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Everything posted by TheCapybara

  1. TheCapybara


    Hey, I am going to make this short and easy but also not. I joined this server a couple years ago and I didn't have a good time. I really didn't, then to me, it only got worse. Today I realize, my characters, are bad. And I am sometimes taking subjects oocly. But since I was thirteen and now sixteen, I realize I joined this server for an escape from real life, an escape from struggles and stress. But this server, has only given me stress. I don't have fun, anymore, if I even did have fun. But I did make many friends, even though strangers, still friends. I am sorry to all the people who was expecting more rp with my other characters but I don't want to wait anymore and I want to leave. I hope you all do well and take care of yourselves. Goodbye!
  2. Natalya vas Ruthern is probs a tennis player Alyssa is a forever twenty one customer and Vys is Normie
  3. "Zwyzi bastards harm supaes own mametvas, monn godan punaf usaeretem tiz misfortune." A Ruthern would spurt out loudly within her room, punching a wall with all of her might. After the Ruthern had screamed out in rage and punched the wall (not leaving a mark and her hand not seeming to take any affect), she'd take a deep breath in attempt to cool herself down- it would fail.
  4. “The bastion of purity is gone, but it has always been gone once we had stepped onto this giant rock. Shame.” Spoke a Seregon while traveling back to Ando Alur while in a fancy carriage. As the carriage would ride upon the dirt, the ‘aheral would be reading the notice while keeping up a wine glass on their other hand. After finishing the paper, she’d toss it out and then take a sip from her wine glass. Once the ride was finished, the ‘aheral would settle into a high class hotel within the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. As the woman got towards her room, she’d snuggle into the soft sheets of the bed within the fancy room and fall off into a slumber while they snuggled into the sheets.
  5. “Poor kid probably didn’t even do it- considering us ‘aheral pride in our propaganda. This must be because this youngling spoke out or something…” An ‘aheral adorning beautiful silks while they laid inside of a bed within the sheets of this bed commented while keeping a sorrowful and sadden tone. But, after some seconds of reading the notice again, she’d stand from their bed to walk towards the fireplace. After doing this, the Seregon tossed notice into the roaring flames, then running to a desk within the hotel room to prepare writing a letter with a quil and freshly made ink.
  6. “Venerra? Is it not a principality?” Questioned a noblewoman with there brow raised while off upon her travels around the Holy Orenian Empire.
  7. Rejoice! Victory is Ours! The ERA OF TERROR IS OVER!
  8. "Who asked? This dude is crazy. For sure." The 'aheral, Alyssa, commented with an annoyed and bitter tone while sipping her mourning wine on her crimson colored couch where she sat next to her Karin inside of the safety of her home within the marble city, Ando Alur.
  9. "I swear whoever or whatever did this foolery will explain themselves or I will beat them up with malicious insults cause messing with whatever without good reasoning is a no no- unless this thing who did this or these people bah! Whatever! This was SCARY!" Alyssa commented towards the bar tender in Ando Alur and a fellow bar patron in the city while keeping up a cheery but nervous tone, giving off a pissed but kind and warm expression towards the people she spoke to.
  10. “Aestina, was like a second mother. Even though I rarely saw her less then my real one. I do hope she does well, she needs some peace now.” Alyssa would say once she had finished packing her clothing, the woman spoke while a soft smile and calm tone when making her comment. But, once she did make her comment when finishing her packing, the ‘aheral would then pull up her map and prepare her journey to the Marble City, Ando Alur.
  11. “People of words, that is what we need.” Alyssa commented while preparing to pack her clothing and worldly possessions in the safety of her home. As the elf packed her things after the notice was sent out, she’d let out a sigh before simply standing there and looking at the items in utter silence.
  12. This is kinda hot ngl. The city is on fire! Amazing job!
  13. I agree with @Luminaire this is just mineman and both people are wrong for being toxic. Han and his buds were not making it better by being salty and neither was the other side. That’s my take on the situation as well. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  14. Hello server! I wish to announce it is my birthday! Which means today is all about me and none of you!




    Apologies if this sounded rude, just trying to be sarcastic! Be ye, super happy it’s my birthday though.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheCapybara


      8 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

      Bappy Hirthday

      Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Epistile


      happy birthday!

    4. TheCapybara


      :) Thank you!

  15. Are these not the dudes with space ships and shat? Anyways- I dunno but. Isn't Warhammer considered science-fiction. Overall. I do not know if Warhammer is the most perfect or ideal example to push your idea forward. If I am wrong I do apologies, I do not know much about the game and only have heard it from friends or seen images or memes about it. (Reason why : Using something else to explain why a different entire thing should have a reason to exist on the other entirely different place! So, this argument to me , a horrible argument. It is like if someone said. WELL! People put veggies in sushi! So put pineapples on pizza!)
  16. Lets see what these people will say when I say (Me the number one ORENIAN e-girl) So, guns in the server area terrible idea cause people easily power game anything and sadly idiots on this server does not understand that this is a mineman server not real life. But unfortunately people's confidence in real life are so low that they decide to go on a mineman role-play server to try to power game. Guns, will for sure, cause power gaming. There is nothing which can tell me it wouldn't Sorry Han, this is not a good idea. And I disapprove of this idea.
  17. Alyssa grew a bright smile and made soft chuckle while retrieving the news of the successful expedition and quickly reading over the article while baking some chocolate chip cookies inside of her cozy and warm home.
  18. HELLOO Good afternoon or morning! In the spirit of Pride Month! Me and some others decided to make the Pride Flag in honor of Pride Month! Hope you enjoy the pictures! Happy Pride Month! @Slorbin@Urahra@Orlesian@LuneAria@MissToni@Lady_Dietz@PixlHoopa@TheBigBubbles Also again, thanks Slorbin for crashing in for the photo! Thank you to @altiar1011for the beautiful pictures and another big thanks to @zuziee for making up such an amazing idea! Also big thanks for @BenjiBot_for being apart of the photo shoot in spirit! I hope this can be a yearly server tradition which others will also join in! Anyways- Peace!
  19. Make Norland great again, I guess Also, what song is this? For the video?
  20. :) here have a cookie 🍪
  21. "Hm? A needle? Guess if they try to attack me I will pierce this needle with ice. I tried to be nice with these Musin- guess helping that one action didn't help." Alyssa commented to herself while having a japing tone and sipping her tea within the dusty tavern in Providence. The 'aheral seemed to be quite annoyed by these news, but, kept up a humble smile while before throwing the notice into the flames. After tossing the paper into the roaring flames within the rustic tavern, she would continue to enjoy her honey and lemon tea, but, held the cup with her right hand and her wand with her left. Just in case.
  22. How do you keep your sanity in this server! Also hope your doing well!
  23. Lovely! Just change the font to Times New Roman, remove the highlight, change the text to white and we good! EDIT : LOVELY! Good Job! All FIXED!
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