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Child Neglecter

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Status Updates posted by Child Neglecter

  1. Love a good burning at the stake.

  2. MArt reviewers - what the **** is the holdup?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Islamadon


      We put dumb oc stuff on the back burner, carts are where it’s at!

    3. Benleft


      Let me at em. I’ll read it up. 

    4. hemomancy


      pplease lord


  3. mfw got a warning point for posting “reserved” on a forum post and forgetting about it


    alright oren d92ec1aff55da954193832133e3b993c.png

    1. Mirtok


      Or thank the coalition member who reported your post? Also zero points?

    2. argonian


      if it was so unimportant that you forgot it, why were you making a reserved post


      posting “reserved” on every thread that has 0 personal relevance to you is the dumbest trend 

  4. My name is JoanOfArc and this is my favourite profile on Lord Of The Craft.

  5. Nujabes enjoyers awaken in this status update. 

    1. chaotikal


      few people know of the secret way to passing all your midterms and finals is the right combination of nujabes tracks.

    2. seannie
    3. wooz


      i awaken

  6. oy m8

    can you make another version of my GLORIOUS INQUISITION with a thumbs up and with the capion 'INQUISITION APPROVES!' instead lmao i'll spread the word of your masterpieces

  7. QOTD: for those of you that are in healthcare fields (asking because I'm a dentist) alongside being LOTC RPers, how do you find the time to continue to RP here and what do you willingly sacrifice to spend time here?

    1. DeusVult


      IDK if it counts but I'm pre-pt rn, and so far shits easy af hella free time

    2. Yagi_Kamisama


      uhh I apparently just don't have enough self respect for sleep and have no social life

  8. Rest in peace, man. 

  9. Selling two old armour skins I have. Colour schemes include black, silver and dark red.


    PM on Discord if interested. Prices are negociable, but base price is $10 per skin ideally, as I purchased them ages ago for a similar price.





    1. lemonke


      Irl money for skins, eh. 

  10. send me a forum pm if you're experienced with making underground caverns and interior underground decor for builds, generally looking for a grim, cathedral-like theme, i'll pay good minas if i hire you

    send your discord and ill pm you there

  11. The Dark CA lore project continues onward. If you're interested in getting involved - let me know. My discord is "myholyland".


  12. the sarcastic staff team remarks that are sent in status updates torture me eternally

  13. the thursday sage strikes again


    when’re you giving me my share of the profits from selling cheatcodes in fallout

  14. this new forum is clean

  15. This will surely affect the trout population.

  16. Today, was released the rap album of the decade.


    Listen to The Off Season if you haven't already.


    1. Nozgoth


      straight facts bro, it's a masterpiece


      watch the documentary as well, it inspired me

  17. Treelord rewrite not having a no-FTB ******* redline is outrageous.

    1. Laeonathan


      youre just discriminating against poor tree-likers sam!!!!


      #TreeJustice #TreesHaveNeedsToo #YoureJustJealous

    2. Borin


      death to the tree huggers

  18. Vargs don't exist.

    1. Unwillingly


      Varg rlly don't exist

  19. we are one beautiful being

    1. ‡ The Inquisitor ‡

      ‡ The Inquisitor ‡

      As one, we will concquer the world

    2. Ducklingator


      m a r t h a  s t e w a r t  i s  t h e  o n l y  b e a u t y  i n  t h i s  w o r l d

    3. Child Neglecter
  20. we are so back chat

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      is it time already for yet another controversial status update?

    2. Child Neglecter
  21. we need a FlamboyantRage era with lore games except it's Realm Games

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nug


      worst take ever gg

    3. ClassyDryad


      He would have shelved your nation for not bribing him (do not ask what the bribe was.)

    4. Child Neglecter
  22. Werew0lf is muslim

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