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Hallowvale Contracting

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“For Glory and Gold. For Family, Comrades and Country.”


Hallowvale Contracting is a private military company owned by House Rovin located in the Realm of Hallowvale on the eastern border of the newly formed Königreich of Vandoria. These brave warriors have come together to offer their services to wealthy Lords and Kingdoms across Vailor as well as defend their home and Vandalore.


History of Hallowvale Contracting


Hallowvale Contracting was formed by Nafis of Al-Dirahk and his companions after the Ducal War. Ostracized from the civilian life they were once accustomed to before being drafted for the defense of Khalestine and receiving little to no international praise for their efforts, the men and women who would create the company decided to use the knowledge gained from war for their own personal gain. Heading to the eastern border of The Caliphate of Khalestine, Hallowvale Contracting made their home in the castle known as Ard Ghorrock which many of them had helped build during the Ducal War.




Distraught with the state of his country after the war despite their victory, Nafis had plans of one day taking control of the nation with his company should the Caliph die. While traveling, Nafis discovered that his champion, Decimus, was a Rovin. The latter was unaware of his lineage so Nafis dedicated his time to grooming the Waldenian-Bolg for one day taking over the company built upon the Vander ideals the fallen Königreich of Aesterwald once held dear. Nafis sought retirement in order to raise his daughter and would pass on the company to Decimus who renamed himself Frederick Rovin II.


Frederick Rovin, accompanied by his loyal men and women of Hallowvale, visited the Caliph Faiz Kharadeen with a proposition to make Khalestine great again. Having been a vassal of House Rovin before Aesterwald’s demise at the hands of blood magi, The Caliph accepted and a binding of stahl and sand was made.


And Hallowvale Contracting was able to form the Königreich of Vandoria, a union of the Caliphate of Khalestine and the others realms all the way east to Hallowvale.


Contract Work


While Hallowvale Contracting’s purpose has been expanded upon since the company’s ascension to leading the Königreich of Vandoria, Frederick saw the importance of the company’s humble beginnings and decided to continue mercenary work in order to bring a flow of income to his comrades and the nation. ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE VANDALORE BEFORE ACCEPTANCE.


Soldiers for Hire

Hallowvale Contracting offers trained soldiers to assist in conflicts. Contracts may be made per skirmish/battle or for the entirety of a war.



Contracts regarding the training of bannermen or individuals can be made. Each session will have a set price agreed upon by contractor and Hallowvale Contracting and may include but are not limited to: Artillery warfare, sword play, group warfare, and listening/response drills.


Business Investing

Vanders in Hallowvale Contracting who seek coin through methods other than fighting may invest in businesses to help strengthen the economies of capitals and other cities.



Contracts may be made with Hallowvale Contracting to help design castles, traps, contraptions and towns.



Contracts may be taken against criminals or eldritch horrors plaguing the civilized. Vanders and up may take on these bounties alone or with other Vanders with the Vandalore’s approval.


It’s highly advised that all members of Hallowvale Contracting seek out their own line of work. Be sure to get your contracts approved by the Vandalore prior.


Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct is a set of rules that must be followed by members of Hallowvale Contracting. There’s varying degrees of punishment for each code broken. Repeated breaking of the Code of Conduct may lead to banishment or execution depending on the severity.


“The act of banditry is forbidden in Hallowvale Contracting”

“The Vandalore’s word if final so long as it does not conflict with the Code of Conduct”

“Only the Vander Council may make amends to the Code of Conduct”

“All contract agreements are final - there can be no changes or withdrawing from it”

“Two contracts in Hallowvale Contracting may not conflict”

“Contracts may not be taken against children or religious institutions dedicated to the Creator”

“Vanders must refrain from degeneracy”

"No contracts can be made with degeneracy. If they are made, consider them null and non-binding"



The Vander Code


The Vander Code has been used in various Orders and societies in order to maintain a sense of honor among those who adopted the Code. In Hallowvale Contracting, The Vander Code is what all contractors from the Vandalore to the Unoathed should strive to follow.


“To serve the Vandalore in valour and faith”

“To refrain from the wanton giving of offence”

“To live by honour and for glory”

“To obey those placed in authority”

“To guard the honour of fellow Vanders”

“To at all times to speak the truth”

“To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun”

“To never to refuse a challenge from an equal”

“To never to turn the back upon a foe”


The Chain of Command


The Vandalore



With the formation of Vandoria, the Vandalore is also the High Dictator of the Reich. The Vandalore is also the keeper of the Vander Code and it is his duty to pass on the teachings of the ideology to those within the company and across the Reich. The Vandalore has absolute authority in the company and is to be respected as such.


The Vandalore’s Champion

Adil the Eagle-Eyed


The Vandalore’s Champion is the second in command of Hallowvale Contracting. His responsibility is to enforce the Vandalore’s word and lead the Vander Council. He is considered the next in line for Vandalore should the preceding Vandalore leave no other heir. In the absence of the Vandalore, it is the Vandalore’s Champion whose word becomes final.


The Vander Council

Nafis Yar, Vandalore Antiquus I

Lexa Green

Rodney Altman


An informal gathering of oathed Vanders hand picked by the Vandalore, the Vander Council serves as advisors in Hallowvale Contracting. Typically they are veterans that have proven their loyalty to the cause and their fellow Vanders.


The Vanders


To be oathed a Vander is the goal of many in Hallowvale Contracting. Vanders have the ability to seek and make their own contracts with the Vandalore’s approval. Vanders abide strictly to the New Vander Code and serve as mentors to the unoathed. Vanders don the black cloak, showing that they are deemed true Vanders in the eyes of the Vander Council and the Vandalore. Each fully pledged member will receive a title describing them, and thus it is for life. They must refer to themselves as such in formal address


The Unoathed


Upon joining Hallowvale Contracting, one must serve as an unoathed until they are deemed ready by both their mentor and the Vander Council. Unoathed serve under a mentor who is at least a Vander and is taught the ways of a Vander and how they should conduct themselves properly. Unoathed are not allowed to make their own contracts and must work under the supervision of a Vander or higher.


Any Unoathed, upon recommendation for oathing, must complete a set of trials testing their physical aptitude and knowledge of Vander culture.


How to Join


Hallowvale Contracting is now secular and the worship of the Creator is no longer required. It is still required that all applicants be physically and mentally capable for war with the will to learn a variety of trades if need be. DEGENERATES ARE NOT ALLOWED.


Name (Leave IG name as well):




Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?:

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted:

((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))







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Name (Leave IG name as well): Haddiyah Jharar (Ender_Panda)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Skills: Archery(horseback and foot), Architecture(building), Tailoring.
Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes
Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: H.C. Boutique in the Caliphate.

Edited by Ender_Panda13
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Name (Leave IG name as well): Adawulf de Denesle

Race: Human Waldenian

Gender: Male

Skills: Redstone Mechanics and Research

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Absolutely

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: You know where to find me.


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Name:  Aisha ibn Athir ((Cave_Creature))

Race: Human, of the Qalasheen

Gender: F (also, 33yrs of age)

Skills: I'm a quick learner and hard worker. And some can attest that I pack a punch, and wield a blade well. I'm clever with money and I've become skilled with animal husbandry and livestock care, if that would ever come in handy. 

Criteria: I find myself to fit your standards. I have a tendency to exceed expectations. Though I do not wear a hijab I've been a follower of Allah (or the Creator, in Common) and the Righteous Faith my entire life. You'll find a faithful, loyal, diligent and if I do say so myself astonishingly muscular member in this Qali woman.

Address: My ****'s already in Ard Ghorrack. If you don't accept me will I have to move out? I just got used to the snow.

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Name (Leave IG name as well): Samuel of Hadvar

Race: Human.

Gender: Male.

Skills: Served all my youth in the order of St. Amyas, and studied architecture alongside my military service.

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Al-Wakhrah.

Edited by Guck
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Name (Leave IG name as well): Lonan of Arthfael ((OwynMorin))

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Skills: I am a skilled smith, woodworker, and am more than capable with my sword-work.

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Al-Wakrah

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Name (Leave IG name as well): Quinton Lyle ((Shorsand))

Race: Adunian

Gender: Male

Skills: Experienced surgeon, apothecary, and clinician.

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Ard Ghorrok.

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Name (Leave IG name as well): Decimus (Zhulik)

Race: Vander Master Race 

Gender: Male

Skills: Construction and Fighting

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: I punched a demon to death with my bare hands and strangled a troll.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: The cave

((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))

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Name (Leave IG name as well): Wouter von Aesterwald (Grimm Daddy)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Skills: Ich habben zhis Warhammer zhat Ich hit zhings vhis.
Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes?
Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Ard Ghorrock, basement
((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))

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                                                                                                                     Tunnel Snakes Rule!                                                                                                                     -Butch DeLoria

Name (Leave IG name as well): Luchino DeLuca

Race: Human

Gender: Male



Naieve Appeasers


Amateurish Plotter


Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Sì!

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Sewers of Al-Wakhrah














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Name (Leave IG name as well): Adil Mekhalel

Race: Qalasheen

Gender: Male

Skills: I know how to make the delicious choc-ice, a decent understanding of people, and a sharp eye.

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: I'd think so, rafiqi.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: I believe the address was "Unnamed 2" on the docks of the Caliphate, but that'd just sit there. You'll find me around the Keep with sore hands.


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Name (Leave IG name as well): Maeve Mathildis ((Cupcwakez))

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Skills: Swordswoman, Archer, building/architecture.

Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: I'd like to think so.

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Send me a bird or find me within the keep.


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"All applicants have been accepted. Please report to Ard Ghorrock immediately for further instruction and your first job."

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A thuggish looking middle-aged man sits on top of a collapsed tree, a poster in hand, squinting at the words across the poster, seeming to be having trouble reading, sitting aside several other equally rough looking brutish men, most donning rags across their faces. "Van-V-... Oi, ma'e, you know wha' this says?" One of the men sitting next to him reads the word to him in a relatively struggling manner. "I 'fink i' says Vandler, boss." The apparent leader of the small band nods slightly continuing to read the poster, tutting as he finishes reading it, crumpling it up and throwing it into the nearby shrubbery. "Wha' kind o' merc' company don' resor' 'o bandi'ry every now and then, usually wha' most of 'em end up becoming, Oi, Gregg, you were apar' o' one o' these 'fings, wha' was 'at one called?"

One of the now apparent bandits leaning on a tree opposite the group cracks a smile, shouting back slightly. "Aye I was boss, were called the Storm Swords."

The middle-aged man looks back to the thuggish looking meat-head he was talking to. "Exactly my poin', sellsword's always end up doin' bandi'ry one way or the o'ver, only a ma'er o' time before these lo' are hun'ed down for i'."


The small band of rough looking brutes laughs slightly for a brief moment before hearing hooves and the sound of wooden wheels carting across the path nearby. The apparent leader cracks a wide, mennacing smile, looking to the others before unshiething a surprisingly expensive looking shortsword, most likely acquired through dishonest means. "Speakin' o' bandi'ry, I 'ear the 'allowed sound o' minas rolling up the road, looks like we're gonna 'ave a ra'ver profi'able day boys."

Edited by KentuckyFriedCreeper
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Name: Alai Kharadeen (lucdean)

Race: Human (Qalasheen)

Gender: Male

Skills: Mining, Farming, (Resource gathering in general), Swordsmanship

Do you meeting the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting: Sure

Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Ard Ghorrock


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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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