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Child Neglecter

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Status Updates posted by Child Neglecter

  1. My name is JoanOfArc and this is my favourite profile on Lord Of The Craft.

  2. Today, was released the rap album of the decade.


    Listen to The Off Season if you haven't already.


    1. Nozgoth


      straight facts bro, it's a masterpiece


      watch the documentary as well, it inspired me

  3. how many ******* fire evocation apps and housemagery apps have to go up before i shoot myself

  4. Genesis 38:8-10 - "Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also."

    1. Malaise


      Umbasa brother

  5. @Ilikefooddude has successfully taken over the entire forum with all of these posts my god

  6. this new forum is clean

  7. the thursday sage strikes again


    when’re you giving me my share of the profits from selling cheatcodes in fallout

  8. mfw got a warning point for posting “reserved” on a forum post and forgetting about it


    alright oren d92ec1aff55da954193832133e3b993c.png

    1. Mirtok


      Or thank the coalition member who reported your post? Also zero points?

    2. argonian


      if it was so unimportant that you forgot it, why were you making a reserved post


      posting “reserved” on every thread that has 0 personal relevance to you is the dumbest trend 

  9. free this man. [ @frill ].


    absolutely an impartial mod who should be allowed to stay on the team; an efficient mod who effectively carries this team in many ways. a competent, non-biased mod who should be looked on by other mods as an example to follow, not to see being removed.

  10. ب_ب

    1. James


      يجب عليك المغادرة


    Down with the king.



  12. Selling two old armour skins I have. Colour schemes include black, silver and dark red.


    PM on Discord if interested. Prices are negociable, but base price is $10 per skin ideally, as I purchased them ages ago for a similar price.





    1. lemonke


      Irl money for skins, eh. 

  13. ‘hurr durr just enable adblock’


    what about those of us who use this on their phones 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Honestly legit though, I don’t want to download some sketchy ass app just to enjoy the forums and do staff **** in peace when I’m not at the computer 

    3. rukio


      Since when is adblock sketchy @TheAlphaMoist . . .

    4. AlphaMoist


      @rukio referring to the Adblock mentioned in the article posted above, as it hasn’t been updated for two years

  14. the sarcastic staff team remarks that are sent in status updates torture me eternally

  15. goodbye my son

    1. Callum


      Gamer down. I repeat. GAMER DOWN!!!

  16. where have you been


    still at Massive?

  17. For those of you who are going to see Avengers: Endgame any time soon, let me be the one to clear up some misconceptions. (If you have any more questions that are non-spoiler friendly, feel free to comment)


    A: There is no post-credit scene. Sorry to disappoint.

    B: There’s no good time in the three-hour long movie to take a toilet break. Please, for your own sake, take one before you see the film, and don’t drink too much fluid whilst watching it. It is, no joke, three hours long.


    I urge all of you who are actually interested in seeing it to see it before the vast majority of the spoilers and memes come, but that won’t take long at all.

    If any of you want to know anything about the film that’s remotely spoiler-y, send me a forum PM.

    Enjoy the film.

    Edited by Apostate
    1. z3m0s


      Thank you for this

  18. you're 13 ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)

    1. Kvasir



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