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  1. The Search for Acolytes [source] [!] A dwarf in green armour goes around different cities pinning things to sign boards. My fellow dwarven people, I Garedyn The Green, following the previous High Prophet Axel Ireheart’s pilgrimage, have been appointed as the interim High Prophet of the Kirkja Dverga, our holy dwarven clergy. Although I may not be as experienced as my predecessors, I believe in the wisdom of my elders and the guiding hand of the Brathmordkin. I hope that with the aid of my fellow prophets that the clergy can be reformed in the coming years, after which I shall graciously step down. However, my vision for a better clergy for all the dwarven people can only be achieved with your aid. All dwarves, no matter their location, no matter their race or clan, are welcomed within our ranks as long as they have a desire to learn and worship The Seven. My goal in life has always been to promote dwarven unity in the name of Yemekar, for we are all his creation. If you share this vision, I welcome you personally to Da Kirkja Dverga. If you are a dwarf looking for guidance in life, we welcome you to Da Kirkja Dverga. If you are a hermit looking to teach the word of the Brathmordkin, we welcome you to Da Kirkja Dverga. Narvok oz Brathmordkin
  2. The Aditean Pantheon An artistic mock-up of a lesser deity pantheon What is the Aditean Pantheon? The Aditean Pantheon are a collection of six lesser-spirits revered as deities by Aditeans, followers of the Pantheon’s chief goddess Aditea who is known as the crystal Queen of Justice. Each of these spirits are merely aspects of already-existing Greater Immoral spirits, not independent deities in themselves. In the Aditean belief, these lesser spirits reflect the teachings of their religion (shown below) and organize around Aditea for the purposes of cohesion and emphasis. However, each of these deities has their own agendas and abilities as well. The Aditean religion also recognizes this, and therefore reveres each deity on their own merit, but still emphasizes the role of Aditea as the overall matriarch of their faith. Aditeanism, or the worship of the Aditean pantheon, is currently a nomadic religion with little formal structure. The Aditeans put great emphasis on personal intuition and enlightenment over formalized dogmas or rituals. Notwithstanding the emphasis on personal revelation, Aditeanism is currently led by a spiritual leader called Adis Penweather, who goes by the title “Crystar Prophet." The Crystar Prophet is exclusively responsible for communicating the will of Aditea and the rest of the pantheon to its followers, while ultimately leading them towards connection with the pantheon and Creation as a whole. Who Are The Aditean Pantheon? Below are descriptions of the six members of the Aditean pantheon. Aditea, Queen of Justice - Lesser aspect of Velkumezt Aditea is the chief of the Aditean pantheon (bearing the title of “Queen”) and represents the ideal of justice. She specifically represents Velkumzet’s emphasis on law, bringing forth justice upon the wicked alike through divine judgments. The Aditeans venerate Aditea as the Queen of the pantheon; whenever a prayer or request is made to any other pantheon member, Aditea is necessarily included. Aditea is called the “crystal queen” for a few reasons. Justice is fundamentally a spiritual concept for the Aditeans. If one’s being is unjust, they are out of tune not simply with Earthly laws, but with divine law. If one is not in tune with Creation’s law, he rebels against reality and becomes a destructive force. Before justice can be obtained, one must seek enlightenment. Crystals, with their numerous natural and reflective properties, help one see hidden things a bit clearer. For this reason, Aditea’s crystalline depiction is said to help the devout perfect themselves on the path towards enlightenment. Aditea is said to manifest in the form of a humanoid made from quartz and other crystals, holding crystal scales in one hand and a mighty crystalline longsword in the other. Aditea is also said to bring justice to evil-doers and protection to the innocent. Exceptionally clear-sighted and even-handed, Aditea is depicted in Aditean myths as a benevolent, kind, yet stern matriarch who demands the best from all those around her - spirit and faithful alike. She is worshiped by rubbing together quartz (or any other crystal) and meditating on her likeness and principles. She can also be connected through meditation, prayer, or bathing in waters blessed by the Crystar Prophet or his underlings. Okal - Patron of Occult Studies - Lesser Aspect of Theruz For the Aditeans, enlightenment is rarely found without an encounter with magic. Magic is viewed as one of the many tools provided by the Pantheon to both study and preserve Creation - both cardinal aims of the Aditean faith. For this purpose, Aditeans petition Okal, the patron deity of occult studies, to aid them in their studies of the arcane arts. Okal is often depicted in Aditean stories as taking the form of a man with a long robe, wearing crystal headband and pointing towards the sky to symbolize enlightenment. He is presented as an intelligent man, teeming with a profound curiosity and a keen awareness of even the most difficult of subject matter. He is worshiped by burning an incense before a book of prayers or spells bearing his name. Dromond - Patron of Physical Fortitude - Lesser Aspect of Leyd The Aditean emphasis on rational enlightenment and mental fortitude does not come at the expense of a strong physical constitution. The Aditeans petition Dromond, their patron deity of strength, to aid them in strengthening their physical bodies, minds, and spirits throughout life. Dromond is depicted as a muscular man with a fist made of fire and two feet with the force to crush the strongest adversary. In Aditean myths, he is depicted as a sometimes hot-headed, but chivalrous man who is willing to defend the weakest amongst him. He can be worshiped by doing mental or physical exercises while invoking his name. Such activities are numerous and up to the creativity of the faithful: physical exercises such as jousting, archery practice, building structures, and so forth. Mental exercises such as reading, word-games, and so forth. Twia - Patron of Joy Amid Conflict - Lesser Aspect of Ublulhar All descendants require hope to steel the will against an internal foe. By calling upon the name of Twia, Aditeans renew their spirits with confidence in their personal journeys. For Aditeans, Twia’s influence is essential in maintaining equilibrium with their emotional states. Too much distress or sadness can overrun any Descendant; the warmth of Twia holds despair at bay. Twia can inspire momentary confidence or long-term hope for a distant goal. In Aditean myths, Twia is depicted as a young lady holding a flower in her hand, radiating divine warmth that manifests as yellow circles flowing off her being. Her very presence is said to cause an otherworldly joy to sweep over all in her presence. She is also seen as a happy-go-lucky woman who never accepts the odds. She can be worshiped by petitioning her and asking her to partition her grace upon the faithful. Pinfin - Lady of Moonlight on Dark Nights - Lesser Aspect of Luara The Moon is one of the grandest wonders of creation. In the darkened night, when dark spawn and other malefactors roam, the moon is the only source of light available. For this reason, the Aditeans pay homage to Pinfin, the lady of the Moon. She is depicted as a woman dressed in purplish-blue robes, her eyes like giant, luminescent moons. She is called upon during especially dark nights for protection, illumination, and balance in the heart of the faithful. She is not written about much in Aditean mythos given her very specific focus. Haldrin - Radiant Lady of Sunlight - Lesser of Aztran Every descendent feels the power of sunlight beaming upon them; even the most frigid of dark spawn cannot escape the sun’s enduring authority. The Aditeans venerate the occurrence of sunlight by acknowledging Haldrin, Radiant Lady of Sunlight. Haldrin, like Pinfin, both play minor roles in the Aditean faith. Haldrin is seen as a symbolic representation of illumination, similar to Pinfin, although Haldrin is called upon for more dire situations. She is depicted as a lady of radiant sunlight in a flowing yellow dress with hair like the sun’s rays. She can be called upon at any time by meditating near a heat source. What do Aditeans Believe? Aditeanism, unlike most religions, does not emphasize a strict dogma. Personal experience and intuition plays a huge part in the faithful Aditean’s relationship with Aditea and the pantheon. Aditeanism does emphasize a baseline of principles, however, which inform the faithful’s personal conduct and their perspective of the world. These principles are only starting points. The faithful are encouraged to use their dynamic potential as Descendants to apply Aditean precepts to every walk of life - innovate them, if need be. The only requirement is to stay true to a few basic narratives. 1. Creation is built on logos (order), and is discernible to most people. Even if this particular thought is unknown to someone, many conduct themselves according to logos. All arts in the world, magical or mundane, are governed by inescapable laws. The very notion of existence itself is governed by inescapable realities: everything grows and perishes. Descendants are finite beings who much operate within Creation’s limits. To go against these principles, as so many do through the perverse arts or other means, is to abuse creation. 2. Justice is the preservation of the logos of creation. Injustice is the abuse of creation. When injustice arises, an Aditean is charged to correct it if possible. If not, exhort Aditea for intercession. Order is not a rigid system or dogma; it is a prerequisite for all life. Order encourages creativity and dynamism, it does not stifle it. The orderly must grow in their knowledge lest they lose sight of Creation and, consequently, forsake order. 3. Enlightenment (knowledge of Creation) is essential to an Aditean. Without order, there is no justice. Without justice, there is chaos, decay, and destruction. An Aditean can only get to justice by first achieving enlightenment. As such, the magical and esoteric arts are encouraged, so long as they do not derive from Creation abuse (no dark arts of any sort). The void, contrary to many other faiths, is seen as a vast well of potential gifted to descendants by creation, not a corrupting force in the world. 4. Creation’s subjects, such as the innocent, demand the protection of all just men. Aditeans seek to protect the innocent whenever and wherever they can, provided they can do so with no great risk of danger to themselves. 5. The Aditean pantheon are spiritual models for Aditeans to reflect. They are not vindictive or vengeful deities that seek total compliance; rather, they are guides that seek to help descendants reach their full potential - within the confines of order. 6. Order without justice is tyranny; justice without order is incoherent chaos. Order is the foundation of justice, but justice is a higher principle than order. Put in other terms: order is the means of obtaining justice. 7. The prophets and priests of the faith are only guides. It is believed they are highly attuned to the Pantheon, yet they are still growing themselves. Intuition and personal relationship with the Gods is the pathway to living a just life. 8. Converting others to the faith is encouraged, but it must happen within the bounds of justice. Any attempt to convert by force is shunned and will result in immediate “trial” before the Crysar Prophet. Practices Aditeans are encouraged to study texts of all sorts as part of their faith to Aditea and the pantheon. There is no single “text” for the Aditean faith. Rather, stories are passed down through oral tradition and the notes and meditations of earlier priests/prophets of the faith. Aditeans routinely pray, fast, perform good deeds, and evangelize the messages of the Pantheon to newcomers. The number of meditations and rituals are numerous and normally specific to particular deities. Generally, however, Aditeans sit near a figurine or a symbol of the chosen deity and reflect upon it in silence. It is believed that the Gods hear the innermost reflections of one’s heart, so in essence they are holding a silent conversation with the Pantheon. Crystals, torches, staves, and other items can be used to enhance one’s worshiping experience. Aditeans have “temple” where a priest/prophet will deliver sermons, impart wisdom upon the faithful, and answer questions en masse. “Temple” can be unorthodox, however; ranging from diverse topics such as the esoteric arts, the nature of reality, the role of religion in man’s thinking, to more theological topics like the role of justice in faith, the desires of the pantheon, and so forth. Temple reflects the constant Aditean push towards enlightenment, rather than lowly indoctrination or dogma. Other than temple, the only other formal gathering observed by Aditeans is “court.” Court, playing on Aditeanism’s themes of justice, law, and order, is called for one of two purposes: A. a violator of justice is caught by an Aditean faithful in the course of their life, and brought captive to an Aditean settlement. B. An Aditean violates one of the tenets of the faith by going against justice. This “court” is overseen by the Crystar Prophet and only him, to limit the amount of political bias present in the process. The Crystar Prophet engages in an inquisitive process throughout the entire session. Should he decide the accused violated the divine Law in accordance with the Aditean faith, he will issue a proper punishment. Death or execution are reserved for the worst of the worst; those who corrupt Creation with dark magics, or who murder innocents, and so forth. Most punishments are relatively minor or rehabilitative, rather than destructive. Conversion Converting to Aditeanism is remarkably easy. A willing convert must seek our a priest or the Crystar Prophet and swear a simple oath before him: I will be a just and enlightened being, in service to the preservation of Creation’s law of justice, and a servant of it’s patron Aditea. May my actions conform forever to my words.” After uttering that phrase, a priest or the Crystar Prophet will bless the convert before Aditea and thus officially initiate them into the faith. Join the Aditean faith today! Wield the crystal sword of justice and pursue enlightenment for the betterment of our world!
  3. THE TEMPLE OF THE ENTWINED STAR GOD The Slumbering One, "The Glodites" The Prayer of the Slumbering God "But the Dream, and the Slumber." [!] Strange Posters, Letters, and Pamphlets would be thrown about the poorer slums of Almaris. ============================================================================================================== Greetings Dreamer, Long have WE watched you sleep. Unaware of the reality of which blankets you, and clouds your vision. Praising false Gods such as the canonist "Creator", the "Brathmordakin", and the "Aspects". The Aenguls and Daemons you so fear are but mere illusions, aspects cast by the Slumbering God. Have you ever felt their watchful gaze, as you sleep? The eyes are always watching, Dreamer. The Slumbering God has begun to awake, and their power can be felt all throughout the realities. His chosen champion, Glod Grimgold, has manifested in this reality as his "living aspect". Everyday, our spells grow stronger. Now, it is time we reveal ourselves to the world. If you wish to join our Temple, you must prove your loyalty. The youth of Almaris are unguarded. They walk the streets without guardians. Babies are left in cribs, in unlocked rooms. Take these sacrifices, and slay them. Their blood will mark your initiation into the Temple as an Acolyte. If one is unavailable, the sacrifice of a Canonist Priest, Brathmordakin Forgeguard, Druid, or Paladin will suffice. Do not feel this is an impossible task - work in the shadows, and slaughter those who work against the Dreamer. Seek out the book known as "The Chronicles of Glod" to begin your path to enlightenment. To show you apart of our powers, the back of this note will include a single spell from our Arcanium. Once you feel the gaze of our Lord, you will know you have become a true "Glodite", and have entered our rank as an Acolyte. ============================================================================================================== MYSTERIUM SOMNIUM ARCANUS ____________________________________________________________________ __________________████____████________████____██████________________ __________________████____████________████____██████________________ ______________________████████████████████████______________________ ______________________████████████████████████______________________ __________██▓▓____██▓▓████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░████▓▓████____████________ __________██▓▓____████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░__██████████____████________ __________░░░░▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▓▓▓▓░░__________ ________░░░░░░████░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓▓▓██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░████░░░░░░______ __████__░░██▓▓░░░░░░░░____████░░__████████____░░__░░░░░░████░░__████ __████____██▓▓░░░░░░░░____██▓▓░░__████▓▓██____░░__░░░░░░████░░__████ ______████░░░░____░░__░░░░██▓▓████████▓▓▓▓░░░░░░__░░░░__░░░░████____ ______████░░______________██▓▓████████▓▓██______________░░░░████____ ________░░▓▓▒▒______________░░▓▓▓▓▓▓██__________________████________ __________██▓▓________________▓▓▓▓▓▓██__________________████________ ____________░░████__________________________________████____________ ______________████__________________________________████____________ __________________████████__░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████████________________ __________________████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░__██████████________________ __________________________████████████████__________________________ __________________________████████████████__________________________ MYSTERIES OF DREAMING ARCANE
  4. The Vigilants Vigilants serve as the priests and priestesses of Wyrvun. Drawn from the ranks of the faithful, they are the standard bearers of Isvinity, and fulfill a number of vital roles. Clad in cloaks of fur with scale-mail pauldrons, the most identifying feature of the Vigilants are the twisted, silver draconic horns forming a circlet upon their head, reminiscent of a wyvern. Most cloaks are brown, black, and grey, with white reserved for Archvigilants. Though often covered, the skin of a Vigilant is thoroughly and systematically scarred, particularly upon the arms, legs, and abdomen. Hierarchy A fully fledged Vigilant is bound to one of the four wayshrines, following the Path of Birth, Peace, War, or Death. Though they are not limited in the performance of duties at other wayshrines, their particular path allows them to focus on one aspect of their faith - a necessary feat, given the distance between wayshrines, which necessitates a delegation of important duties. From their path, the Vigilant assumes a moniker - a value or attribute related to their wayshrine. Among their own, Vigilants often call each other only by such monikers. Examples for Birth include Creation and Rebirth; for Peace, Wisdom and Serenity; for War, Strength and Agility; for Death, Reverence and Martyrdom. The Vigilant is tasked to excel in or represent this value above all others, serving as an example and counsel for the faithful. It is only through these values that a descendant can pass the ultimate test and survive the harsh climate of Fin’hesin - for to draw upon another deity is sacrilege, and to wield the void is to introduce chaos and sacrifice one’s own health. There are no shortcuts in survival. Rising above the Vigilants are the Archvigilants, one for each wayshrine - the Archvigilants of Birth, Peace, War, and Death - known primarily by their new path monikers and secondarily by their original ones. They hold dominion over their respective wayshrine and the Vigilants bound to it, including the ability to raise a novitiate of their path to full Vigilance, and together their council serves as the source of religious authority. From their ranks is selected a High Vigilant in agreement between the Archvigilants and prince, and the holder of this post maintains their status as Archvigilant. The High Vigilant advises the prince upon matters of religion; decision-making remains the realm of all four Archvigilants, though the High Vigilant may break a tied vote when they arrive at an impasse. Fresh Archvigilants are proposed by the High Vigilant and confirmed by their Archvigilant peers, with input from the prince. The prince, or princess, holds a peculiar status within the Vigilants. Their Vigilance is customary, but through divine right, they reign above even the High Vigilant. The alternative - a High Vigilant subservient to the prince in matters of politics, but a prince subservient to a High Vigilant in matters of religion - would be severely destabilizing. Thus, the prince takes precedence, but it is tradition for the reigning monarch to be uninvolved. Part of none of the Paths, the monarch may select any moniker, which then becomes divorced from the hierarchy for its duration. The participation of the prince in the affairs of Isvinity is a rare thing, for it represents a destabilizing effect upon the balance of the four Paths. Thus, royal intervention is a rarity, permitted only by extraordinary circumstances. Anything more is frowned upon. Relics In their capacity as Archvigilants, each is granted a relic, to be passed on to their successors upon death or abdication. These are the Breath of Isvin, Eyes of Isvin, Claw of Isvin, and Voice of Isvin. The Breath of Isvin is a lantern, and is held by the Archvigilant of Birth. This lantern is the tool through which the Vigilants transfer the sacred fire of their offerings from the Wayshrines. Fire drawn from the Wayshrine of Birth is used for the Cleansing Ritual and to light the hearths of the sick, and fire drawn from the Wayshrine of War is often used to light forges for weaponsmithing. Fire is light, and its spread makes things anew. Thus, it falls to the domain of Birth. The Eyes of Isvin are a ring of keys, held by the Archvigilant of Peace. These keys grant access to the Vigilants’ accumulated knowledge, buried in a library beneath the crypts. It is guarded jealously, for written knowledge is a rare and precious thing among the Snow Elves, and access may only be granted by the Archvigilant of Peace. Knowledge is fuel for the mind, and thus the keys fall under the domain of Peace. The Claw of Isvin is a glaive, held by the Archvigilant of War. This finely crafted weapon aids War in their primary task, being the physical protection of Fin’hesin from threats divine and mortal alike. From deific creatures to deific and voidal mages, it is only fitting that the embodiment of War wields for their relic a weapon. The Voice of Isvin is a horn, held by the Archvigilant of Death. Carved from a dragon’s horn, this instrument’s low tone is used for several purposes. One lengthy blast is sounded at the end of funerals to herald the coming of a new soul to Wyrvun, to be judged. Two blasts call for Conclave among the Vigilants. Three blasts sound an emergency or crisis relevant to the Vigilants. Other Vigilants may create and hold lesser relics representative of their monikers, to be held upon their death or abdication until a new Vigilant takes up their mantle. Novitiate Trials Before one ascends to full Vigilance, they must pass a series of trials, and until such a time are known as a Novitiate. These trials are to ensure that an aspiring Vigilant possesses the qualities necessary to serve Wyrvun. The first four center around each wayshrine, and are administered by a designated Vigilant. The final trial is based upon the moniker and path they select, and is overseen by their respective Archvigilant. The first trial is that of Birth, and its purpose is to test a Novitiate’s ability to nurture - for the Vigilants are tasked with nurturing faith among the Mali’fenn and protecting the fauna of Fin’hesin. Like many among the Mali, Vigilants use animal companions to send letters across vast distances. Often, though not necessarily, these are birds. The task in this trial is for a Vigilant to find a baby animal of their choice and raise it as their courier, to deliver their letters, share a bond, and perform other necessary tasks. The second trial is that of Peace, and its purpose is to test a Novitiate’s intelligence and wisdom, as they must provide counsel in life and an account to Wyrvun upon death. They will select a foreign group - often another nation, settlement, or religious order - and spend time among them. Taking a book, they will learn all they can of these people and record the knowledge, testing their ability to compile information and exercise charisma. When done, the novitiate will return home and pass the book on to the Vigilants. Just as Wyrvun is regarded as the Aengul of Wisdom, so too do the Vigilants aspire to wisdom, and that cannot be gained without knowledge. The knowledge within grants the Vigilants the added benefit of serving as a threat register of the other descendants to Fin’hesin, with whose protection they are tasked. The third trial is that of War, and its purpose is to test physical prowess. In their role as protectors, Vigilants must have strength, agility, and vitality. Thus, the novitiate is sent into the wilderness with nothing. They must craft an appropriate weapon, learn to survive in the harsh lands of Fin’hesin, and return with the pelt of some of the region’s big game. These include a bear, elk, boar, snow leopard, or direwolf. The fourth trial is that of Death, and its purpose is to test a Novitiate when pushed to its brink - as only then can they understand the fate of their ancestors, their god, and what awaits them after life. The Novitiate is tasked with bathing in a frozen lake for as long as they can. In time, the cold will take them, and they will begin to slip away. Only then will they understand the potency of the Deep Cold, and it is only on the verge of freezing that one can feel the embrace of death - the call to sleep - and still recover. When the Novitiate passes out, they will be pulled from the water, and made to relate their experiences on the brink. Before the fifth and final trial, a Novitiate is to choose a path - Birth, Peace, War, or Death. From the wayshrine they choose, they are to assume their moniker - a value or aspect derived from their wayshrine, and define it. Depending on which moniker they choose, their new Archvigilant will provide them with a trial to test that specific virtue, for by taking it as a moniker they are tasked with embodying it. Upon the completion of this trial, the Novitiate will ascend to full Vigilance. Roles The roles of the Vigilants are numerous, from ceremony and counsel to secret ritual. As guides of the faithful, it is the duty of Vigilants to teach the Snow Elves of Isvinity - from Wyrvun and the realms to behaviors and the processes of worship. Further, however, some may try to spread Isvinity to others who dwell within Fin’hesin, for their worship of foreign gods in Wyrvun’s land is unacceptable, and their spirits shall be held by Wyrvun regardless. Conversions of those outside of Fin’hesin - devotees of the winter season - are also not unheard of. In these capacities of teaching, they are also to provide counsel to those seeking their wisdom, particularly in relation to their moniker - upon whose value they are the authority. In relation to the public, Vigilants also preside over ceremonies and aid in the process of offerings. Outside of public view, they are accorded tasks of their own. One of the primary missions of a Vigilant is to guard and maintain the wayshrines, particularly that whose path they follow. Their attachment to Wyrvun sees them make offerings more than the typical Snow Elf. In regards to the replenishment of their ranks, a Vigilant may also be tasked with overseeing the trials of a novitiate. Lastly, the Vigilants serve as the ever-watchful protectors of Fin’hesin and servants of Wyrvun. In the former task, they scout and guard the lands of Fin’hesin, seeking to purge the region of evil deific creatures, the influences of foreign gods, and the chaotic forces of the void - thus placing Vigilants in opposition to deific and voidal practitioners of magic alike. Further, they engage in divination - a process through which signs are interpreted as messages from Wyrvun. From the weather, they draw broad implications, while from dreams come visions of a more personal scope. The final duties of the Vigilants are Cleansing and Blooding - the latter being a secret, sacred ritual. Though a Vigilant may perform any of these tasks, the different Paths hold primary responsibility for many of them. Path of Birth The primary responsibilities of the Path of Birth are that of charity, purity, pilgrimages, births, comings of age, marriages, and Cleansings. To be a Vigilant upon the Path of Birth is to nurture and treasure life. Vigilants of this strain often perform acts of charity. Further, they pay special attention to the sick, and often the Archvigilant of Birth will ensure offering fire from the Wayshrine of Birth is transferred to the hearths of the ill. Encouragement and guidance for those intending on pilgrimage also falls to Birth, for their Wayshrine is the first step on this path. Vigilants of Birth often preside over the ceremonies of birth, coming of age, and marriages - along with the ritual of Cleansing. Lastly, they are charged with the maintenance and protection of the Wayshrine of Birth. Path of Peace The primary responsibilities of the Path of Peace are that of teaching, spreading Isvinity, keeping knowledge, and counseling. Vigilants of Peace are keen to teach the faithful of Isvinity’s tenets, informing them of religious doctrine, beliefs, how to conduct offerings, and other facts central to the faith. In this capacity, they often serve as counselors. Many faithful take their problems to the Vigilants for consultation, and it is typically Vigilants of Peace that leap at the opportunity to guide. In addition, Vigilants of this path serve as the keepers of the Vigilants’ knowledge - their written works held sacred due to the rarity of ancient writings among the ‘fenn. Lastly, Vigilants of this path seek to prosthelytize. The conversion of settlers upon Fin’hesin is a long-held goal, and some even seek converts among devotees of the winter season within Fin’mirak - far outside of Fin’hesin. Lastly, they are charged with the maintenance and protection of the Wayshrine of Peace. Path of War The primary responsibilities of the Path of War are the physical protection of Fin’hesin, the fighting of monsters and mages, oaths, Stormcalling, and Battlepainting. Vigilants of War are the militant arm of Isvinity. Though this is not exclusive to them, it is their speciality. They seek to root out evil, foreign deities, and voidal influence upon the lands of Fin’hesin. Many wield weapons of thanhium, which obstructs voidal mages. In addition to these duties, they oversee oaths and the ceremonies of Stormcalling and Battlepainting. Lastly, they are charged with the maintenance and protection of the Wayshrine of War. Path of Death The primary responsibilities of the Path of Death are keeping the dead, funerals, divination, and Blooding. Vigilants of Death serve as the most mystical side of Isvinity. Often, they pass their time in meditation upon the dead, whom they are charged to protect within the crypts. They preside over the funeral ceremony and the Blooding ritual. Further, divination falls to the Path of Death, for these Vigilants bridge the link between Fin’ciwn and Fin’cuith - lending them particular insight in interpreting Wyrvun’s signs. Lastly, they are charged with the maintenance and protection of the Wayshrine of Death. Conclave Conclave is the gathering of all Vigilants, held in the crypts before the Wayshrine of Death. It occurs both on a periodic basis and as-needed, called by the Archvigilants and signaled by two blasts from the Voice of Isvin. In Conclave, the Vigilants may cover a number of topics. Changes to the hierarchy are a common one - with introductions given to new Vigilants and new Archvigilants, and the passing of relics and duties from the old to the new. Further, they catch up on recent happenings - past ceremonies and current events among them. Additionally, they plan for such events, planning and assigning Vigilants to attend upcoming ceremonies and festivals. One of their most important tasks in Conclave is to monitor the wellbeing of Wayshrines, Fin’hesin, and the state of the Isvin faith. Perhaps their most conflictive role, however, is the debate of religious doctrine and politics. It is in Conclave that official stances of the Vigilants on proper beliefs and conduct are established. Further, it is in Conclave that the intersection of religion and politics is discussed. While the Vigilants may hold opinions on what should and should not be law, and on what political course their state should pursue, such decisions fall to the prince and his council. The High Vigilant has a place upon this council, and so it is through Conclave that the High Vigilant’s stances and requests upon the council are often determined. Beyond these periodic meetings, and perhaps most importantly, Conclave may be called for crises and emergencies. A corruption of Fin’hesin, war, or an uptick in combative encounters with beasts or mages may warrant a Conclave to chart a course of action. Divination Divination stems from two sources - the weather and dreams. Just as Wyrvun rules of Fin’hesin and the Deep Cold, so can he shape it to make known his will. Manifestations with broad implications occur in the weather. Further, as Aengul of Sleep, he holds influence over dreams - though such meanings are often personal and thus more limited in scope. Weather Divination Shooting stars and meteor showers are thought to be the reflection of a soul returning from Fin’ciwn to Fin’cuith, as the light of the moon plays against the lakes of the land and mirrors the journey into the night sky. The polar light display known as elanah'sul is considered to be the opposite: a stream of souls making the journey from Fin’cuith to Fin’ciwn. Comets are often seen as omens of significant change, acting as a sign of drastic alterations to the status quo. Due to the rarity of these events, sky gazers will not often focus their attention on searching for this rare phenomenon, but rather allow it to be noticed by coincidence. The nature of this change will often be up to interpretation as to whether this change is one to be feared, such as the Cataclysms. The Mali'fenn are often viewed as isolationists, even by Wyrvun himself. Because of this they often find themselves forced into a defensive position within their home. Blizzards are often believed to be an extension of Wyrvun's influence in Fin'hesin, designed to mitigate the strength of the threat. Most likely these threats are mortal in nature, but on occasion it can be interpreted that these blizzards are to drive out insidious foes of the supernatural kind. In contrast to the battering nature of a blizzard, a soft snowfall will often be viewed as a common blessing for the Fennic people. A sign of good faith and the prosperity of things to come is often what is associated with freshly lain blankets of snow. Thundersnow is a rare occurrence where, despite the freezing climate, thunder and lightning still occur. This is seen as unintentional backlash by Wyrvun as he engages in some form of divine conflict - defending Fin’ciwn from divine interlopers. Due to his connection to Fin'hesin, his interactions with other divine beings can spill out, causing phenomena such as thundersnow. Seeing how Wyrvun often uses Fin'hesin as a way to communicate with the Mali'fenn, it stands to reason that he would offer his distaste and anger through it as well. Hail is often a sign of this anger, and with it can predict poor harvests and livestock troubles. While there are many reasons as to why Wyrvun might be angry, it is undebated as to the fact that hail is meant to act as a form of punishment for the Mali'fenn. Sunny skies and warm weather often spell troubling times for Wyrvun as his lack of strength echoes through the warmer weather. When these times occur it can be expected that Wyrvun will be unable to lend any assistance for quite some time, at least not until his strength has returned. A red sky is one of the rarest phenomena to occur in Fin'hesin and often spells troubling times ahead. Most often it is a sign that blood will be spilled in the days to come, but often it is hard to tell if the blood will be Fennic in nature or foreign. A red sky can frequently be associated with a coming battle or a treachery that has occured. Rainbows are a beautiful sight to see in the northern lands, and as such forecast peaceful times to come. This peace can be felt in either the weather, in politics, inside oneself, or even domestically. Sometimes this omen can be for all of the Mali'fenn, or sometimes it is to be interpreted as a sign for a single individual. Similar to hail, Wyrvun can show his pride in his followers' actions by presenting them with a moon halo, a sign of plentiful harvests and good health. The grace of the moon halo will last for many months as the crops reach maturity and harvests begin. Often celebrations and festivals will follow quickly behind a moon halo in order to capitalize on the good will of Wyrvun. Sustained winds blowing in from the north suggest the coming of a harsh winter with much sickness, whereas winds coming from the south indicate a warm and uneventful summer; winds from the east suggest a wet, rainy spring, and winds from the west assure a mild autumn with bountiful harvests. Dream Divination As Wyrvun guards the entrance to eternal slumber it makes sense that he would speak to his chosen people through their dreams, offering guidance for his followers. Due to the nature of dreams, however, his messages can come across jumbled, twisted by the imaginative creativity found within them. Despite this, there are many constants that can be found across all dreams from Wyrvun. These constants hold significant meaning to the Fennic people, which can be judged by a Vigilant in order to interpret the intended message. The Weaver, often seen working on a grand tapestry or draped in a funeral shroud, represents the beginning of a new cycle and the clarity of leaving unnecessary tribulations behind, or that one may soon be faced with an important decision involving great risk. Her appearance may also suggest that by disregarding the repercussions of their actions, a person may soon find themselves in danger. She also serves as a caution that one should be aware of the people around them, as to not be taken advantage of, for something may soon prove too good to be true. The Messenger, depicted by a late loved one or monarch, signifies a need for deeper intuition to see through the dark and unknown paths laid before oneself. He typically represents a vital piece of information that is yet to reveal itself, whether due to uncertainty, deviousness, a misunderstanding, or a truth one cannot admit to themselves. His appearance may also suggest that one is being pulled down by a projection of their fears, dormant insecurities, or the resurfacing of repressed emotions. The White Bear represents the need to turn away from materialism and focus on spiritual growth, and the introspective consideration of one’s own motivations, values, and principles. They tend to appear as a spiritual mentor to guide one’s consciousness and teach them how to find their answers within themselves. The White Bear may also suggest a struggle with one's faith, unwelcome isolation, or that one may be ready to explore an interpersonal reconnection. The Wolves signify one's connection with their dignity, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, and ability to nurture, as well as their security, comfort, and practicality. The lone wolf suggests the birth of new ideas, reaping what one has sown, and the stability needed to manifest and grow; a pack of wolves represents an abundance of strong relationships, love without restraint, and coming pregnancy or births; the direwolf urges that one may need to venture out into nature to reconnect with their personal self after a time of neglect. The Snowy Owl symbolizes that life is in a constant state of change; his appearance suggests a sudden increase in love, resources, or unexpected benefits, as well as breakthroughs in negative situations or the end of a harmful cycle. The owl may also appear during times of great control and stability as a cue that factors outside of one’s control are influencing their situation. The Dragon signifies conscious connections, meaningful relationships, open communication, and raw honesty. When the dragon soars into one’s dreamscape, it suggests that they may be out of sync with the people around them, or that they are ignoring responsibilities which have thrust hard choices upon them. The dragon signifies being at war with oneself, and to rectify this, one must be open and clear about their values and beliefs. They must decide what they stand for and work to unite against those who would challenge their philosophy and morals. The Comet, whether soaring across open sky or in a reflection of a lake, brings with it the revelation that unforeseen danger is coming, out of one’s control and impossible to avoid. It serves as a catalyst for sudden drastic change: upheaval, destruction, and chaos. This coming event will shake a person to their core and affect them spiritually, mentally, and physically. On rare occasions, The Comet may also serve as an indication of spiritual awakening or revelation, but only if one can make a massive transformation before reaching the point that change is the only option. The North Star is generally seen as a positive omen, symbolizing endless possibilities and one’s hope for the future. Those who glimpse this celestial body should be prepared to follow their dreams and aspirations, inspired and hopeful, while being wary of potential red flags. The North Star may also signify the need to open oneself towards the healing of old wounds and neglect. The Sword and The Shield represent justice, fairness, truth, and the law. To see them suggests that one is being called to account for their actions and will be judged accordingly. One may also be met with the pair when they need to make an important choice that has the potential for long-term repercussions; one should be aware of the impact their decisions will have on their well-being and the well-being of others. Similarly, The Sword and Shield may also represent that one is unwilling to take accountability for their actions, and serves as a reminder that the consequences will weigh on their conscience until they acknowledge these faults. Deep Slumber signifies a complete, painful severance between the past and future and a need to release unhealthy attachments. It may also suggest the coming of a painful transformative change or ending of a major phase in life. One who finds themselves facing their own sleeping visage must be ready to close one door to open another, put the past behind them, and be ready to embrace new opportunities. Less commonly, this vision may represent the massive personal transformation that one is going through, and one is urged to embrace this change rather than resisting it, lest they become stuck in changeless limbo. Raging Fires symbolize willpower, determination, and strength, and suggests that now is not the time to be passive in the hope that things will work out in one’s favor. One should take focused action and stick to their course, no matter what challenges come their way. Fire also represents the call for one to be assertive and courageous, bold in their expression and firm in their boundaries. Cleansing Cleansing is a ritual by which the Vigilants seek to purge Fin’hesin of corruption, foreign gods, and voidal chaos. The Vigilants assemble at the Wayshrine of Birth for this task. There, they make offerings, and the Archvigilant of Birth appeals to Wyrvun for the cleansing of their land. Thereafter, the Archvigilant of Birth wields the Breath of Isvin, drawing flames from the offering fire. From this lantern, other vessels are lit, and the Vigilants fan out across Fin’hesin - spreading fire through the use of controlled burns. Through the offerings of Birth, the land is born anew - purged of undesirable influences. These controlled burns have the added benefit of preventing wildfires - a not uncommon occurrence in summertime Fin’hesin, despite the region’s permanent snow. Blooding Blooding is a dark, secret, and dangerous ritual that is periodically performed. Known only to the Vigilants, it is an act of self-sacrifice, and its goal is to imbue Wyrvun with strength. Since Wyrvun’s fall and redemption, he remains weak - recovering among the dead in Fin’ciwn. After his conflict with Iblees, and on account of his distrust of other Aengudaemon, the ritual is done in secret - for it is thought Wyrvun would not wish for rivals to know of his returning strength, lest they grow envious and feel threatened. To perform this act, the Vigilants gather at the Wayshrine of Death, for in his weakness Wyrvun is counted among them. There, they cut their skin and heavily bleed themselves over the offering fire, giving rise to the myriad of scars emblematic of a Vigilant. Through this act, they restore strength and life to Wyrvun. ______________________________________________________________________ Joining the Vigilants Prospective Vigilants from across Almaris make their way to Ikur'fiyem in the Fennic Remnants, that bastion of Wyrvun's devotees and center of Isvinity. There, they may find the guidance that they seek, and embark on the long path to Vigilance.
  5. Da Seers Eron Hefruth ᛏᚺᛖ ᛋᛖᛖᚱᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛏᚺ ~=~ Origins & Belief of the Order Da Seers eron Hefruth act as the religious guides of Hefrumm, bestowing knowledge, hosting festivals, and teaching rituals of the Brathmordakin to their kin. Although they vary from Da Kirkja Dverga in practice, beliefs of the Brathmordakin are identical between the groups. In practice, Seers focus much more on seeing the everyday signs and messages the dwarven gods bestow upon them in little ways. The very first known Seer dates back to Ru Firebeard, a dwarf that taught Baldin Frostbeard all he knew about the secrets of the world. Baldin would with time become the High Preceptor of the Kirkja Dverga, however left the order after a disagreement with newer religious leadership figures, and made an oath never to teach again, retiring to Athera for the life of a hermit. As a result, Baldin’s son Karl Blackroot began to instruct his folk on the teachings passed down in his family, building upon the existing traditions of Hefrumm with the unique ideology of the Seers. One of the core beliefs of the Seers was a resurgence of Divination, although an admittedly weaker form of the ancient art that made no claim to Prophetic Ability, placed a greater emphasis on experiencing the Brathmordakin through rites that specifically were designed to conjure visions, semi-controversially utilizing psychedelics. The Seers as we know them came to be through Karl Blackroot, who became Chief of the Blackroot Clan and later went on to be elected to High Chief of Hefrumm. His unusual founding ceremonies and rituals quickly fell under scrutiny by da Kirkja Dverga, due to the use of psychedelic herbs that he declared gave him visions of the dwarven gods. Even so, the message of the Seers spread quickly through Hefrumm and Karl ascended his first few members into the religious leadership. Since embarking to the new land of Almaris, da Seers eron Hefruth and da Kirkja Dverga have cooperated in teaching all dwarves of Urguan, hosting together the Feast of Paragon Bjor Cottonwood. History of Divination Divination is a complicated and confusing art of the dwarves, an art so ancient that its history is filled with holes and contradictions. The earliest dwarf to possess the ability of divination is often attributed by modern Seers to Urguan Silverbeard. Using this ability they say he was able to look beyond the mortal planes to have deep and meaningful encounters with the Brathmordakin, and such is how he received the powerful craftsmanship magic of Runesmithing and achieved other supernatural feats. It is largely understood by all creeds of dwarves that with the art of Runesmithing, runic relics were made that allowed all dwarves to have direct encounters with the Brathmordakin, and the earliest forms of the clergy took shape to spread this knowledge, their rituals being the first form of what can be attributed as widespread divination. This art continued to grow overtime, notable encounters being the visions of Silverbeard kings, however just as with any growth there became a cancer; the Khorvadic Cult. Today it is believed by the Seers that it was through the heightened powers of ancient runic divination that the Ironborn began contact with Khorvad and began their mad claims for power. At the height of Ironborn rule, the Runelords stood against the empire and were severely punished, virtually all ancient dwarven lore on Runesmithing, runic divination, and traditions of the Brathmordakin were lost, the period dubbed the Great Collapse. With the Great Collapse that brought about the destruction of the ancient art of Runesmithing, the ancient and more true forms of divination were lost. Most of Urguan’s sons gave up on any divination and dedicated themselves only to practicing what traditions and powerless rituals they could recover from their past as instructed. However the ideals of the practice remained, and dwarves would often teach that one could feel the powers of the Brathmordakin through their everyday actions, and to no group of dwarves was this more important than the simple folk of the forest, the Sons of Gloin. While the dwarves above and under the mountain busied themself with trade and complex infrastructure, the forest dwarves maintained a heavy focus on the connection to the Brathmordakin any dwarf has just in everyday life, and it became a core tenant of their culture, the forest dwarves carving powerless runes into many objects in reference to the origins of their beliefs. Ranks of the Order Adhering to the value of Hefrumm's unity and seeing the Brathmordakin as their ultimate guides of leadership, the Seers only vary in ranks from those enlightened and those yet to be. Council of Seers The order of the seers is not led by any one individual. Influenced by the forest dwarf way, the seers act as a group with one voice. The ones that dictate what that voice says is the council of seers, a council composed by all the seers of the order. At the end of their meetings one of them is chosen to announce what they have discussed. Seer A Seer is declared as such when they have undergone The Journey of The Brathmordakin, Ceremony of Ascension, and have been recognized as enlightened by other members, now capable to host rituals of their own. Already established Seers are guides for those still in training. All Seers are granted a seat in the Seer’s Council where beliefs, ideas, and theories are discussed and valued. Seer in Training Those that would like to join must seek guidance of enlightened Seers. To help further their progress, they should be sure to attend every ritual and festival hosted by the Seers, until they are decidedly ready by the council to undergo The Journey of The Brathmordakin and Ceremony of Ascension. Trials Journey of the Brathmordakin A test of will and devotion to the Brathmordakin, Seers in Training will embark on a psychedelic journey through the mountainous Path of the Gods with a Seer as their guide. By consuming “Anbella’s gift,” they will be granted sight to admire visions of the Brathmordakin appearing before each alter, telling a story of their existence through images. If any of these visions begin to appear other than they should, the Seer in Training will fail the journey and must repeat it after making amends with themselves for whatever they perceived wrong on their first attempt. Ceremony of Ascension Once successfully enlightened from the Journey, the final step for Seers in Training is the Ceremony of Ascension. With every Seer in attendance, the dwarf must undergo a final test of devotion, The Trial of Shadows, facing their deepest fears by the shadow of Khorvad. This Trial is only meant for Seers in Training who have proven to be insanely strong of will, for a failed Trial of Shadows could result in wounds left on the mind, and at times, even death. When the Seer in Training has successfully surpassed their greatest fears by Khorvad’s shadow, the Seers will allow them to ascend and become a member by marking them with the blessing of the Brathmordakin that guided them to the light. This can be shown by placing flowers of Anbella in their hair, tattoos of any Brath’s symbol on their body, or any other marking of devotion the dwarf prefers. In extreme cases, dwarves can even undergo full physiological changes as a way to show devotion towards a particular Brathmordakin. Traditions of Anbella Gifts of Anbella The Seers regularly hold rituals of storytelling, aided by the use of psychedelic herbs, or “Anbella’s gifts,” as they’re referred to by the forest dwarves. Typically uniting beside a fire in the center of the village, these rituals consist of strikingly realistic, at times overwhelming, visions of the Brathmordakin and all stories associated. The Seers act as guides to the forest dwarves that partake, whatever they may be experiencing, as the visions can be very unpredictable. Festival of Anbella Anbella being the most cherished of the Brathmordakin to the forest dwarves of Hefrumm, the Seers kick off the year with a celebration of life, nature, and family. Finely woven banners and decorations cover the village; a day full of laughter, ale, and kinship. Typically beginning in the tavern of Hefrumm, The Sugary ***, the festival calls every forest dwarf clan to bring an offering of Anbella with them. From finely baked bread to freshly hunted boar, the day concludes with a great feast in which Seers thank Anbella for their most personally valued gifts of hers. Be it family, forest, home, or peace, every dwarf gathers to say their thanks for what the Hearth Mother has bestowed to them. Rescue Ceremony The spirit of the wild needs to be in all creatures owned by dwarves, in this way their animals never lose their connection to The Tribunal. To do this the seers prepare rescue ceremonies where dwarves go out into the wilderness to capture animals to bring back to their farms. This allows the dwarves to have strong, energetic, and meaty animals for their feasts, races, and armies. An animal of every species collected needs to be sacrificed to be sent to Anbella’s realm as a sign of respect to the deity. Anbella’s Pact Ever since their discovery of epiphytes, they have been noticed to be individuals with close ties to nature. In the ways of the Seers, the process of becoming an epiphyte is a self sacrifice to Anbella. One willingly sacrifices their body sending it to Anbella’s realm, encasing their soul that remains behind into a body composed of natural elements more attuned to her call. Despite its higher spiritual elements this new body makes the individual completely infertile. It is said that the pact only lasts around one century, after which the soul of the individual returns to the body in Anbella’s realm. In exchange for one’s sacrifice and a century of service Anbella grants the individual one offspring which is born in Anbella’s realm and whose soul is sent into the mortal realm in the same form as their parent. Despite being able to be done in natural circumstances the likelihood of woodmadness to kick in is more likely as the mind of those individuals tends to not be trained in any way and are just individuals that are attuned to nature. The best way to avoid woodmadness is by doing Anbella’s Pact under guidance and supervision of a Seer that has done it in the past. Traditions of Yemekar Festival of Creation In honor of The Father and Creator of the dwarven race himself, this festival is a day of creativity, innovation, and balance. For forest dwarves, this means woodworking, brewing, branch weaving, and several other products made by the dwarves of Hefrumm. Each dwarf should bring a handmade creation to offer to Yemekar at the altar in Hefrumm. Traditions of Dungrimm Ceremony of the Ancestors A ceremony hosted by the Seers to honor the dead. In the ceremony of Dungrimm dwarves gather to commemorate their ancestors. It is a time to ask for blessings from them and wisdom. During these ceremonies there also tends to be tournaments of strength and valor to entertain those in Kaz’a’Dentrumm and in other realms of the Brathmordakin. Festival of War In times of war captured enemies can be given an honorable death by fighting each other as a sacrifice to Dungrimm in the arena. Those that die honorably in the arena are said to be reincarnated as dwarves in the next life, their soul returning to Yemekar’s forge to be reshaped into a better quality of life. Ceremony of the Dead After the burial of a dwarf has taken place, the ceremony of the dead has to proceed. In this ceremony the friends and relatives of the fallen dwarf gather to talk about the exploits of the fallen. This is done after the burial of the individual so that the Brathmordakin can witness the ceremony before bidding on the soul of the dead. The hope is that after hearing of the achievements of the fallen they will be more inclined to bid for him/her. Dungrimm’s Pact Saprophytes, similar to epiphytes, can appear naturally, but to avoid woodmadness the guidance of the Seers is recommended. Those that choose to become Saprophytes understand the need for decomposition and death in the balance of the tribunal. Like with the epiphytes, saprophytes are infertile, and after a century of service to Dungrimm their soul returns to their body in his realm and a son/daughter is given as a reward. Traditions of Belka Ceremony of the Roses This Ceremony is meant for a dwarf to find a partner. When a dwarf seeks to find a partner they are able to go to a Seer for help. The Seer will take notes of the desires of the dwarf, and will call for the ceremony. All contestants will come to the single dwarf and they will have a conversation for a limited amount of time, in turns. If the single dwarf likes the contestant he/she will give that contestant a rose, which the Seer will hand out. If a proper partner is found the Seer will sacrifice a rabbit to give good luck to the couple. Lover's Brawl To commemorate Belka’s passion the ceremony of the Lovers Brawl can be organised by a Seer. In this event couples take turns in the arena beating each other up until one wins. This duel is meant to represent the passion and strength of their love. Two rabbits tend to be sacrificed before the ceremony to summon the attention of Belka. Parade of Joy To celebrate the survival of the dwarven race despite Khorvad’s attempts to destroy it, the Seers organise a parade. In these parades the dwarves dress up and march around the continent, expressing the might of the dwarven race in a non-aggressive, cheerful manor. Traditions of Ograhad Ograhad’s Day of Study For the wisest of dwarven kin, this occasion is focused on educating the village on the traditions of Hefrumm. Each Seer will be expected to bring a piece of ancient knowledge to bestow in Ograhad’s honor. Following each lesson, said traditions will be taught and participated in. Assimilation Ceremony When a way/ceremony/festival or any other activity has shown results in bringing people closer to the Brathmordakin the Seers’ Council meet and give offerings to Ograhad, then they discuss this new activity and how it works. The council after reaching an agreement decides whether the activity should be added to the list of ceremonies practiced by the Seers. The Ceremony of Tales In this ceremony dwarves bring any tales they wish to the gathering. Once there they will each take turns telling and enjoying each other's stories. These tales can be song, read out, or acted. At the end of the day the goal is to entertain Ograhad with great tales that he can add to his great library. Traditions of Armakak Sun Festival In the Sun festival dwarves come to the gathering bringing their oddities. Once there dwarves trade and barter with each other for the items in their possession. Despite this being aimed at dwarves, all living beings are welcomed if they come to barter. Legends claim that before the creation of the mina there were yearly festivals where folk bartered and traded each other's goods in honor to the Sun God. Traditions of Grimdugan The Brothers’ Rivalry The Brothers’ Rivalry is a tradition dedicated to Grimdugan and Armakak. In this event dwarves are divided into two teams. One representing Armakak, and one representing Grimdugan. Both teams have a stone week to gather as much wealth as they can. Both teams are allowed to mine for it, but the team of Armakak is allowed to use their shops to gain wealth, and the team of Grimdugan is allowed to steal from non-dwarves for theirs. When the end date arrives the wealth of both teams will be placed in the chests of their respective team. The team that has the most wealth in their chest will win. Those that lost will have to give half of what they have gained to the winning team. The Wild Hunt When the dwarves are at war with another nation the Council of Seers can call for the Wild Hunt to take place. This bloody event can last for years, depending on the conflict the dwarves are in. During the Wild Hunt dwarves are invited to swarm the territories of their enemies, raiding, and stealing the wealth of those that inhabit that land. For the Wild Hunt not to just be a call for personal enrichment, part of the collected wealth needs to be burned as an offering to Grimdugan. ~=~ "In dedication to Karl Blackroot, may he forever rest in Anbella's embrace and da Seers Eron Hefruth thrive in his honor." High Chief of Hefrumm, OOC: For more information regarding the Seers of Hefrumm or to join the Order, contact: Yazmorra Blackroot (Lady_Dietz) or via discord; Dietz#2343
  6. Deórhyrst/Deórhyrstas Culture TLDR The culture/religion is composed mostly of warriors, farmers, and merchants. All of whom are religious zealots with various cults being the most fervent in their faith to the gods. They lived in isolation until clan wars forced most into migrations toward current nations. The people are human supremacists with the most common demographics being Highlanders and Heartlanders. Farfolk members often only have a place among the faithful as converts, usually forced. The Deórhyrstas hate the other races due to religious values viewing them as the children of cowards or weaklings. History The Deórhyrstas are a foreign and hardy folk. In the far northern lands among the fjords they lived and fought amongst each other. There has never been a prominent kingdom before the Second Age when clan wars came to a head causing great migrations of weaker clans and exiles to the major continents including Almaris. General Values The average Deórhyrst are a deeply religious people. Zealotry is what keeps this religion alive in the hearts of its believers. No room for compromise is the common mindset for most believers when dealing with those outsiders who they call the Dwolla. All true men and women of the Deórhyrst abide by a short but strict code of honor with severe punishments guaranteed for breaking it. These virtues are called the Ambhetness and are taught to all boys and girls taught the Dómbóc. A people bred for war must show discipline to survive and and with clans often fighting for dominance an unspoken rule was adopted. All offensive wars or raids must end by the time of the first snows. The warbands always return to their hearths by the first day of winter with most choosing to return even earlier to reap the harvest of the fields. This practice has allowed for seasonal warfare and prevented their population from being turned into nothing but piles of dead on the battlefield. The Deórhyrstas are an extremely proud people who are proud to be human and see their fellow man as the pinnacle of creation. They are balance and the chosen of the creator, Bahri, and of his child Wyrd. It is the mission of this the Deórhyrstas to save mankind from other faiths by conversion or death. This view of supremacy leads many to look down on the other races for various reasons. Elves are seen as cowards and frail not fit to fight alongside the gods. Dwarves are greedy who should stay bellow the earth as to not offend the eyes of mankind. Orcs are often given respect for their proficiency in a fight, but their savage ways and failure to live up to the same codes makes them still impure. Gendered Values In most clans a Deórhyrst boy learns to wield a sword by age nine, and to fight in a pike wall by fifteen. He is taught from the moment he can understand language the importance of the Ambehtness, the code for men. There is great attention put on men and warriors to die by the sword with honor. A wound in the back is a disgrace, and it is seen as dying a cowardly death because you were not facing your opponent or were unable to recognize your true opponents. This train of thought leaves many kings in disgrace and is an easy way for clans to take over another, for oddly enough there is no dishonor in using or being an assassin. The Ambehtness Valor Save the foeman by blade and blood Fidelity Stray not from love Family Like any nation a family needs a leader Brotherhood Confide in a shield brother and no other Cunning Listen long and speak short and last Death Meet the sword with a braced chest Faith Trust in Wyrd for she wills all The girls are often taught to use a shield by age twelve, so that they may learn to defend the homes of their future husbands whilst he is away in the Summer seeking fame and riches with the warbands. Particularly combat gifted girls are taught to fight like the boys, and in rare cases permitted to fight with the warbands. As said though this is rare for most clans, and it often requires the clan leader’s direct permission. Female lead clans may be an exception to this rule, but they too are rare with only a few being ever known to exist. The Dómbóc Fidelity After marriage no longer can eyes wander Family No family can exist missing a nurturer Hospitality The fires of a home must be welcoming and defended Cunning Sleight-of-hand will deliver gentle hands success Faith Trust in Wyrd she wills all Marriage For common folk marriage is a one made of choice and freedom. The ceremony is not long but the celebration can last months depending on the individual's wealth. The ceremony itself is rather simple. The man gives his bride a shield to represent her position as the defender of their hearth while he is away. The bride in return gives her husband a sword as a mark of his responsibility to seek glory so that their children might learn to do the same. All of this happens before the highest ranking members of the clans involved along with the High King if one has risen to power. Now these happy and beautiful marriages of choice are only for the common folk. Clan leaders often hoard their sons and daughters as gifts to offer other clans to make peace or forge new alliances. It is not an unusual story to hear of spouses killing each other out of hatred and clan rivalries beginning anew. Day to Day and Clothing On the surface the Deórhyrstas are like many other people. They gather in town centers and trade markets to talk and share news. They dress for the weather of their settlement or where they are traveling to. Folks tend to their crafts be it trading, farming or or some form of a craft. All have a role to play in their society and the folk work hard to fill that role. Men often dawn tunics dyed with the clan colors and embroidered collars, and on their legs they where solid colored kilt or pants. The wealthier men may choose to replace tunics with a brigandine so that they may walk around proudly as fighters. A leather circlet or a fur hat are other accessories to the male ensemble. All men are expected to grow beards to show their masculinity. It is not uncommon for men who can’t grow facial hair to be disrespected or even forced to follow the Dómbóc instead. Women wear vibrant dresses with their hair grown out long. Jewelry is the mark of a rich woman, and a feather circlet is worn to show the ladies availability. A white feather shows she is available for marriage, while a black feather says she is married. This practice has made courting much more streamlined, and also helps to protect both men and women. Architecture The primary building material is wood. The only exceptions being the homes of certain cults, like a Cult of Tyw chapter houses, and any walls a clan may have put up being made of stone. The roofs of common folk are often thatched roofs to help keep home insulated. Great Halls are the home of clan leaders and kings. They are long houses with elaborate entrances often with intricate carvings displaying great battles. Inside there is room for a fire pit and seating for the clan. Animals statues take the place of banners as the most common way to show what household owns the land. Practices like this are what makes it more difficult to crush the fighting spirit of a clan. A more difficult task it is to remove a statue than a banner and claim that place as your own. View of the Creator, Bahri, and the Gods (Quick note here, all these gods will seem familiar to those who read the lore. That's because they are them just renamed by the Deórhyrst. Same characters different name and interpretations.) The Creator Bahri They believe in the creator like many other faiths however they just don’t see him as anything more than the first. Their reverence of him is passive. They only offer small little trinkets as offerings to him as more of a respect rather than a true form of worship. Instead they worship the Primordial Gods Donnar, Vili, Wyrd, and a host of the Wælcyrge and Mares. It is these gods that have sway over their lives while Bahri, their name for the creator, is dead and gone. No more can he offer them blessing. Unlike Bahri the living gods still have sway over mortal fates. Primordial Gods Wyrd Wyrd is the pale skinned Goddess believed to deliver death to mortals on the day Wyrd has deemed. If she offers you an honorable death in battle you are raised to join the Einherjar. There the Deórhyrst dead are to fight with her brother Donnar at the breaches of Irminsul against the Eotan. It is she who inherited the whole of creation and breathed life into mortals. It is for this reason that she alone decides the day they are returned to her. Donnar Donnar is the mighty one who fights back the void where it breaks through Irminsul, the Great Oak that protects creation from the chaos of the Void. It is through his effort creation is safeguarded making him a well loved deity among the Deórhyrstas. No cult has shown to worship him, but is possible all Deórhyrst men who seek a good death are worshippers of him. (Artwork from Games Workshop: Warhammer Fantasy) Villi Villi is the most loved god for her gentle nature. She is the sweet and kind sister of Donnar and Wyrd. She was the one who helped their father Bahri in his creations and stokes the fires of Muspelheim at the start of each morning giving light to all creation until she goes to bed again, and only the light from embers of Muspelheim shimmer off Wyrd's pale skin. She smiles down at creation watching with such delight. The Wælcyrge and Mares Frouwa Frouwa is a collector and shepherd of the dead who present themselves to her. It is with these mortal dead that she wages a war on her rival Surtr as a way to comfort them, for a Deórhyrst there is no greater comfort than a battlefield, except maybe a mug of ale. Ever on they wage war in the heavens with one another after Surtr’s attempt to conquer the mortal realm. As for the dead who do not wish to join her she escorts to them to Wyrd who then may send the souls to Donnar. Tyw Tyw is a zealous crusader who seeks to purify the mortal realm of all corruptions. His view on the subject of said corruption is not a forgiving one. He and his followers seek to exterminate the faithless, the craven, the undead, and worshippers of Surtr. He calls for the removal of the the unnatural, the unneeded, and the unsafe. Tyw appears as a radiant Silver Stag in stories, and it is for this reason his followers often bear a stag as a symbol of their mission. Hveðrungr Hveðrungr is reclusive and rarely deals with mortals. His nature to hide his motives inspired the Deórhyrstas to do the same. They do not often openly lie, but this does not mean they won’t hide the truth with silence or listen through a cracked door. It is this that they owe to the sequestered Wælcyrge. Vindlér Vindlér is another defender of mortals like Tyw, but he does not demand the faith of his followers in prayer, offerings or zealotry. Instead he demands they lead their lives according to his rules of order and vigilance. Many take head of his model and choose to act as missionaries for the faith. Fænir Fænir is another reclusive god mostly due to his shame of being tricked by Surtr, but his pursuit of knowledge has inspired the Deórhyrstas to follow and seek knowledge in its rawest forms. He is hailed as a god of the scholarly pursuits. Very little is known about him, but the one thing known for sure is that it is he who made the dragons and also the one who locked them away. Surtr Worship of this Mare is strictly forbidden. Worshippers are hunted with extreme prejudice and the promise of a slow death. No mercy is awarded to the craven that worship the deity that sought destruction and enslavement of the mortal races. He is the pinnacle of evil and his followers and presence are treated as such. An Overview of the Cults of the Gods For most Deórhyrst their faith plays a prominent role in their life, but even the average man who is zealot by most other standards doesn't compare to any of the cults who give themselves over to the divine to completely embody the will of a god of their choice. The cults are fervent defenders of the faith. Others who have ascribed to anything other than the Deórhyrstas should not speak their faith. A regular Deórhyrst is hard enough to convert. A cultist will likely attack on the spot without warning or feign understanding to plot against you. Cult of Wyrd The Deórhyrstas revere one main deity above all others, Wyrd. In their eyes it is she who inherited all of creation from the creator, Bahri. She is the god of death, poetry, and lords. Despite being the chief god she commands the smallest host of monks who devote themselves to her teachings. The Cult of Wyrd, also known as Wyrd’s Ravens, are known to offer willing or unwilling human sacrifices to her to provide the blood that flows in the river Gjøll. The sacrifices happen every twelve years at the beginning of Spring. The sacrifice is hung from a tree and stuck like a pig. They are then left hanging to bleed into a special trough that represents the river of blood. The cult is secretive and an ominous entity among the clans. Members can be spotted clad in black cloaks with silver chains around their waist. Common folk are wise to avoid eye contact with the Ravens. No lord or king of the Deórhyrstas has sway over these shamans of death, and crossing them is seen as crossing Wyrd the Grim herself. Thankfully Wyrd’s Ravens often keep to themselves tending to the Deórhyrstas corpses for mummification in the sacred burial mounds. Only those approached by members of the cult are allowed to join and learn the mummification arts of the Grim Ravens. (Art by Hasbro: Magic the Gathering: Cryptolith Rite Card) Cult of Vili The Cult of Vili leads a sizable cult of exclusively women. It is under Vili’s teachings do women learn to be the most desirable wives, and nurturing mothers. These women train as seamstresses, cooks, and are taught the value of feminine traits. They are soft spoken around men and attentive hosts to any guests to their hearth. Make no mistake though any who threaten their home will learn the phrase, “Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.” Like many Deórhyrst women they know how to use a shield and will not hesitate to clobber a rude guest over the head from behind with it. These women are also fierce defenders of their husbands honor. To speak ill of her husband is to speak ill of her and her children, so a sharp tongued lecture is all any back-biter can hope to get away with. The Cult of Vili are the pinnacle of the average Deórhyrst man’s ideal woman. These women are the silent enforcers and the most pure according to the Dómbóc. Headed by a High Mother it is she who decides who are pure. Cult of Frouwa The Cult of Frouwa are a well sought after cult due to their practices. These female warriors seek service in life to Frouwa in hopes of reaping the Goddess’s boon. Upon death in battle they believe they may be offered a place amongst her guard the Disir. With Frouwa being the goddess of honor, fertility, and motherhood they look to sire a son or daughter whom they may raise to become a great hero or another member of the cult depending on the sex of the child. The Cult of Frouwa often seek out powerful human kings, or well known fighters to seduce. After they are pregnant they will return to their temple without even a word to the father. If the father was not of the faith he is wise to stay away if he hopes to have any kids ever again. There they will bear their child, and it will be raised by the cult with the members acting as it’s many mothers. This practice earned them the name of Frouwa’s Daughters. When in their temple they wear white gowns and flowers woven together into bracelets and circlets, but anywhere else they are clad head to toe in leather armour and furs with flashy, well maintained spears. Any woman who knows how to fight may apply to train with these elegant and deadly female warriors. (Art by Dustplat) Cult of Tyw The Cult of Tyw is one of the most prominent and respected cults in daily life, and like the Cult of Wyrd is feared for its zealous members. Tyw is the god of justice, balance, and purity. He is by far the most zealous of the Wælcyrge. His followers share this trait with him, and as such are as likely to flog anyone they deem dishonorable in the street as they are to breathe. They wear heavy plate armour and wield massive two handed war-axes at all times when patrolling the streets. These monks are the local law enforcement for many of the larger clans, but their loyalty is to the Grand Judge of their chapter. Clan kings or queens often appoint a Grand Judge to the position of Marshal to gain their loyalty and have a reliable garrison to enforce their will. Traditionally only the most devout who prove themselves just and honorable to the chapters Grand Judge may join. Different chapters exist and infighting has happened on rare occasions. The feuds are often over differences in interpretation on how to dole out punishments for the craven. Despite this you can rest assured none are pushing for leniency just various methods of pain and death. And it is woe to the man that dares betray his oath to Tyw for he will find no comfort and spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder. This cult views it as their duty to keep all Deórhyrstas on the path and to punish those who dare leave the faith. (Deer Knight by SM Chun) Cult of Vindlér The Cult of Vindlér are close allies to the Cult of Tyw due to the close relation ship between the two gods. They often build their temples close to the chapter houses. Both cults seek to guide and uphold the codes and teachings of the gods. These two devout groups of worshippers are easily considered two sides of the same coin. Unlike their violent ally, the Cult of Vindlér are uncharacteristically peaceful for any Deórhyrst. They long brown robes that drag across the ground with the common brigandine over the top, and travel to foreign controlled lands. It is during these journeys that they seek new converts to Deórhyrst. They often do this by staying with the local population and growing close with them. The monks eat and drink with the Dwolla all while discussing their differences and highlighting the nature of the Deórhyrst. When they feel like a convert is possible the potential new Deórhyrstas are invited back to the respective temples under the cults protection. It is here the Monks of Vindlér really get to work. They treat and pamper their guests to show the hospitality of Deórhyrst culture. The guests are even treated kindly by other members of the clan and other cults out of respect for the noble work of Vindlér’s followers. As a matter of fact disrespecting these cults warrants the rather of the Cult of Tyw. After the visit is complete the monks escort the guests back to their homes ensuring their safety, but also ending the protection until the next invitation is made. Members are the most devout Deórhyrstas and are declared worthy by the Grand Monk of the temple. Cult of Fænir The final clan and easily one of the most respected is the Cult of Fænir. Fænir is the god of wisdom, history, and stewardship. His followers are the teachers, advisors, and scholars of the Deórhyrstas. While all men of the Deórhyrst are expected to grow beards, the Cult of Fænir, or the Unknowers, grow beards so long they drag on the ground to represent the vast well of knowledge they possess. If they are women they will grow their hair to touch the ground instead. No matter the sex of the the Unknower they all wear decorative bone headdresses. Stone temples are built to act as lecture halls, libraries, and homes to the members. All Deórhyrst, even members of other cults, often seek the monks in these stone temples when in need of advice or knowledge. Typically any can join this cult, but it often requires years of study before they can be accepted by the members. One must be fluent and knowledgeable of the stories of the gods, and also must be quick with their words. The Unknowers may seem friendly at first to any outsider, but they too still have a grim side. They often put on a smile for the unfaithful and trick them into coming to their hearths. Ultimately this often leads to being kidnapped and used as a test subject or interrogated for any scrap of knowledge the unfaithful has. All of this done at the order of the leader who is often simply called The Elder. The Elder is as the name implies always the oldest member of the local scholars. (No artwork shown here is owned by me. If known the artist was given credit under the image.)
  7. Excerpt from the Tahkayt Hezzifan, or "Long Story", the oral poetry telling the tale of the A'tmuzigh people. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Tahkayt Hezzifan is part of a lengthy and dramatic ceremony performed by A'tmuzigh Elders and Oracles, as a form of oral transmission of knowledge. This extensive spoken poem tells the tale of the creation of all things originating from the primordial One, continues by going over the A'tmuzigh's history as a people group, and ends with the prophecy of the end of all life and the world's inevitable return to its primordial state. The Tahkayt Hezzifan differs from tribe to tribe, but its beginning and end stays largely the same regardless of tribal allegiance. The following excerpt takes key sections of this lengthy poem to showcase the A'tmuzighs' beliefs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the beginning At first the world was darkness and ocean, A vast expanse of free spirits in constant motion, The gods in the heavens would all claim their share, Yet could not distinguish what spirit was where, The gods, used to feuding and constant estrangement, Came together as one in an uneasy arrangement, So they created the Sun high in the sky, Hoping its heat, the ocean would dry, The Sun in the heavens, as it shone and it shone, Revealed from the ocean, lands of bare stone, The spirits from water were stranded, and so they would die, Raised their gaze to the heavens and thus they would cry, “Oh water, oh life. Without you, we wither!” Some of these spirits would crawl and would slither, To escape to the ocean, away from the land, Those who did not turned to dust and to sand, The gods were displeased at what had thus happened, The spirits on land left to die and abandoned, So they came together, to save what could be, And created the Moon, to bring the tides from the sea, The tide healed the spirits from the water it grants, Those close to the ocean became creatures and plants, Yet some spirits remained far from the shore, Pleading and screaming and dying in scores, The gods came together for one final time, They took from the water of the ocean sublime, Glanced one last time at the withering crowds, They scattered the water in ponds, lakes, and clouds, In the midst of the deserts, as spirits did fall, From the rain, an oasis, as if by their call, They drank and they drank, ‘til they could drink no more, The spirits soon realised they could see no shore, The oasis appeared, and had been their salvation, Yet now they were stranded, and forced in prostration, Their heads bent to drink water brought from the rain, Their bodies battered by winds who sought to bring pain, The sands and winds, now jealous and vicious, Sought to enslave those whose calls were auspicious, The spirits thus bent, and their bodies assailed, Tried to fight back, but surely so failed, Their skin became tough to combat the storms, And thus, over time, did they change their forms, No longer ethereal, now flesh and bone, Among them, Mezeg, a spirit well-known, Rose up in defiance, with his body as shield, He rallied his kin, no longer they yield, The spirits of plants first came to his aid, So he could make tents out of fibres arrayed, The winds no longer reached those who resisted, The spirits of animals then rose up and assisted, Wool made up their clothing, and from milk they could sip, Free were they now from the sands and their grip, And so in their tents, did the rebels proclaim, “No longer are we slaves, and so we shall name”, “Ourselves for the freedom we have fought to achieve”, “And in remembrance of those we have lost and we grieve”, “The Freefolk we are, A’tmuzigh in our tongue”, “A people whose battle will be heard and be sung.”, And so did he march with his people and brothers, From oasis to oasis to free all the others, Mezeg was his name, the Liberator, his title, A man who believed that freedom was vital, And thus he marched on, breaking the chains, Liberating the others from their plights and their pains, A dolmen he carved at every oasis he saved, To remember all those who died when enslaved, And so that his people, no more would be slaves, Whether to spirits of winds, sands or waves, In the end The gods in their folly made the Moon and the Sun, Dried up the ocean and broke up the One, All spirits were meant to be one and the same, And thus do we see, and so we proclaim, The spirits apart will grow wild, corrupt, This growing imbalance, the world will disrupt, The gods will look down and see their mistake, They treasure this world and so their hearts will ache, First the Moon they remove, their tidal creation, The oceans will rise, flooding every nation, Then the Sun will depart from high in the sky, Thus in the end, all life must die, Darkness once more, the world will envelop, And the primordial ocean will redevelop, The spirits at peace, one and the same, All things as they should, so shall they reclaim. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This poem is available in-game through a book of the same name, Tahkayt Hezzifan, purchasable on AH or in Valhelm Square, next to the bank. (OOC: If you wish to play an A'tmuzigh character or are interested in the lore, please feel free to contact me on Discord at Northern_Watcher#0790)
  8. INTERCESSION MAGIC By Viros Intro In the upper reaches of the Seven Skies, a nameless Aengul fulfills an ancient task. He, like all his brothers, was born in an instant: a spirit called forth during the dawn of all things. Unlike them, however, this spirit did not arrogantly burden the perfection of his birth with a name. Nor has he sought mortal worship--and who among all the other Aenguls and Daemons has never manifested, never once spoken? Faithfully, and for untold centuries, this silent servant has intervened in the deaths of the virtuous, calling their souls to his side to live on in glory and power, unified with him in worship of something greater. First was Horen, and all his disciples. More followed; Joren, Owyn, Clement, Godfrey, Adrian, Siegmund, Thomas, Jude, all these and innumerably more entered the Skies under his protection. Together they form the Congregation of Saints, granting the petitions of devoted mortals in the form of miraculous intervention. Intercession Magic is a new Deity magic archetype, specifically designed for members of the Canonist faith. Instead of connecting to a single “deity”, practitioners of Intercession Magic connect to the congregation of exalted, saints, and beatified in the Seven Skies. By supplicating the assistance of these saints, and by remaining virtuous and in good standing with the Church, the practitioner (called an “invoker”) may pray to saints for miracles. These miracles are unique because their outcomes are not under the control of the invoker (although they are under the control of the player); rather, the saint acts and determines all effects directly. Likewise, instead of a broad range of powers relating to a certain motif--such as Illusions, Water, or Healing--each saint grants only a specific set of miracles, relating to their portfolio. This is to allow invokers to access a range of minor abilities reflecting the diversity of the saints, without trespassing on other archetypes. Intercession Magic is divided into three subtypes, each with a rough theme. Ars Notoria are Miracles of Transcendence, which focus on insight, wisdom, and passive resistance. Ars Gloriosa are Miracles of Strength, which focus on displays of pious zeal, unity, and purity. Ars Magna are Miracles of Grace, which focus on healing, protection, and community. Each is associated with one of three Exalted; Ars Notoria with Siegmund, Ars Gloriosa with Owyn, and Ars Magna with Godfrey. The powers associated with the three subtypes are intended to communicate the ethos of their respective Exalted, and inspire players to engage others in Canonist roleplay. Initiation into a subtype is obtained by connection to the Congregation of Saints by the High Pontiff or a member of the Holy Synod (aka the Connector and the Teachers), who may also break a connection. The Congregation of Saints refuses connection to any person already connected to another Deity, and will not brook spiritual contact with anyone outside of the four descendant races. Additionally, undead characters or characters with knowledge of a Dark Arts subtype cannot use or obtain Intercession Magic. Obtaining a Dark Arts subtype or connecting to another Deity instantly breaks an invoker's connection with the Congregation of Saints. Ranks and Rituals Like other archetypes, Intercession Magic is divided into five tiers. Each tier represents increased veneration of the Congregation of Saints, and can only be accessed by dedicated emulation of the virtues of the Exalted, the Saints, and the Beatified. Generally, Ars Gloriosa emphasizes justice and strength, Ars Notoria emphasize wisdom and introspection, and Ars Magna emphasizes mercy and sovereignty. The archetype recognizes three ranks, Connector, Teacher, and Invoker. New Invokers can only be connected to or disconnected from the Congregation of Saints by a Teacher or the Connector. Likewise, new Teachers can only be raised to (or brought down from) that rank by the Connector. At any given time, there exists only one Connector--the High Pontiff. He may, through a sacrament, promote Invokers to Teachers, demote Teachers to Invokers, or sever an Invoker’s connection wholesale. When the Connector’s position is vacant, the living Teachers may assemble and conduct a holy ritual to select a new Connector from among their membership. In order for this ritual to be successful it must constitute the majority of all living Teachers participating willingly. It is important to remember that no Teacher, even when acting with others, can raise or lower someone to the rank of Teacher. Only a Connector may promote or demote a Teacher. When the Connector’s position is filled, the living Teachers may likewise assemble and conduct a different holy ritual which vacates the position of Connector, demoting the current holder to Teacher. It similarly requires a majority of all living Teachers participating willingly. Limitations Intercession Magic cannot communicate the infallible, ineffable will of the Creator, who acts of His own accord without consulting spiritual intermediaries. Neither can it confirm His existence, though the saints believe most fervently. Intercession Magic can communicate the sensible and goodly will of the Exalted, Saints, and Beatified, who will always advise mercy, righteousness, and the strict avoidance of sin. Intercession Magic cannot guarantee the outcome of future events. Although the saints and prophets know much, and can make good guesses, they are far from omniscient. Intercession Magic can make supernaturally accurate predictions and grant knowledge lost to the ages. The Congregation, and the nameless Aengul which lifts them into the Seven Skies, have seen much in their centuries watching over the world. Intercession Magic cannot grant innate power. A practitioner of this archetype humbly requests the aid of the Congregation of Saints, who dispense assistance as they see fit, and do not take presumption lightly. Intercession Magic can allow invokers to make use of incredible abilities that empower them to spread the good word of virtue. An arrogant user, who claims these abilities spring from his own heart rather than the charity of the Skies, may find himself disconnected or worse. A confused user, who worships the Congregation rather than merely asking their help, will only receive a saintly scolding. Intercession Magic cannot perform acts outside of those defined by the tier chart. While all saints and beatified look happily on veneration, they cannot grant new miracles without a subtype revision adding them. Invokers do not ever request a specific act; they simply petition the saint for "zeal", "succor", "protection", or so forth, and the miracle manifests as defined on the tier chart. Intercession Magic can be used in a variety of ways that encourages the user to be creative with the gifts of heaven, rather than make tailor-made miracles for his own purposes. Like all Deity magic, Intercession Magic places a toll upon the body and mind of the user. Constant contact with the Congregation of Saints distracts the mind, turning the invoker’s eye ever towards their realm; they may become preoccupied with particular verses of the Holy Scrolls, or trifling theological details. Likewise, the body becomes physically unimposing, even in practitioners of Ars Gloriosa, who may come to rely on miracles over force of arms. Invokers notice these changes, but generally consider them a sign of favor to be sought out. After all, the temporal world is the abode of sin. Users of Intercession Magic may only request a limited number of miracles. No invoker can petition for more than one miracle of T1 or T2 strength per IG month (RL day). Additionally, no invoker can use more than one miracle of T3, T4, or T5, strength per two RL weeks. While the saints are merciful and generous, they emphasize that miracles alone cannot bring souls to the Seven Skies. Saints and Sinners All members of the Congregation of Saints advise their petitioners to act mercifully and avoid sin. Since all saints are Canonists, they agree on what comprises sin, and--perhaps mistakenly--believe themselves to be correct on the nature of good and evil. To Canonist saints, the most grievous sins are the acts of murder, thievery, sexual immorality (which includes all carnal knowledge outside of marriage), lying, betrayal, apostasy, and idolatry, and the passions of covetousness, wrath, ambition, pride, and indulgence. They advise that while non-humans are permitted to worship foreign gods or no god at all, it is most praiseworthy to worship the Creator. If pressed, they will offer no proof for His existence, though they believe wholeheartedly and will happily profess it; rather, they emphasize faith and prayer. Likewise, while they are aware of the existence of their fellow saints and the Aenguls and Daemons of the Planes, they do not know what force brought them there, or why they were chosen above others. Though they may relate personal experiences, they decline to share any information which may be mistaken for new moral law or history; saints refuse to trespass into the realm of doctrine and dogma. Overall, saints tend to be brief in their interactions with mortals, and do not share anything except mundane (but possibly useful) knowledge, predictions of the future, and frequent reminders to act virtuously. Roleplaying Saintly Intercession Users of Intercession Magic are cautioned to remember that the powers it grants do not arise from the invokers themselves. An increase in tier does not indicate that the invoker is more personally powerful, virtuous, or wise, but rather that they have spent sufficient time contemplating the mysteries of the Seven Skies. As a user’s devotion grows, they become more attuned to the Congregation of Saints and may request more ostentatious interventions; however, no tier grants any inherent power to the invoker. Accordingly, all emotes should indicate that the user first requests a miracle, and second is granted it. No emote should imply that the miracle arose from the invoker’s own will; particularly, invokers should avoid announcing what they want specifically or what the saint should do. Instead, they make a general request, such as for purity, righteousness, guidance, or protection, and the saint responds as defined in the tier chart. This always requires at least three emotes: one where the invoker initiates the prayer or action, one where he or she requests assistance, and one where it is granted. For example: *Father Kristoff kneels in prayer, a copy of the liturgy written in Elvish before him. He prays to Blessed Daniel the Reader for sagacity in language. “Blessed Daniel, I beg your wisdom in sharing these holy words with my flock.” *Father Kristoff opens the book, and miraculously comprehends the foreign language. He reads the Hymn to Exalted Horen in Elvish to his parish. *Holy Ser Arthur leads the gathered levies in a song to St. Emma of Woldzimir, praising her mercy. He looks to the heavens and asks her assistance. “Patroness of battle, we beseech your mercy and counsel. Aid us in this conflict, that we might share the Virtue’s truth.” [!] St. Emma’s benevolent presence can be felt by those participating in the song. She will surely guide their hand in battle. *Sister Lydia begins to consecrate the newly-built home, sprinkling holy water at its threshhold. “Oh merciful Lord, we ask that your servant Blessed Thomas Denims protect this household and shield its inhabitants from evil.” [!] An aura of serene devotion descends upon the home. It will stand against strong winds and evil spirits. *Inquisitor Roland circles the room, muttering a prayer to exorcise it of wicked influences and fallen Daemons. Hearing a fell voice, he calls on Exalted Owyn’s purity. “Exalted Owyn, second prophet and nephew of Horen, I call on thee to cast out these enemies of Our Father.” *Inquisitor Roland draws his sword, which now glows with white light. It will certainly wound the supernatural interlopers. “Begone, demons!” *Brother Karl blesses the cauldron of stew meant for the poor, begging St. Tobias for mercy and generosity. “In St. Tobias’ time, friends, it is said that an empty stomach in Kralta was rarer than a chaste elf.” “And may that patron of charity see to our bellies as he has to so many others, in the Lord’s name.” *Brother Karl begins to ladle out stew, finding that the pot does not empty until every bowl is full. Disclaimer Please note that this is a significant departure from normal human religious lore, which focuses on the Creator almost to the exclusion of all else. We realize that is at odds with other server lore, and have accordingly made compromises with the archetype, adding significant ambiguity to the truth of his existence and turning the focus of our religion to the Exalted, Saints, and Beatified. This is not a vehicle for cementing human religious lore in server core lore. The only addition to server lore presented in this archetype is a new Aengul who intercepts particular souls before they enter the soul stream, pulling them to his side in the Aengudaemonic Planes.
  9. Adúnia: 1. Defining Adunia- To begin, we must first ask; what is an Adunian? Is it the product of a man that is crossed with an elf, a half elf so to say? Is it the name given to half elves that have gained slightly lengthened life, maybe? Is it simply a being that wears a kilt, speaks in a strange forgotten dialect, and has the godly ability to catch maces? Well, to put it bluntly, no. An Adunian is none of these things, and is only partial to a few of them. A being that you would call “Adunian” is a descendant of the tribe of Harrenites, no matter how diluted his or her blood is with that of other races. On its own and by itself, an Adunian is no more or less than that simple definition. However, when one delves deeper, and comes to the word “Adunia”, a whole other world of meaning is opened up to them. For Adunia is not just the word used to collectivise the core group of Harrenite descendants, it is far more, and it’s own definition is ever growing, expanding, spreading itself in ink and blood across the pages of history; and it shall ever continue to grow until the day when Adunians cease to exist, and the sons of Harren have at last passed from the world of the living, leaving thousands of years of knowledge and memory behind them. Henceforth, Adunia cannot truly be defined until such a day comes to pass, but here I shall do my best here to fill in the holes left by this issue, and assure that the memory of this once great race is carried on. 2. The Origins of Adunians- In the years when Aegis was still young and it’s races new to the world, two tribes arose in the Northern mountains of the continent. The first tribe was comprised completely of humans, it’s leader a young man named Harren; a son of Horen himself. The second tribe were elves that had come up from the forests of Malinor, led by a dark haired woman named Sarai whose roots remain a mystery to this day. As is inevitable when two such primitive groups claim the same area, the two tribes clashed. A short but bloody turf war ensued, and soon the mountains were littered with the corpses of both factions. Fearing for the survival of their people with such weakened numbers, Harren and Sarai met and organized treaty between the two tribes. However, Harren’s heart saw him wanting more than simply peace. During their meeting, Harren was overwhelmed by the elven woman’s beauty, and as so made one of the treaty’s terms that she would have to marry him. Fearing her people’s destruction was imminent, Sarai hesitantly accepted these terms and the two were soon wed. Though Sarai despised Harren at first, she eventually grew to love and respect him as her husband, bearing him a single child named Baren. Now leaderless, the elves of Sarai’s former tribe merged into the Harrenites, taking on their customs and way of life. They were quickly accepted by the humans, and very soon they too began to intermarry as their leader had done. The children of these first generation Harrenites were born a new race; the Adunians. 3. In Relation to Aging and the Curses of Iblees- The events that led to the creation of what is now known as the Adunian race (commonly known as the “Mixing of Blood”) did in fact occur before Iblees laid his curses upon the mortal races of Aegis. Due to said curses, half-human/elves bred since said event are stricken with not only the infertility of elvenkind, but also the shortened lifespans of mankind, gaining not an ounce of the longevity possessed by their elven ancestors. However, because the “Mixing of Blood” occurred before Iblees placed his curses, the effects on Adunians seem to have differed ever so slightly. ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* Appearance: Adunians take traits from both their Harrenite and Mali’Dun ancestors. Brown or black hair are the only two colours found, though like other races it goes grey with age. It is not uncommon for an Adunian’s hair to go grey at ages as young as fifteen, a trait inherited from the Mali’Dun. Their skin is pale, but generally no paler than the average Heartlander. An Adunian’s eyes are either grey from the Mali’Dun, brown from the Harrenites (a rare trait), or green, which appears to have come from a mix of both, the most common eye colour. Adunians generally grow to heights of around 5”11’ and have a lean build. Tradition has Adunians keep their hair above shoulder length (though most choose to keep it short), and grow either beards that keep close to the face (rather than hang like that of a dwarf), or large, well tended mustaches. Clothing: The general climate of Al’Ildic was quite cold. Though it’s landscape was only coated in snow during the winter months, the chill of the northern wind was present year round. As a result of this climate, Adunians came to dress in a particular way. Men would wear heavy coats and cloaks, lined with furs and warm skins, thick leather boots and warm wool breeches. Women wore long-sleeved dresses often accompanied with furs draped over their shoulders, light cloaks, and some from of pants to keep their legs warm. Over time, it became considered ‘rude’ or ‘socially unacceptable’ for more than the hands or head to be unclothed. This way of thinking has stuck over the ages, and Adunians true to tradition always cover themselves from the neck down before presenting themselves publicly. Religion: In the Old North Faith there three circles. These circles were the domains of the Gods, and in each were both lesser gods, and demi-gods. The three circles, in order of least powerful, to greatest, were Nature, Life, and Astral. Within each of these realms are one dominant god. Within Nature there is Grønn the Life-Bringer, who is believed to be the Aspects of the Druids in one form, in the Old Faith’s eyes. This means that the Old Faith acknowledges the Druids as true and rightful worshipers of Nature in their own religion. Grønn is said to be twelve feet tall with bark for skin and rocks for teeth. His eyes are two pools of water and his digits are branches and twigs. He has a full beard and head of leaves and vines which twist and turn wildly. Its said he is often seen but never caught, and has the ability to take on anything in nature. This can be taken either way- as some Hunters thank them for his sacrifices to let them eat. Others commune more with the animals and forsake meat eating. He is seen as very benevolent. His charge is to control all of the planets, fish, animals, and happenings of nature. He is what ties Astral to Life. He is also credited for the creation of the elements as gifts to Morighaen. Within Man there is Thrønn the Impartial, who is believed to be the collection of all of humanities desires, virtues, morals, and thoughts. He is an absolutely gray character, with no characteristics in appearance of physically. He is thought to be the shadow of every human, a silhouette of what everyone truly is. People who pray to Thrønn traditionally wait until the sun is half up, or, half down and wait in an open field. They turn to their own shadow and take a knee, nod their head, and fold their hands. All the workings of men are held into the account of Thrønn, which is why people depending on their lives will pray to Thønn. The people who are poorer, downtrodden, who feel betrayed by life and tormented usually shun Thrønn. People who are rich, economical, industrious, and work hard usually thank Thrønn. Thrønn is often looked to positively by mages and Fathers however, for the gift of “Heartfire” to man. Within the Astral planes beyond us is Morighaen, the Night Woman, a soft looking woman covered in a veil of stars and space. She is larger than any planet and we are not even ants to her- we are something less. She is too large to see but she knows we are there- and she may assume a mortal form, or smaller size, to meddle with the cosmos as it pleases her. She is seen as sadistic almost, because of her boredom. She was left alone and to pass time she often destroys planets and galaxies at a whim and casts down the weather to meddle with the affairs of mortal. She is easily the most fearsome of the Gods and the circles, and any who claims to be Morighaen is killed out of fear, for if she has come down, it is already the end, and if she is lying, she may anger Morighaen. People pray to her to appease her, and she is often seen as a pillar of strength for the female half of Northern society. She is the cause for Moonblood and weather, time and space, and in turn, all things beyond, even magic. Her relationship to Thrønn and Grønn is strained by both the distance to one another, and the natures of one another. Places of Worship. God’s Gardens were the most natural and beautiful of the worship places. These were seen as absolute holy grounds made by the Nature Aspects themselves, there are believed to be three God’s Gardens in existence- one for each of the three Aspects (that we recognize). The God’s Garden that we currently have located and are near, is the God’s Garden of the Elements. It is a hot spring situated in the north, protected by a granite and stone wall. Spruce trees spring up with flowers poking through the snow. People would come here to cleanse the blood off themselves, to pray in its hot waters, and to fast and meditate. No blood, on any condition, could ever be shed in a God’s Garden, but blood could be cleansed here. Modern / Aegean At the dawn of man though, when humanity had just reached a point of intelligible thought, civilization, and organization, they had organized their religions, and settled down. The North had quickly picked up on Thønn and Grønn and found themselves in tune with their gods peacefully. The Adunians picked up on the Old Faith, after the First Conflict War, during the Northern Golden Age, and some mingled with the Northern Gods. Some did not, but no conflict stirred from this difference- the North having been a faith of tolerance and acceptance (mostly). The Godly Brothers saw their followers rise, and knew whom to warn of a great tragedy coming. Grønn appeared and an Oasis in the tundra arose. Shrubbery and plants sprung to life at his feet, birds and animals came at his arrival, and life flourished where his feet left impressions. His most humble followers fell before the magnificent ent, who came close to one and said, “Evil lingers in the North. My brother and I entrust you with the most sacred task of all- the defense of all life, from the kind long lost to our touch.” They had no idea he spoke of a fourth deity, of a realm most foul, and a realm unrecognized. The realm of Death, the realm of Iblees- and had no way to prepare. Fall of the Old Faith Before anyone knew what was going on, the Taran Kingdom that stood long vigil in the North and felt it had conquered all evils in the snow, sure they had closed any hope of Grønn’s doomsday prophecy, but, all was wiped out in what is called “The First Event”. One of the earliest recorded events of mass Undead Activity. It nearly wiped out an entire civilization and many blood lines in less than three nights. The Adunians to the South were hit just as hard, their people had some time to escape, most notably Halboron Elendil, the Adunian Leader. Further south were the Aegeans, whom with the help of some surviving Northerners, and some word of mouth, had time to prepare, and time to mount a defense. This, is what we know of our History, and the rest is in the books. ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ~*~* ADUNIAN COURT LANGUAGE HEARTFIRE
  10. ((None of these gods necessarily exist, it is best left up to the imagination if they do so or not. The beliefs held by the Halflings are far and wide and some simply don’t even acknowlege those I have written about. Please take this as me trying to bring some order and flesh out Halfling lore and bring order. I expect it to be revised at some point in time again as I try and document everything.)) Halflings are famously unreligious. The worship of gods does not play a central role in the lives of the smallfolk. But, that does not mean they do not hold beliefs of their own. Halfling religious culture does not play a large role in their lives. However, over the many centuries they have developed their own unique culture of Aenguls and Daemons. They do not necessarily exist as do other Aenguls and Daemons, but they have been developed by the Halflings and worshipped to some extent. While it is debatable where these gods came from, there is no denying that they have existed in some form or another in the Halflings history. The Squidlord Arugula For centuries the Halflings have been protected by the Spirit of the Harvest and the Pumpkin Lord; their power of prosperity and wealth imbued within the towns they settle in. However, for every good there must be an evil to bring about balance. The Squidlord Arugula is a terrible Daemon who is rumored to control the waters of the Halflings. Arugula is the Halfling Daemon of The Tide. Arugula began as a cultural worship, never truly worshipped, but never truly ignored in Halfling culture. Many Halflings do not follow the religion of old anymore, but Halflings were never truly religious. Often gods were created to explain the unnatural phenomena of the village. Arugula has never appeared to the Halflings and her mere existence lays in myth. She appears in stories throughout Halfling oral culture and is told to bring terrible storms upon the realm. Arugula has never manifested herself into a physical form, many have claimed to see her appear as a kraken. Shrines built for her are made out of the wood and sails of shipwrecks. Shrines have frequently appeared in underwater caves throughout Halfling history, the most famous appearing in Lenfarthing many decades ago. Many Halflings claim that the tale of Arugula is simply a mummer's farce, a tale to scare the young ‘uns. Many others however, claim to have seen her appear before them on the shore of the lake, appearing as a fair Elven maid. In actuality, neither tale is more correct than the other is. The Spirit of the Harvest Long ago Halflings followed polytheistic gods, often worshipping them for good harvest and fortune. The Spirit of the Harvest is one such god, still popular in Halfling culture. It is said that he watches over the harvest and protects it from pestilence and drought. The Spirit of the Harvest is the Halfling Aengul of The Harvest. Quite like the Squidlord, the Spirit of the Harvest began as part of the cultural worshipping in Halfling culture. The Spirit of the Harvest plays an ever present role in Halfling culture still, many believing that he alone protects their crops and blesses them with bountiful harvests and good ale for many decades. It is said during times of drought, the Halflings continue to maintain the most productive farms in the realm. The Spirit of the Harvest is represented by a scarecrow with arms that extend over the fields. It is said that this shields the crops from harm and therefore it is rare that you will find a shrine to him not overlooking a field of crops. Many Halflings do not hold skepticism in their belief, they believed it was better to believe than die of famine. As such some Halflings continue to worship him, believing in the good fortune he brings.
  11. Brotherhood of the Holy Palatinate I Shall Not Falter A steel song rings from the souls of all the faithful, my friends, but only those chosen as the Bulwark of the Faith shall find their ears ringing with it's brilliant, bursting crescendo. By the brilliance of the Creator and all of his children, and by the authority of High Pontiff Daniel I, and to be outlined in the First Bull of Cyriaum, the Brotherhood of the Holy Palatinate shall be accepting preliminary applications prior to it’s formal formation under the command of Ser Godwin Myre, Commandant of the Holy See. The Brotherhood's garrison is located in Cyriaum, just east of Petrus. The Palatine Code I. STATIONS i. It is we who stand as guardians of the High Pontiff. ii. It is we who shall protect the Creator's faithful from evil, whenever possible. iii. It is we who hunt all worshippers of evil and practitioners of darkness. iv. It is we who keep watch in the lands of the Holy See, and uphold peace and order. v. It is we who shall be the Vanguard of any Holy Crusades. vi. It is we who shall carry out the sentences of those convicted of crimes against the Faith and the Holy See. vii. It is we who shall train the Cyriaum citizen militia in times of need. II. TENETS i. It is we who share, with tolerance and understanding, the word of the Lord. ii. It is we who maintain a powerful and unwavering faith in the Creator and His word. iii. It is we who shall seek to embody Horen's Virtue and Owyn's Spirit. iv. It is we who strive to deliver upon the faithful the embodiments of Godfrey's Gospel and Siegmund's Auspices. v. It is we who obey, without question, the hierarchy of the Brotherhood, and ultimately word of the High Pontiff. vi. It is we who shall embrace our fellow Palatines as Brothers, and treat them as such. vii. It is we who know to violate the Palatine Code is to be stripped of his rank and to be exiled in disgrace. The Hierarchy SENIOR COMMAND --Commandant-- The Commandant is the absolute commander of the Brotherhood, whose direct authority is superseded only by the High Pontiff himself. The Commandant advises the High Pontiff and the entire Holy See largely on military matters; primarily defensive. The High Pontiff selects and removes the Commandant at will. --Chaplain-- The Chaplain is the Commandant’s eyes and ears, as well as his voice. The Overseer is an extremely loyal, competent, virtuous, and respected member of the Brotherhood. The Chaplain has all the powers of command within the Brotherhood that the Commandant has, but can be overridden by the Commandant at any time. The Commandant may add or remove Chaplains at will. HIGH COMMAND --First Palatine-- The First Palatine is a proven, experienced and competent Brother. He is entrusted with drilling the enlisted, leading and organizing patrols and watches, and is the first rank permitted to carry the Standard of the Holy See into battle. First Palatines oftentimes are given specific tasks along with their rank, depending on their individual skills, such as Quartermaster or Disciplinarian. ENLISTED --Palatine-- The Palatine is a veteran guardsman who has proven his virtuosity, loyalty, and efficiency. The Palatine is the first rank permitted to wear the Lorraine upon his tabard. He is the primary backbone of the Brotherhood, and makes up the majority of the patrols and lines. The Palatine may select a newly promoted Gardist as their direct apprentice. The Palatine who disobeys a single order immediately suffers severe punishment, including, at the least, demotion. --Gardist-- The Gardist is one finally fully recognized and initiated as a member of the Brotherhood. He has proven himself capable of more extensive training, and receives it from the High Command during scheduled drills, or from an Ensign who selects them as their apprentice. The Gardist’s status as a newly initiated Guard gives him a small amount of slack in disciplinary situations, and High Command may be more lenient with them depending on their time as a Gardist and the offense. The Gardist is the first rank permitted to wear the colors of the Holy See upon his tabard. --Initiate-- The Initiate is one who dwells in the Pool of Consideration, and has not been selected from the Pool or been directly Chosen to bypass the Pool. He is not yet a member of the Palatine Guard, and therefore his actions do not reflect the Guard. The Initiate is considered under a trial phase, and he undergoes basic training to consider his worth. The Selection To serve in the Palatine Guard, one must be of at least sixteen years, a male, of the Human race and a faithful member of the Church of the Canon. I. To Be Considered Any faithful man above the age of sixteen may actively apply to the Consideration Pool. If their application is accepted, they shall be given room and board and the title “Initiate.” During their time in the Consideration Pool, no man is considered a member of the Palatine Guard. They shall, however, be expected to attend to whatever duties are assigned to them by any Officer of the Brotherhood, as well as attending regular drills, competitions, and sermons. Through these means, the Commandant and his officers shall evaluate each and every initiate and decide upon the fate of that initiate. Below is the public application to the Consideration Pool.
  12. The Northmen - - A band of men have endured. They have survived it, the evil chilling-winds that are spewed from the north. They have proved to their gods, that they are able to survive in such harsh climates; that they are able to eat, drink, and be reborn in the evil weather. Of course they are able to. They are the Northmen. The Northmen seek glory to please their gods. Their world revolves around the words 'honor', and 'glory'. They seek out courage and bravery. They test their will and fearlessness in battle. Afterall, what's there to fear in battle, when death is glorifying for them? - Religion: The Northmen refer to themselves as 'Vieldunes'. They do not believe in a single god/God, but many of them. They believe their gods are alive and watch from Gellehalle, influencing their lives, and favoring some over others. Roverrodin: Ruler of Gellehalle and father of the gods. God of warriors, honor/courage, and fighting. Represented in Northmen mythology with an axe and shield. Clarre: Daughter of Roverrodin. Goddess of hunting/fishing, women, fertility/farming, animals, family, and marriage, wisdom, and knowledge.. Represented with a bow. Krefflin: Son of Roverrodin. God of smithing and forging, luck, humor, ale, friendship, courtesy, and humanity. Represented with a hammer. Cloeise: Daughter of Roverrodin. Goddess of love, marriage, beauty, endurance, emotion. - The religion of the Vieldunes is called Meltian. They believe the Earth was created by Roverrodin as training-grounds. He was trying to create dummies, but he accidentally created humans, orcs, dwarves, and elves. He loved these creatures as much as his children, and so he added detail to them. He called the gods together and cut off little pieces of their soul and used it to bring them far deeper into reality. From Clarre, he took intelligence and wisdom and gave it to them. From Krefflin he took friendship and kindness, and gave it to them. From himself, he gave them a ferocity and anger. From Cloeise, he took love and emotion, and gave it to them. They were now ready for existence Vieldunes (Northmen), believe in a Gellehalle, or heaven. To reach Gellehalle, Vieldunes know there is only one way: To die honorably in battle. That is why Vieldunes do not fear death. They welcome it, when the time is right. When they die, Northmen count on Roverrodin to either send take them to Vliekhalle (boring heaven), or Gellehalle (fun heaven). In Gellehalle, the bravest warriors fight each other and die every day. They are then resurrected, drink ale, and then go back to fighting. - Lifestyle: Vieldunes live in small settlements. They have a king, who governs them, and a court system, which can punish or reward them. Vieldunes are very aquatic, and build boats and ships to raid cities and kingdoms. They are known as savages and heathens, throughout. They take what they can and rarely spare lives. After all, a man/woman utilizes all his or her riches in Gellehalle. They usually farm or fish to acquire foods. - OOC/App (You can always join RPly) : Ooc - Minecraft IGN: Skype (not required): ----------- RP - Name: Age: Race: Reason for joining?: Will you convert to Meltian?:
  13. You notice a poster pinned up within the Churches and cities of Oren The Friars of St. Amyas Who are the Friars? We are the humble friars of the church. Preaching the ways of the Creator and distributing alms to the poor. We live our lives as humble men, not being boisterous and not causing trouble. The first mendicant order, we find the secular clergy too stationery to work to help the poor of the Empire survive. What are our goals? Our goals are simple, we work towards the betterment of all people. We shall take those that can no longer care for themselves, provide for their families, afford shelter and or food under our holy wings in hope to better their well being. We pledge ourselves to following the tenets of the faith, to make sure that all may live. What is our belief? We believe in the Doctrine of One. The belief that the Creator is architect of the universe and progenitor of humankind. He is unique and inherently one, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent. We believe that it is a requirement to have a good understanding about the religion. Our Ranks: Master of the Order - Pontiff Adeodatus the First The Head of the Entire Order, he makes all major decisions for the order and is the only one able to ordinance one as a full friar. He is able to accept members into the order. Grand Vicar - Edward of Salvus The head advisor to the Master of the Order. This man has proven himself as a worthy friar and is the second in command of the order. Also a scribe for the Master of the Order, he can also make minor decisions concerning the order. He is also able to accept members into the order. Friars - None as of yet These men are men sworn into the order. They must preach, hand out donations to those in poverty, watch over the less fortunate and live a life of humbleness. Friars rarely stay within a town for a long period of time and instead journey around the Empire, helping those in need. These men have taken the vow of the Friars Minor. Novice - None as of yet These aren’t full members of the Order but study to be full friars. These They are not permitted to wear the grey robes of the friars but can distribute alms if told to by the Friars. These men have not taken the vow that is needed to be in the order. Laymen - None as of yet Men who serve the church devoutly but aren’t official members of the Order. They usually are labourers for the church, they farm, pin up notices and collect donations. These are simply holy men but not one officially part of the church or clergy. This role cannot be held by a serving clergyman. Location- We have a small abbey within the great duchy of Furnstock, we give thanks to Duke Uthor Silverblade for such generosity and kindness. The perish has a small farm, pigpen and room for cows. We shall make improvements as the order progresses Application: Some application forms are pinned to the bottom of the parchment ((https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZGZpUUcVBe3UFsHatPxlvdvA8kXRE-ER-ijXuBkyXE/viewform)) Please wait patiently for a response.
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