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  1. Past hour
  2. "Orcs aren't known for their intelligence; otherwise, they'd know the name of the actual vassal they’re attempting to war with." Andria shook her head as she prepared for battle. "Nothing but air up there."
  3. "Bal'ance...? Are they really calling our panda a demon..? Ah yes, Bal'ance the demon panda, strikes fear into people's hearts" Medea turned her head to Andria
  4. Andria laughs. "Bal'ance the panda?" Oh my goodness, they are referring to a former druid pet as a demon!"
  5. dripstone and it's variants, water if possible, blackstone and it's variants, tuff, raw iron/copper/gold as those are often used in place of regular rocks, all flowers since you can get them from CT pretty easily and are considered natural, and lastly logs + woods (woods are logs but with bark on all faces) for trees.
  6. The Lord Privateer read this with great intrigue. "It seems the Cormath fleet may finally be put to use." He stood up from his desk and moseyed down to show this to the Captain of Cormath.
  7. gotta love gradually watching all the alternative extraction methods become useless over time as all recipes are forced to become mundane a change should be done with herbs to include more sign/symbol combos, not the recipes- but until then, this is necessary.
  8. “United we Stand, with Liberty and Justice for all.” The Silver Lubba decrees.
  9. FROM THE ASHES OF FIRE, COMES THE TREE OF LIFE The End of the Age of Fire Source Hearken unto this message, orcs, allies, shamans, and spiritualists of old and new, and I hope it finds you well. I must speak of an urgent matter which has weighed upon my mind when the fires of wagh reared its head once again, seeking the destruction of Ubuntu. I bring unto you a tale, a warning, as well as a reaffirment. Some of you may remember the old Rex Skatchnak of Izig, the one who heralded the Age of Fire and Blood as well as the Firelands Initiative many years ago in the lands of Almaris. It was a time of great destruction, pillars of smoke towered from the horizon as thousands of trees and plants were torched around the city, leaving chalky earth and withered trees which would shatter into ash when touched. The spirits of the forest were furious, angry, crying for help to the shamans through vision and dream, yet these were snuffed out by the growing power of the spirits of fire as well as the wishes of rebirth by the orcish people. Soon enough, the fires of zealotry began to fade, and now are nothing but smoldering embers as the orcs traveled to new lands. Although the Age of Blood and Fire brought great destruction to our lands, it was on our terms and desires. However, that time has long passed and the orcs have looked to new desires. Now in our modern day, Vikela has come to repeat the past, but not on our terms. They bring destruction to our lands and forests, out of selfish desire that does not benefit our people. So therefore I warn: DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE DEMANDS OF THE UBUNTU. THEY ARE NOT US. And therefore, on the ashes of the Age of Fire and Blood: I REAFFIRM THE AGE OF LURAK. AN AGE OF GROWTH OF NOT ONLY THE FORESTS, BUT OF THE ORCISH PEOPLE. Thus my, and the spirits, words have been said, Zabub of Clan Lur, Shaman of the Anglers
  10. Today
  11. Javert


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. Javert


    Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great! Your roleplay sample used the first person present-tense, but LOTC uses third-person past tense. For example, instead of saying "I was never much of a talker", try using "She/Falynn was never much of a talker." You are only allowed to write the actions and dialogue of your own character! Please remove the dialogue that you have included for the old hag, as she is an NPC! You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me! My discord is ragnarakajavvy! If you don’t have discord, please message me on the forums @Javert! If you need to contact me, or need help, you can join the LotC Discord here: https://discord.gg/lotc I recommend going to the New player’s category, going to help chat. Pinging @Community team saying “I’m new and would like some help with my application. I got put on pending!” If I or another team member can not be reached. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  13. Rumors carry news far and wide, even into the taverns deep and caverns old. The dwarf slammed his fist on the dark stone table and announced: "Dat lass is gettin' wed an' did nae even consider invitin' 'er boss an' friend, me? Nae dat she gota choice now, gotta show up with Barrels full o' de foinest Ale." A loud laugh follwed, echoing through his Tavern.
  14. bro had me until he went into cannibalism
  15. [!] A missive was rapidly distributed across Braevos War. . . War never changes. . . WHAT DOES CHANGE? GRUB-BUCKET™ SEASONAL DEALS!!!! We at the Grub-Bucket™ are excited to hear that our cousins in Kagumar Krugmenistan LURAK have decided to engage in rigorous physical activities once again! In honor of the ancient deal made with mascot & partial shareholder Grimruk (after which the Iconic Grimruk-Shake™ gets its name and orange color), the Grub-Bucket™ is willing to offer CATERING to the Gonijin! GRUB-BUCKET™ GRUBONO-WORKERS WILL DISTRIBUTE DELICIOUS MEALS AT HALF-OFF TO ANY GONIJIN WHO SAYS THE SUPER SECRET CATCHPHRASE, "VIKAELA DELENDA EST!" For EXTRA HUNGRY Gonijin, we introduce The Grubnak-Bucket™ 64 flanks of steak and fritters cooked just how Ologarch Grubnak used to like it! (Rare with an entire bottle of spicy ketchup) Prices, meat origin, and grease levels may vary. Deals will last until the end of the conflict or cowardly capitulation of Ubuntu
  16. Endyn 'Mog' Jindle raises his blade, ready to defend Vikela from the evil orcs!
  17. Ivacia found the missive in her mail. Many emotions assaulted her as she read it, but only one prevailed... Determination. She set Kronk the Deep Wonk in his aquarium and began preparations. She may be a magistrate, but she started as a guard. And she would defend her nation till the day she died. "We stand United..." She spoke softly to her beloved wonk as she got to work, a flame set alight in her violet eyes.
  18. "I thought the Uruks hated Freygoth, and sought to burn her forests and kill her children and transform the world into one of smog?" The elfess was deeply confused, "Though, I sympathize with the poor animals who deserve respect, and for the magnificent flora of our continent. I feel we need a balance." She'd cover her mouth, "I wonder who this demon named bal'ance is. There shall be no compromise made with Infernal beings, unless they have a tragic backstory and need a hug and we can fix them through the power of positive thinking!"
  19. Hello @thequeennadine & @JTMedea This will be the official thread for the warclaim. Couple of things: 1. We will be unable to host a warclaim this upcoming weekend, so we will do the weekend of 06/22 and 06/23. Which day and time works better for both sides? 2. Any allies joining in will have until 11:59pm EST on 06/13 to post their warpath on this thread (no exceptions to the timer) 3. Both sides please make sign up sheets and have them shared with staff by 11:59pm EST on 06/16. (Players can still sign up after this deadline) There will also be a channel opened in the moderation discord for other questions and discussion to take place. Goal: Conquest of Tile_Jungle_Plateu_3
  20. "war... is pointless, Violence is pointless, when will all these people learn that this will come to nothing but chaos and distruction in the end" Karuna Amal murmured to herself as she jently knelt and put her hands together "Ahura'ma hear my please... and please end this tyranny.. from both sides"
  21. An Inferi reads the missive and curses. There goes its plans, the downtroded sons of Krug would have their bloodlust filled again. Their economy would boom, when it needed it the most. Then back into the sands they'd go, high on cactus green until the next horn called them back home.
  22. Cathan shifted to overlook the mountains of his home, before going to remind himself of an oath that he had made long ago. Defend the Balance; restore Nature; and enlighten the Descendants to how they injure the world to Ruin and the Void through their actions by word or sword. War was Diplomacy by another word, Cathan recognized solemnly - and the Templar spoke under his breath, “Malchediael - oversee me as I fulfill my obligation to the first Dogma. May my sword prove itself true; May my sword prove itself strong; And may this war be short. May the deaths be quick.”
  23. Glynfir was a weary veteran of several wars who had hoped not to have to fight another one. He'd moved to ensure such, yet even a peaceful man could only be pushed so far. Besides, fighting Uruks was nothing new. He gathered the gear he kept stashed away from his peaceful existence with a sigh. "Once more into the fray. Here's hoping it's the last time, though I doubt it."
  24. Theodore furrows his brows as he reads over the lengthy missive. Once finished, he sighs and folds the papers in half. The man had watched the entire interaction at the Garmont Assembly, and at the time he'd considered telling the man next to him that Nicolas Wittenbach would be wise to keep his mouth closed as he waited for a Royal decree. He couldn't have known how right he was. Now, tossing the folded missive into his fire, he lets out a Tsk. "I feel for the poor fellow, but goodness...these ramblings may give his people more trouble than they already have. May our glorious Queen and King remain merciful and wise in their upcoming decisions." he mutters as he warms his hands by the fire. Later that night, the Deputy Speaker would pray for a peaceful, just, and joyous solution to the City of Chambery's dilemma.
  25. Changed Status to Pending
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