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[✗] Slowly Kicking Back In Gear


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So I'm making my way back into LotC and of my smallest pieces I've been working on (I've written everything mostly in notebooks and whatnot so it's taking quite a while to transfer it all into Google Docs Q_Q) and, truly, this is the only finished one. It's pretty simple and focuses on two principles I want to introduce for the betterment of LotC's story and lore so here it is.





“It is Fate.” Eshtael’s Razor is a principle of to the Lord of the Craft universe that says, “All stories cease somewhere.” It means that all lore, characters, creatures, states of being, magics, etc. are all destined to die and therefore no longer exist at some point; nothing is eternal. Some things last for a very short while, such as cannons; some last a year, such as the Mori’Quessir; or have yet to come to a close, such as the Orc race. This is a clause used by Lore Masters in deciding the end of given lore pieces (aforementioned characters, creatures, SoB, magics, etc.) in order to maintain The Druidic Scale. Lore Pieces that are cut have to be ended in creative manners by the Lore Masters, making for all lore pieces to have 3 effects: introduction, their delivery, and an ending.


“None dare tip the scale.” The Druidic Scale is a principle in the Lord of the Craft universe that says, “Old and new lore stand on opposite sides of a scale. There is a perfect balance between new content and classical content. What is added to the new lore is determined by the Lore Masters between accepting player lore to writing their own. What is removed is determined by Eshtael’s Razor.” This means that of the Lord of the Craft universe, the Lore Masters are the ones who control the content of the world and have to keep a balance of freshness and modern lore to older, classical lore. Each have to be of quality to hold up their end. Examples of this include the four races as classic lore compared to the Aengudaemonic Descension, relatively new lore in order to reach harmony with new and aged content.


The use of this is to keep from being overrun by lore with Eshtael’s Razor. We’ve had more than one creature lore eradication, magic lore cleanups, etc. This gives lore pieces a lifespan so that when they die new lore can be introduced. The point of having said lifespan is to keep freshness and treasured, classical material kept without there being too much lore overall.




When lore is written, the author should plan on the lifespan they want their lore to take. The Lore Masters will end up labelling this lifespan on the finale of a loremag which will be later used in resolving the lore. Only when a lore piece comes up for review on if it should be cut with Eshtael’s Razor is the piece judged to be a classic and therefore kept for longer or if it should end. Lifespans are projections of how long a lore piece should last before being reviewed in which it may either die or have an extended lifespan. They list as:


-Shortterm: Four months or less.


-Longterm: Eight to four months.


-Classic: Permanent to eight months.

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As an afterword: The Ancient History, the Brothers, the four main races, and other very basic things (the void, Aenguls and Daemons, etc) that are the backbone to LotC's universe are classical already. They will not be removed, or at least not without something very nice to replace them or to usher them out for a given reason.

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Looks good

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A good idea, but I truly wonder which writer of lore would write their lore with the objective for it to vanish after a while. Also, how would certain things (such as alchemical plants, new magics, etc) be kept if the 'Classical' Lore label is so difficult to achieve? (Unless I am mistaken in thinking that 'Classical' Lore is only for stuff like the void, the brothers, etc)

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Is this "time labeling" a means of lore activation/deactivation? When a lore's label is up and the lore is thus deemed deactivated, does that erase the lore's products from history, or does that mean it just needs to be picked up again and all things that the lore in question was applied to remains as legitimate pieces of fate and history? Absolute removal of some concepts, that is from the universe's timeline, would be very worrying and would only prove to make the already upside-down state of the server lore further unsteady. Given as such circumstances are rather drastic, however, I would not expect this to be the answer.

If this system is based on the refreshing or revival of deactivated lore, I'd support the notion. However, removing valid concepts whose time labels have been allotted would only prove to be detrimental and confuse people. Also, is this Druidic Scale terminology an OOC thing? The Druid-staff takeover meme is giving me stomach aches.

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Nah nah using the Razor wouldn't cut stuff out from ever existing; an event would occur to cause whatever the effects of the lore are to change. I.e. Bryophites become wiped out by a plant-borne plague, and therefore go extinct and the lore is 'gone'. It's all there in your memories, history, their corpses, etc, but they are essentially no more. That's just an example for that. And the names are just junk I conjured up to summarize the ideas. Both are wholly OOC. Eshtael is the Aengul of Fate and the Druids are all #balance.


The implications of these two revolve around a lot more events happening regarding lore, more reason to introductions and disappearances, and could also work for revisions. I.e. (back to Bryophites) they lose their ability to hold any form of magic due to a lore revision, seen In-Chatacter by a mutation in Verridian Moss that causes it to be less able to replicate mortal complexes. However in turn they can submerge themselves into areas of growth such as a bush and hibernate to heal themselves (just throwing ideas/stuff around)




the druid-stuff is also a bit of a joke on the point that there's a lot of druidic-shiz within the staff

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I have a razor? Cool.

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I just realized there were a lot of grammatical errors. Fixed now.

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Unfortunately, this lore has been denied.


You saw most of our reasons, as well as the fact that we discussed making decisions about the removal lore in a less arbitrary fashion (once the lore is in place, rather than before it starts existing). You saw our reasons shortly before leaving, though I'll give you details if you need it. We will make sure reviewing the usefulness of keeping lore around happens.

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