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Status Updates posted by LeoRabbit99

  1. This is how we're beating the September prince. 


    1. _pr0fit


      maybe if your intention is to beat off the september prince

    2. Inferno_Ougi


      ok dont post this stuff on my christian minecraft roleplay forum thanks

    3. oblivionsbane


      It's like Sailor Moon for furries

  2. Embarrassing administration


    Now lock this post so no1 can comment on it.

  3. am I the only one getting the female roommate adds every time I search the forums?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      pretty sure you’re the only person to not have ad block

    2. LeoRabbit99
  4. As probably the only person who mains a morghuul, I'm not very enthusiastic about the idea of holy users now not having effect on undead with their spells. It gave a little "spazzaz" to my perspective on things. My character fears the light, he fears wrath of the gods. He shrieks and flees at the very presence of them. This is fun, to me at least, and which is why I heavily avoid holy users. I don't think I have any business beating a cleric, ascended, paladin, etc. I think the only spooks that should go par-to-par with them are wraiths, and other dark magic-oriented creatures that have transcended so high to the point of actually challenging the power of the light. I understand there are other OOC complications sadly, but yeah. That's just my opinion as an undead creature. I hope the LT team reviews this.

    Edited by LeoRabbit99
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      try not dying next time idiot

    3. LeoRabbit99


      What are you talking about?

    4. ForeverGinger


      Just stop being dead.  Don't do it.

  5. Hey, just wanted everyone to know that if you need help, have a question for a GM, or even want to criticize my decisions, you can always contact me via discord. I know I’m not perfect and that I make mistakes. I’m open to advice, and I’ll do my best to be fair. If I forget to message you back, don’t be afraid to message me again. If you have issues with rules or the GM team as a whole, I can also transfer them for you. My discord is 

    LeoRabbit99#2143. Happy RPing

    1. _pr0fit


      I criticize this decision 

    2. TheDragonsRoost


      I has issue. Why you not GM Manager?????


  6. How long will the server be in development mode?

  7. I can't get on lotc, is this just me?

    1. Nug


      i'm getting it too :(

    2. bickando


      server is crash

    3. DarkElfs


      Lotc's down for count at the moment so Welp dude time do something other than rp it seems... I got no real life noooooo!

  8. I get home to see my little cousin at my house whom I entertain and play with: she has a good time and eventually leaves. I can't wait to just sit down from a long day of school, finish my homework then relax and immerse myself into lotc. I jump on and talk to one of my friends who I make plans with for when I complete my assignments. I log off and get to work with stuff I think will only take an hour. Nearly seven hours later, I'm tired as ****. I finally finish HALF my homework with a broken key from the frustration with incredibly difficult problems and 4 hours until I have to wake up. I woke up two hours doing more work and now I have to go to class, work some more after that, then go to class again. Sigh...

  9. I really like the idea of your piano lessons. If my character was not a ghoul, I'd likely apply to one of your classes. It's very unique, and I like how you utilize the note blocks for it. 

  10. I'm on your screens n' memes thing, I feel so wanted!!!

    1. HedgeHug


      Such a pity that your moment of fame is one of salt.

    2. LeoRabbit99


      It's fame nonetheless.

      Besides, I don't mind being called "salty".

      I just like it when I get attention.

  11. Is the server back up?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stolos
    3. Ducklingator


      Nope! 4-5 hours, hooray.

    4. Stolos


      ****! I can't be on much more today, and I can't at all tomorrow! 

  12. It's been two and a half weeks and my ban report is complete. This just a notification, take care of it when you can.

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      Dont order GMs around?

  13. Looking for someone to draw character art for my persona. I'll pay, ofc.

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Edit: Message me an offer if intrested

  14. lost a dancing olog cleaver at the dominion. I'll pay if someone has it and can get it back for me. thanks

  15. My personal experiences of LotC


    45% running in a circle

    45% casual RP

    8% combat

    2% intense roleplay

    Edited by LeoRabbit99
    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      you can cut that 45% running in a circle by just logging off when there’s nothing you want to do

    2. LeoRabbit99


      problem is tbh 90% of the time I’m bored as ****, and I keep logged in because 10% reels me in, and I’m hoping it appears.

    3. Unwillingly


      Gotta get yoself that group to RP with. I’m at a charter rn, and despite my character not having left an 8x11 room in 1.4 RP years (about 2 weeks), I’m having way more fun than nation RP because we have this crazy storyline going and it’s never just “casual RP”. The RP that goes on always somehow progresses the storyline or affects our characters in some way. It’s the most fun I’ve had in RP for a while. 


    1. DarkElfs


      Well officially bye bye Rango it seems as I can't let him just revert after being a damn chimera it makes no damn sense!

    2. Mavromino


      They didn't post a rewrite.

    3. z3m0s


      Thank god ecks dee


  18. On a scale of 1-10, what's the state of lotc right now? Is it worth coming back to?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Laeonathan


      Nothing he's just being chacmul and meming

    3. Nozgoth


      never worth

    4. Amayonnaise


      Druids are more of a culture/lifestyle magic than they are an actual active Magic. The magic itself is often reserved for combat / events, but even then Druids tend to just use weapon and armour in combat unless it's a larger, greater enemy.

      Druidism itself, as I said before, is more of a culture and lifestyle. Within the Vale, lots of characters aren't Druids at all, and don't even want the magic, but still are part of the Druidic culture. It's one of the most expanded lore pieces on the server afaik - now with Animal Gods (Mani), the Eternal Forest, the Nature Dragon, the Four Paths, the Priesthood etc. etc.

      Not to mention, as I also said in an earlier comment, the Vale is currently the most active Druidic settlement, and is incredibly friendly and welcoming and protective of its playerbase against toxicity and icky people!


      Some older players who are since banned / left of their own accord have done a few things in the past which trolls like to latch onto and milk insults out of when they have no affiliation with the current druid playerbase, so just ignore them!

  19. Perhaps I don't know the full story, but someone got banned for a ******* year over this?   https://gyazo.com/aca8dc448e75b1983cc2096058f1a280  https://gyazo.com/134f4c5acbbfe4afc0955487540e13ee 

    That's ridiculous. I usually try to be a nice guy, but grow up you ******* pansies.

    Edited by LeoRabbit99
    1. Elennanore


      You probably need the full story.

    2. MinionManXDD


      he truly was the lord of the craft.

  20. So many magic apps.

  21. Stopped playing the game about two months ago and I'm thinking about returning. Think I just needed a break. Should I return? Couldn't imagine the state of the game has changed that much. Are things better or worse on the server right now?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LeoRabbit99


      Is this good enough dad? @Chaotikal



      Edited by LeoRabbit99
    3. chaotikal


      @LeoRabbit99okay you can come back now but only until DINNER TIME

    4. DarkElfs


      Do you dude! Do you! Breaks are usually a good thing. Most of mine come during summer break though for me as it will be off and on.

  22. That moment when you log on and it's 4 seconds to restart. 

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