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The Arcane Vigil


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Lotha squeals and giggles, grabbing an application and filling it out excitedly. Adventure! Exploration! Magic! Potential for chaos! YAY!



Given name(RP name): Lotha the Impish!


(Skype name if you have one): shayne.milligan


True name(MC name): Demotheus


Race: Imp! Or something. Lotha isn't sure. Lothas mother was a dwarf and her father a dark elf.


Authentic magic user?: Yes! .. At least,, Lotha thinks so!


If so what form of magic ye use?: All of them! 
Illusion, void translocation, telekenesis, household!


Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Yes, yes, and to a slightly lesser extent, yes!


Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?: Vigils! Lotha thinks!


Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:


You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.

Lotha would proceed to make herself at home and then explore! Lotha is very good at hiding and bouncing and finding things. Maybe something shiny and fancy is to be found! Or perhaps some magic tomes! Or perhaps food! Oh GODS YES FOOD!


While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".

Point at them and shout "edgy's talking about artifacts!" because, honestly, if someone wears a hooded robe in public they clearly are missing part of their brains! Trust Lotha on this one!


Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.

Lotha is under the opinion that necromancy is not a bad thing. No magic is a bad thing. Only people can be bad. Necromancy is creepy! Yes! But can be use for good and just reasons! Like undead maids! or something! So, Lotha would want to find out what kind of necromancer this necromancer is if he is, in fact, actually a necromancer. If he's a bad person, then sucks to be him! If he's a good person, sucks to be the masked man!

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*Hera fiddles with her old sigil that she has fashioned into a earring.*




I am glad I could help find a suitable name.


I think you should rework the names of the positions though. Keep it fresh and keep it simple.


Here is my idea!




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Cyrus, upon reading a poster, exhales somewhat audibly. "Good gods," he mumbles, "someone's trying to revive the Delvers. Let us see what comes of this- a rabble of fools, or a respectable gathering of magi. I pray that they not cause the trouble that the Delvers had in the past."

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Given name(RP name): Dannii


True name(MC name): DanniiDrake


Race: Human


Authentic magic user?: No


Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: All three.


Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:


You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.


I would explore the ruins, hoping to find anything.


While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".


I would ask them about the artifact, but I would of already of tried to talk to the two!


Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.


I wouldn't be walking down Anthos, I was too young!




PS. I talked to Mr. Jonathan! Tell him when you get this application and tell him I say; I will join!

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Seyer looks at the poster and sees the name "Arcane Delvers" on the poster, he can't help but smile. "A new name huh?" He lifts his arms in rejoice. "We're BACK PEOPLE".

Realising what has done he shakes himself pff. "Ahem..." He continues to walk and search for the new "Delvers".

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Given name(RP name): “My name is Cil’ri”


(Skype name if you have one): [thomascovey1181]


True name(MC name):






“Impure High Elf… It’s a long story”


Authentic magic user?:


“Yes, I am in fact”


If so what form of magic ye use?:


“I’m a master in both arts of Illusion and Fire Evocation”


Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?:


“Companionship mosty.”


Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?:


“A vigil. I’m very skilled in various magical types, which would make me most suited for this rank/position.”


For Mageshields only:

Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to preserve that of your arcane brethren?

What combat skills have ye?


Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:

You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.


“I’d enter the cave, curious to discover the mystery of it”


While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".


“I’d join in their conversation and ask about the artifact, trying to gather all the information on it that is possible.”


Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.


“Well I’d interfere with the conversation, and my overall goal would be to make the supposed ‘Necromancer’ flee.”

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Norik breaks into a chuckle.


"Finalleh! Tiome to put on sum robes, and start talkin wif big words!"


He then goes back to his coffee, while making some Coffee Carrots.


((Jon, will I have to remake the app? Or am I already a member?))

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Kalenz mutters "This history is entirely incorrect. If their existence is going to bother me, they may as well have their history right...."


This is found pinned to a tree where the notice was pinned:


The Arcane Vigil is not an old nor storied name. Yet our roots trace back to another name. The Arcane Delvers. A guild founded in the days of Asulon in a time where magi were despised and abused, much like they are today in parts of the world. Polgrath the mindlord, a master of Illusion banded together with the Sorcerer Richard Tarus to create a place where magi might live and study together in peace. The first home of the Arcane Delvers was in Crestfall where they grew to be a small guild. However, after a period of time the founder Richard Tarus departed and Polgrath alone, the Mindlord was left to rule over the delvers. After many years Polgrath met a budding illusionist by the name of Kalenz Uradir whom he befriended and over time the pair would build the guild to new heights, Kalenz taking upon the role of the Mindlord's hand. When the guild arrived in Anthos they founded a new home, an ancient ruin they titled Ac'talareh, meaning the cursed rock in elven— For its resemblance to a large rock. The guild flourished with Polgrath and his aid, Kalenz, at the helm, its members frequently going off on adventures of all kinds. However the leaders came to overthrow and attempt to murder the Mindlord Polgrath who eventually left the Delvers in a rage that his fellow mages would betray him. Similarly the guild threw out Kalenz, months prior to this. Artemic Camoryn took the helm of the Delvers and through his monstrous recruiting methods lead the Delvers to go from a specialised but large magic guild to a horrendously large, chaotic and wretched home of all manner of evil creatures. The nations of Anthos observed and brooded, realising that long gone was the rule of Polgrath and his aid Kalenz. Over time the Delvers fought many battles against the nations which grew to despise them and eventually they collapsed due to poor leadership strategies and the betrayal of their founders.


 The leadership grew feeble, and the vast numbers of members grew to be lazy. Before long, the Delvers crumbled into nothing. Years went by and they faded from the memories of most. But not all. It had been years since the words Arcane Delvers had been seen on any sort of document, yet in the year 1462, it saw light once more. An ex Regent by the name Jonathan Elers, a master aeromancer and an Ex delver veteran by the name Vuln Shadeleaf, a master geomancer met together and agreed it was time. Time to bring back that which had died. Letters were sent to all corners of the Fringe and a meeting was called for any that might listen. Before long, the new guild was steadily underway, founded on the original concepts of Polgrath. Total nonsense. A group of like minded mages, warriors, adventurers but most of all learners, banded together once more for comradery and safety. The Arcane Delvers were truly dead. But the Arcane Vigil, had been born.


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A wolfish grin splits on Huwel Adaelson's features as he hears about the Arcane Vigils. Taking a moment he lowers his pipe, he sluggishly rolls his shoulders and stands. "Well, ain't that something?" He mutters as he tugs on the collar of his trenchcoat.

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A pigeon arrives at the HQ of the Vigils, a scruffy application rolled up and tied to it's leg...


Given name(RP name): Elogan Tuft
(Skype name if you have one): hammygraphics
True name(MC name): Fnich123
Race: Human
Authentic magic user?: I would not say "Authentic", but I have been taught a little by the one known as Drake Shadeleaf. However it is not my main area of skills, and as thus I would only build upon such knowledge as a hobby.
If so what form of magic ye use?: Geomancy ((Tier 2))
Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: I do indeed.

Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?: Mageshield
For Mageshields only:
Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to preserve that of your arcane brethren? I do indeed. 
What combat skills have ye? Being brought up by a man of...unpopularity amidst the guards of Oren, I would say I have a fair amount of skill with a bow and blade. Considering I was, and remain to this day, a member of the Arcane Delvers, I spent many days fighting against beasts, bats, and hooligans, and have much experience under my belt.

Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:
You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.


Preparing myself, I would draw my staff and my blade and take a quick peek inside, before returning to the guild, gathering a larger group to delve into the ruin, much safer.


While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".


My curiosity would take me over to the pair, I would offer them drinks and enquire about what they are talking about, in as subtle a way as possible; of course I do not wish to cause unwanted violence and attention.


Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.


Necromancers do not have a place in society, I have seen what they can do, and what their intentions are. However it is not my place to get involved unless the one being threatened is of the guild. I would carry on my way.

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Edric snatches up one of the posters. He looks it over for a few moments before going to fold it up neatly. He will bring it to others, allow them to observe it as well and learn the news.


As he would go to walk away he stops to observe another onlooker nearby.


Trevor scowls at the note, taking one and stowing it in a pouch. He mutters to no one in particular, though loud enough for others to potentially hear.


"Bastards... ain't nothin' more than thugs and troublemakers that can shoot sparkles from their fingertips."


As Trevor would finish speaking Edric would snicker. He'd scrunch his head down and wiggle his fingers at Trevor.


"Pew pew pew."


He'd then burst into laughter before going to walk back to Castle Baelcrest.

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Sits in his desk munching on freshly backed cookies as he peers over the amount of applications he has to reply to the backlog of applications. "They don't pay me enough for this" sighs writing each letter simultaneously with magical pens floating about.






''You have been Accepted into The arcane vigils glad to have you among our ranks please come to our base of operations for a small interview to determine if you are worthy of being deemed a Vigil"
X= 193 Z= -897

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The application is stuck against the board.
Given name(RP name): Skale Bloodseeker
(Skype name if you have one): nikoli.araya.bargas
True name(MC name): Drone414
Race: Impure High Elf
Authentic magic user?: Indeed
If so what form of magic ye use?: Pyromancy and Telekinesis
Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Companionship and Knowledge mainly, though, I do enjoy adventuring.
Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?: Vigil
For Mageshields only:
Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to preserve that of your arcane brethren?
What combat skills have ye?
Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:
You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within:
Skale studies the remnants of what looks to be an ancient town, shuffling about in silence. He reaches the basement of one of the abandoned homes. Upon further inspection, he comes across the ruin, his eyes light up at seeing it. Skale kneels down for a moment, drawing the ruin in his notebook, writing notes beside it. 
"Hmm... I wonder..." Skale says softly before writing a small note and sending it off, waiting for others to come. Once they would arrive, they'd begin the study of the ruin together.
While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact":
After hearing the word artifact, Skale would slowly take a seat closer to the two men. After watching to make sure they did not notice him, he'd listen to them, taking notes on all the information he could gather. After some time of listening, he gets up and leaves, grinning to himself.
Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer:
Skale sits in the shadows, watching the man in silence. After many minutes, he discerns he is not what he truthfully says and steps out. 
"I have met more than my fair share of necromancers... And you are not one of them." He grins and would then try to handle the situation.
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Given name(RP name): Ryan "Aver" Darkwood
(Skype name if you have one): ryan.heffron74
True name(MC name): ryanheff74
Race: Mali'ame/Wood Elf
Authentic magic user?: Nay
If so what form of magic ye use?: Nay
Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Aye, all three.
Mageshield, Vigils or Apprentice(if other detail)?: Mageshield ---> Mageshadow
For Mageshields only:
Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line to preserve that of your arcane brethren? Aye.
What combat skills have ye?
I am close, maybe fifty or so years, to mastering the art of archery and fletching. I have long trained (in RP) since Asulon, stringing, carving, shooting, fletching, and fighting. I lack this same amount of trained skill in other weapons, however if fighting with something other than my Elven Bronze Recurve Bow, I use a short dagger and a falcata. 
Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:
You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.
I send off my bird with a message to the other Arcane Vigils, alerting them of my location and what I have found. With that I draw my bow and grip an arrow with my free hand as I descend into the darkness.
While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".
I eavesdrop on the men seeing if I can learn more, then I send a letter as I did before to the other Arcane Vigils, afterwards I trail the men to their desitnation.
Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.
I ignore them, its not my fight. If the fighting envelopes me I would simply defend myself, and hopefully just wound the two men to stop their attacks on each other.
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A letter is taken to the location requested, baring the seal of a trident in bright purple wax. Upon breaking the seal, the letter appears to be formed in immaculate handwriting, flowing script.
Sa’vi, Greetings,
This Kha’, Ja’Sahra the Cheetrah, wishes to request presence in your order. She holds within her fist the power of Muun’Trivazja, magic of the Kharajyr priesthood, with the addition of intimate knowledge of how the Monks of the Cloud Temple conduct their business. While it is true she wishes for said adventure, knowledge, and companionship, she wishes to make something clear:
Her loyalties lie with the Kharajyr above all else. Should something within the order whisper of betrayal towards her culture, she would not tolerate it. This is not a threat, merely an understanding she wishes to make clear should she be welcomed.
Her solemn swear holds this clause, should said swear be required of her.
As to the situations mentioned, were Sahra to come upon this ruin, she would explore herself. She is rarely frightened of strange things, and if it her time to go, Metztli will call upon her.
Were she to be at a bar and overhear, she would most likely try to see if she could beat the strange figures to this artifact, or at least follow them there.
Finally, if she were to come upon this robbery, she would most likely not intervene. Not that she has a vendetta against necromancy, but that she feels no need to put her life in danger for a stranger’s sake.
The bird will remain for your answer, and seek this Kha' out.
A closing, spiraling signature ends the letter,
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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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