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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Remember that meme suggestion from about 2 years ago where wars would be determined via an IRL weightlifting competition instead of PvP?


    I’m starting to think that might unironically be a good idea. LOTC wars would make people pump iron instead of lube up a mouse and hunch over their computer for three hours.

    1. Knox


      what's to stop people from just using fake weights grr grr.

  2. New tab bad, old tab good.

    1. yourmother


      old tab bad,new tab good

  3. Why tf do people think downvoting will be a good idea.


    It’ll be especially bad considering the current political climate on LoTC.

    1. Harri


      it wont be a good idea which is why we should only have upvotes ?

  4. Wizard101 music is the best for shopping tbh.

    1. Potts244


      Wizard101 is an amazing game.

  5. Brandybrook has a beach with a volleyball net so if you wanna see some midget babes in swimsuits you know where to go.


    although I’m pretty sure any bigguns trying to date a halfling would get lynched instantly.

  6. If this isn’t enough for LOTC to finally have GNOME LORE, I’ll just work on this for another 2 hours until it’s all gucci.

    1. Yaldabaoth


      Finally, I won’t just be playing an small goofy dwed

  7. Can we please stop spamming "I like Vortex" every single day? Like, I know that ya few fellas enjoy the plugin that a lot of other folks aren't too happy with, but ya don't need to spam it on the forums every bloody day. Once or twice is enough to get out the message and make the devs feel content with their work.

  8. Asulon map was given to my by Dalek348. He created a partial save of Asulon on accident when trying to save Branborough with the world downloader mod or something like that. 


    I discovered that it was a save of more than just Branborough when I fell into the void by accident and respawned next to Malinor. I then got KaiserThoren to confirm that the world wasn’t just a fluke and actually was a save of Asulon.


    If anybody deserves a reward for bringing us an Asulon map, it’s Dalek. He created the save file, it’s his world, he gets the credit. I didn’t do jack **** to save Asulon besides find out that Dalek’s Branborough save included other things.


    I just make forum threads of things I want people to know about. Please don’t praise me for this discovery just because I created the forum post for it.

    1. Heero


      lowkey i thought you and dalek were the same person !_!

  9. Mellsbury gang represent


    1. _Leyd


      Lord lord - Sometimes I want to make a hippie halfling to go around and give people mushrooms 

  10. I propose we form an extremist united front to stop the centrist Telanir and his evil censorship scheme!

    1. Dont_Advertise


      Telanir might as well ban you right now, I don't think youll be able to contain your memes

  11. The only thing I miss about Nexus are the Cannolis. My life lacks meaning now that I can no longer produce this virtual confectionery delight.

    1. Myleres


      and our cooking battles ?

  12. virgin tavern RPer vs CHAD farm RPer.

    1. Latelle


      bro we both work in a tavern

  13. New forums looking good!

    1. mika1278


      Best they've ever been






  14. You are my second favorite jaded boomer

  15. Normalize using wool as a wall material

    1. Nug


      wool walls in my halls

  16. ok real talk what is ur pfp from

    1. latte


      When Marnie was there :)

  17. Maybe we should stop having the sole method of conflict resolution involve cramming a few hundred people into one area all at once?

    1. argonian


      no reason to stop


      just put it on the war server on a very old version of mc 


    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      u might be on to somethin cultural appropriator...

  19. Staff have entered damage control mode

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      i mean they can’t even keep people with evidence of harrassing young girls and women, alongside just other players in general, banned for longer than 3 months. It is about time someone did what that Club Penguin Online did, and report the years of countless bull****.

  20. Hello, as the guy who made the original Kha drama thread, you can lock the original Kha drama thread I made and have the newer one by Chaosgamer be unlocked.

    If you want to, I’m fine with it getting removed entirely. It’s long since devolved into shitposting and accusations being thrown everywhere. The newer thread made by Chaosgamer has more updated information, less misinformation, and is probably more beneficial to the server for the discussion to be done there instead.


    Story Team doesn’t want the new thread closed anyways, at least that’s what Knightie has told me.

    1. devvy


      okay! will do

  21. Event-related and not creepy I swear. If you know a character who is currently single and ready to mingle, please PM me on discord.

    1. Zarsies


      I regret this so much

  22. Tried to load a single chunk of Aegrothond’s rally for the Demon event today.

    Laptop I’m playing on freezes up for like 5 minutes, forcing me to restart it.

    Yep, it’s gamer time.

    1. Unwillingly


      Siramenors rally*

  23. admin team is a carnival rn

    1. Nug


      were all clowns here

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