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~*~ Updates! ~*~


Added Dedicant Thordale (xXstrikerdudeXx) to Dedicants List

Added Dedicant Evertras (BaronVonDietz) to Dedicants List

Removed Dedicant Analithnid'bestia (xXxOneLovexXx) from Dedicants list

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~*~ Updates ~*~
With our recent moot, the following changes to our thread have occurred:
Pine Druid Gi'Garun has retired from Archdruid to Hierophant.
Moved Pine Druid Gi'Garun (Gigarun) To Hierophants List
Sequoia Druid Lillith has ascended to the position of Archdruid.
Moved Sequoia Druid Lillith (dagothagahnim) To Archdruids List
Metal Druid Sharr has been unattuned. May the Aspects guide you on your new path brother.
Metal Druid Sharr (lordbobby123) moved to Forgotten Druids
Evark Evocress has been Shunned. None other than an Archdruid is to interact with this being.
Added Evark Evocress (Evark_Evocress) To Shunned List
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((Although you may not be adding members at this time, perhaps in the future.






Crysh walks near the great tree the Druids call home, gazing up at its tops and shuddering at the cold surface air as it blows upon his skin.


*Shaking his head to himself as he approaches


"People live in a place like this? absolutely mad it is...."

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A letter is seen pinned to the archdruid office door. 



(Open Spoiler to open letter)


As you open the letter it seems that it bursts into flames, the fire doesn't seem to burn or hurt as if the paper has been enchanted with illusionary flames.




I have signed a notice here at my retaliation for the shunn that has been bestowed upon me in the druidic order. I’ve worked here as if it has become a duty for many elven years wreaking havoc and destruction within the druid order yet only recently acquired a shunn. Now upon my knowledge this means your connection to your patrons have wavered you thin to even grasp someone like me to bypass this much time without a slight retaliation. Though only given a shunn. I request that myself, get a kill on sight upon all druids with pardon done by only a majority vote of the inner circle of the druid order conducted with an overwatch of an archdruid.

Upon all of this, I request one more thing. Do not take likely to what I am or what I can do. If you see me it is your choice to attack or defend. I will not make the first move, be weary of your choice since that is all you will have left to remember.

~Evark Evocress


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Manuel departed The Druid Grove with a hint of apprehension. A single sapling he had been given by Gi'Garun to fulfil this latest task. "Find a place where you are comfortable, and plant that sapling." the then Archdruid had said to him. "Plant that in the ground, and watch it grow." Gi'Garun had said that when the time was right, and the tree had grown, it would drop a branch with which Manuel would craft a staff. And so with the clothes on his back, and little coin in his pocket, he made way for Oren.

Though as he trod upon the path northward bound, he travelled light, but held a heavy burden which bore no weight. He carried with him worry. Never mind that he knew not where he could plant that sapling as he wasn't sure where he would be comfortable, but The Deep Cold was quickly approaching. What would happen, were the sapling to succumb to the elements and die? What if he were to succumb to the elements and die. These thoughts whirled around his head as the trek north lead him further and further. He continued on until he reached the very most northern region of the Human Lands, where before him spanned a bridge that lead him into The Great Red Canyon, and The Wilderness beyond. There he knew he was not comfortable.

And so he strode off the path, and into the rough mountainous terrain to his left. The vegetation was sparse for a long time as the sheer cliffs were no place for any mighty trees to grow. But after a while, Manuel eventually settled upon a fair wooded ridge. He figured that here was as good a place as any, and he sat himself down in the cold grass to plant his sapling. And no sooner had Manuel committed the sapling to the earth, then The Deep Cold arrived and snow did fall. In the first days of this weather, the snowfall did ne'r show any such signs of ceasing. Manuel thanked the stars that he had invested so long ago in a well insulated cloak, but the issue of the now buried sapling was certainly present. In the first nights he spent much of his time digging the young tree out of the snow.

In those first days, Manuel found it difficult to commune with nature as The Archdruid had instructed. Between worrying about the saplings well being and the ever lessening supply of food he had spent his remaining coin on. Thankfully after the first week, the snow eventually passed over, and the sun's rays shone upon the wooded wood. Having less to worry about, Manuel found it simpler to meditate. And while the weather was fair, he did so. On those good days, when the sun warmed the dug out dip in the snow, Manuel abandoned his cloak. But when night fell, he often wished he had sunk his coin in another.

He found in his meditation, that the less active he was, the less food he required. But nevertheless his supply dwindled into nothing. He though more within that dip of the best ways to survive, as well as commune with nature appropriately. He had thought on his way to the ridge, that the great druids of old merely sat before a tree and waited and waited until the tree stood tall. He had come to the conclusion however, that this was not the case. He had come up with an idea instead. Instead of Maneul living in the environment and off of the environment, he would become a fixture in the environment. A part wooded ridge itself. And so he left the dip in the snow and his sapling which leaves had long since withered, and began to hunt. It occurred to him that although Druids were largely against violence to animals, but that the aspect Cernunnos was after all "The Hunter". Such is the circle of life. So hunting Manuel went with what tools he could roughly fashion, and hunt he so did, achieving the pelts of a few animals after much hardship and deliberation.

So on it went. Manuel had found that when hunger swept him it was for some reason easier to commune with nature and left only from the snowy dip occasionally to scavenge for food when the hunger threatened to overcome him. Time went faster then he had expected, and soon The Deep Cold warmed to The Snow's Maiden. And The Snow's Maiden thawed into The First Seed. Greenery returned to the mountainside as leaves returned to the trees, and Manuel beheld that his sapling had grown considerably despite the adversity it they faced. When the bushes and trees bore fruit, Manuel quit his hunting tools in favour of a more passive cycle.

The days and nights blurred into each other and Manuel found it difficult to keep track of the date, except for when clear changes in his the ridge occurred, such as when the leaves changed colour to usher in The Grand Harvest. One day Manuel rose from the side of the tree which had grown once more considerably. He left to seek to satisfy his thirst, which he did. When he returned, a branch rest where he usually sat, fallen leaves strewn about it. He stopped and stared at it. He knew that this was the branch with which he would craft his staff. He knew that his long and arduous task was now almost at an end, however he felt a pang of sorrow in his heart. He had grown comfortable in the wooded ridge. Accustom to the slight cover the surrounding trees and sheer mountainside gave from the wind, and the slight slope at the edge wherefore he had tumbled a few times during hunt. He was reluctant to leaf.

He approached the branch and took it up in his hands, looking up. The Maple that once he held in his hand by the stalk now towered over him. He leant a while against the trees trunk, looking back in the direction of the road. He remembered something he had
learned when being taught by
Gi'Garun and Snow Druid Beth.
"Wherefore there is a beginning, there must also be and end,
so that the world might renew itself, continue or restart."

Manuel remained at the base of the tree for a short time, and was amused at the first snowfall. The sapling that he once protected from the element, now protected him. And after a year spent in solitude, Manuel exited the wooded ridge and made essay for the Druids Grove. And though when that time came he was awash with uncertainty and sadness, he took comfort in the fact that there was at least one place in Oren he felt comfortable.

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~*Updates ~*~


Evark Evocress is now KOS. Should he set foot in the grove, all Druids are asked to do whatever is necessary to remove him.



Somewhere, somehow, Aeran Winterleaf mumbles that "That seems excessive and brutal."

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[A note covered in blood and water drops hangs from a tree below a beehive]
I am far too young, but in the end Nature has its calling.
Who would've thought that like I bee I would die young too?
It's funny how much nature can reflect who we really are on the inside.
I have had many important things happen to me in my life,
I am so grateful for all those who have helped me on my path.
I am so sorry that I have to leave you all, but I cannot stay anymore.
I'm tired of waking up, having to try and remember who I once was.
It hurts to pretend to be the person you once were.
I am weak, i have hurt people that care a lot about me, I am so sorry.
I wish I could be the person that I once was but he's dead now, I 
have to join him, please don't be angry.
I am so sorry I have to leave so soon, everyone who has impacted
my life, please have my regards.
To the druids, continue on your path. I must leave you now, like a
tree that wilts and dies, another will grow in my stead. I always
wanted to be a guide, sadly I never got the chance but it's okay
I am sure people even greater than me will step up instead.
~Bee Druid, Ker'vuln Ibar'ker~
[The note ends here, though specific people have had different notes
pinned to their doors]
[Ker'vuln lies dead in his bed, he died in his sleep.]
To: Isabella Ibar'ker

Thank-you for all the fun times, I am sorry most of all that I have to go, please don't hurt yourself because of it, you need to take care of Katelynn while i'm gone. I am sorry I started smoking, it was the only thing that would ease my pain. Please be safe, you were the best part of me I ever had. I will love you, forever.

To: Taynuel

Thank-you for being the best friend I ever had, you were the first to make me feel at home with the druids. In my whole life I never met someone quite like you, follow your heart brother, you'll go far.

To: Veren

Thank-you for inspiring me, you are wise beyond your years, despite being silly. You'd probably want to beat me up right now, but for now, good luck. I hope you become the guide you always wanted to be.

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-*- Update Time -*-

I                          I

Please welcome our newly Attuned Druids!!

(Moved from Dedicant's List to Druid's List)

Raven Druid Primrose {Natethegreat237)

Kitten Druid Lilliana (Maynard66)

Honey Druid Mirabelle (GurenRycerz)

Crow Druid Briar (Briar_Ophiuchus)

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Updated rules for all Druids regarding the use of other Magics, please bear with us and

take a look over them at the bottom of the OP on this thread, we promise to make this

as pineless as possible for you!


Note that you are bound to these rules simply by being in the Druidic Order.

If you aren't frond of them, start running now, we'll give you to the count of tree.

If we make a mess of you, oh deer.


~Updated Policy also included here in spoiler for your convenience if you can't sparrow a moment to go to the OP!~

This is a document to make note of all negative effects and consequences a Druid shall face when using other non-druid magics.  Void magic will have these effects MUCH more rapidly as all Void magic is imbalance, forcing change upon the world and bringing things from the void into the natural world. These are RP as well as OOC rules, and must be abided by if you become a Druid. You agree to these by being a member of the Druidic Order.



OOC Procedures:

When you are a Druid and you cast any other type of magic, you MUST do all of the following, failure to do so is to be considered Powergaming and you can have your membership in the Druidic Order revoked, and your attunement IMMEDIATELY severed without RP.

-Inform the Druid that attuned you (usually your Guide). This is because when a Druid attunes a new Druid, they form a subtle bond to you and can sense extreme imbalance that occurs to the Druid(s) they attune. Use of other non-Druid magics is massively imbalancing to the offending Druid, and so would be felt subtly when you are near them.

-Inform at least one Archdruid.  The Aspects ALWAYS know IMMEDIATELY when you’ve performed other magics they did not gift you, and they directly inform Archdruids in more severe cases of imbalance. (Archdruids have visions from time to time, things like this tend to come up during them)

Beyond this, no one who wasn’t involved at the time the casting was done will know 100% sure that you used an imbalancing magic.  These OOC notifications are so you can inform us what kind of void magic you used, how often, for what purpose, etcetera.  This will allows us to RP appropriately around you and start to feel the imbalance you are causing within yourself, and react appropriately.

RP Procedures:

When you begin using other magic types, you must be aware of the following points, and failure to include these considerations in your RP and just acting like nothing has changed is considered Powergaming, with the same possible consequences as failure to OOC notify, possible removal from the Druidic Order and your attunement removed without RP.

-Using non-druidic magics weakens your Nature’s Communion, your attunement.  It does not break it entirely, but it begins to strain it and distance you from it.  To gain strength in Nature’s Communion, you must meditate and bring greater balance within yourself.  Using unnatural magics, especially Void based magics, causes imbalance within you and counters your efforts to commune with nature.

-Nature will begin to refuse to answer your calls and requests.  Druidism works by asking things of nature, and it is up to nature to decide if it will grant your request, you CANNOT force it to.  Nature is more likely to answer for Druids with stronger attunements for more strenuous requests, and is much more likely to refuse to do anything for those who are causing imbalance.

-Extensive use of unnatural magics will result in nature COMPLETELY refusing all requests made of it, essentially your Druidic magic shuns you.  You don’t lose your attunement, you can still feel nature around you, but nature around you is going to be VERY angry with you and be constantly giving you a feeling of overbearing disdain and negativity.  For those who use unnatural magics frequently, without regard to your Druidism, you may even find nature reacting VIOLENTLY to your requests, no longer following the request given but lashing out towards you, for example:: You request a vine to grow across the wall.  You feel nature’s anger toward your request and then the vine extends towards you, forming thorns and trying to entangle you.  Feel free to get creative with this, but do not completely disregard it!  No one is special, and nature WILL start to outright refuse your requests at the very least, unless it is an extremely noble purpose behind it, like saving another Druid’s life in-the-moment and you fell back to your Druidism to make the attempt.  IF nature chooses to respond to you, the effect would be just as powerful as before you began using unnatural magics, it is just VERY unlikely that nature will respond to you.

-If you do more than simply dabbling into unnatural magics, as in you begin to refine the art and learn from it, your Druidism would remain unless physically removed via unattunement.  However, you would feel nature all around you reacting negatively to your very presence.  You would feel overbearing anger, disappointment, disapproval, shaming, etc. coming from the natural world around you, and in areas of stronger nature’s presence (such as Druid groves) the feeling may even become so overbearing that you would be unable to concentrate on much else, even interrupting casting (as you need to maintain focus to use magics).

If you truly intend to leave your Druidism behind and follow a new path of magic, it would likely be in your best interest to simply approach an Archdruid and request unattunement so you can follow the path you believe you are meant for.  There will be no loss of respect for you in most cases, and your honesty will leave you in good standing with the Order, should you require aid or assistance in the future, or even decide that you have erred and you wish to rejoin the Order.

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Quick question, does a person have to go through the druidic order to become a druid? Or are there ways to become

one without it. ((I won't meta with this, Its just for my oocly information.))

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Quick question, does a person have to go through the druidic order to become a druid? Or are there ways to become

one without it. ((I won't meta with this, Its just for my oocly information.))

((You have to be attuned by a druid, which generally means you have to go through the order. There are rare exceptions where a retired druid (who knows how to attune someone, not all of them do) trains someone outside of the order. But you do have to be attuned by a druid.

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A long strip of oak bark finds its way to the base of the Father Tree. Upon further inspection, one might find a message chiseled elegantly into the bark, reading:


Elysium, where the oak found its heart in the beard of the trees,

Kalos, where the oak rose tall and strong among its fellow brothers and sisters,

Anthos, where the oak thrived and its roots deepened,

The Fringe, where the oak grew tired and senseless,

Thales, where the oak's mind began to wander,

Athera, where the oak lost its way.


The carving of an oak tree sits in the bottom right-hand corner of the bark, as if a signature.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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