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[Magic Lore] Acid Evocation


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Acid Evocation

With the relaxation of magic on LotC, I figured I'd try to get my idea accepted. If you recall idk how many months ago, I posted a thread on Void Magic. This is the revised edition that focuses more on the Acid part. Hope you like.



Acid Evocation is the arcane form of someone throwing liquid acid at something. This magic is rather powerful in the sense that it has the ability to ‘eat’ through metal as well as flesh. Though there are some distinct exceptions to this rule. Acid Magic has no effect on Obsidian, and when it comes into contact with Mage Gold, it acts as liquid water and slides down the surface. Though if it were to slide off, for instance, a man’s golden helmet, and land on his Iron shoulder pads, it would then start eating away at the metal as if it landed there in the first place. Acid Magic requires about as much energy as a water evocation spell, due to slime-like texture resembling arcane water in a sphere shape.


The use of Acid Evocation-

An Acid Evocationist could use his magic to help him in catching for instance a thief. Say the thief is hiding behind a thick, unenchanted, iron door. The Acidmancer could walk up to the door and after enough concentration, pull forth his element from the Void and project it to the hinges of the door. The acid would then burn through and allow the Mage, or his friends to knock the door over with much more ease.


Acid Evocation, when projected is one of the slowest magic to actually hit its target. If a Pyromancer was fighting an Acidmancer, and they both cast a spell of the same ‘tier and power’ the Pyromancer would strike first. This is due to the irregular and awkward texture of the acid. The slime-like substance makes it harder for the mage to concentrate on it all to project it at really high speeds. This does not mean that the orb is going one block an emote. It travel at the speed of a warhammer swung by two hands, compared to a one handed sword.


Physical Description-

  • Green in color

  • Frosty cold to the touch

  • Darker in the center

  • Has a misty trail that follows the globs of acid



  • The ability to burn through any material besides Mage Gold and Obsidian.

  • Isn’t a ‘Mana Hog’. One should be able to cast as many spells as a Hydromancer before collapsing.

  • Due to low speed, it is still fired rather accurately.



  • Slow moving

  • Requires more concentration, but less mana

  • Impractical in many situations due to the timely build up.

  • If acid hits it’s target, most people would be able to take off that article of clothing to prevent being eaten away. But it would chew at the flesh before one could get off a suit of Iron Armor. Chainmail would result in a small burn if they move fast enough.


Progression over Time-

Acid Magic follows a similar progression as other Evocations, time wise.


T1:S1- ‘Droplet’ of acid is all that can be created., but cannot be projected nor can it burn through anything. (0-2 weeks)

T1:S2- ‘A drop the size of a human’s thumb nail can be created, but not projected. (2-4 weeks)

T1:S3- Ability to create a glob of acid the size of a human’s entire thumb. Can be projected a distance of one foot. and has the ability to burn through leather and thin wood.


T2:S1- The Evocationist has the ability to produce a glob of acid the size of two thumbs. This can be projected about a foot and a half. Has the ability to burn through leather and carry on to actual skin, or can burn through thick wood.

T2:S2- Now the evocationist can produce the same size  glob, but now can project it two feet.


T3:S1- The Evocationist has a grip on his element now. He can create a ‘half hand’ sized glob that can be projected a max of three feet. Though, it now can burn through thin chainmail, or thin iron bars.

T3:S2- Considered adept with their magic, the evocationist can create a fist sized glob that can be projected five feet.


T4:S1- The mage is almost a master in his art, he can create a ‘fist and a half’ sized glob that has the power to burn through Iron Armor and doors. This can be projected 15 feet, but is as slow as someone swinging a giant warhammer

T4:S2- Finally, you can claim to be a master in acid evocation. You should have the ability to create a glob of acid the size of two fists, that when it hits it’s target, feels like getting smacked with water of equal size, but not density. Can be projected 25 feet.


T5- Not only have you mastered the art of acid evocation, but you now dominate it. You have the power to create two globs of acid simultaneously that are the size of two and a half fists. These have the power to burn through almost anything made of Iron or lesser material. It will quickly eat away at flesh, causing great pain and most likely, death. Can be projected 40 feet.

Side Notes-

  • Cannot dissolve obsidian or gold! I can’t stress this enough. If you are for instance, fighting a man in full gold, you better have another trick up your sleeve because you aren’t going to hurt him directly!

  • Slowwwwww. About the same speed as a human swinging a warhammer. This isn’t a auto hit spell. It will take some time to reach its target. About as easy to dodge as a throwing hammer.

  • If one was to try and project their acid glob at a further distance than they are allowed, the acid would dissolve itself in mid-air. This is because the acid is so powerful that it starts to eat away at itself after a while.


Example RP-


Vuln closes his eyes, focusing inwards trying to clear his mind

Vuln, achieving this begins to connect to the void

Vuln’s eyes flutter open as he thrusts his right hand out, willing something to happen.

Vuln’s body tenses as he pulls from the void, a small droplet of acid appears three inches from his open right palm.

Vuln’s body begins to shake violently, his arm quivers and falls to his side. The droplet of acid slowly descends as gravity takes over. The drop falls on his desk, and burns halfway through the heavy oak.



Acidmancer stares at his foe, the wind blows through his golden hair.

Uruk heaves his mighty axe, before slowly advancing on the unarmed man.

Acidmancer closes his eyes and raises his right hand. He focuses on his golden rings. Suddenly, Acidmancer goes stiff and a glob of green slime begins to manifest before Acidmancer’s outstretched palm.

Uruk lets out a mighty roar as he begins to barrel towards the ‘Mojoman’, holding his axe high in the air.

Acidmancer grimaces as he slowly projects his acidic ball towards the axe of the Uruk, hoping to disable the behemoth’s tool of slaughter.

Uruk notices the trajectory of the acid and shifts his axe away from the acid.

The Acid continues past the axe, missing it completely before burning up slowly as it continues its adventure, meeting its demise a few feet later.

Uruk proceeds to chop Acidmancer into tiny bits before making a nice ‘umie stew’.



Bobby glares at the 7 foot tall crimson colored Dread Knight that lurks before him. Bobby smirks gleefully as the shiny iron armor sparkles in the sunlight. He allows his eyes to flutter shut and clicks his tongue three times to calm himself.

Dread Knight Vuln slowly advances towards the puny mortal, his large barbed black iron axe, Gorechild, finds the awaiting grasp of the large metallic monstrosity.

Bobby extends both palms towards the Dread Knight who awaits but thirty feet beyond, whispers of confidence fill the experienced Bobby’s mind as he wills the Void to do his bidding.

Vuln roars loudly, his raspy and demonic voice causes dozens of nearby birds to take flight. Raising Gorechild high, Vuln grinds his way towards his next victim.

Bobby’s confidence wavers as the roar bites through his mental walls, sparking fear in his heart but the old mage quickly brushes the thoughts off and summons two massive globs of acid, each roughly the size of two and a half human fists.

Vuln pauses briefly to glare at the man, realizing him to be a mage, before he takes a practice swing and continues his advance at a faster pace. He nears Bobby, only about ten feet now.

Bobby releases a loud shriek as he projects the orbs forward, before collapsing to his knees in fatigue. He watches as the orbs drift towards the Knight.

Vuln’s massive bulk restricts the once nimble elf, and as he twists to avoid the orbs one strikes the gauntlet holding tightly to Gorechild. The acid begins to chew through the Meteor Steel, already disfiguring the hand as the second glob misses the knight and strikes a tree directly behind Vuln. The second glob begins to dissolve the bulk of the tree’s trunk.

Bobby, unable to regain his breath staggers to his feet. He raises a weak hand before letting it fall to his side, “Do with me what you will, Vile Monster.” he calls.

Vuln roars in anger as his right gauntlet becomes engulfed in acid before it snaps and falls to the ground. Slowly, the entire hand dissolves. With his left hand, Vuln retrieves the damaged Gorechild and heaves it high, “The Dread Lord demands blood!” and he begins his advance again on Bobby. Suddenly, there is a loud POP and the tree falls, smashing Vuln to the ground and pinning his legs!

Bobby begins to regain his strength and stumbles off into the woods. Leaving the trapped knight to the painstaking process of digging his way out from under the tree.

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  This has been written up many times, sometimes in different forms. I think we have all the evocations we could possibly need. -1

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This is the third time I've seen this suggested, and the third time I've said no. Though I believe you are allowed to roleplay this due to the magic changes or something.

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No. You can already do this utility stuff with water evocation to a degree, I think. YOu can conjure water, fill the gaps in hinges with it, and then freeze it, which would break the hinges.


Same for locks.

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It's a nice suggestion, well written and such but it really doesn't fit the theme of the server and lore in my own opinion. Void magic was always restricted to basic 'alchemical/primal' elements like fire, earth, water and air which are very easy to find and observe. Acid is a little more... complex than these basic elements and seems like it could be pretty volatile (hehe) in terms of the power department. In addition to that, it would probably take several hours to burn through a thick iron door like you stated in your example, whilst probably fully draining a T5 mage in the process... you're better off just smashing the door down.


Finally... how was this discovered IC? The closest I can possibly think of is the acidic pits the Mali'Aheral used to kill impure criminals in. 


Overall I think it's a well-written idea but simply too niche and deviating from the theme of Void Evocation whilst being cripplingly overspecialized and just... too much effort for little reward in terms of power. That's just my opinion, though.

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just do fire evocation like seriously. there are magicks where you can poison people and do practically everything possible but you want THIS? no. -1111111111

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I say no, because this subtypes kinda.. overpowered. The acid seems to be really overpowered, otherwise I'd like it. But also, nobody really needs this magic. You can use water evo to freeze locks and crap into breaking, and fire as well. Sorry, for now I need to -1

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Yea, I don't even want to argue the points. And for the record, someone said it came up three times already... two were probably from me. But I see no reason why overspecialization hurts. It could be pretty useful to certain people (I don't even plan on using it. I even used my own character to give an example of how to kill him :P) idk. I guess I'd just like to be shot with acid as a DK more than begin trampled by horses or smacked with the warhammers that everyone keeps in their pockets :3

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Until the Nexus 4.0 magic plugin is given a full release and had some time to be worked on, there will be no new Magic Subtypes considered. Once everything is ironed out will new types be considered, and how they might be added to the plugin would then be an additional element for your proposal.


However, seen as acid isn't a basic element (fire, water, air, earth, electrical energy, raw magic) I don't see why it would become an evocation type. Acids are more commonly made than they are just found naturally. Alchemists have the ability to create acids and use them in a fight. And if you want to destroy something: Void Translocation dematerialises matter. I don't see this type of evocation as really adding something totally unique, and it isn't a base element that has been missed so it doesn't really fit straight 'evocation'.


Now that there is a plugin, magic types need to be scrutinised even more than previously. You are of course welcome to RP'ing it yourself, however it is unlikely to become canon and have a designated plugin branch for combat.

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Until the Nexus 4.0 magic plugin is given a full release and had some time to be worked on, there will be no new Magic Subtypes considered. Once everything is ironed out will new types be considered, and how they might be added to the plugin would then be an additional element for your proposal.


However, seen as acid isn't a basic element (fire, water, air, earth, electrical energy, raw magic) I don't see why it would become an evocation type. Acids are more commonly made than they are just found naturally. Alchemists have the ability to create acids and use them in a fight. And if you want to destroy something: Void Translocation dematerialises matter. I don't see this type of evocation as really adding something totally unique, and it isn't a base element that has been missed so it doesn't really fit straight 'evocation'.


Now that there is a plugin, magic types need to be scrutinised even more than previously. You are of course welcome to RP'ing it yourself, however it is unlikely to become canon and have a designated plugin branch for combat.

I don't understand. So, I have permission to RP it. But it isn't actual lore? Can I get in trouble for using said magic?

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I don't understand. So, I have permission to RP it. But it isn't actual lore? Can I get in trouble for using said magic?

Basically it would be "non-canon" and in that case you can do it so long as the other party is okay with it.

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I don't understand. So, I have permission to RP it. But it isn't actual lore? Can I get in trouble for using said magic?


As long as you don't powergame, try to break mechanical standard, or do something else that's rule-breaking or totally ridiculous, you can do whatever you want with magic. However, if your acid is melting through armour in seconds and killing people super quickly, I'd say any GM worth their salt would call that powergaming.

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This seems overpowered to me simply due to the fact it's displayed as being able to burn through iron with ease. Though I suspect it could do that to some extent the idea it could burn off a Dread-knight's gauntlet seems a tad...powerful.

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