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Your Stepdad

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    Farmer Fred
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  1. We have to either fight or kiss, sorry I don’t make the rules. I just think of them, write them, and enforce them. 

  2. @Chrisoulis777 @ibraheemc2000 @adamc2000 @RhythmrhymE love ya guys.
  3. The Grand Imam, Mehmed Kharadeen would open his Kitab AlSalam and read a line from chapter 17 to his students in the Masjid. “We Have Created Two Genders, One Male, and One female, So that the two Can Live In Peace and Harmony and Love each other, And to raise Children together and make families.” Mehmed would look across the qalasheen gathered before him before stating “We have no control over the canonists and their beliefs, And we cannot force them to idealize our own beliefs. For this reason I call to all Mumeen to remain faithful and steadfast to the orders of Allah and all that he bears witness too.”
  4. Andrik Pierre af Brasca congratulates his twin
  5. THE MIND OF A CHILD A POV of Andrik Pierre af Brasca Andrik had not slept for many nights. Instead his mind occupied itself by counting the cracks in the stones of the ceiling of the palace he now had to call home. Every time he thought he had counted them all, he’d notice a new one and have to start over, The number grew each time. The mind is the greatest prison of a child. Andrik had learned this young, having always been an outcast from the rest of the children. He spoke the language of a Raevir, yet was surrounded by none like him. he grew up without a father, shameful some would say, now who would he learn to become a man from? Yet throughout all of this he had never felt this bleak, like a fish that could not fight upstream, stuck trying and never growing tired. Andrik had watched countless die in the attempts of building his home, and now heard stories of even more dying to defend it. He watched as the Brascan soldiers entered Veletz, carrying the injured and dead to the infirmary. Many soldiers he had seen patrolling the roads and the city now lay on cots, unable to even patrol their own minds. Some would say 10 is two young for a child to understand death, but Andrik had understood it from the day his father perished. So Andrik kept counting, not wanting to think about those who died to defend his home “1” “2” “3” “4” He started again, he had lost count how many times he had done this, yet there was nothing else for him to do. Sleep only brought memories of the dead, and silence only brought the prison of his mind. Andrik wanted to fight, he believed in the cause. He knew Godan would not want Canonists to fight fellow Canonists, how would that be just and fair? Just and Fair Andrik was very zealous, some would even say too zealous for his age. Yet now in the time of war he wondered what Godans concept of Just and Fair really is. Was it Just for Andrik to be left without a father Was it Fair for Andrik to be left without a home? The feeling was wrenching, yet he knew Godan had a plan for him, there was a reason for this pain. Maybe he is being punished? Was it Andriks destiny to live a life of agony? To Andrik, only Godan could know, and if it was his destiny to live a life of turmoil he would live it. “Thunk!” Andriks brother Jan shifted in his sleep and his hand had hit the ground startling Andrik and making him lose count. The fool he thought, To Andrik Jan lived the life of a dreamer. He tried to impress girls and prove himself to soldiers, with no care on what his place was in the world. Not Andrik, his mind consumed him, it did not matter how hard he tried to escape it, every time he was sucked back into his mind, the damned prison he could never escape. With all his might, Andrik went back to counting the cracks. “1” ‘2” “3” “4” While Andrik counted, he allowed for his mind to wander, and only one thought would come to mind. It would recur and not leave his naïve mind. Once Andrik was old enough, he would never want to lose again. He would be a winner in this war, in Veletz, and in the world.
  6. Ridiculous we dont have hippie RP at warclaims. Why arent Haense civilians gluing their hands to trebs so they cant be used. 

    1. Laeonathan


      have you ever played bg3 and saw the gnome?

  7. “Shokran to the Hyspians for their hospitality and taking us in!” Mehmed would say after signing the agreement
  8. Name a time and place buckaroo

    1. Dyl


      u tryna fight buddy? 

      u know where i be


  9. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 First Amendment 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🙏🏻🔫🎅🏿🐴🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅 USA USA USA 🏈🏈🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅
  10. My dad went and got the milk.

    1. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      That’s where you are wrong again

    2. Shiredom


      So are you my father now?

  11. Mehmed Al-Habib reads over the missive “Ya Allah, brother… this war has seen the death and destruction of the common folk while the ones in power continue the fight. Peace between humanity must be the biggest priority”
  12. Farmer Fred the Illustrious Farmer hears of this as he tames Snails and Frogs with his Fire Evocation “I shall take up my place soon!”
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