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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Bluee

  1. Bluee

    +1 An overall awesome person, listened to me and address the problem in a very kind way. A very nice person out of LotC as well, also we have the same birthday!

    1. Space


      they always insult me =/

    2. Narthok


      Take the rp to skype Tala



      Cruel joke :/

  2. At least buy me dinner first ;)

    1. ThatCanadian


      I thought we were skipping dinner and going straight back to my place for Red Wine and the Notebook.

    2. Bluee


      Well I'm still fine with that

  3. Bring the Media Team back, ****’s dry as a bone.

    1. Evonpire


      I mean that was supposed to be CT, but..... :^)

  4. Can a mod or anyone please get to me quick. fast please

  5. Bluee

    During my hour of free period all I studied was LotC lore.. Does that make me bad? xD

  6. Bluee

    Hey qt, what brings you to these parts ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dromui


      Who's mans is this? Get tf outta here, boi.

    3. Bluee



    4. Lark
  7. Hey that’s some pretty cool profile picture art you got there.

  8. Honestly debating on skipping school tomorrow because of Endgame spoilers.

    1. Rickson


      In my college some guy who went to the midnight release spoiled it for everyone already today ?

    2. Bluee


      And that is why I might skip school, I have already had little bits spoiled for me by some assholes, I do not want to risk anymore.

    3. Asgeir


      Give the Battlebus a miss this time kiddo. School’s a detention centre for fidget-spinning losers anyway. You’re better than that ❤️


      Edited by Asgeir
  9. Hope y’all have a good friday.

  10. I have since edited my ET Application as you wanted me to: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151681-talavokgypceross-actor-application/ , thanks for the suggestions.


  11. I hope you are resting well, buddy. You are not forgotten.

  12. I want to make a playable Rat race. Similar to that of Ratiki. (i.e. like Twitch from League)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Porkgasm
    3. _Jandy_


      what if they already existed but died off due to disease, though now the ET can play undead rat people.

    4. saint swag
  13. Last video posted 7 months ago? Figures.

  14. PvE events are lame.

  15. reminder to drink water u heathens 

  16. Unban Jake, he is an overall good guy 

  17. What types of videos would you guys like to see return to the youtube?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. E__V__O


      Ye,  we'll bring these thoughts to the next CT meeting.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Make a higher quantity of videos of lesser quality.

    4. Milenkhov


      I’d like to see some raids and pvp ?

  18. Who removed my Creative Wizard tag?

    1. Vaynth


      I havent been staff in like over a year but sometimes they accidentally remove a tag when adding another one because they forget to shift+click.

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      you’re inferior to me now

    3. E__V__O
  19. why is monster hunter music so good

    1. D4NNA


      Bluee, bro... if you have a switch you definetely need to get Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.


       These are the official and ‘unofficial’ themes of MhgenU Poster monsters.

  20. Will we wait until next map to transition to 1.14?

  21. Yearly check-in. How're ET events looking?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unwillingly


      I think the ET has moved on from random one-time encounter events to long storylines and event sites. I mean, there was one of these events a few weeks ago in Elvenesse, but it was a PvE event so I literally just logged off until it was over. Then when I logged back on there were a bunch of ice blocks on the ground bc of the event..? Although, player-ran events have been made much more roleplay friendly, which I'm a big fan of. 

    3. Tetho


      Oh, definitely player-run events are always + for me since it also creates more stories and stuffs for other to interact with or learn.


      I see, long storyline is always a good thing for me since I love fully fleshed out scenario where things would be different with PCs(players) going at that scenario and such.

    4. Bluee


      Random-events were my favorite to preform. It makes the world feel alive and less barren, unpredictable and PvE events have also been the lasiest form of ET event, I despise those. Long storylines are great, I agree, but I feel like we need to go back to making the world feel alive. I'm glad to see the bounty board being active, I feel like that's a great utilization for creativity and organization.

      Attacking random towns or cities though and watching the residents band together to defeat a common threat was nice, I wish we could see some of that more often and often times if people enjoyed it well enough then it could be further expanded into a storyline, a mystery of why these monsters are going haywire and attacking towns. Just a thought.

      I'm sure @ScreamingDingo is doing a lovely job of running the team though, I know he at least once had the same opinion about PvE events as I do.

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