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  1. FROM THE FIEFDOM OF GARENBRIG PENNED ON THE 12TH OF THE DEEP COLD, YEAR 181 OF THE SECOND AGE More Heralds travel from the cliffs of Garenbrig’s borders, bearing another message. “From here on, let it be known that the Levy of Garenbrig is no more. The Fiefdom of Garenbrig shall henceforth be protected and manned by the Knightly Order of the Pyre. In a land bordering the great Aran-In-Eryn, or “Kingswood”, the need of warriors of Noble Stock has been deemed increasingly necessary. Suffering adversity from Cultists, their dark gods, great beasts, poachers and undead, the safety of the Town of Garenbrig is under question. Thus, the newly dubbed “Knights of the Pyre”, or the “Order of the Pyre” shall begin building its rank to serve this purpose, to protect the peoples of Garenbrig from the threats that lurk in the dark corners of the world. Therefore, if you are interested in Knighthood, Holy Purpose, and the Slaying of Monsters, look no further.” Enclosed on the messenger’s parchment, of which he hands out, reads the following information: THE KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER An order of Guardians, Hunters, and Errantry The Knights of the Pyre, their namesake taken from the sigil of House Glennmaer, serves the Fiefdom of Garenbrig, vassal land of Numendil, bordering the Kingswood. An Order of Courageous soldiers, Knights, and aspiring squires, the Order of the Pyre prides themselves on their keen and ready ability to slay great beasts, and swathes of the servants of Iblees. The Tower-Pyre symbolizes not only the enduring nature of the order, and the house it belongs to, but also the purity of GOD’s flame, and a shining beacon that all may flock to when in need. The Order sigil consists of the same Sigil as house Glennmaer, now serving as their official order of Knights, though the sunset hues of Glennmaer banners are replaced with a dark gray, to represent the enduring Light of the Pyre regardless of its surroundings. Green is used as a primary color for Uniforms, signifying the good green land that GOD granted the Descendants. Being a Knightly Order of Numenedain origin, it follows three simple rules as part of its Dogma: I. Follow the Scrolls, and take to heart the word of GOD. II. Follow the Code of Chivalry, be you Knight or Soldier. III. Hunt the beast wherever it hides. No corner of the Realm is to be left without the Light. As alluded to within the dogma, the Duty of a Pyre soldier, Knight or not, is to make their name through the guardianship of Garenbrig, by hunting any servants of the dark within their fiefdom, and bordering lands. Whether it be sprites and pixies swapping babies in the crib, or goliaths that threaten the land with their thunderous gravity, it is the duty of the order to be rid of them, swiftly and without fear. RANKINGS AND TRAPPINGS The Knightly Order of the Pyre consists of three ranks. I. Initiates Recruits of the Order, yet to prove themselves in a conflict. Armed with lighter arms and armor to facilitate training and conditioning. This rank serves as a trial of sorts, and soldiers rarely spend much time as an Initiate. II. Man-At-Arms Infantry Soldiers of the Order, who are not knighted, but are trained and oathed to service. These soldiers receive full gear in the form of Coats-of-Plate / Brigandine, various weaponry, shields, rations, and of course, a Saint’s-Weekly pay. As these Men-At-Arms do not bear the title of “Squire”, their duties do not include the dressing and serving of Knights, for they are merely expected to follow their orders and learn from them. Being a Man-At-Arms qualifies any man or woman for Knighthood, providing they display excellence. III. Knights Soldiers who have proven themselves, and taken it upon themselves to learn the ways of the Knight, according to the recommended and widely accepted list of training that all Numenedain squires undergo. These men and women are often Knighted after a loyal, decently lengthy service, for displaying excellence. Once Knighted, they are given the appropriate Plate armor of Garenbrig, and provided with their own Heraldry, either to their specific likings or chosen by the Lord of Garenbrig, whichever is preferred. PRACTICE Whilst the Order of the Pyre isn’t a church-based Order, it still aims to serve GOD primarily, along with the Kingdom of Numendil, through acting as a protection from wayward evils. To this end, the Knights take up a Crusade-like practice of “Going Errant” on a regular basis. Banding together as a single host to scour the lands of Numendil, and perhaps further abroad, to hunt and purge the Dark, be they servants of Iblees or Otherwise. To this end, all are given training with the Lance, and Horse, so that they may more efficiently make their searches. Along with riding and lance training, they will also be instructed on how to combat various beasts and evils, according to the current Numenedain standard, and how to “test” for Darkspawn. DEEDS Members of the Order, be they Knight, Man-At-Arms, or Initiate, are all entitled to their own scroll. These scrolls record every deed that a member has enacted. The slaying of beasts, the ousting of Darkspawn, the saving of a Life. Anything noteworthy is forever recorded in their scroll, with numerous copies created, allowing their name to gain fame and glory across Aevos, and not just in the halls of Formindon. Members are also entitled to display their trophies in the sanctum of Formindon, where they can be seen by any and all members of the order, in whatever state they wish to display said trophies in. Unless they leak blood (or similar) down the walls. ENLISTING To enlist within the order, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon. Or, fill out an application / stop by Garenbrig.
  2. ᛜ The Heskynne Clan ᛜ → 'Beneath the golden stag's grace, we hunt, sow, and shield the realm's embrace.' ← ᛜ Legend of Origin ᛜ Ivar Thorkin, a zealot of the red faith, founded the clan. Ivar sought out specific individuals, each with a unique skill set, and was able to persuade them to support his cause with an emphasis on the preservation of his country's environment, its culture, and its citizens. Ivar entered the tundra now, followed by his seven faithful followers. They started their training there and developed a tiny community. Ivar had set up a three-year trial for everyone, pushing the volunteers all the way to the edge and then some. Many suffered from shattered bones, frostbite, and other conditions by the end of the first month. They persisted, though. The most accomplished hunters in the history of the clan had been produced by Ivar Thorkin by the end of the trial. Then, each trainee traveled throughout the continent to record additional creatures and the activities of organizations that shared their causes. By the end, they had all grown to know one another as brother and sister, and they decided it was time to start their own clan. The Heskynne Clan was established using the term meaning "Hunter" in their language. ᛜ The Lifestyle of a Heskynne ᛜ In the Kingdom of Norland, the Heskynne clan, once known for their skill as hunters, has transitioned from the wilderness to the heart of Vjardengrad, Norland's bustling capital. Despite the urban setting, the Heskynne clan remains deeply rooted in their ancestral hunting traditions. To uphold their prowess on the battlefield, each Heskynne hunter undergoes a grueling three-year trial of training, an arduous test that hones their physical endurance, keen senses, and tactical acumen. Through rigorous drills and real-life challenges, they forge unyielding discipline and unbreakable bonds with their fellow clan members. The Heskynne hunters navigate the labyrinthine streets, sometimes with the same stealth they once used in the wilderness, ensuring the safety of Vjardengrad's inhabitants, Norland's forests alwhile managing to preserve the ancient traditions of their lineage. Their legacy now weaves a unique tapestry within the heart of the capital, blending the spirit of the wild with the pulse of city life. Clan Heskynne stands as a multifaceted lineage, not only renowned for their prowess as skilled hunters but also celebrated for their specialization in agriculture. Embracing a harmonious lifestyle that balances the art of the wild with the nurturing of the land, they have cultivated a profound understanding of both realms. In the verdant fields surrounding their homesteads, the Heskynne clan employs ancient agricultural techniques, passed down through generations, to grow bountiful crops and tend to lush orchards. Amidst the bounty of nature, they demonstrate a deep reverence for the earth, recognizing that their survival is intricately woven into the delicate fabric of the land they cultivate. Through their unique expertise, the Heskynne clan exemplifies the synergy between the hunter and the farmer, enriching the Kingdom of Norland with their remarkable legacy. ᛜ Festivities ᛜ In the Kingdom of Norland, the Heskynne Clan's festivities are a vibrant celebration of their diverse skills and unwavering camaraderie. During these joyous occasions, the clan gathers to showcase their prowess through tournaments and competitions that captivate both participants and spectators alike. The air buzzes with excitement as archers demonstrate their precision, warriors engage in friendly duels, and hunters compete in tracking challenges that echo their ancestral hunts. Amidst the laughter and cheers, the festivities also pay homage to their hunting legacy, with grand hunts that commemorate their harmony with nature. As the sun sets, the city of Vjardengrad comes alive with the glow of fires and the sounds of merriment, as the Heskynne Clan revels in the spirit of unity and shared heritage. These cherished traditions not only bind the clan together but also serve as a testament to the unyielding spirit of the Heskynne Clan in the Kingdom of Norland. ᛜ The Martial Arts ᛜ The Heskynne Clan developed their own unarmed martial art, based on the concept of momentum over the course of centuries of living in Norland thanks to their close relationship with nature and prowess in hunting. They aimed to utilize the might of quick assaults in battle by paying attention to the fluid movements of the monsters they were pursuing. They honed their techniques through constant practice and trial and error, mastering the skill of deflecting an opponent's force to deliver lightning-quick counterstrikes. They were able to escape attacks with ease and position themselves tactically for a lethal reaction thanks to their footwork, which resembled the grace of a stalking animal. The Heskynne Clan's martial art evolved into a fluid dance of power, emphasizing the unification of mind, body, and environment and mirroring the harmony they sought with the environment. The Clan's unarmed martial art became their signature, once setting them apart as formidable warriors. Their proficiency in momentum-based attacks made them highly sought after for both defense and offense. Now, as one of the many forces guarding the capital, they showcased their unique combat style in protecting the city. With each generation passing down the martial art's secrets, the Heskynne Clan's legacy remains a testament to the potency of ancient traditions and the remarkable fusion of hunting and combat expertise. Their swift and calculated movements continue to inspire awe and respect, forever etching their name as masters of momentum in the annals of Norland's martial history. ᛜ The Cuisine ᛜ The Heskynne Clan's vibrant food is a reflection of their close ties to nature and the abundant Norland resources. Their customs are a feast for the senses because their diet emphasizes meat, mead, and grain. Their meals' main ingredients are the tasty and sumptuous meats they gather on their hunting trips. Their tables feature roasted deer, tender boar, and flavorful poultry that has been spiced with a variety of herbs and spices to bring out the natural flavors. A profusion of mead, a golden nectar derived from honey and water and frequently created by the clan's adept craftsmen, is served alongside these hearty foods. The Heskynne Clan toasts to war wins and the happy memories that unite with each drink, celebrating life's blessings. During festive gatherings, where laughter and singing reverberate into the night, their regard for mead fosters a sense of harmony and brotherhood. The Heskynne Clan's food places a specific emphasis on grain, the source of all nutrition. They grow wheat and barley, which they use to make hearty stews, freshly baked bread, and porridge. Grain provides a tactile link to the fertility of the soil, feeding their bodies and spirits from the golden fields to their eating tables. The Heskynne Clan expresses gratitude for the riches the land provides by honoring their god with each meal. Their shared love of food strengthens the sacramental connection between nature, the divine, and the sustenance that supports their way of life. It brings people together as a community. ᛜ Culture Tidbits ᛜ Women hold a profound level of respect within the Heskynne clan. While expected to perform at the same level as their male counterparts- with some exceptions- in the art of Hunting and Tracking, and so on, they are in a position not exclusively decided by their physical prowess. While the clan acknowledges that both sexes play their roles, they too recognise that the clan could not exist without women. Heskynne women are the guardians of the clans history, culture and tradition. They are the caregivers of the next Chieftains, Skeppares and Varthir, and future mothers who will too take on the same role. Just as many cultures, The Heskynne's do believe that women are inherently weaker when it comes to raw, physical strength. However, this means that the protection of these caregivers is even more essential to them, and those who do so are highly respected. Whether or not a Heskynne has passed the trial or not is evident by the coloration of their eyes. Those who are undergoing the three-year trial typically have dark-green eyes. However, after a Heskynne trainee has completed the trial, they will consume an alchemical potion, shifting their eye color to a bright amber. ᛜ The Heskynne Tongue ᛜ Greetings: "Heil!" - Hail! "Velkominn!" - Welcome! "Heill dagr!" - Good day! "Heil ok sæl!" - Hail and be well! "Góðan morgin!" - Good morning! "Góðan dag!" - Good day! "Góðan kveld!" - Good evening! "Gott kveld!" - Good night! "Hvass er ás!" - Sharp as an axe! "Þik kveðja!" - I bid you farewell! Directions: North - Norður South - Suður East - Austur West - Vestur Up - Upp Down - Niður Left - Vinstri Right - Hægri Forward - Fram Backward - Aftur Common Sentences: "Hvernig heitir þú?" - What is your name? "Ég heiti..." - My name is.. "Hvar ert þú frá?" - Where are you from? "Ég er frá..." - I am from.. "Takk fyrir." - Thank you. "Fyrirgefðu/Fyrir." - Excuse me / I'm sorry. "Já." - Yes. "Nei." - No. "Vertu blessaður!" - Be blessed! "Hafðu góðan dag!" - Have a good day! Expressions: "Skál!" - Cheers! (Used when toasting) "Veistu hvar til finna?" - Do you know the way? "Hljóta að halda áfram." - We must press on. "Skuggi fellur á land." - Nightfall is approaching "Blessaður ert þú." - You are Blessed. "Hugr hjá sverði." - Courage in battle. "Sigr!" - Victory! "Fara vel!" - Farewell! Numerics: 1 - Ein 2 - Tvau (pronounced as "t-v-ow," like "cow" but with a "v") 3 - Þrir (pronounced as "th-rir," with a rolled "r" sound) 4 - Fjórir (pronounced as "fyor-ir," with "y" like in "yet") 5 - Fimm 6 - Sec 7 - Sjau (pronounced as "syow," rhyming with "cow") 8 - Átta (pronounced as "aw-ta") 9 - Níu (pronounced as "nee-u") 10 - Tíu (pronounced as "tee-u") [For numbers beyond ten, you can combine the numerals, much like in 'Common'] 11 - Ein-tíu 12 - Tvau-tíu 13 - Þrir-tíu 20 - Tvau-tuttugu 21 - Ein og tuttugu 30 - Þrjátíu 40 - Fjórtíu 50 - Fimmtíu 100 - Hundrað 1000 - Þúsund
  3. ATTENTION!!!! My name is Kaelin Keldor, The grand warden of the Black dawn hunter association, Due to the modern dark forces the guild has not performed in peek performance and is there somone to blame for it..... ofcourse there is. LIsten and listen close, for all that seek to be hunters of the black dawn and all that shall fall prey to ous, We are back stronger than ever, more deturmend than ever, ready to take on the forces of that is deemed evil. Join The black dawn today as we made a new alley with the orc kingdom that has, allocated ous land to fullfill our dutys in the new land to come. https://discord.gg/s5KwnnUv4Q
  4. Attention! The Black Dawn Hunter Association offers hunting services for those in need of hunters. Our skilled hunters are ready to take on any game, big or small, for a fair price in Minas. Contact us to get hunters or apply to become one today! https://discord.gg/uh3jSpDU
  5. A small group of like minded individuals who gathered for the purpose of using their talents to help refine the art of hunting. Whether it be through master craft gadgetry , finding the most effective way to hunt a target, up to the advancement of fields such as alchemy for the sole purpose of improving their efficiency on the field. Little is known about the lounge’s history, its members more inclined to be left to their own devices , unbothered unless needed by the lounge. What was once a ragtag group of hot blooded youths eventually settled into an organized information network. Aside from sharing knowledge, the members of the lounge are fond of collecting and trading rare items and trophies from their previous hunts. Although the location of their headquarters is only known to the members themselves, smaller branches of the lounge have popped up over the years, most recent being the Ando Alur branch, led by one of the lounge’s members. The easiest way to identify a member of the lounge is a large gold coin with an Adfectio Stone imbedded at its center. The lounge's symbol surrounding it. What makes up the bulk of its roster, the book keepers are more inclined towards the back end work. Whether it be the creation of gadgets, potions , and the like or the encoding of the information gathered in a hunt. Although most bookkeepers prefer to stay away from the conflict , there are the outliers which prefer to be on the field themselves, side by side with the hunters to collect information first hand. Oftentimes, these more adventurous book keepers are those possessing a connection to the void or other sources of power, being able to stay at the backline while still able to help their comrades at the front. Below is the current list of lore named under the Hunters Lounge: [The Hunters Alchemy] OOC purpose: The group's main focus is lore writing, exploration, and Hunting RP. Occasionally joining event lines when given the opportunity. Joining / Rules: Invite only.
  6. ~A Hunter’s Life~ We who inhabit this world have done plenty of horrifying things. Things that have been eternally engraved in the scrolls and books which hold our long and unforgotten history. However, it seems that even though we wage large wars against our own kind and have caused many crises which have led to our demise, that our accumulation of races continues along with no fear of what has happened in the past - as they had no other choice but to. Instead of wallowing around and trapping ourselves in the worst of pasts, our kind moves forward and learns from the mistakes we make. We make sure never make them again, les we wish for our heads to part from our bodies. Though some things in this world us inhabitants simply cannot push through. . . or exterminate entirely in the end. Though we descendants do our best to get past these small obstacles the world we live in has. But the lingering beasts and creatures who terrorize and threaten the very existence of many kinds must be dealt with. Hell, even though they are plentiful in number, and never able to be fully extinguished from existence, it is our job as those who’ve chosen a Hunter’s life to rid as many of these dark beings and monstrous creatures who walk our lands - all so that people stop cowering behind their gates and walls whilst their lives unravel quickly before them. Signed- Yvo Mondblume “It’s a Hunter’s Life for me!” ~A Hunter’s Code~ Members must abide by this code in order to keep their spot in the guild. Taking a contract or job up means seeing it through No matter the cost. We don’t hunt our own kind, and, under absolutely 0 circumstances, will not ever take jobs to harm other descendants. Monster hunters don’t ask many questions when under contract. See out the job unless it is questionable to your morals, and remember that there are many ways of completing a hunt. In fighting with guildmates is restricted. Help others instead of harming them. :OOC Guild post area: The Haense Monster Hunting guild is a place for those yearning to take on mighty beasts and become reputable to other nations shall thrive! We are a guild that offers out player-run events from those wishing to test the waters in event running, as well as some ST events. Not only will we be doing monster hunts in Haense, and with our own event runners, but we also will be branching out into other nations, looking for work so that we can gather fellow guildmates and attend a larger array of hunts. ~Location of Guildhall~ Haense/Karosgrad The Hunter’s Inn ~Application~ Full name: Ign: Reasons for joining: Experience: Discord:
  7. The Huntsman Guild of Courland The animals of the north grow wilder, men & women of Oren. The volume of game being found in the forested regions of Courland is increasing and I offer the opportunity to you to join the newly founded Huntsman Guild of Courland and help maintain the wildlife count in the stark but beautiful forests of the Northern duchy of Oren. We have a quaint hunting lodge with sufficient room to house applicants & room to expand if needed. Food is almost always available and while the weather outside may be bitter at best, there is plenty of room about the hearth for any who venture north. Members may also be requested to assist in hunting any monsters that appear in the lands nearby too so having aurum weapons may be beneficial. Equipment may be issued but hunter-customized equipment may be preferable than any standard issue equipment the guild may provide. To join, seek Carrick MacCanonach in Courland, Oren. ((Type your Minecraft Username, Roleplay Name, Race and Skype info (optional) below to apply. The guild will be heavily RP focused. See Pledgytarianism.))
  8. So, whilst we all await Grim's more extensive, informative, in-depth and probably much more pretty and better overall guide, I thought I'd make a quick one, very shallow, about Gravens, what to expect from them etc. Gravens, being spirits, and semi-corporeal, cannot be harmed by things in the way a mortal can. Stabbing it's arm or leg doesn't really bring it pain, albeit it does lessen the amount of spirit energy that keeps them alive, and they often react anyway out of habit, albeit with practice, some cease to react to such blows. Gravens can be dismembered like any other character, but as before, this does not bring pain, only lessening the amount of spirit energy that keeps it alive. Gravens can't be struck by a blow from a fist or otherwise. It'll go through them, or at most, hit any armour they might be wearing. You want to affect a Graven? You need something other than flesh. Any metal can be used to affect a Graven, as well as any other physical object that isn't flesh. Gravens bear no particular weakness to any sort of weapon or material, but blessed objects and substances, such as holy water, can cause a Graven to demanifest nearly immediately, should it pass into their bodies. All Gravens have something in common. A very dangerous ability, and the only offensive magic about them. They have the ability to cause a temporary insanity in mortals with their stare at a close range (About 10 blocks maximum), in a very short time. Grim has told me that a Graven can finish this in about 1 - 4 emotes, and any mortal being affected after 4 emotes would almost certainly fall into madness. There are, however, exceptions. Graven can manifest some slightly more powerful abilities specific to that Graven if they are actively working to go and fulfill their duties, ranging from remotely wielding their weapons from a short distance, changing the flight paths of arrows, releasing souls to torment a victim without the need of the Stare, and so on. However, in order to do such, they would have to continually fulfill their duties and sustain an absolute minimum of wounds. Graven cannot be controlled by necromancers, as sentient creatures, but they may work with them if it goes towards fulfilling their goals. Most Graven are not in fact evil, but are rather selectively hostile, harming only certain categories of people, albeit they are capable of harming others outside said category. Whilst not part of lore, myself and Grim have figured, logically, an orc in bloodlust, being driven by it's anger and, well, lust for battle and pain, MIGHT be able to ignore the writhing soul of agony within the Graven, that gives the stare it's power. In fact, this can feed the orc's bloodlust, making them even more powerful and dangerous. Gravens are all very dangerous, and very unique to one another, but most can be sorted into two categories. First is your hostile, absolutely terrifying Graven, who wants nothing more than to terrorize and harm or kill mortals. An example of this is Grim's Warden, a Graven who was the warden of a prison in life. He is a judge, and is generally hostile and terrifying to all mortals, albeit more or less cold and neutral to those he does not see as guilty. He draws on fear, and gains energy directly from terrifying the one he is judging killing the man judged as guilty (correction made by Grim, I have to interpret every once in a while). Second is your more or less friendly, not so terrifying but still strange and a bit creepy and forceful Graven - or at least as friendly as a spirit damned to a fate worse than hell. An example of this is my own Graven character, Hunter, who is a hunter of spirits and ghosts. Including Gravens. His task does not involve harming mortals, or scaring them, to much of a degree. He's able to have a decent conversation with the living, if no one attempts to provoke him, in drawing a weapon or making threats against him. In fact, he's willing to give mortals a warning and a helping hand when they aren't trying to chop off his head or shoot him with an arrow dipped in holy water. He's got a bit of a soft spot for the living, and prefers not to scare or harm them when possible. However, Gravens are easily provoked, even of this type, and as this character IS a fighting Graven, whilst not easily provoked, once he is, you want to kill him quick or start running. That's about it for what I have for you on Gravens for now, and I think this should be enough for until Grim comes out with a better, more accurate, and much nicer guide. See you all later! OOC NOTE FOR GRAVENS -Sancus, Graven hunter made Graven.
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