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saint swag

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About saint swag

  • Birthday 02/08/2000

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  1. what's the point in posting something under Debate if you're going to disable replies lmfao

    1. Benleft


      It’s awesome, actually. 

  2. hey ik heard ur looking 4 kani players?

  3. looking for a kani ma 

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      dm me on discord

  4. can oytu teach me kani

    1. creamynoteblock
    2. Traveller


      hey HEY!!! can you teach me kani  ? !!???

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      dm me on discord for kani

  5. im with you but from what i've seen in the past alot of the team seem to hate the idea of a metal thing being used by a kani guy, even if they're forced to be blunt - though i didn't know that special ironwood even existed ngl
  6. it's cool but the kani use is a bad inclusion since it directly contradicts what's written in kani lore, i get that it resonates but it's still a dense material and trying to use it would probs disrupt kani resonance anyway kani users using metal weapons while using the magic was a bit of a contraversy last year
  7. 27ee64b3-e783-4ca8-b24d-98931817bf43.gif?ex=66343895&is=6621c395&hm=df547cf7666280bc74202743bf2d0b9f3b893cdbcf715cb97d74e6f3272203aa&

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      busting it down sexual style



  8. GOODBYE Fawnytheturtle randomturtlegirl I will miss you............ 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
  9. This lore has been self-denied.
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