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Everything posted by Diogen

  1. The Resurrection of Skjoldier When all was settled; the rebellion ended, the remaining citizens of the Silver City were left weakened. In ruin. They struggled to clutch at what remained. Rebuild what lay broken. But all was for naught. Temperatures descending, the first signs of snow appeared within Haelun’or - chilled winds far beyond its season. The long month did drag, and the temperatures only further plummeted, the snow gathering an almost serene purity across the landscape. Perhaps some marred mockery of what once was. Chilled winds soon a raging blizzard. Consuming the island of all its life, animal and flora alike, not even the eldest of oak might find break in that unrelenting cold. Nor the wisest of minds, as once lush land fell to frost. Remains of the dead, a littered mosaic beneath frozen ground, the people might only dread what had come. Most unwise as to its reckoning. Skjoldier has come. Arrived without warning. Yet only the cries of the wind filled that frozen wasteland. Merciless. Frost. OOC:
  2. "I swore to have them genocided. We have succeeded." Naele says, watching the pillaging and destruction of Elysium beside Mèlawen.@_mady07
  3. daily wulfery appreciation post

    1. Wulfery


      Aw dearest me, thank you Dio <3

  4. Diogen

    The Ivae'fenn

    Name: Dioanna Drakon Race: Mali'fenn Age: 150 Gender: Female [[OOC]] Username: iDiogen Discord: Diogen#5338 Timezone: GMT+3 (EST sleep schedule)
  5. This was really well written, Discordant. Reading it despite how sad of a situation it was was a blast.
  6. "May the bartender who saved me the wrong drink rest in peace." Naele said to herself at the news of the death of Ruina.
  7. "Too soon." Naele whispered to herself, on her way to inform Mèlawen (@_mady07) about his death as soon as she got the news.
  8. Name: Ivana Age: 350 Race: Elf Culture: Radaghastian Ties: None – OOC – IG Name: iDiogen
  9. A hustler cheers in the background
  10. Naele reading the missive, crumples it and stomps on it out of anger. "Elysians. The people we in Elvenesse befriended. The people we thought were family, attempted to kill our royalty and coup our nation. Stabbed our backs, hurt the people I was supposed to protect. I swear by Luara's name, I will genocide all who stand by Elysium."
  11. Cultural Exchange of Elvenesse, and Fenn & Nor’asath [!] Missives would be sent throughout the entirety of Fenn, Nor’asath and Elvenesse Citizens of Fenn, Nor’asath and citizens of Elvenesse. After a pleasant discussion, a cultural exchange between Fenn & Nor’asath and the Elvendom will be hosted within both the capital of Elvenesse and Fenn. Starting with the first week in Elvenesse, and the week after, in Fenn. The event includes but is not limited to: Variety of traditional food brought from both nations for everyone to experience Introduction to and education on both nations’ cultures, religion, and way of life accompanied by free drinks Fighting tournament (PvP) An assortment of gifts to be given back to the respective people in charge of the event of each nation as a souvenir Everyone is free to join, including outsiders should they be interested. _____________________________ Signed, Her ladyship, Chieftess Mèlawen Taliame'onn-Daesmon Silma Vuln'muriel Naele High Quenter of Fenn, Ryllae Drakon Prince of Nor’asath OOC: First event will be held on Saturday 23 in Elvenesse, 6 PM EST Second event will be held on Saturday 30 in Fenn, 6 PM EST
  12. Percy, holding the frozen body in his arms, bawls his eyes out at the loss of his only true friend. He carries it with him, on his way to Sedan to give her the burial she deserves. With the loss of Carolina, the entire point if his job is gone. Being supposed to protect her, the only thing going through his mind is how much of a failure he is.
  13. this is an amazing piece of work, i ******* love seers.
  14. "How bored are they?" The confused Aurelia asked herself.
  15. i have been summoned i am here
  16. [!] Percy sighed, looking at Carolina. "Do what makes you happy. Don't feel guilty for chaining yourself to a man you don't see yourself with. It's your story to write." He said, offering her a smile, despite the unfortunate situation. Where Carolina ran off to, her loyal guard followed.
  17. I love this guide, thank you @Diogen for writing this. Jokes aside really well done mady, that’s gonna be one useful guide for newbies
  18. Naele and Mavis' niece cheer for her from afar.
  19. "Two people hiding in a corner are not enough people to vote for Maheral." Aurelia remarked. "These cultists seem confused."
  20. "When did we vote for a maheral?" Aurelia asked. She shrugged.
  21. "What is wrong with these pants-less toga Elves? How are they still so far behind in technology?" Aurelia asked herself in confusion. "I do not understand why one covers oneself in olive oil. They ramble too much."
  22. Mèlawen's best child excitely awaits for the ball!
  23. "A massive pyre." She says to herself in the morgue as she sees the amount of bodies within the room. Too many to bury.
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