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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. I think Arcas might become the longest map the server’s ever had.

    1. argonian


      it’s the groundhog day of maps

  2. Who tf do I gotta talk to in order to get my wiki account back. I have some edits to make.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=61r6UW6vRMw&feature=youtu.be

    not sure if I already sent u this one but here it is anyways

    1. frill


      you did not and it will remain

  4. Halfling Farmer Almanac!

    1. Hanrahan


      my favourite

  5. Cart hubs? Yeah? Nah? Lemme know what y'all think

    1. CorweenieTheJedi


      there needs to be a PK clause

  6. Nodes still broken?

    1. Tetho


      Only the nodes near the hubs work as far as I know

  7. Wow these new buffed horses are absurdly fast

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      put on a resource pack that changes their gallop to motorcycle sounds and laugh

  8. Halfling Farmer's Almanac is back!

    1. Lubbie


      Halfling Chronicles 

  9. battles where both sides say they won is turning into a recurring theme on LOTC it comes back every year I swear

    1. MadOne


      okay but i won

  10. man the halfling community is truly great

    1. Laeonathan


      One day I shall make a halfling.

  11. Ah, imperial letter spam. Some things never change

    1. Burnsider


      Like the feel of your hand in mine

      Some things stay the same

      Like how we get along just fine

      Like an old stone wall that'll never fall

      Some things are always true

      Some things never change

      Like how I'm holding on tight to you

  12. i'm going to start RPing raid cooldowns as IRP magical forcefields and there's nothing u can do to stop me

    1. Tigergiri


      The same force fields as the magic monks of 2019?

  13. I am a subhuman

    1. 1_Language_1


      that's funny because halflings are below humans

  14. dang, is tea in Haelun'or cancelled now?

    1. E__V__O


      Wait... haelunor... not..


  15. Step 2: wait for it to blood

    1. Traveller


      step 3) cover yourself in blood

  16. i make forum rant

    1. satinkira


      I respond to forum rant

  17. li'l halfling event thing i planned

  18. should LOTC have like, meta-seasons where 1 week = 1 season for farm & slice of life RP but 1 week still is 1 year for aging?

    1. creamynoteblock


      i think lotc should have a season where you are not allowed to post on the forums

  19. Are gnomes really the criminals here? Vote now on your phones!

    1. riorr


      Gnomes are my sworn enemy

  20. Aging up characters should be encouraged, not discouraged. It’s the opposite of powergaming (aging yourself down to stay young forever).

    1. MeteorDragon


      Children are gross, people should stop playing them

  21. redstone is heavily under utilized on LOTC honestly. HEAVILY under utilized. Think of all the cool event stuff and worldbuilding you could do with zany redstone contraptions.


    steampunk is lame. redstonepunk is where it's at. I want to build weird rube goldberg-esque contraptions and wear some weird redstone engineer goggles skin from 2011 that you find hundreds of on planetminecraft.

    1. monkeypoacher


      jannies hate redstone

  22. halflings have made history today

    1. alexmagus


      what did they do....

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