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The Fos Aspida - The guards of Aethermoor


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The Fos Aspida


In duty, protect the innocent,

In war, fight the enemies,

In life, serve the people,

In death, honour the fallen.



The Fos Aspída are the guard force within the town of Aethermoor. They are a group of trained individuals who seek to protect the town from crime and many dangers that would come. They are a strong force of individuals who specialise in combat and defending, but all share the same goal: To serve and protect the town of Aethermoor which lies under the rule of Lord Neero Sarr and his family.




Main Ranks

High Warden

The leader of the Guard and the overseer of the military. The High Warden are the ones who make the most crucial decisions within the guard and have just about full control over the guard. They organise recruitment and handle big issues that requires the guards’ involvement. They can fire any guards if they break any rules and give positions to recruits.



The right hand of the High Warden and the second in command. They hold similar rights as the High Warden, such as taking in recruits and organizing troops. They too can handle with recruitment and fire any guards but must discuss this with the High Warden.



The common guard who manages the gate and does daily patrols around the town. They are capable of arresting people and ensuring the townspeople are safe. They must report to either the High Warden or the Captain regarding any incidents and must be loyal to the town.



Men and women who use bows and siege equipment on the walls. They patrol the walls and towers to ensure that the walls are protected and that any potential threats are spotted before they reach the town. They also keep an eye on the town from the walls.



Men and women who wish to join the guard. They will be trained in fighting, as well as the laws of the towns and how to be a reasonable guard. Training usually takes a year or two, depending on the speed of the teachings.


Special ranks

Sword of Aethermoor

An individual who have proven themselves worthy to not just the guard but also to the noble family. Many times, they have done well and has deserved this title. They are appointed this title by both the High Warden and the lord. They are free to attend meetings with the High Warden, as well as also being able to recruit people within the guard.



An individual who can work and train with others on fighting. They hold a clear understanding on how weapons work and are fine when it comes to teaching others how to use weapons.



An individual who works with records and writing within the guards. They are an intelligent person who would know a few topics, such as dark beings, etc, and they keep records of all the crimes and individuals within the town.


Field medic

An individual who is well trained in both mundane and Alchemical healing. They tend to injured soldiers and also people as well. There can be three to four field medics around.




As a member of the Fos Aspida, you get benefits for doing your duty for the town. These benefits range from payment to small bonuses with the town's shops and taverns. These benefits serve as a reward for protecting the town.


Every guard will receive their uniform after being promoted from Recruit. Field medics and the Scribe are free not to wear the armour, instead they can wear clothing that relfects the guard's colours. (Will give these skins after training is complete.)


Additional benefits include: Half prices at the tavern and the shops within Aethermoor.


Payment (per every OOC week and  you must show activity to receive payment. Your rank can depend on how much payment you recieve.)

Recruit - 50 minas (funding mostly for weapons and armour)

Officer & Watchkeeper - 50 minas.

Captain - 100 minas

High Warden - 200 minas

Sword of Aethermoor - 150 minas

Battlemaster - 100 minas

Scribe - 50 minas.

Field Medic - 150 minas


Signs of breaking rules,  any disapproved behavior, or abuse of the benefits will result in these benefits being taken away.






Do not harm or kill an innocent out of cold blood or by negative emotions.

Do not kill or harm another guard.

Listen and obey any commands giving to you by the High Warden or the Captain.

Always be ready to raise your blade to protect citizens or common travellers in the town

Kill any dark beings or dark mages on sight. If need help, request the presence of a cleric, paladin, or ascended.

Do not immediately kill criminals. Instead, capture them and bring them in for questioning, then trial.

One officer must always manage the gate - not the same guard must always be on watch.

Report any suspicious people to the High Warden or Captain.

Any crimes must be reported to the Scribe to be recorded.

If in need of another officer for backup, attempt to send help. Do not engage with opponents you may be unable to defeat.

Do not discriminate or act racist towards another race, even if you do dislike them.



Be active - If you cannot be active for some reason, such as internet disconnections etc, let the leader of the guard know.

Do not grief any buildings.

Follow the server rules.

Follow combat rules.

Be polite and respectful towards other players.

If you want to share an idea, feel free to share it with the rest of the guards. Any ideas are welcomed.

Be logical at times. For example, if you are in the middle of a fight, you cannot send a bird for help as logically, you will have to write the letter down then whistle for the bird to send said letter. We do not tolerate metagaming, especially when done by one of our guards.





Want to join? Just fill this out and post this below! Also, feel free to remove the stuff in the brackets.


Mcname: (Self explanatory)

Skype: (So that I can add you to the guard chat. PM me if you want your skype secret)

Timezone: (Best to know your timezone so we know how to arrange shifts and such)



Name: (self explanatory)

Age: (We accept anyone over 20, sorry kiddos)

Race: (self explanatory)

Main weapon of choice: (If already trained in weaponry, which weapon does your character use most)

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: (Does your character have any secondary weapons, such as bows or knives, etc.)

What role do you wish to have in the guard? (Look at rankings and decide your role. Do note: High Warden, Captain, and Sword of Aethermoor are to be earned in RP, not immediately recruited into)

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: (Any particular reasons why your character wants to join the guard?)

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor?

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules?


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?



Got any questions regarding the guard or Aethermoor? Feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

- Farryn

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Mcname: GuyWatson

Skype: guy.watson21

Timezone: GMT


Name: Holly

Age: 92

Race: Elf

Main weapon of choice: War-axe

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Broadsword

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: Was recruited by Edwin Sarino after hearing about the town.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules?


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Holly shouts after the thief, trying to alert nearby guards if possible, "Stop at once!" She would almost instantly begin a run at the thief, trying to tackle him down to the ground if possible. Once on the ground she would attempt to place the thief's arms behind his back, keeping a strong knee pressed into his back to keep him still. Once any other help arrives she would bring the thief to a nearby cell, throwing him in to await justice.

You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Holly would look at the man, furrowing her brow as she sees the offer that he makes her. She would let out a small sigh, keeping her voice down as she stares the man dead in the eye, "I'm going to give you one chance to leave before I arrest you for attempted bribery." She would point behind the man with one hand, tapping on the waraxe resting on her back with the other.

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45 minutes ago, guywatson said:


Mcname: GuyWatson

Skype: guy.watson21

Timezone: GMT


Name: Holly

Age: 92

Race: Elf

Main weapon of choice: War-axe

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Broadsword

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: Was recruited by Edwin Sarino after hearing about the town.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules?


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Holly shouts after the thief, trying to alert nearby guards if possible, "Stop at once!" She would almost instantly begin a run at the thief, trying to tackle him down to the ground if possible. Once on the ground she would attempt to place the thief's arms behind his back, keeping a strong knee pressed into his back to keep him still. Once any other help arrives she would bring the thief to a nearby cell, throwing him in to await justice.

You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Holly would look at the man, furrowing her brow as she sees the offer that he makes her. She would let out a small sigh, keeping her voice down as she stares the man dead in the eye, "I'm going to give you one chance to leave before I arrest you for attempted bribery." She would point behind the man with one hand, tapping on the waraxe resting on her back with the other.

Hi! A very well done application and I am happy to accept this. However, just out of curiosity but are you accepted on the server yet? Such as being whitelisted? You don't seem to have any other posts minus this one.

If you don't have an application to LOTC yet, here's how to get started: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/125063-how-to-apply/


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Mcname: Nekkore

Skype: Nuhriel.Reyes (should come up with Nekkore))

Timezone: GMT +0:00 (Eu West is Eu best)



Name: Fila Ker’ciw 

Age: 132

Race: Wood Elf

Main weapon of choice: Electrical Evo

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Staff & Shortsword

What role do you wish to have in the guard?: 

Well currently I don't know. I would like to discuss this in private matters as electrical is destructive and should be used responsibly. So right now my role I want is unclear. Though scribe seems quite tempting, I'm afraid my knowledge about dark magic and beings is only limited to ghouls. Maybe my skills are best suited in another department or useful within the guard.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?

Few things really. Jobless and homeless. This is just me trying to pick my feet off the ground. Also helping, despite my destructive evocation choice I help more than I hurt.


Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor?

My previous answers make this question already answered.


Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules?

Yes I will abide all the rules. They are fair and I'm only bringing myself bad reputation if I break any of those rules.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Fila narrows her eyes at the thief as she would start the chase. After a few minutes of chasing the thief make the mistake on cornering himself.

"It's over now... Don't allow youself to do this... Handle this carefully and both of us can live to see another day..."

With the thief's anger boiling he yells.

"You won't see the other day!" 

Holding the package in his hand he raises his free fist towards Fila.

"Wrong move..."

Fila as she grips her staff as she swings the stick at the thief's head as he charges at her. The loud PLONK from the stick is heard after making its hard connection on the man's head.

The loud THUD soon follows through as the package drops on the floor, along side the thief following suit to the fall.

Fila wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"Phew... Glad I didn't have to move much..."


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Fila raises a brow as she soon finds her self twitching at the man's unless banter.

"Sir I have a short temper... So I recommend you leave now... Before I force you out..."

The man laughs mockingly.

"Aww boo hoo...!"

His words slurred from the effects of the alcohol.

"Don't mock me little girl and let me in...!"

Sighing at as she steps out of the gate house. Her eyes fixated at the man alone. The small sounds of crackling is heard by the two. As Fila extends her hand out a weak bolt would shot infront of the mans feet.

"First is a warning shot. Second one won't kill you, but it will still be extremely painful."

The man almost appearing to be sobered up from the shocking sight he had to see. He soon runs off in fear.

"Ahaha...! Weird magic person...! Help...!"

Fila watches the man run off as she shakes her head.

"Bloody drunkards..."

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Mcname: KawaiiAlice311

Skype: KawaiiAlice311

Timezone: GMT -1 (I cant be on too much during week days)



Name: Alvina Glowsbane

Age: 130

Race: Wood/High elf

Main weapon of choice: Sword

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Bow

What role do you wish to have in the guard? At first an officer and hopefully later a Battlemaster.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: I want to do some good in the world, be a good example for my daughter.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No, I live elsewhere.

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Of course.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Alvina whips around to the sound of an old womans cries.


"Stop! Theif!" She yells while chasing after him.


The theif keeps on running until he meets a dead end, he'd turn around to see Alvina there, holding her sword out.


"Drop the basket right now." She keeps her sword up, not to hurt him, but to intimidate him.


The thief sets the basket down, suddenly he would charge at Alvina with a knife.


Alvina hits the man with the hilt of her sword, causing him to collapse, shaking her head. "Foolish man."


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?


Alvina looks at the man is he were stupid, thinking he can bribe her with money like this. "Leave at once, I wont tell you again."


The man growls, offering more money. "How about now?"


"I wont take your damn offers, I am sworn to protect this city and protect I shall." 


"Just open the damn gates woman!"


Alvina sighs shaking her head, she walks up to the gate where the man is standing, looking in straight in the eyes she'd grab ahold of the collar of his shirt pulling him close. "If I ever see you here again.. it wont be with that hand." She gestures to his left hand.


The man back away, glaring at Alvina as be begins to walk away rom the gates. "Wetch!" He shouts at her.


Alvina laughs going to go back to her patrols.


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19 hours ago, NekkoREEEEE said:


Mcname: Nekkore

Skype: Nuhriel.Reyes (should come up with Nekkore))

Timezone: GMT +0:00 (Eu West is Eu best)



Name: Fila Ker’ciw 

Age: 132

Race: Wood Elf

Main weapon of choice: Electrical Evo

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Staff & Shortsword

What role do you wish to have in the guard?: 

Well currently I don't know. I would like to discuss this in private matters as electrical is destructive and should be used responsibly. So right now my role I want is unclear. Though scribe seems quite tempting, I'm afraid my knowledge about dark magic and beings is only limited to ghouls. Maybe my skills are best suited in another department or useful within the guard.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?

Few things really. Jobless and homeless. This is just me trying to pick my feet off the ground. Also helping, despite my destructive evocation choice I help more than I hurt.


Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor?

My previous answers make this question already answered.


Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules?

Yes I will abide all the rules. They are fair and I'm only bringing myself bad reputation if I break any of those rules.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Fila narrows her eyes at the thief as she would start the chase. After a few minutes of chasing the thief make the mistake on cornering himself.

"It's over now... Don't allow youself to do this... Handle this carefully and both of us can live to see another day..."

With the thief's anger boiling he yells.

"You won't see the other day!" 

Holding the package in his hand he raises his free fist towards Fila.

"Wrong move..."

Fila as she grips her staff as she swings the stick at the thief's head as he charges at her. The loud PLONK from the stick is heard after making its hard connection on the man's head.

The loud THUD soon follows through as the package drops on the floor, along side the thief following suit to the fall.

Fila wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"Phew... Glad I didn't have to move much..."


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Fila raises a brow as she soon finds her self twitching at the man's unless banter.

"Sir I have a short temper... So I recommend you leave now... Before I force you out..."

The man laughs mockingly.

"Aww boo hoo...!"

His words slurred from the effects of the alcohol.

"Don't mock me little girl and let me in...!"

Sighing at as she steps out of the gate house. Her eyes fixated at the man alone. The small sounds of crackling is heard by the two. As Fila extends her hand out a weak bolt would shot infront of the mans feet.

"First is a warning shot. Second one won't kill you, but it will still be extremely painful."

The man almost appearing to be sobered up from the shocking sight he had to see. He soon runs off in fear.

"Ahaha...! Weird magic person...! Help...!"

Fila watches the man run off as she shakes her head.

"Bloody drunkards..."

Accepted! Welcome to the Fos Aspida!


10 hours ago, TheMostKawaiiOfTheAlices said:

Mcname: KawaiiAlice311

Skype: KawaiiAlice311

Timezone: GMT -1 (I cant be on too much during week days)



Name: Alvina Glowsbane

Age: 130

Race: Wood/High elf

Main weapon of choice: Sword

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Bow

What role do you wish to have in the guard? At first an officer and hopefully later a Battlemaster.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: I want to do some good in the world, be a good example for my daughter.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No, I live elsewhere.

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Of course.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Alvina whips around to the sound of an old womans cries.


"Stop! Theif!" She yells while chasing after him.


The theif keeps on running until he meets a dead end, he'd turn around to see Alvina there, holding her sword out.


"Drop the basket right now." She keeps her sword up, not to hurt him, but to intimidate him.


The thief sets the basket down, suddenly he would charge at Alvina with a knife.


Alvina hits the man with the hilt of her sword, causing him to collapse, shaking her head. "Foolish man."


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?


Alvina looks at the man is he were stupid, thinking he can bribe her with money like this. "Leave at once, I wont tell you again."


The man growls, offering more money. "How about now?"


"I wont take your damn offers, I am sworn to protect this city and protect I shall." 


"Just open the damn gates woman!"


Alvina sighs shaking her head, she walks up to the gate where the man is standing, looking in straight in the eyes she'd grab ahold of the collar of his shirt pulling him close. "If I ever see you here again.. it wont be with that hand." She gestures to his left hand.


The man back away, glaring at Alvina as be begins to walk away rom the gates. "Wetch!" He shouts at her.


Alvina laughs going to go back to her patrols.


Accepted! Welcome to the Fos Aspida!

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Mcname: (Self explanatory) TheJollyPear

Skype: (So that I can add you to the guard chat. PM me if you want your skype secret) Ill add you.


Timezone: (Best to know your timezone so we know how to arrange shifts and such) EST



Name: (self explanatory) Langon


Age: (We accept anyone over 20, sorry kiddos) 221


Race: (self explanatory) Wood Elf


Main weapon of choice: (If already trained in weaponry, which weapon does your character use most) Broadsword.


Secondary weapon(s) of choice: (Does your character have any secondary weapons, such as bows or knives, etc.) N/A


What role do you wish to have in the guard? (Look at rankings and decide your role. Do note: High Warden, Captain, and Sword of Aethermoor are to be earned in RP, not immediately recruited into) Battle Master.


Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: (Any particular reasons why your character wants to join the guard?) To protect the place he lives in.


Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes.


Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Yes.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):


You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Langon would run after the criminal, his boots clanking against the stone roads. As his broadsword clanks against his tattered armor. As he catches up to the thief a shout leaves his mouth. "Halt!" He yells, halting the criminal. Langon would then proceed to place him in jail, etc.



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Langon has no intrest in minas. He will kick his drunken arse back to cloud temple.

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40 minutes ago, TheJollyPear said:

Mcname: (Self explanatory) TheJollyPear

Skype: (So that I can add you to the guard chat. PM me if you want your skype secret) Ill add you.


Timezone: (Best to know your timezone so we know how to arrange shifts and such) EST



Name: (self explanatory) Langon


Age: (We accept anyone over 20, sorry kiddos) 221


Race: (self explanatory) Wood Elf


Main weapon of choice: (If already trained in weaponry, which weapon does your character use most) Broadsword.


Secondary weapon(s) of choice: (Does your character have any secondary weapons, such as bows or knives, etc.) N/A


What role do you wish to have in the guard? (Look at rankings and decide your role. Do note: High Warden, Captain, and Sword of Aethermoor are to be earned in RP, not immediately recruited into) Battle Master.


Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: (Any particular reasons why your character wants to join the guard?) To protect the place he lives in.


Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes.


Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Yes.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):


You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Langon would run after the criminal, his boots clanking against the stone roads. As his broadsword clanks against his tattered armor. As he catches up to the thief a shout leaves his mouth. "Halt!" He yells, halting the criminal. Langon would then proceed to place him in jail, etc.



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Langon has no intrest in minas. He will kick his drunken arse back to cloud temple.

Accepted. Welcome to the Fos Aspida.


Also. For the Battlemaster, you will need to know a range of weaponry, as well as hold some good knowledge when it comes to both Combat RP and PVP. For now, we'll teach you about being a guard and test you before you take on this role. From what I saw in your app, you seem to lack some detail when it comes to emoting, which is essential for all kinds of RP. Don't worry though, we'll work on this when it comes to training.

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Mcname: Knightie7
Skype: I do not have skype
Timezone: PST
Name: Sam
Age: 26
Race: Human
Main weapon of choice: Longsword
Secondary weapon(s) of choice: None
What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer, Watchman, or Battlemaster
Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: To learn what being a guard is like, also, Vandoria is going to war with the Orcs last I heard. I Wish to help defend against that.
Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No
Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? I swear my loyalty and to follow the rules laid out to follow

Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like): 
You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?
Give chase, yelling halt a few times, tackling them if they don't stop. Then take them for questioning. Returning the stolen goods later


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

ask why he needs to enter, reject the bribe, give him some advice on what to do and not to do, then shoo him away with a threat of violence if needbe


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Mcname: Ghostlock2213

Skype: Ghostlock2213

Timezone: em... English? British?



Name:  Garoll,

Age: 134

Race: Mali'ker

Main weapon of choice: Usually, I carry two swords on me... Just incase

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: When in war, I am constently using bows.. I have learned how to use and aim them well,

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer or Scribe will suit me I believe, I have a tendency to record and write a lot and I am decently skilled at fighting and have a good sense of logic.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: Many Reasons really,

I would like to protect the town

I like to guard what I hold dear

I love the town

I love the people with in

Many other reasons...

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes, I got a home quite recently in the town,

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? I Swear i will abide and follow every rule and order given, or set.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):


You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Depended on how far the man is away, I would either quickly take him into a trial for questioning and return the items stolen. If he is far away I will help the old lady out, see if she is okay, I will the try my best to go around the town and find the man, to put him on trial, after nursing and helping the lady if need be



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Hm... interesting.. I am quite a tricky person as well.. I would allow him in, but not with freedom... I would take him into trial, where further actions and questions would take place, finding out why he wants to be in the town, why he is willing to bribe, and further information will of course be needed before

deciding his punishment for 'demanding Access' to the town, and the bribery of course,


Got any questions regarding the guard or Aethermoor? Feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

No, all the questions i had before reading this have been answered and cleaning up, i thank you for the offer and time...


- Farryn

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On 5/11/2016 at 0:46 AM, Knightie said:

Mcname: Knightie7
Skype: I do not have skype
Timezone: PST
Name: Sam
Age: 26
Race: Human
Main weapon of choice: Longsword
Secondary weapon(s) of choice: None
What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer, Watchman, or Battlemaster
Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: To learn what being a guard is like, also, Vandoria is going to war with the Orcs last I heard. I Wish to help defend against that.
Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No
Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? I swear my loyalty and to follow the rules laid out to follow

Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like): 
You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?
Give chase, yelling halt a few times, tackling them if they don't stop. Then take them for questioning. Returning the stolen goods later


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

ask why he needs to enter, reject the bribe, give him some advice on what to do and not to do, then shoo him away with a threat of violence if needbe


ACCEPTED! Welcome to the Fos Aspida!

Also. Your answers to the questions lack a huge amount of detail, which is important when it comes to most RPs but that's fine, we can work on that when you're on the server. Additionally, it is recommend you do get Skype so that we can keep in contact and so that you know any important details.


4 hours ago, Ghostlock said:


Mcname: Ghostlock2213

Skype: Ghostlock2213

Timezone: em... English? British?



Name:  Garoll,

Age: 134

Race: Mali'ker

Main weapon of choice: Usually, I carry two swords on me... Just incase

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: When in war, I am constently using bows.. I have learned how to use and aim them well,

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer or Scribe will suit me I believe, I have a tendency to record and write a lot and I am decently skilled at fighting and have a good sense of logic.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: Many Reasons really,

I would like to protect the town

I like to guard what I hold dear

I love the town

I love the people with in

Many other reasons...

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes, I got a home quite recently in the town,

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? I Swear i will abide and follow every rule and order given, or set.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):


You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

Depended on how far the man is away, I would either quickly take him into a trial for questioning and return the items stolen. If he is far away I will help the old lady out, see if she is okay, I will the try my best to go around the town and find the man, to put him on trial, after nursing and helping the lady if need be



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

Hm... interesting.. I am quite a tricky person as well.. I would allow him in, but not with freedom... I would take him into trial, where further actions and questions would take place, finding out why he wants to be in the town, why he is willing to bribe, and further information will of course be needed before

deciding his punishment for 'demanding Access' to the town, and the bribery of course,


Got any questions regarding the guard or Aethermoor? Feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

No, all the questions i had before reading this have been answered and cleaning up, i thank you for the offer and time...


- Farryn

ACCEPTED! Welcome to the Aspida Fos

One thing. Next time can you change the colours to something more readable? The blue you use hurts my eyes.

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The Fos Aspida is still recruiting! Feel free to join, just as long as you are dedicated and devoted to being a guard!

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Mcname: GusanoArentonio

Skype: You already got me

Timezone: GMT+1



Name: Fritz Arthur Novokain

Age: 48

Race: Human.

Main weapon of choice: Swords, any kind.

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Spear.

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer.

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: I need a place to live, and I ain't seeing another city fall to those damn orcs.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Nah, but I heard you got barracks.

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Yeah, not much point to joining the guard if I ain't gonna be loyal.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

I rush after the thief, ain't nobody stealing on my watch. When I get the thief, depending on what he/she does, I will either arrest him and bring to my higher ups or fight him and then proceed to arrest him and bring to him higher ups, I will not kill him unless absolutely nesscessary.



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

First of all, how would a drunkard even get two thousand minas? Second of all, if he's banished from the town, then he's banished from the town, if he doesn't accept that, he'll be apprehended and brought to my higher ups so he can face trial once again or be kicked out for good.

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Mcname: TheCheshireNeko

Skype: TheCheshireNek0

Timezone: CET





Name: Leona Ri'on

Age: 85

Race: Mali'ker

Main weapon of choice: Sword

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Warhammer

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer & WatchKeeper

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: I wish to keep people safe from harms way

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? No i do not

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? I do


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?

I rush after him since i am a fast runner and if i am to catch him, i stop him and try to take the goods without force at first, but if i must i would ready my fists. I do not think weapons should be drawn over such dispute


You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do?

I refuse, even after he ups his price. Money is a mere thing when it comes to the safety and happiness of others


Got any questions regarding the guard or Aethermoor? Feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

- Farryn

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Mcname: PedroTheOwl

Skype: koolkatz999

Timezone: Est.



Name: Varion

Age: 145

Race: Mali'ker / Dark Elf

Main weapon of choice: War Axe

Secondary weapon(s) of choice: Long Sword

What role do you wish to have in the guard? Officer or Watchkeeper

Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: To apologize for my mistakes against the city and serve thy people.

Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Yes

Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Yes I do.


Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like):

You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do?


I shall chase the thief until he is caught, then keep him in a cell of some sort until his trial, I shall also find the stolen goods and return them.



You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior.  He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do? 


I shall request that he leaves, and does not come back until he is unbanished. If he doesn't leave then I will request help from another guard to remove the man of the area.

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    • Unwillingly

      new elf place? https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237716-a-summons-to-elvenkind-recruitment/

    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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