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Everything posted by tadabug2000

  1. Ravn Vuiller worries over her children during this troubling time, hoping her husband doesn't get himself killed during the blooming wars of the Empire.
  2. Anna Karolina Amador felt as if the world has lost its color, the bequeathed paints left entirely untouched at her side as she stared upon a mural not too long ago she'd been elated to work on. What was a world with the absence of color? Her vision narrowed and a hand raised to wipe at something almost foreign and wet, cheeks having been drenched with tears. The young girls shoulders slumped, the letter left to her wrinkled from what seemed to be reading it over and over again. Never had the world felt so dull to her, so colorless, as it did now.
  3. Yunya of the Chen Household supports the up and coming family, keeping a close eye on their construction of new shops after a deal made.
  4. skin: Red Dream, Cup of Cocoa bid: 60, 90 discord: beautifulwatty#6584 @Sunflower
  5. skin: Kimono, Drapes bid: 215, 200 discord: beautifulwatty#6584 @Xerma @_Leyd
  6. Skin: Kimono, Drapes Bid: 150 minas, 175 minas Discord: beautifulwatty#6584 @Carson
  7. Welcome to LOTC! If you need help getting started or just a friendly face to talk to, we gotchu!
  8. IGN (MC Username): tadabug2000 Discord: beautifulwatty#6584 Likes: Very peculiar items, collectables, skins, usually just something fun or aesthetically nice but most things work Dislikes: Stuff with bad connotations, dismembered limbs and heads, that type of stuff Are you willing to spend USD on a gift or In-Game only?: In-game only or make it myself
  9. Anna Karolina Amador thought hard on the question, so many things just resting at the tip of her tongue to spiel out. More paints? More time with her family? A cheese-maker? What did this little girl want? "Papej, papej! Yam writing Papej Krugsmas, see? Ea wrote the letter." The letter itself would be on parchment, with relatively neat handwriting for a nine year old. A painting took up the cover of the letter, depicting the spindly branches of a Karosgrad tree, drifting snow settled over it and with bright baubles along its green twine. "Dearest Father Krugsmas, When I was asked what I wanted, a lot of things crossed my mind. Paints for my ever-expanding mural, a kit for cheese-making, something that can help me with the things I enjoy. What I want most of all is for Mamej to cheer up and for Papej to not need to camp any longer. I want my Borsas to get along and my Sestra to talk to me. But if I had to ask for something physical, Father Krugsmas, I want to feel very pretty. To wear jewelry that Mamej made or one of the pretty dresses I see around Karosgrad because then, I'll get lots of compliments. Or learn poetry, poetry works too. Signed, Anna Karolina Amador." @Pureimp10 @crazedpudding
  10. Username: tadabug2000 [but a gift for Animewolf0080]The Jar you want: Big jug [if the jug is more clear and the rest of the body can kind of be seen] if not, Magic jar, please Character's Name: KinChar's Race: Oyashiman Wood ElfFront & Back images of the skin:
  11. Username: tadabug2000The Jar you want: Alchemy JarCharacter's Name: Chen YunyaChar's Race: Proto ElfFront & Back images of the skin:
  12. Might be able to help you out! If you're wanting to talk more, msg me at beautifulwatty#6584
  13. The art for the triplets as babies are so beyond adorable - and then seeing the lovely little Barony, I fell in love! Excited to play Mabel and all and not somehow turn her into a Gravity Falls persona..
  14. Tianrui Fumi had quite happily made the ramen currently being enjoyed by the team about the teahouse, kneeling against one of the tatami mats as she wound up ramen around her chopsticks, slurping up her noodles and looking to Kin with wide-eyes as she slowly took a bite. Looks like he won't be getting an answer till she's full. Yunya of the Chen household was very, very pleased as she took in her fiancee in the uniform, fanning herself with the 'Yong Ping Dragons #1' bamboo fan merch as her cheeks heated, moving all the way to the tips of her ears. No words were said, though her light gaze offered high praise as she scanned her over, thoroughly checking her out.
  15. Tianrui Fumi joined Kin after the game with a clear grin as she pumped her hand in the air, very clearly hyped about the win as she'd hop behind the Teahouse counter, leaning against it as she glanced over the team. "Arigatogozaimasu, Team-kun, Fan-sans! Another great game with more to come. Now, who's hungry?" The ever-hungry Oyashiman questioned, shifting around to rifle through the cabinets, right at home in the Teahouse kitchen. @Hopesky123 Yunya of the Chen Household was currently trying to convince her fiancee to try out for the team, shifting the 'Yong Ping Dragons #1' bamboo fan in hand with a tentative smile as she'd peer up at them with a pleading look. Draping sleeves raised into an open-palmed salute, the tiny woman but major fan offering a clap of her hands, seemingly signaling someone to come out with a Yong Ping Dragons Uniform. Negotiations have seemingly ended, she wanted to see her love on the court. @Cluney
  16. Yunya of the Chen Household was more then pleased for the win, having passed out the bamboo fans to those in the stands and with a warm smile as her gaze followed her son, Chen Xue, who'd have been acting as the water boy during these play-offs. Gaze in particular on the absolute giant of a man, Lanqui as he absolutely dominated the game, keeping with her cheering. Tianrui Fumi celebrated with the team after the hectic game played earlier that night, grinning as she'd enter the Teahouse where they'd all be celebrating, after having deposited her shoes against the shoerack. "Lanqui-san, you did great." The woman complimented, offering a hold-fist salute to the entire team afterwards. "Anyone wanting sake or hotpot after that? I'm starved."
  17. Yunya of the Chen Household prepares bamboo fans with the delicate embroidery of 'Yong Ping Dragons #1' for the first game of the Season, even going as far as to opening the courtyard of her home to those wishing to practice before the big game and sending out Retainers to spy on the nearby nation of Vortice. An avid fan, it'd seem. Tianrui Fumi, Duizhu and Master of Arms of the Yong Ping Army had donned some basketball gear, hard-earned muscles from both practice and Smithing flexing as she'd dribble the ball, cracking a grin as she played a game with her dearest friend and Duhu of the Army, Kin. Matching bison tattoos gleaned on their arms, bantering back and forth as they played a fast-paced but good-natured game. @Hopesky123
  18. Love the different developmental tasks! Feels like it'll drive some good rp and be plain amusing to see if someone happens upon it going on - feels like the musical version of Culimancy and such and I'm all for it! +1
  19. Ravn Vuiller aided her father in getting around after his injury, hoping he had a splendid 100th birthday and continued on for many more.
  20. I like picking something to base them around, some of my best characters have admittedly been based around like, one of the seven sins type thing. Greed, vanity, gluttony, whatever. I'd pick one of those and usually some general concept, like, 'greedy scholar' and build from there. I find it helps to start them as children, as well, it lets me have natural persona development ontop of a natural fault and idea that helps the making of the persona
  21. Yunya of the Chen household clasped a raffle ticket against her as she'd patiently explain how the auction and raffle would work to her daughters. Amara Mareno just wants to be the one to do the auction. IGN: tadabug2000 RP NAME: Chen Yunya
  22. A Skin Auction Yong Ping Edition So! I decided to try my hand at skinning recently and think I did quite okay and therefore, I'll be selling some skins I made! Rules No editing your comment, you have to make a new one. When bidding against someone, tag them in your comment. No last minute skin sniping. Starting bid is 100 minas, at least 25 minas on going up! Ends this Sunday at 9pm EST, 9/26/21! Form Discord Username Skin[s] Bid[s] Li-Ren Hanfus Crimson Rider Hanfu Peaches and Cream Hanfu Oyashiman Kimonos Permeating Mandarins Kimono Sun-faded Kimono Day in the Clouds Kimono Hyeol-yeon Hanboks Vibrant Melon Hanbok A Scholars Hanbok Happy bidding!
  23. Discord: beautifulwatty#84 Skin(s): Farmer's Life For Me Bid(s): 225 Skinner: Neo
  24. Discord: beautifulwatty#84 Skin(s): Gobbo Bid(s): 200 Skinner: Neo
  25. Discord: beautifulwatty#84 Skin(s): Gobbo Bid(s): 150 Skinner: Neo
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