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Everything posted by Astrophysical

  1. A hulking fire atronach, clad in ferrum plates lumbers into the square, scanning the aftermath’s bloody carnage sluggishly. “Not... joyous... Best they.. don’t encroach... again...” it speaks flatly.
  2. Just say no and leave. (Or order mcdonalds like I do)
  3. Incorrect, we dwarves don’t have trains since they were denied by LT some time ago. We have steamships, yes, but it is HEAVILY limited.
  4. Spare me... please... just no.
  5. IGN: Astrophysical RP Name: Damona Goldhand Age: 14 Activity Requirement: Clan Candidate: Levian’Tol Grandaxe
  6. Also attached to Mica’s letter appears to be a crude, crayon drawing of what appears to be stick figures holding hands with big smiley faces. One of the stick figures has a small beard and is taller than the smaller stick figure who has long hair. They appear to be standing next to a large house which seems in progress (although it does look like a bunch of scribbles). @Datweirdguy
  7. “Mama is on de news! Mama is on de news!” Damona cheers.
  8. Gu Tie reads the missive while experimenting in the forges of Urguan, he furrows his brows at the words scribed upon it. “This is the ‘strongest military force in Almaris?’ The ‘most noble of men?’” the Li-Ren comments to himself in a conflicted manner. “This is neither strong nor noble.”
  9. Dreamforging ((Guild Wars 2)) Background/Origin It seemed like a fairy tale. The grass was emerald and neatly cut, the flowing trees sported indigo leaves which formed in balls on the branches, the air smelled like sweet vanilla and honeysuckles. Looking upwards upon the rolling hills, two satin chairs sporting scarlet velvet and a tree stump rested on the peak. Upon one of the luxurious chairs sat an azure robed man who was looking down upon me. “Take a seat, don’t be shy,” a voice would whisper in my mind. I obliged and sat across from the robed man, his face shaded by his ornate hood. He then snapped his fingers once and upon the table, two white ceramic cups filled with tea appeared. The man motioned to the cups. I took one in hand, the heat of the tea could be felt upon my skin as I took a sip. The drink was sweet, tasting like cinnamon tea. I asked the man what this place was. With a small chuckle he responded “My mind. You are currently asleep and within my dreamscape.” The man hums as he takes the other tea cup and sips it as well. “Long ago a mage figured out how to connect one’s mind to another. From that, mages branched out, lucid dreams were used to create landscapes like this,” the man nodded slowly as he scanned the expanse. “A world where imagination is the only limit.” Magic Explanation Dreamforging is a mental magic in which a user can create dreamscapes within their mind. The magic draws solely from the mage, no mana is present in the process. Similar to lucid dreaming, once a person knows how to dreamforge they can create dreamscapes in which they can bring others into their dream. Firstly, a dreamforger must create the dream by, of course, sleeping. Once in, the dreamforger will see only black, until they bring the dreamscape into existence by tapping into their inner mana. This is similar to the enactment of housemagery, as the Dreamforger brings forward their will into their dream. These dreamscapes can range from peaceful meadows to dark dungeons; All depends on the imagination of the dreamforger. Once the dream is created, if another soul sleeps nearby the dreamforger, they will enter the dream. This is done by allowing the dreamsmith to connect to the visitor or visitors beforehand by having a solid image of the visitors in their mind, then pulling their consciousness into the dreamscape once they are asleep. The visitor leaves the dreamscape either by will, being exposed to pain in the dreamscape, or being removed by the dreamforger themself by waking up. In all situations, leaving the dreamscape will result in the leaver and/or the dreamforger to wake up. New dreamforgers will begin with only a small area to work with little to no sensory input felt in the dreamscape, but with training, the area can expand in size, along with how much can be felt in the dreamscape by both the dreamforger and the visitors. To achieve the power of Dreamforging, one must learn the art of how to properly lucid dream. This alone can take some time until the student can do it at will. This can be done alone, but a teacher can help in the process. Connecting to other minds to get visitors does require a teacher. Once the student knows how to connect, they may go on their own again. Abilities/Spells Dreamforging Description: To create a dreamscape in which things can be sensed. Mechanics: -The ability begins by the dreamforger sleeping. This can be done in two emotes, one being getting comfortable for sleep, and the second being falling asleep. -The dreamforger must keep in his mind that he will have a lucid dream during the sleeping process. -The dreamscape’s appearance is entirely up to the dreamforger’s discretion. Be creative! -If no visitors are in the dreamscape, no emotes are required to alter the dreamscape. -If there are visitors in the dreamscape, the dreamforger must emote to the visitor what they observe along with any further changes to the dreamscape. -Anyone not in the dreamscape cannot see inside the dreamscape in role play despite seeing the emote. Essentially, don’t metagame. -Taking visitors strains the mind, the more visitors within the dreamscape, the more stress. Too much strain can end the dreamscape abruptly. -Dreamscapes can either be built on a separate build server or be created in roleplay. This is to the discretion of the dreamforger. Red Lines Tier Progression Tier One The dreamforger, if they have learned how to lucid dream, is beginning to learn how to connect their mind with others, allowing a visitor into the dreamscape. During this tier, one visitor can enter the dreamforger’s dreamscape. But the task is straining to the dreamforger’s mind and cannot take any more visitors The area which can be produced in a dreamscape is 10x10 blocks or the size of an office. All senses felt in the dreamscape are weak, but feel-able. A punch would feel like a hard poke. Tier Two The dreamforger is becoming more adept as the art. They are able to begin expanding their realm and experimenting with senses further. During this tier, two visitors can enter the dreamforger’s dreamscape. But three will end the dream. The area which can be produced in a dreamscape is 20x20 blocks or the size of a room. All senses felt in the dreamscape are more feel-able. A punch would feel like a pinch. Tier Three The dreamforger is becoming great with the art. The dreamscape begins to feel lifelike. During this tier, three visitors can enter the dreamforger’s dreamscape. But four will end the dream. The area which can be produced in a dreamscape is 30x30 blocks or the size of a house. All senses felt in the dreamscape are beginning to feel real. A punch would feel like a somewhat weak punch. Tier Four The dreamforger has become a master at the art, the dreamscape feels lifelike. During this tier, four visitors can enter the dreamforger’s dreamscape. But five will end the dream. The area which can be produced in a dreamscape is 50x50 blocks or the size of a large manor. All senses felt in the dreamscape are lifelike. A punch would feel like a punch. Purpose (OOC) I created this magic to be a weaker alternative to Farseeing. While Farseeing has repercussions outside the spirit walk, via rituals, dreamforging does not. I like the idea of aesthetic magic which can be either built or role-played in any way they can imagine rather than being chained to one idea of a spirit. In other words, this feat is like an aesthetic Farseeing. Citation
  10. A valid point, the post has been edited accordingly along with the addition of an application process.
  11. While working in the forges of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Gu Tie simply reads over the missive - an eyebrow arched under his swine mask. He huffs lightly as he throws the missive into the roaring flames of the forge. "If my intuition serves me well, the militia isn't going to abide by the terms," the armored Li-Ren states as he picks up his hammer and begins to beat the metal, the ringing of the material echoing through the workplace, "M-xi, they will not."
  12. Colorstone Colorstone (Raw form) Colorstone is an ivory-colored, brittle rock which can be located in most caves around Almaris. It is often mistaken as alum due to its appearance and similar formation. It is light in weight, weighing much less than its weight in regular stone. Due to its high brittleness, Colorstone can easily be crushed by hand with adequate force into a fine dust. Applications (Raw Form) Colorstone alone is not useful in its raw form and often doesn’t serve any other purpose than being a catalyst for creating colored metals when introduced to certain materials in heat. When metal is dipped in or painted with a mixture of one part colorstone dust, three parts water, and one part receptor material. Multiple mixes can be used to make different colored parts. Mixing receptor metals can also create different shades of colors. Once done, the piece can be placed in a moderately high temperature (About 500 degrees Celsius or higher). The Colorstone will begin to change the color of a chosen metal depending on the receptor materials used in a moderately paced “bleeding” pattern until the entire part which was exposed to the mix changes color. The resulting metal, although it keeps its original properties, will keep its color permanently compared to paint which can be scratched off and weather. A Colorstone infused piece can be identified from paint from it's different color and metallic luster similar to the original metal. For example, a red Colorstone infused piece of ferrum will keep it's reflective surface and luster. Currently known receptors and the resulting colors are as follows: Aurum and Colorstone will result in a red color. Aurum can be applied with Aurum dust. Calcium and Colorstone will result in a orange color. Calcium can be applied with ground bones or rocks such as limestone. Salt and Colorstone will result in a yellow color. Salt can be applied with common table salt. Copper and Colorstone will result in a green to blue color, depending on how much is used, green being a lighter concentration (About 1/2 part copper to the mix except for one part to get green). Copper can be applied with small bits of copper ore or metal. Potash and Colorstone will result in an purple color. Potash can be applied with fertilizers and ground rocks that contain potassium salt. Red Lines (Raw Form) Harvesting Method Harvesting Colorstone is a relatively simple process if one can identify it. To effectively harvest it, it would be wise to bring a container to catch dust as it falls during extraction. It is best to take off chunks of the rock at a time from the top down to ensure the Colorstone Rock will not fall and blast into a collection of pebbles and dust. Colorstone can be a non-lethal eye and lung irritant, but if the miner extracts the Colorstone rock slowly and does not release too much dust residue into the air, this should not become a problem. Once extracted, the Colorstone can be crushed by hand into a dust. Colorstone dust may bear this description: “A pile of fine dust which is ivory in color and has a texture is similar to that of soft sand. It is often mistaken for alum powder. Even if an inexperienced miner or smith knew what it was, they would not know it’s name.” Harvesting Red Lines Purpose Firstly, I know I am going to get the response, “why not just paint?” To that I say this material is simply more aesthetically pleasing in role play than just paint. Most importantly, the metal keeps its luster since the original material keeps its properties. Paint does not give much luster to objects, this material does. Colorstone is meant to be a mundane medium to Warforging. To put it simply, I wanted to make aesthetic metals without the use of alchemy, but less flashy. I purposefully made this material not well known because I don’t want people making purple armor everywhere I go, plus it encourages smithing roleplay. Change Log
  13. [!] A letter upon parchment would be delivered to the new Grand King of Urguan, Norli Starbreaker and the notice board of the Under Realm. A Humble Blessing to the Grand King from a Friend To Grand King Norli Starbreaker, my lifelong mentor and friend. I congratulate you on your rise to the Obsidian Throne. I therefore send out an open letter, along with it, my humble blessings as Priest of Da Kirja Dverga. I pray to each of the Brathmordakin, beseeching them that they allow your reign will be prosperous and honorable: Yemekar, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he molds your chosen race closer to your perfect balance. May he be the brightest fire that all young dwed look up to and aspire to be. Anbella, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he turns Kal’Darakaan, Hefferum, the Kingdom of Urguan, and beyond into Da Khaz’A’Khazmar, The Hall of Halls. May the hearth burn bright with the Grand King’s compassion and kindness. Ogradhad, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he himself guides the Dwedmar. May our libraries be full of knowledge and our leaders wise. Be the conscience in the Grand King’s head that makes the right choices for us all. Belka, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as his passion inspires others to seek out their own. May he see his goals into fruition and his dreams realized. May the Dwedmar seek happiness if darkness arrives under his rule. Armakak, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he fills our treasuries with gold, silver, and jewels. May our halls be a center of honest trade, bartering, and industry. May every dwed’s pockets be deep under his rule. Grimdugan, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he seeks out your riches deep below our mountain home, hidden in the darkness. May he aspire to become better for the prosperity of the Grand Kingdom. Dungrimm, may you watch and guide Norli Starbreaker as he brings honor and glory to the Grand Kingdom when the forces of Khorvad come knocking at our doorstep. May the Grand King be just and uncorrupt, allowing truth to shine brightly. May our honored dead watch from Khaz’A’Dentrumm with pride as we, the Dwedmar, all flourish. With this blessing, my friend and Grand King, although it isn't much, I will stand with you still. Even though your newfound duties may preoccupy you, I still find joy to call you friend. May your Reign be Long and Prosperous, Vergil Goldhand
  14. Vergil Goldhand mutters to himself after reading the missive with a confused expression across his face. "Malin's wish o' fillin de forests is returnin oi suppose. Belka is gonna 'ave a 'ay day wit' dis one." The priest chuckles to himself.
  15. IGN: Astrophysical RP NAME: Vergil Goldhand CANDIDATE: Norli Starbreaker
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