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Everything posted by Security_

  1. Never used abjuration or warding, I would say either split the two sections of Tfig and Abjuration into two separate magics or just rw them both.
  2. You should generally expect to pay for art done with your character. Expecting free art isn't likely, nor looked upon highly as artists need to survive as well, so be prepared to pay a lot in mina or irl money. But hey maybe someone will look upon you and grant you some free art.
  3. Goliath slings his one piece from the deepest closet.
  4. Are we playing Arcanum now? Gonna have animii explode when mages conjure their morning tea? All jokes aside, seems like a heavy nerf to slap onto alchemy. I can see mages abusing this to just insta-benign an entire array of potions, or even using this to cancel out a potion that is thrown at them. Making alchemical applications impossible with voidally enchanted objects makes sense, but this seems a bit too much. Not to mention, it’s not like void mages gain some inherent knowledge of moonspeech or the immaterium. The material alphabet doesn’t get harder to understand, nor does it make sense to make void mages learn it at a slower pace- unless they’re learning void magic at the same time.
  5. Ctrl f “boggart” nah it’s cool lore, glad to see you’re still a minecrack addict
  6. Somewhat, they aren’t explained fully so it can be lizard people or eldritch beings, either way they were very technically advanced. I’m fairly sure the warp is the same, just different universes. Like in Fantasy Slanesh, the Chaos god of pleasure and temptation is very weak and holds few cultists and pressure in the material realm. As opposed to in 40k where their presence is very strong in the warp. Both franchises keep the same Chaos Gods and whatnot, but the warp is much more heavily used in 40k, from travel to parts of the material universe being breached by tears in the warp which cause a whole plethora of ****. The warp’s very presence is only known by the fact that everything in 40k is generally scientifically advanced, whereas in Fantasy a lot more of it is left to the religious aspects of the races and up to their interpretation and superstitions. Fantasy is much more contained and easy to digest while 40k is meant to be excessive and over the top
  7. I guess I’ll wagh post a bit. 40k imo is a bit more interesting and goes far more in-depth than medieval/age of Sigmar, though that’s mainly due to 40k being much older and the original game that some british kids made. The lore is hella expansive and someone could easily spend hours reading facts from just one imperial army regiment, let alone the Imperium of Man. If you guys are really interested in 40k lore, Lorehammer is a great podcast (after the third episode) with explaining niche parts of the lore. The warp is almost unexplainable, it’s the immaterium that mirrors the reality set in 40k, (which for those who don’t know, is set in the year 40,000 of our ‘reality’, where humanity has claimed nearly all of the galaxy until losing large portions of it from the Horus heresy and Xenos races.) The main thing is that there was an original race within the galaxy known as the “old ones”, popping into existing presumably right after the formation of the universe. They were a heavily advanced and psychic race who were easily capable of understanding the warp. With this they made pockets of reality that would exist within the warp allowing them faster than light travel, as well as a hiding place. This is the race that presumably seeded and then created the Eldari, Orks, Humans etc due to what is known as the enslaver plague which killed off nearly all the old ones. The warp can be thought of as pure energy, without living people it would simply be shapeless and benign. The pure chaos it is means there is no Order, and therefor no true matter save for the pocket dimensions Demon Princes and Primarchs inhabit. Due to emotions, fears, and psychic connection, every human (save for blanks and what’re known as pariahs which either suppress or void any warp powers near or on them) influences the warp to some extent, and even the warp influences them. Humans have psychers which range from being able to read minds to shooting lightning with warp energy, which at the same time makes them a larger target for demons from the warp to possess. This goes for Orks and Eldari as well, with Orks having weird boys and Eldari being very psychically attunted to the warp in general. Killing someone in battle, or having honor will fuel Khorne, torturing people or indulging in the visceral will aide Slanesh’s power, etc etc. The chaos gods which reside in the warp aren’t truly gods, but powerful culminations of energy that hold dominion over certain acts and emotions which fuel the “chaotic” aspects that are the warp. For example Khorne was birthed in the medieval ages of humanity due to the barbaric nature and mass slaughter at the time, and Slanesh was born from a giant murder feast death orgy that consumed nearly all of the eldari race. The only way for humans to do warp travel is with gellar fields that create a pocket of reality around them in the warp, all the while they are bombarded by demons. 40k is a crazy expansive series with so much damn lore and over a hundred books, but yeah there’s a lot of lore about the warp and this is just scratching the surface.
  8. Quickly, before the Telafeds get to me, there are inter-dimensional vampiric stem cell researching globalists that have already succeeded in harboring control of the international minecraft roleplay network! Free Hong Kong! I hate the antichrist, i hate the antichrist, i hate the antichrist 

    1. Telanir


      Not sure who deleted your status hahah but I replied to it.

    2. gavyn


      There seems to be a flaw in the simulation...

  9. Ludwig van Wick Circa 1789, painted by a Wick courtier. Lost in obscurity, was a man of elder stature. Present daily was he within the Haeseni Royal Army, in the days of yore when the high walls of Markev once stood tall and proud against a Renatian threat. Raised and nurtured by two Wicks did the man come to enjoy a passion of reading books and partaking in scholarly discourse. This love soon became an infatuation, as he explored the arcane within the army he served, a dream was made to find all the knowledge present within the plane- a jovial, young man he was. Days and weeks labored as to further his understanding of the material and the immaterium, scouring tomes of old and adventuring to long lost ruins. Soon those lighthearted aspirations became the hinge upon which he based his life upon, rumors of the young wizard partaking in foul sorceries was commonplace within the dwindling city of Markev just before it was ransacked and hushed by a sweeping plague. As the ages passed the man known as Ludwig became only more terrible in his age, murdering would-be witches in the streets without trial, or branding men for supposed demonic worship and the like. His final great act was striking down the great drake Avendal, before retiring in the running of the Haeseni Magick Department. Tending to the library within Reza, each day seemed to take its toll upon the ghastly figure. Often he did spout praise of his own titles, 'Slayer of Agony,' 'Lord of the Tides', his mind was maddened by the very acts he once appraised. It was after this that the greying Wick seemed to phase in and out of the land, leaving for decades at a time before suddenly reappearing within the many red cities that were constructed throughout the Kingdom's years. This occurred repeatedly, until he was finally cast out of the Highlander realm by Koeng Joseph I for the crime of treason when he spoke in favor of a young Stafyr. Rightfully so, was his death silent, a whimper upon which the mountain of a man despised so. For how twisted and decrepit he was, no amount of sorcery could save his damned soul, nor bring about the revenge he so did relish. Just like that a supposed man of ages past fell to the sands of time with not a roar, nor a shout, but a quiet whisper. He left no letters, no will, nothing in his wake but the decayed corpse which sat high atop a rural mountain, festering with rot. Ludwig 'the Mad' was finally dead.
  10. Security_

    The Hexicanum

    The Hexicanum Circle of the Nine In times of primeval man when arcane sorceries ripped apart the ancient sky, the void was harnessed in its most raw and unleashed forms. Societies of magi worked in tandem with the overpowering allure of primeval magics, conjuring colossal spells capable of consuming cities, if not continents within its brazen glory. Far has the practice seen in the past faded into antiquity, though its origins of worship, understanding, and iconography are not forgotten. Within this new age, a formal arcane society is needed to maintain the delicate balance of the Void and the Materium, as rifts and other phenomena become everpresent. To fully serve the realm and all descendants, a table of nine archmages are to be heads of the Hexicanum, all masters of the arcane in their own rite tasked with keeping The Balance. From this table of nine, students and acolytes of varying skill and mettle form the guild in its fullest. Taking in lessons from past mages, a focus is held on the primeval aspect of magic, and its teetering hold on the mortal realm The Balance There exists influences of cosmic proportions that dictate the spiritual and even material change one sees in the natural world. More than mere ideology, it is that which descendants are ushered by. There exists no universal good nor evil- instead, primeval forces are constantly at work in our realm, realities beyond the simple concepts held by descendants. The archaic energies of Law and Chaos are an ever tipping scale, the most tumultuous of all forces to keep in balance. In the excess of Chaos, where the scales are tipped everso, results in a decaying entropy. Chaos in its epitome loses all meaning, lacking the structure and stability that Law brings- as is the damned realm of Xion a still, lifeless place; essentially null. On the other hand, when the cosmic scales fall too far into Law it becomes its epitome, Singularity. As it has no Chaos to cause randomness or unruliness, it would degrade into a singular form of sterilized nothing with no creation or any form of chance. The Balance is the universal equilibrium of every intrinsic force, found beyond even Law and Chaos, it is the homeostasis of All. Chaos often defies the balance, as is its nature to- requiring the intervention of outside forces. This is not to say Law may also act out of accordance, though as the Balance itself is a cosmic law, so variably will followers of Law take it upon themselves to uphold such. Others may compare this conflict with the Light and Dark of the Immortal and Mortal realms, or perhaps of one’s very soul. Referred to blatantly as ‘the balance’, in consideration of the void, it is much more than just a filled word. Balance is the perfect harmony found between two conflicting sides- in this case, the unrelenting wanton immaterium of raw mana that is the void, and the constructed, concise existence that we view as the material universe. When either scales are tipped, does a snowball effect occur, with the ability for voidal rifts and scars to tear through the landscape, only to spring out horrors from dark spheres beyond if left unmanaged. Voidal corruption can spread across landscapes, tainting wildlife into horrific amalgamations bereft of the harmony nature incurs. Likewise, the mundane can quickly riddance itself of any arcane evidence, negating even the celestial energies that mend the veil’s ever-churning borders. Advances of the void that maintain or even propagate the descendant’s advancements to a better age would be destroyed in the name of holy sanctity. Oaths Founded in heed of the Balance, the Hexicanum requires each member to take three simple oaths. Breaking these tenets may bring one to be cast out if found guilty under the Nine. I. One must uphold the Balance in all its form within the realm. II. One must hold arcane knowledge in reverence, and condemn or punish those who do not as seen fit. III. One must never bring harm to a member of the Hexicanum, unless permitted. The Table of Nine While the Hexicanum may hold halls of mages and voidal practitioners within its walls, there must be order in any guild with a clear goal and purpose. Rather than having one sole leader, a table of nine archmagi are to be founded with each a master of their craft, all knowledgeable in the arcane to greater degrees. While the table may not hold all nine mages in its origin, the Nine are to be sought out by each member to unite the order in its fullest. Those who wish to join the table must go through the trials necessary, devised specifically by those within the table. As the heads of the guild, the Table makes all decisions for rules and membership within the Hexicanum. Magia Antiquis As practical usage of the void has matured throughout history, so has its understanding and symbolic meanings. Iconography has been used since its inception to ground the outer reaches of the void into a fragment of reality, whether it be geometry, symbols, or even the common practice of star-gazing. Antique Magica refers to the primitive origins of the void that span infinitum before the Four Brothers were birthed in Aegis. With raw understanding of the natural world seeded with the unrelenting wanton forces of the void, early magics within the realm were that of extreme prowess, held clandestine within tomes of olde. Compared to the newer forms of arcane understanding, these ancient scholars combined the natural geometry of Aos and Eos with that of the chaotic illiteracy of Void, therein forming the basis of otherworldly knowledge and insight. Within the Hexicanum, an emphasis is pushed on writing of one’s surroundings, of visions one might hold in their meditations, or practicing ritualistic marks and geometry through focus chalk.
  11. *Missives are hammered onto the notice boards of every nation, city, and hovel.* Woe be to the slipping knowledge so prevalent in the days of yore, of the dying seers and soothsayers who bore witness to the pillaging of the void! How the arts of the arcane have been bastardized, provided in full to laymen and highwaymen with ambitions as stout as their wit. A once proud and clandestine knowledge, laid bare only to be utilized for profits, a sanctity lost, with grandiose powers backed only by chaotic despots and halfwits. The delicate balance of the void and the materium teeters far greater with the plethora of lesser magi that now inhabit this plane, lessening with each arrogant action after another. So have our people suffered, with great planar rifts and tears having spewed countless monstrosities from the void unto us, and to blame are only the enablers of these acts! Would-be arcane guilds have only deteriorated what little pride there once was in harnessing these fruits of knowledge, as nations placate its decaying acrid corpse. They would have us thrown into entropy whilst their hunger remains insatiable. It is against all of who I am to allow this bastardization to continue any longer. I, Goliath Irsei, second born of the Ael’Un’Taelharun see fit to call all; from the greatest Arch-Magi of the realm, to those aspirants of the grey path, make way to the stones of my tower, The Hexicanum. All who would seek to uphold the cosmic balance of our delicate reality are given hold and refuge within the walls of my sanctum, should they bring themselves to follow an oath. I. One must uphold the Balance in all its form within the realm. II. One must hold arcane knowledge in reverence, and condemn or punish those who do not. III. One must never bring harm to a member of the Hexicanum, unless permitted. I await brave hearts, and tempered souls. (Application Form)
  12. When I say alchemical, I’m not referencing a matchlock or flintlock? I know you would want to just make irl gun advancements, but you can use fantasy elements to create a gun. How the gun fires isn’t really the point of the argument, the point is to create an interesting and thematic device that can be used in the world, and for guns you’re going to have to put some thought into it. You can use drake’s tail or a fire symbol known for catching light. Hell even a firearm that uses only liquid basses would be interesting, try and come up with an interesting idea instead of just straw manning the argument.
  13. Not even magic or spell guns. You could make Animii crafted weaponry that uses lock mechanisms and alchemical bases for simplistic weaponry. You could make your own form of boomsticks, or do early age black powder firearms. It can be whimsical or rooted in real early weaponry, but just don’t ctrl+c ctrl+v a Wikipedia page on muskets
  14. You can find an Anarchism book in a few libraries, they have a really cool A symbol.
  15. “HOORAH” croaks a green fiend.
  16. Maybe come up with your own lotc variant as opposed to just following irl technological advancements
  17. “Snitches get stitches,” croaked a sopping wet frog, clad in mossy armors of old. His bulbous eyes squinted at the name ‘Toffee.’
  18. Yeah I got a recommendation for ya, shelf it 😎
  19. DISCORD NAME: Grayvy#0001 SKIN IM BIDDING ON: Mother Russia Male MY BID: $4
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