simply be observed. These events can be traumatic and leave lasting impacts on a person's wellbeing. You wouldn't just watch if you saw this happen in real life. You wouldn't try to brush someone's criminal acts under the rug- that in itself is a crime. You probably did so to try in vain to stop the server's reputation from slipping. Now you have to do the opposite to dig it out of the hole created.
  16. Username: Moribundity The Jar you want: Magic Jar Character's Name: Valindra Char's Race: High elf Front & Back images of the skin: I’ll send you my namemc but I also have art references that I’ll send to you over discord! ( Morigung-oog#8519 in case I can’t find you)
  17. Somewhere an old Okarir sighed upon reading the notice from her home elsewhere. Clicking her tongue akin to a disapproving parent, she returned to drafting up her plans. ”A pity that the ‘thill are too busy pointing fingers and making use of childish punishments to notice the voidal hollow on their doorstep.” Valindra frowned as she glanced over to the bottles of liquid mana she was stockpiling in her house. ”I was the only person keeping the state from falling, and then when Orinmon stepped in, he seemingly shot himself in the foot much like I did. Our patience and hard work was rewarded with naught but abuse.”
  18. “Disgusting, Othelu must be turning in his grave.” Uttered a former Okarir from her new home, an environment where she felt at ease and surrounded by friends. “It seems my choice to leave was the correct one.”
  19. Your Discord: Morigung-oog#8519 Skin(s): Cherry Bomb USD Bid(s): Starting bid! Love u, language <3
  20. Somewhere, an elfess's ears flicked for no particular reason other than playful spite. Even so, she read the open letter further, finding that her Mother In-law spoke more sense than even the 'wisest' of Elves in every nation combined. In a rather well-known move of the elfess, she went to pin a copy of this letter to her fridge.
  21. Looks even better now it's finished. Super impressed. Absolutely gorgeous writing and formatting. +1
  22. An awesome feat that definitely needs a place in the LOTC universe. +1 billion
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