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[11/04] Lore Q/a And R&d


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I have some questions, yes..


1. Theoretically speaking, can reverse tether be useful in alchemy?


2. Can I post Ikuras lore on the forums with a 'needs to be reviewed' stamp already?


3. Doesn't D-Itharel lore contradict what was said about hidden lore?


4. What does arcane evocation taste like? How about shade sludge?


5. Can necromancy be warded? If yes, by what logic?


6.  Have all the Athera lore tomes and books been found yet?


7. Do you think that LotC should lean towards fantasy or realism when it comes down to lore?


8. Have any of the canon animals in the lore gone extinct? Are the same animals in both realms?

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1. Theoretically speaking, can reverse tether be useful in alchemy?


Theoretically yes, if it'll have any interesting effects, that's another story.


2. Can I post Ikuras lore on the forums with a 'needs to be reviewed' stamp already?


The lore has been sent to us already, taking a while to be read since there are a lot of them, but it's being talked about. We'll come in contact.


3. Doesn't D-Itharel lore contradict what was said about hidden lore?


We have the lore, so it doesn't contradict the thing about hidden lore, since it's written down and we have it.


4. What does arcane evocation taste like? How about shade sludge?


Tastes of death! I think there was once a lore about that, I don't think it was accepted. Should be up to the players in question I guess.


6.  Have all the Athera lore tomes and books been found yet?


I think so. You're asking because not all are on the wiki and other place I assume. I'll check what's missing.


7. Do you think that LotC should lean towards fantasy or realism when it comes down to lore?


Realism of fantasy =P. Think about what would fit in the fantasy and write lore for it.


8. Have any of the canon animals in the lore gone extinct? Are the same animals in both realms?


A few no longer exist, but most do. It's accepted lore, and we don't want to just remove all creatures that might be rp'ed just because the map is changed.

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"Heial, what are you doing?"


"I'll tell you what I'm doing! I'm testing out my latest design for a telekinetic structure."


"...You're jealous of Blundermore's tower, aren't you?"


"Shut up! Look, I've enchanted these four Magegold spheres to focus on holding this two ton lump of pure iron. The questions we need to answer are 1.) Will it actually float and 2.) How long with the enchantments last."


"I'll just stand over here."



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How long have we been in Athera from an in-character standpoint? 


Then, how long were we in Anthos, The Fringe and then Thales? (Those are the names and order for the temp maps, yeah? x.x)

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What is the Lore Team's stance on changing a characters aura color? Is it possible? To what degree? 


So long as you're not changing it on a whim so you can have special snowflake shimmery rainbow aura, you're good. A character's aura can change, as it's an aesthetic thing, but shouldn't change by their own will. If that makes sense.

Also Sky, I don't know the answer to your question, but I mentioned it in lore chat. Hopefully someone else can chime in.

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What is an aura? :l

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How long have we been in Athera from an in-character standpoint? 


Then, how long were we in Anthos, The Fringe and then Thales? (Those are the names and order for the temp maps, yeah? x.x)


1416 - Escape from Asulon, journey through Elysium and Kalos, entrance into Anthos.

1457 - Flood of Anthos, entrance into the Fringe.

1465 - Escape from Fringe and entrance into Thales.

1468 - Escape from Thales, entrance into Athera.

~1508 - Present year.


What is an aura? :l


- Auras: Auras are a side-effect from the Void, and is deeply personal to mage's. An Aura directly reflects a mages personality through it's color, which will be listed below this section. Aura is generated from the mana pool regularly, and if a mage uses large amounts of mana at once for spells, they in turn produce more aura. Imagine a fire; the more wood you put on it, the more smoke is formed. Much like this fire, the mana pool can generate more aura depending on how much mana you're using at a given time. Auras are generally harmless and are simply a way of self expression. Some magics such as Arcane Evocation, Alteration, and Shade are directly tied to Auras, and are heavily effected by them. Auras are able to be openly role-played without being Lore breaking, so feel free to get interesting with it.

  • Blue: Calculatedness and logicality (Sometimes emotional coldness)
  • Purple: Mysteriousness
  • White: Benevolence, order and innocence.
  • Brown: Nurturing and caring
  • Yellow: Greed (Sometimes optimism)
  • Red: Dominance, power and control (Sometimes tyrannical natures)
  • Green: Harmony and balance (Sometimes vanity).
  • Black: Chaos and malevolence.
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How long have we been in Athera from an in-character standpoint? 


Then, how long were we in Anthos, The Fringe and then Thales? (Those are the names and order for the temp maps, yeah? x.x)


*with mouth agape* I can't believe I missed the move to Athera on THIS calendar

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*with mouth agape* I can't believe I missed the move to Athera on THIS calendar


God damn it Jerry! <3

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What is the lore teams opinion of Necromancy in general? It's always seemed to be a poor one from what I've seen and heard.

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What is the lore teams opinion of Necromancy in general? It's always seemed to be a poor one from what I've seen and heard.


The Lore Team doesn't have a strict stance or opinion on Necromancy as a magic; not as a whole, anyway. Necromancy is simply another piece of lore to be monitored and maintained, and although it's not exactly a 'LotC Original' idea, that doesn't make it any less valid, or any less of an important part of our community. Individually, some members have been known to dislike the concept for that reason, but individual opinions have never strongly skewed voting on additions to any particular piece of lore. Furthermore, even though Necromancy may have been badly monitored in the past that hasn't made the magic a no-go zone for new innovations and opportunities. You'll find that, as with all lore, Necromancy is held neutrally in the opinion of the Lore Masters as a whole.

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The Lore Team doesn't have a strict stance or opinion on Necromancy as a magic; not as a whole, anyway. Necromancy is simply another piece of lore to be monitored and maintained, and although it's not exactly a 'LotC Original' idea, that doesn't make it any less valid, or any less of an important part of our community. Individually, some members have been known to dislike the concept for that reason, but individual opinions have never strongly skewed voting on additions to any particular piece of lore. Furthermore, even though Necromancy may have been badly monitored in the past that hasn't made the magic a no-go zone for new innovations and opportunities. You'll find that, as with all lore, Necromancy is held neutrally in the opinion of the Lore Masters as a whole.


Grr! Bad used-to-be-LM posting! However what was said is entirely correct, the LM's don't see necromancy as this tainted (heh) magic that needs to be removed however we do notice the massive amount of stuff it can already do. That's why when something else pops up regarding it we're often mixed about accepting it, even if its well written.

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Are Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel considered to be neutral Aengudaemons, such as the Aspects, or will they remain as unspecified beings of power? 

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Are Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel considered to be neutral Aengudaemons, such as the Aspects, or will they remain as unspecified beings of power? 


Looking at the lore given to us, it specifically states that the triumvirate are not deities nor aengudaemon's and instead something different. So to answer your question, apparently unspecified beings of power!


ps: this isn't me stating that they're not aengudaemon's but its remained vague enough to not confirm such. etcetc. 

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